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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  They took a deep breath, and slowly, they withdrew. Drake took her hand, and they grabbed a couple of sodas for themselves.

  Together, they walked out into the yard, and Grace leaned against Drake’s arm, watching the men of the Dirty Fuckers, wondering if she was losing her mind by wanting to be with him. She saw that Cora was dancing with James. The tension between Grace and Drake were mounting, and she only hoped they didn’t lose each other in the process.

  Chapter Eight

  Two weeks later

  Drake sat down beside Grace as she had almost passed out on their running trail. It was seven at night, and the sun was setting.

  “I feel like I’m going to throw up. Please tell me my ass looks a little smaller.” She rolled over, pushing her ass out.

  He laughed, slapping her ass, and rubbing the sore spot.

  “I’m too tired to hurt you back.” She rested her head against her arms, and he heard her breathing deeply. “Why did I want to do this?”

  “I don’t know. You’re the one that was convinced your ass is huge. I could inspect.” He ran his hand over her ass, feeling her softness. His cock pressed against the front of his shorts, and he didn’t even try to hide it.

  “Drake?” She released a moan, and he moved in close.

  Grace turned her head to look at him.

  “I’m seeing where there’s too much fat? I like this, baby. I can’t see where there’s any fat.” He gave her ass a squeeze, and she pressed her ass against his hand.

  “We need to stop.”

  He moved his hand to the top of her thigh, moving up and down. She opened her thighs a little wider, and he couldn’t resist. He slipped his finger against her pussy, teasing her.

  She gasped and lifted herself up, giving him better access to her pussy. Cupping her completely, he felt how wet she was.

  Grace moved, turning, and her gaze was on his. Her cheeks flushed. In the distance they heard the rustling of the trees. Taking her hand, he placed it over his bulging cock. “That’s what you do to me, babe.”

  “This will change us.”

  “You’ve felt this change coming for some time now. You felt it long before the night of the party. This is how it’s supposed to be between us.” He cupped her cheek, sliding his fingers down to her neck, over her collarbone. The shorts were loose, and he pressed his thumb against her cunt, feeling the lips of her sex spread. She squeezed his cock, running her fingers up and down his shaft. “I’ve been wandering what it would be like to fuck you, Grace, to spread you out, and take you so fucking hard that you’re screaming my name.” Staring at her lips, he saw that she was biting her bottom lip. He wanted to bite that lip, to suck it between his teeth, and hear her moaning his name as she came from his fingers deep inside her. “Don’t fight it.”

  Leaning in, he claimed her lips, running his tongue across her bruised flesh, sliding inside her mouth. She moaned, opening up to him. She rubbed her pussy against his hands, begging him with her body for more.

  Moving his hand up, he pushed into her shorts, touching her through her panties, which were damp. The scent of her pussy teased his nostrils, and he wanted to taste her. This was not the place for him to lick her, but soon, he would.

  He couldn’t wait another second and so he ran his fingers through her creamy slit.

  “Baby, you’re soaking wet,” he said.

  “Drake? I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be scared. There’s no reason to be scared. I’m here. Do you want me to stop?” He’d stop if she wanted him to, and if she couldn’t stand for him to actually touch her.

  “We’re friends.”

  “We can be more.”

  He wanted so damn much for there to be more.

  Slowly, he stroked through her slit, watching her breath catch. The shirt she wore pressed close to her body, and he got a good look at her juicy tits. The nipples were rock hard, and it didn’t have anything to do with the warm air. There wasn’t a single breeze in the warm night.

  “Let your body feel, Grace. I’m not Dwayne. I’m not someone looking for my own pleasure. Just you.”

  Her hand moved from his cock, grabbing his shirt. She tugged it over his head, and he threw it down beside them. They were in a secluded part of the running course, and it was also late so no one was going to stumble upon them. He grabbed her shirt from her and started to pull it up. She didn’t fight him, and he was gutted at the fact he couldn’t see her body clearly.

  The outline of her sports bra let him know it was as ugly as all other sports bras. He was going to by her some lacy stuff so that she could strip in front of him. She sat up, pulling the sports bra over her head.

  This was happening, finally. He was going to be inside her, and know how tight her cunt was.

  He stood, dropping his shorts, and wrapping his hands around his cock. Going to his knees, he pushed her down gently, and took over. “Let me, baby.”

  Drake pulled her baggy shorts down her thighs, and then spread her open. He’d taken her panties off along with the shorts. Cupping her pussy, he slid a finger inside her and groaned. Her pussy was so fucking tight that she clenched onto his finger. In and out, he moved inside her wet pussy, wanting his dick inside her.

  Removing his fingers from her cunt, he flicked her clit.

  “I want to hear you come before I fuck you.”

  “I don’t think I can. I never could before.”

  “I’m not just any fucking man, baby. This is me, and I want you to hear you scream my name as you come.” He was going to hear her scream before he even got inside her.

  The sun fell behind them, and Drake plunged two fingers inside her tight pussy, using his thumb to tease her clit.

  Claiming her mouth, he took her lips in a deep, searing kiss, swallowing down her screams. Grace thrust against his fingers, making him go inside her, touching her clit a little more firmly. Kissing down to her neck, he sucked onto her pulse, and then moved down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. Her nipples were large, and he flicked the tip with his tongue before sucking it in. He bit down hard, and she screamed his name. She tightened as he drew her orgasm from her body.

  She cried out his name, and as she came apart, he smiled.

  “That’s it, baby. Give it all to me.”

  Only when she came down from her orgasm did he pull his fingers out of her. Licking her cum, he loved her taste, knowing he was going to have his face between her thighs at the first opportunity.

  Gripping his cock, he moved between her thighs, rubbing the head between her slit. He rubbed her clit, coating his dick in her cream.

  “Please, Drake,” she said.

  “It’s okay, baby.” Sliding down, he eased the tip inside her cunt, and gritted his teeth. She was so damn tight.

  Pushing an inch inside her, he heard Grace wince. “You’re a lot bigger than Dwayne.”

  “Babe, I love that I’m bigger than your ex, but I don’t need to know that while I’m here.”

  Pushing another inch inside her, he rested his hand on the ground, and slammed every single inch of his cock deep inside her.

  She screamed out, and so she didn’t draw any possible attention to them, he claimed her lips, silencing her sounds.

  Her pussy clenched around his cock, each spasm making it hard for him to control his own desire. It had been well over a month since he’d been inside a woman, and his control was only so good. He wanted to fuck her, to take her, and ravish her pussy so there wasn’t any other person she could think of.

  “Drake? I need you, please.”

  Resting his head against hers, Drake counted to ten. He may want to fuck her, but he wasn’t going to hurt her. Her ex had made a habit of giving her bad sex. He was going to be the complete opposite, and give her something a hell of a lot better.

  When she started to wriggle on his cock, Drake couldn’t hold back any longer. Pulling out of her cunt, he stared down. Groaning in frustration as he couldn’t see, he slammed all the way back inside her.

  “The next time I have you, baby, we’re going to have the light on, and I’m going to watch my cock slide in and out of you.”

  “Drake, God, it feels so good.”

  Taking possession of her lips, he fucked her hard against the dirt, not caring if anyone came by to stop them. He slid his cock in and out of her, wishing he could see. He’d have her on her knees so that he could see her beautiful pussy and asshole, and he could decide between either one.

  “This body, baby, it belongs to me. No one else.” Kissing her neck, he moved down to her pulse, biting down.

  He pounded inside her going deep.

  “I’m going to come.”

  “Then come, Grace, let me feel your pussy soak my dick. Come on, baby.”

  Slamming inside her, he didn’t give up or relent, thrusting deep. Her pussy was far better than anything he ever imagined. She was so soft and tight.

  “Yes, Drake, please.”

  “Fuck, baby, so damn tight and hot.”

  Grace screamed his name, and her pussy tightened around him. She came all over his cock, and he felt the rush of her sweet cream surround him.

  Unable to hold back, he fucked her harder, pressing every single inch within her, until he came, spilling his seed inside her.

  It was the greatest moment of his life, and when he collapsed, he wrapped his arms around Grace, promising himself he was never going to let go.


  Grace let herself into her apartment and was as quiet as she could be. Suzy’s door was closed, and there was no sign of Chloe or of Fluffy. Locking the door, she tiptoed across the floor paying careful attention not to make a sound. The last thing she wanted to deal with was an inquisition from her friends.

  Entering her room, she saw it was clear and grabbed her pajamas. Tiptoeing across the apartment, she entered the bathroom, closing the door, and running herself a bath. While the water ran, she glanced in the mirror and winced. Her hair was covered in dry dirt, and her clothes were a mess. Removing the clothes, she saw her back wasn’t much better.

  After Drake had fucked her, they had heard another couple heading toward them. There hadn’t been time to talk, or to laugh with each other. They had grabbed their clothing and moved along. Of course, Drake had been curious about who had invaded their space, and they’d seen it was James and Cora. The couple ended up screwing in pretty much the exact same spot that they had been seconds before. Moving away from the spot quietly, Drake had driven her home, promising to see her tomorrow at the diner.

  Have I just made the biggest mistake of my life?

  She didn’t know how to answer that.

  Lying in the water, she stared up at the ceiling, thinking about how good it felt to have his cock sliding in and out of her. She cupped her pussy, sliding her fingers inside her soreness. Closing her eyes, she had to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning out.

  Jerking her hands away, she shook her head. Their one time together had been worth more than the hundreds of times Dwayne had taken her. She didn’t want to think of her ex, or in any way compare him to Drake. By far, Drake was the better between the two men.

  Washing her body, she hurried up cleaning away the dirt that had clung to her skin. Drake was the first person she’d rolled around with in the dirt.

  Stepping out of the bath, she wrapped a towel around her body and cleaned out the tub before padding back to her room. Closing the door, she dried her body, pulling on some shorts and a vest, and was about to start brushing her hair when a noise made her scream. Turning around, she saw Chloe sitting in her bed. The other woman had turned the light on.

  “What are you doing here? I was here a second ago, and you weren’t here.”

  “I heard you come in, and then I heard the unmistakable sound of tiptoeing. I got curious and wanted to know what would have you sneaking into your own apartment. You do realize you’re an adult. Sneaking is the thing of the past?”

  Dropping the brush against her side, Grace stared at her friend. “I didn’t want to have to talk about it.”

  “You did something naughty?”

  “Naughty, stupid, wrong. I don’t know what way to describe it. It’s after nine, Suzy was in bed, and I didn’t want to have to talk about it.”

  “What happened?” Chloe asked.

  “See, this is why I tried to sneak in here.”

  “Okay, point taken.” Chloe turned out the lights, lying back down in her bed. “Goodnight.”

  Brushing her hair, Grace gritted her teeth. All she wanted to do now was talk about it.

  Once she was finished, she climbed into bed, and turned over to stare at Chloe, whose eyes were closed.

  “I slept with Drake.”

  Chloe’s eyes opened. “Slept with or fucked?”

  “There’s a difference?”

  “Yep, to the club, slept with means no action actually happened. Fucked, action indeed happened.”

  “You’ve spent too much time with that club.”

  “In a way, they’re my family. So you slept with or fucked Drake?”

  “I fucked Drake, or he fucked me—there was fucking involved.”

  Chloe giggled. “I think it’s sweet when you do shit like that. Say the same word over and over, trying to justify it.”

  “I’m not trying to justify it. I don’t know what I’m trying to do.”

  “Did you enjoy it?” Chloe asked.

  “Yes, I did. I loved it.”

  “You were at the clubhouse?”

  “No. We, erm, we did it outside.” Grace covered her face. “I sound like a slut.”

  “I’ve done it outside.”

  “Not a slut then?”

  Chloe started laughing. “You really need to stop worrying about what people think. Did you enjoy it?”

  “I loved it.”

  “Then what are you going to do about it?”

  “I’ve not got the faintest idea. I’m scared.”

  “About what?”

  “What if this changes us?”

  “I doubt that.”

  “How can you know?”

  Chloe sighed. “You and Drake are the same people. Nothing has changed between you, not really.”

  “I don’t know if we are.”

  “Do you no longer want to hang out with him?” Chloe asked.

  “I do.”

  “Then what is the problem? You’ll just have a lot more to do other than dinner, running, the movies.”

  “Do you really think it’s possible to have both? Friendship and sex?”

  “The Dirty Fuckers are my friends, and I’ve fucked them. I’m not suffering for it.”

  “But you’re here because of that guy, that lawyer guy hurting you. You’re in love with him. How can that not hurt?”

  Chloe was silent. “Drake is not like Richard. They’re two completely different people, and you can’t compare the two.”

  “Have you ever thought of talking to Richard?” Grace hated to see her friend hurting. Chloe deserved so much better. She was such a sweet woman, and not many people saw it, but she put others’ needs before her own.

  “I’ve tried to talk to him. He’s not interested in talking to me. He just wants to dominate me, and that’s not the only thing I’m interested in.” She stuck her bottom lip out. Grace reached toward said lip and tugged, stopping the action.

  “Don’t cry.”

  “It hurts, Grace. I’ve seen him in town with other women, and seeing him hurts. I feel like I’m being torn in two, and it’s all my fault.”

  Wrapping her arms around Chloe, she waited as Chloe sobbed against her shoulder. “Why is it all your fault?”

  “Because of who I am. I’m a whore.”

  Capturing her chin, Grace forced Chloe to look at her. “Don’t call yourself that. Never call yourself that.”

  “It’s what the men call me. I’m a club whore. I’m not some old lady.”

  “That’s not who you are on the inside. You didn’t fuck anyone outside of the
club, did you?”


  “Then you’re club property. You’re not anyone else’s property,” she said. Grace had been around Drake long enough to know the difference between club property and not. “If Richard can’t see your loyalty then he’s not worth your time, and you shouldn’t worry about him. He’s an asshole.”

  “I wish I hadn’t fallen in love with an asshole.”

  “I know, honey. They don’t say love is easy.”

  “Do you love Drake?”

  “I don’t know. I care about him, and sometimes I’m so nervous in case this all goes wrong.”

  “If it goes wrong you still have us. Life is about having fun, and all we’re doing is dealing with the possible heartbreak.” Chloe chuckled.

  There was a knock at the door, and Grace shouted for Suzy to enter.

  “Do you know how late it is?” Suzy asked.

  Grace glanced across at the clock to see it was just after nine. “Seriously? That’s not late.”

  “I’ve not been sleeping well lately.” Suzy held Fluffy in her arms, and Grace moved over to give some space for her friend.

  Suzy sat down, and Fluffy curled up in a ball on the bed.

  “Why haven’t you been sleeping?” she asked.

  “Pixie came to the shop earlier this week, and he brought a woman with him.”

  “Why is that stopping you from sleeping?” Chloe asked.

  “Yeah, I thought you hated Pixie.”

  “I do hate him. He was still trying to ask me out, and I was helping the woman he’d brought with him. When he went off to look for something else, the woman told me in no uncertain terms that my fat ass would never make it in the club, that the women would tear me apart.” Suzy sighed. “Why do women have to be so mean to each other?”

  “I don’t know. We’ve got each other.”

  “Kitty Cat is the nicest woman in the club. Everyone else, they’re wanting to get one of the men to make them as an old lady.” Chloe snuggled up. “What they don’t understand is the men are never going to marry them, or make them an old lady.”

  “You really believe that, don’t you?” Grace asked.

  “They’re not going to allow it to happen. The men, they like to have a woman to call their own,” Chloe said.


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