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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Don’t you think it’s a waste of time?” she asked. “I’m not like your other friends.”

  “Exactly. Didn’t you like spending time with me today?”

  “I can’t give you what you want.”

  “All I want right now is to have some fun, take you out, and for us to get to know one another. I’ve not asked you to come to the club or to fuck you. I’m giving you your space.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “I’m more than sure. I want this friendship. Did you have fun tonight?”

  “I did.”

  “Then let’s keep on having some fun.”

  Grace nodded. “I’m not going to help Pixie.”

  He chuckled. “He’s got a long way to go before Suzy will look at him. One day he’ll change.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “You’ll be surprised. I never thought I’d see James settle down, yet he’s not looked at another woman since Cora.”

  He pulled up outside of her apartment.

  She climbed out and was surprised when he did the same.

  “You don’t have to come up.”

  “I’m going to make sure you get to your apartment safely.”

  Together they entered the building, going to the elevator. Grace stared at their reflections in the elevator doors. He was so tall and strong. He’d not put on his leather cut, and without it she saw his bulging muscles. She licked her lips and forced herself to look away.

  Once outside of her apartment, she opened the door. “I had fun tonight.”


  Against all of her best intentions, she grabbed his arm, and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Seven

  One week later

  “What are we doing?” Grace asked, climbing out of the large truck.

  “We’re going to get some more furniture for the club.”

  They were outside of the mall, and after last night’s fight between Leo and Pixie, they had trashed the clubhouse’s tables and chairs. Leo and Pixie were redecorating the main room, and he’d drawn the short straw for picking out furniture. He’d called ahead to Grace as he knew it was her day off. Chloe was working this Friday, so Grace was free to come with him.

  She was also hunting for stuff to take a new puppy. Suzy had found a breeder with a Pomeranian. They were going to pick the little guy up next week, and he’d volunteered to take them all.

  For the past week since their good and bad date, he’d been stopping by the diner more regularly, bugging her. He talked to her about everything. He played her music¸ and discovered what she liked. She loved everything from country to rock to indie. They shared their all-time favorite movies, and he’d even started reading a selection of her books. In turn, he’d gone online, purchased her an e-reader¸ and filled it up with erotic romance books. He wanted to get her hot and horny, and he also wanted her thinking about him as she did.

  At night he lay in his bed, wondering if she was reading a book, thinking about him, and touching herself. It drove him crazy.

  He and his hand had become reacquainted in the last couple of days. His brothers thought he was being a pussy by not simply taking her. Grace had been with a guy who took what he wanted. This time, he wanted Grace to be ready, and not vulnerable.

  “You’ve been moved in a long time, and you’re only just getting furniture now. Don’t you think that’s lazy?”

  They walked toward the large furniture warehouse.

  “We did. Leo and Pixie decided to have a big fight, and tada, they broke everything.”

  “Why aren’t they buying?”

  “They’re fixing the damage to the actual clubhouse.”

  “I don’t want to see that, do I?”

  “You’re not going to have much choice. We’re dropping whatever we pick. You can help.”

  “I can?”

  “Yep. If you decide pink and fluffy is what you want then we’ll pick it up.”

  Grace laughed, linking her arm through his. “Are you sure about that? They’ll beat the shit out of you.”

  “Nah, they won’t. Well, they will, but I don’t give a shit. I’ll hold my own.”

  “Do you fight a lot?”

  “I used to. Don’t do it much anymore. I’m too old. When I’m really old, I’ll probably suffer with it.”

  “Poor baby.” She kissed his cheek, and it was all worth it. The blue balls and the wet dreams were all worth it for her kisses, and the sweet scent of strawberry coming from her.

  “I am a poor baby.”

  They stayed linked as they started walking around the store.

  Grace wasn’t cruel, and she picked out some oak tables and chairs. Drake also picked out several of the style they already had. Together they decided on a pink fluffy love seat as punishment, which he’d make sure stayed in the main clubhouse.

  In no time at all they were back in the car, and he stopped off at the pet store. He helped pick the bed, some toys, some food, and a carrying case.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for a pet?”

  “No, not even close, but we can all love him. He’s so cute, and he’s white. Like a little ball of fluff. You’ll see him. We’ve taken you up on the offer of giving us a ride.”

  “I’m pleased to be of service.”

  “You are.”

  Once her stuff was packed and resting in the passenger seat between them, they drove back to the clubhouse.

  There was a small dumpster outside the doors, and the guys were still throwing shit away.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to drop me off first?”

  “Babe, there’s no way James would allow any of the brothers to fuck right now. He’d be so pissed.”

  They climbed out of the truck, and before he even started to unload the truck, he entered the clubhouse.

  Pixie and Leo were at either end of the room, arguing, which he was surprised about.

  “You shouldn’t have started saying shit,” Leo said.

  “You’re moping about the woman that’s fucking the gym teacher. Just goes to show you and Paul don’t have what it takes to keep a real woman.”

  “You can’t even get a real woman to look at you, let alone have a single conversation,” Leo shot back.

  “That’s it!” Pixie threw the brush down and walked toward Leo. Of course, Leo wouldn’t back down, and James appeared in between.

  “I will knock you both fucking down if you don’t get back to business. You’ve cost the club a fucking fortune with your pansy ass complaining.” James turned to Leo. “You couldn’t keep Stacey because she was using you, just like she’s using that other guy. Deal with it, get over it, and move on. She has, and she’s not coming back.” He then turned to Pixie, his brother. “Suzy won’t even give you the time of day. She even eats in the kitchen with Teri so that she doesn’t have to listen to you. You’re not God’s gift to women. You can’t keep it in your pants, and you’re never going to have a chance with Suzy. Get your head out of your ass.”

  Grace leaned in close. “I like him.”

  Drake burst out laughing. She liked everyone who put Pixie in his place. The other day she liked Thomas, who’d slammed his fist in Pixie’s face for hitting on Sharon. It certainly had a lot of humor.

  “Right, let’s unload this crap.”

  With Grace’s help, he unloaded the truck, carrying in pieces of furniture. When it came to the pink fluffy love seat, the guys tried to stop her from bringing it in, but he helped her.

  “Every time you look at it, you’ll remember this day,” Grace said, dusting her hands together. The scent of the paint was too strong, so they left the clubhouse soon after their work was done.

  “I’m so tired now,” Grace said. “My arms ache.”

  “I enjoyed spending time together.”

  “Me too. It was fun.”

  When he dropped her off at the apartment, he didn’t want to leave her, but he knew he didn’t have much of a choice. It wouldn’t be
long until he was with her again. Drake lived for their time together.


  “Come on, Drake, don’t you think he’s the cutest thing ever?” Grace said, holding out the white fluffy puppy they had bought. It was a Saturday morning, and she was off again. Her days changed every other week. Earlier that week, he’d gone with all three women to get the puppy. Of course, all he’d heard was about their new little dog that they had all called, Fluffy.

  It was cute, he wouldn’t lie.

  “Look at that cutie face. You’re so cute.” Grace pressed a kiss to the pup’s head and held him close. She moved toward Drake and placed the pup against his chest. “Here, hold him.”

  Drake held him in his hand, which was large enough for the pup to sit on. He held him close once Fluffy started to wriggle.

  “Do you want a coffee?” she asked.

  “I’d love one.” He followed her into the kitchen, and Fluffy kept wriggling, so he put the pup down, letting him wander around. “Do you have to stay here all day?”

  “No. We can take Fluffy out with us, or we can leave him here, but it’s not really advised because he is a pup.”

  “How is he settling in?”

  “He’s so cute, and adorable. He’s perfect, actually. He goes to bed, and he doesn’t make much of a sound once he’s there. He’s a perfect little guy.” Grace poured them both a coffee. “Are you getting pup broody?”

  “Nope. If I got a dog it would be a German Shepherd, or a Rottweiler.”

  “Protection dogs?”

  “You got it, babe.”

  “Seems a sad excuse to have a dog. Are the Dirty Fuckers in danger?” she asked.

  Just hearing her say the word “fuck” had his cock pulsing, pressing against the front of his jeans. He was going to have to see a doctor or something. There was no way it was natural how many times he was getting hard, and they were lasting. He’d beat his dick until he was spent, but it was still fucking hard. He was in pain with how damn hard he was.

  “All clubs are in danger. We like to protect our own.”

  She placed a coffee in front of him, adding sugar and cream just the way he liked it.

  “I get that. I’ve seen some news about MCs in other towns. They’re not all good.”

  “Some aren’t, some are, and it depends how the Prez wants to run the club. James, he’s a good Prez, and he has our best interests at heart. It’s not just about the money to him.”

  “That’s good.” She sipped her drink. “So, what brings you here?”

  “I was wondering if you’d like to come to the clubhouse for a barbeque. It will be above board, and I’ll bring you home before anything goes crazy.”


  “Tomorrow. Teri’s going to be there, a few of the guys in town, obviously the brothers.”

  “Can Suzy and Chloe come?”

  “You’ve gotten close to her, haven’t you?”



  “Of course. What’s not to like about her? She’s so sweet, and charming, and adorable. Has she stopped by the club at all?” Grace asked.

  “No. The brothers miss her.” He knew Richard did as well. The lawyer visited the playrooms at the clubhouse, stayed to watch for an hour, and when there was no sign of Chloe, he left.

  “I can imagine. I’d love to come. It would be fun, and like you said, there’s no crazy stuff going down. I have to protect my eyeballs,” she said.

  He laughed. “You can even bring your little ball of fluff.”

  “Are you sure? We don’t want him to get away.”

  “He’ll be able to wander around, and there’s an area we can pen off for him so he doesn’t walk away.”

  “Excellent. Do I need to bring any food?”

  “Nope, just yourself, and you don’t even need to worry about that. I will drive you.”

  Grace grabbed her cell phone. “Let me just text the others, and see what they say.”

  He hoped Suzy and Chloe would go. If the two didn’t go then Grace wouldn’t go.

  The cell phone beeped, and she smiled. “It’s a party.”

  He would have fist pumped the air, but he decided that wasn’t the right thing to do.


  “Will Pixie be there?” Suzy asked.

  “Probably. It’s his club, but I doubt he’ll do anything. Have you seen him recently?” Grace asked, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. She wore a pair of jeans and a summer vest top. It was really hot as Greater Falls was experiencing one of its heatwaves. Ice cream and freezing cold soda sales were on the rise, and hot, cooked meals were not. Teri adapted her menu to suit the mood, and she even had frozen yogurt or something cold mixed in for the breakfast menu. It was delicious.

  Grace tried everything that Teri made, and she had gained a couple of pounds. When she was about to join a gym, Drake had stopped her, saying if she wanted to work out, he’d help her. At six in the morning, before her shift at the diner, he was at her apartment, dressed in running shorts, waiting for her.

  She always wore baggy clothes so that he didn’t see how big she actually was. They now ran in the morning together, and the more time she spent with Drake, the harder it was to put him in the friends category. They had a lunch date yesterday, and the night before that she’d had a sex dream about him, making it impossible to look at him.

  “Are you okay?” Chloe asked.

  Pulling out of her thoughts, she looked around the room to see that Suzy and Fluffy had disappeared. “Sorry, I was just inside my own head.”

  “Did your thoughts have anything to do with one very hunky biker?”

  “Maybe.” She smiled, and heat filled her cheeks. “I don’t know. This thing with Drake, I’m getting a little afraid right now.”


  “He’s just so, I don’t know. I thought I could keep this friendship, and yet I can’t.”

  “That’s the way it always is. Drake wants you.”

  “I don’t want to ruin this, Chloe. I like him, and we’re friends. What if we try to do something, and I mess it up?” Grace asked.

  “What makes you think you’ll be the one to mess it up?”

  “I’m always the one to mess things up. I couldn’t even have a normal relationship.”

  Chloe held her hand up. “Loser Dwayne did not have a relationship with you. I don’t care what you say. You’ve told me enough for me to know that he was using you. Drake, he’s nothing like Dwayne.”

  “I don’t want to ruin this.”

  “Maybe you won’t ruin it. What if for a couple of months, or years, you have something magical?”

  “What if it ends?” Grace said.

  “There are times that all good things must come to an end, honey. You’re right, you and Drake, it could ruin your friendship, and for a short time the romance between the two of you may be explosive, but like all good shattering things, it’s broken.”

  “You’re not making me feel any better.”

  “Do you want to go through life being constantly afraid of feeling? You’re terrified of finding love, and yet it’s something we all need.”

  “You’re miserable because of Richard.”

  “Again, that’s my fault, not Richard’s.”

  Grace took a deep breath. “You know what, I’m not going to be afraid of what hasn’t happened.”

  “Don’t live your life being afraid.”

  “Are you ready for this?” Suzy asked, coming out of her bedroom with Fluffy under her arm.

  Before she could answer, the door sounded, and Chloe went to answer.

  “Hello, ladies, are you ready to party?” Drake asked.

  They all piled into Drake’s car with Grace sitting at the front.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m great. You?”

  “I’m doing good.” He reached across the car, taking hold of her hand. She stared at their locked fingers, and her heart started to pound once again. When they were togeth
er, she had noticed that he spent a great deal of time finding any excuse to touch her. She loved his hands on her body, touching her, caressing her. Over the past few weeks, it was what she had come to enjoy.

  In the back Chloe and Suzy were talking about the latest book they had been reading. Just lately, Chloe had been staying with Suzy as they read chapters to each other. Grace didn’t feel left out as Drake had given her an e-reader as a gift, and filled it with hot, spicy romance. Did he know what kind of books he’d given her?

  She didn’t know if he did, or if it was all in her head. Grace had been the one to try to put their relationship in the friend zone, and now she didn’t know what to do. Drake had started to invade little parts of her life, and she didn’t know how to shut him out. More importantly, she didn’t want to.

  The clubhouse gate was open, and Drake parked the car nearest the gate so that they could leave when she wanted to. She found it charming that he was always being sweet to her.

  He showed Suzy where to put Fluffy. Before they could put the little pup into the penned in area, Cora and several of the women came around, cooing over him.

  “Fluffy is getting a lot more action than the guys,” Drake said, whispering against her ear. “Do you fancy a beer?”

  “I don’t drink. A soda would be good.” She followed him into the clubhouse, and at first the desire to close her eyes was strong, but she forced them open. The clubhouse didn’t have many people inside. Most of them were all outside, drinking, and standing near a barbeque. She saw a lot of women in bikinis where their tits were bulging out.

  “You can strip down if you want?” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “You’ve got no chance of that happening. I’d make everyone sick.”

  “Don’t do that,” he said. “Don’t put yourself down.” He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against the nearest wall.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  Silence fell between them, and she saw that his gaze had fallen on her lips, and she couldn’t help but lick them.

  “Do you know what you’re doing to me when you do that?” he asked.


  “It’s getting harder, Grace.”

  He pressed his rock hard cock against her stomach, and she moaned, pressing her head to his.


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