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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “This sucks. We’re all talking about what men do and don’t want. They should accept women how they come.”

  “It’s not like there’s a lot of competition for me. I’ve not had sex with anyone,” Suzy said. “I don’t even care about what I’m missing.”

  Grace chuckled. “You’re going to love it when it happens.”

  “I thought you said it sucked.”

  “It does, with the wrong man.”

  “You finally did it with the right man?” Suzy asked.

  Grace nodded.



  Suzy gave a little squeal. “I wondered when that was going to happen. Tell me all about it.”

  Rolling her eyes, Grace told her friend exactly what happened, and by the end of it, they were all lying down on the bed, sighing.

  “I want to have sex,” Suzy said. “That sounds so amazing.”

  “Pixie is an easy lay. He’s guaranteed to give you what you want.”

  “I know, but then he’d be smug.”

  “Not if you use him, and then you walk away. Pixie is used to women hanging around his neck. You can use him, and walk away, then pretend it never happened, which would be cool. Pixie has a massive ego, and the guys would love for him to be pulled down a peg or two.”

  “I don’t know. I want to have sex, not give a guy something to brag about.”

  “The one thing the men won’t do is brag unless you’re a club whore, and share the guys,” Chloe said. “Pixie won’t say a thing.”

  Grace stared up at the ceiling. She wondered what Drake was doing. Was he thinking about what happened between them? She looked forward to seeing him again, and was also nervous about it.

  Chapter Nine

  Drake walked around the clothing racks, and he couldn’t for the life of him find what he was looking for. Grace hadn’t talked to him, or messaged him, and he’d not gone to the diner either. Last night had been the best experience of his life, and he’d fucked a lot of woman, and now he didn’t want to screw this up.

  He saw Suzy putting out more clothes, and he cleared his throat to get her attention.

  “Drake, what are doing here?” Suzy asked, moving toward him.

  “I want to buy something for Grace, but I don’t have a clue what to get her.”

  “You want to buy clothes for her?” Suzy frowned, looking at the clothing that he’d picked out. It was for running gear, and he shook his head.


  “Then what do you want to get her?”

  He glanced over her shoulder toward the underwear, and Suzy looked behind her.

  “Drake, if you want to get her some underwear, then get her some underwear,” Suzy said.

  “I’m buying it for Grace.”


  “You know that right?”

  “I’m really confused now, Drake. What’s the problem? I’m not going to tease you or start telling everyone that you’ve bought underwear.” She frowned at him.

  “I don’t want you telling Grace that I was buying underwear in case she thinks it’s for someone else.”

  “Oh, in case I made her think that you were cheating.”

  “Which I’m not. I’m buying stuff for Grace.”

  Suzy placed her hand over her mouth and chuckled. “You’re seriously overthinking this, Drake. I wouldn’t have even thought that you were buying stuff for someone else.” She looked past him toward the counter. “I’ve got to go and serve some customers. Buy what you want.”

  She left him alone, shaking her head.

  He really didn’t want to screw this up with Grace, and already he was nervous as fuck.

  Get your fucking head in the game!

  Moving toward the underwear, he started looking through the variety that was on offer. Lace, silk, padded, low cut, and there were even some sexy ones that held the breasts up, showing off the nipples.

  Thinking about Grace’s dark brown hair and pale skin, he started to pick some pastel color, along with a set of red, and even white lace. He wanted to see her dark nipples peeking through the white lace, along with the dark hair covering her pussy.

  He was getting hard just thinking about it.

  “What are you doing here?” Pixie asked, making Drake jump.

  “What the fuck, man?” Drake figured he had enough to get started, and glared at his brother. “Why are you here?”

  “I always come here.”

  “He does. He’s made it his own personal hobby, haven’t you, Pixie?” Suzy asked, coming to stand with them. “You just can’t get rid of him.”

  “Promise to go out with me, and I’ll give you a break.”

  “So one date is all it will take for you to lose interest?”

  “Not interest, but I’ll give you time to get over what I’d do to your pussy.”

  Suzy laughed. “Whatever.” She turned toward Drake. “Did you find what you want?”

  “I did. I’m ready to leave now.”

  He followed Suzy back to the counter, and she rang up his purchases. Drake noticed she kept on looking toward Pixie, and sometimes she’d bite her lip before shaking her head, and finishing off.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “You’re looking at Pixie a little conflicted.”

  “It’s nothing. I was just thinking about a conversation Chloe, Grace, and I were having. Don’t worry about it.”

  He paid the bill and took the small bag she handed to him. “Grace finishes work at twelve today, right?”

  “Yes. It’s her half day, and Chloe’s working until seven, and I finish here at around five. If you want the apartment free, you’ve got between when you get her home from twelve, until about five-thirty or six, depending on traffic.”

  “You’re pimping out your friend?” he asked.

  “Not at all. I’m hoping Grace has a lot of fun.”

  “See you around, Suzy.”

  He left the shop and made his way toward his bike. Riding out to the clubhouse, he found Caleb working on his bike. The brother didn’t have a shirt on, and every now and then, he looked toward the single swing that they had built between two large trees. Kitty Cat was sitting on it, swinging forward and back. Her gaze looked completely blank.

  “Is everything okay with her?”

  “It should be. She’s just having a rough time dealing with some of her memories. Last night I didn’t work her hard enough before she went to bed.” Caleb looked troubled as he stared off at the woman who meant the world to him. “She found out that I shared Cora with James.”

  “Does it bother her?”

  “I don’t know. She’s acting like it doesn’t, but I’m not so sure.”

  “How long do you think you can keep this up?” Drake asked.


  “Don’t give me that. You and I both know that Kitty Cat is your woman. No other brother touches her. She flirts, and there’s some light foreplay, but before it goes any further, they stop it.”

  Drake had never fucked Kitty Cat. He’d watched her getting spanked, and Caleb working her hard in the playroom, but he’d never actually fucked the woman. Kitty Cat wouldn’t allow Caleb to handle her aftercare either. Most of the time after a Dom and sub scene, the Dom provided the sub with aftercare, bringing her down slowly and carefully. Kitty wouldn’t allow Caleb to do that, so they experienced moments where she didn’t seem to be there.

  “She’s not talking to me right now.”

  “I’m grabbing my car, and heading toward the diner. I’ll let you handle whatever shit you’re dealing with.” Drake wasn’t going to get involved with whatever trouble was coming Caleb’s way. That kind of shit was private.

  Leaving his bike, he grabbed his car, and headed out toward the diner. Leaving the underwear inside the car, he entered, calling out a greeting to Teri.

  Sitting at the main counter, he watched as Grace moved around the room. Her h
air was pulled into a ponytail, and he stared down the length of her back. He’d been inside her sweet pussy, and his cock hardened even more.

  Grace saw him and paused. Her cheeks heated, and he just knew she was thinking about his cock sliding in and out of her.

  “Hey,” she said, moving toward him.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  She rounded the counter, and she licked her lips. “What can I get for you?”

  “I’ll take a stack of pancakes and a coffee.”

  She wrote the order down on her pad and placed it on the order spinner. He saw Teri come get his order, giving him a wink as she did.

  The coffee was placed in front of him, exactly how he liked it.

  “I was expecting you to come in earlier,” she said.

  “I had to do a little shopping. I’ve got plans for you at twelve.”


  “Yes. I’m taking you back to your apartment, and I’ve got you a little something I want you to try on.”

  Grace smiled. “You’re being a little evasive.”

  “You’re going to love it.”

  “I am?”


  “I look forward to it.” She looked over his shoulder, and excused herself. He watched her walking away, admiring the full curves her butt. His cock had a mind of its own, and he was pleased he was sitting down.

  “Here you go, honey,” Teri said, putting the plate of pancakes in front of him. “You’re looking pretty happy today.”

  “I am.”

  “So is Grace.”

  Drake took a bite of his pancake, which Teri had already drenched in maple syrup.

  “Has Grace told you something?”

  “Not at all. I looked at you, and then I looked at Grace, putting two things together. It was good, wasn’t it?”

  “Shut up, Teri.”

  “What? I’m not allowed to be damn happy for my friend? I think it’s awesome. You and Grace getting it on.” Teri chuckled. “I knew you two would make a cute couple, and that whole friendship thing wouldn’t last.”

  Drake shook his head. “Whatever.”

  “Don’t hurt her, Drake.”

  “I have no plan to hurt her. I’m going to take care of her.”

  “Good. I’d hate to have to come after you. Grace deserves a man to show her how good it can be.”

  She gave him a wink and left to go back into the kitchen. He had a lot of plans to keep Grace’s smile on her face.


  Suzy stared at Pixie, thinking about what Chloe had said. She was still a virgin, and she had read a lot of erotic romance, and even watched a lot of porn. She wanted to experience sex, but she didn’t want it to be a fleeting one night stand with a half-drunk man.

  “I can feel you thinking all the way over here,” Pixie said.

  He was reading a newspaper. She wondered if any of the club knew he had a tendency to camp out at the shop, reading.

  “Don’t you have a clubhouse or something to hang out at?” she asked.

  “I do, but here I like the peace and quiet.”

  “The women are all over you here.”

  “I have moments like this when it’s quiet.” He closed the newspaper and stared at her. “Are you trying to have a real conversation with me?”

  “Not at all.” She pretended to clear away her desk.

  “At the club there’s always something to do. Fix a bike, fetch shit, deal with bitches arguing, helping out at the diner, looking over legal documents, it’s all there waiting to be dealt with.”

  “You deal with it?” she asked.

  “Not all of it, but I have my fair share.”

  “So, you’re coming here to be a slob, and lazy.”

  “I come here because I like looking at the woman who won’t give me the time of day, and it’s nice, it’s peaceful, and I don’t have to deal with a bitch wanting to ride my cock all day, or to prove that she can get me deeper down her throat.”

  Suzy blushed. Pixie had always been blunt. She should be used to it by now, yet she wasn’t.

  “That’s a colorful description.”

  “Believe me, I’m not fucking bragging, not by a long shot. I was sitting with two women in front of me. My dick in one woman’s mouth, and they were more interested in who could do better. It was boring.”

  Huge mistake thinking Pixie could be the one.

  “You know what, I really don’t need to know anymore. You’ve gotten quite detailed, and stuff like that I don’t need to know.”

  Pixie sighed, and Suzy moved toward the dressing rooms, and started to straighten the clothes, before taking them back to their place on the racks.

  He stepped right up beside her. “Are you going to tell me why you’ve been eye-fucking me all morning?” he asked.

  Suzy tensed up. “You’re awfully close.”

  “And you’ve done nothing but think about fucking since I got here.”

  “No, I haven’t,” she lied.

  “Yes. You have. Your nipples are pressing against your shirt, and the bra you’re wearing doesn’t do shit to hide the fact you want me.” He cupped her breast, and heat filled her pussy. She closed her eyes, pressing her breast into his hand. “Tell me what you want.”


  “If you don’t tell me, I don’t know if I can give it to you.”

  Suzy pulled out of his grip and turned to stare at him. She wanted to order him, to instruct him, and instead, she chickened out. “There’s nothing I want.”

  Moving away from him, she mentally cursed herself as she continued working.


  “We’re going back to my apartment,” Grace said.

  Chloe had swapped places with her at the diner, and she knew Suzy was working until late. The apartment, it was going to be free most of the afternoon.

  “There’s something I want you to do for me.” Drake took hold of her hand as they rode toward the apartment building. Her pussy was soaking wet as she imagined what he wanted from her. She tried not to think about it in case he wanted something completely different from her, and she had misread the signals.

  She really hoped that wasn’t the case.

  “I enjoyed last night,” Grace said, then cringed. What kind of person said that?

  Drake chuckled. “I fucking loved last night, and you know what, it’s not going to be the last time either.”

  “It’s not?”

  “Do you think you can get enough of me from one night only?”

  “Your ego needs some work.”

  “My ego is exactly where I need him to be.”

  “I don’t believe it, not for a second.” Grace leaned over, and kissed his cheek. “I don’t want our friendship to disappear.”

  “It’s not going to. I’m not using you for a fuck, Grace.”

  She felt a lot better for him saying that.

  When they got to her apartment, he parked the car, and she waited while he grabbed a paper bag from the back of the car. They used the elevator, and for her the tension between them seemed be getting thicker.

  Drake took the keys from her and quickly bent down to scoop up Fluffy.

  “I love you, Fluff, but this afternoon, you’re spending the day in Momma Suzy’s room.”

  Closing the door, she watched him put the pup inside Suzy’s room, closing the door. “That was mean.”

  “I want the afternoon with my girl.” He removed his leather jacket. “Take your clothes off.”

  “Strip? You want me to strip?”

  “Yep.” He poured different colored fabrics onto the couch. “I bought these for you.”

  “You didn’t have to buy me anything.”

  “Then consider that I bought these for myself so that I could see my woman in them.”

  “Your woman?”

  He moved in close, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Yes, my woman. That’s exactly what you are, mine.” Drake slammed his lips down on hers, and Grace moaned. She locked her arms around
his neck, pressing her body against his. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.”

  Drake pulled away, unbuttoning her blouse.

  She patted his hands away. “I can do it, if you really want me to.”

  “I do.” He moved away, going to the pile of underwear. It was the first time that anyone had ever bought her something so personal.

  “I want you to try these on first.”

  He held up a dark red lacy pair.

  She stood in her plain white underwear. The panties she wore had love hearts on them, and they had to be the most unattractive thing she could have bought.

  “Please pretend that you didn’t see these,” she said.

  “Don’t worry. Try these on.”

  Taking the underwear he offered, she was about to go to her room, but Drake stopped her.

  “I want to watch.” He pulled the single seat around so that he was facing her.

  “You want to watch me try on underwear?”

  “Yes, every single piece.”

  “O-okay.” Removing her bra, her cheeks heated, and she tried not to think of Drake watching her in awful looking underwear.

  She put on the red lacy pair, and the moment she put the bra in place and the panties rested against her hips, she felt a difference. They were so soft and beautiful.

  “Turn for me.”

  Grace did as he instructed, turning this way and that.

  “Give me your back, and bend over.”

  “I’m not doing that.”

  “When we’re done, I intend to bend you over right here, and fuck you from behind. Don’t be shy, baby.”

  Biting her lip, she bent over at the waist, showcasing her ass to him.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  After that, he kept on handing her different colors of lace and silk. Each new outfit had her blushing even more.

  At the end, he picked a white lacy set, and Drake stood moving toward her. She stood against the wall, licking her lips as she stared at him.

  “Every time you lick your lips, I imagine them wrapped around my cock.”

  At those words, she couldn’t help but think about his cock in her mouth.

  “You ever sucked a man’s cock before?”


  “Do you want to suck mine?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  He unhooked his jeans, kicked his boots off, and pushed his jeans down his thighs. Heat spilled from the lips of her pussy. She was so aroused.


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