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The Illuminated Witch

Page 1

by Imogene Nix

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  The Illuminated Witch

  ISBN # 978-1-78184-998-9

  ©Copyright Imogene Nix 2014

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2014

  Edited by Sue Meadows

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 2.

  Blood Secrets


  Imogene Nix

  Book two in the Blood Secrets series

  Celina has always been alone, until the new master, Javed, draws her close. But danger and passion are never far away.

  After years of struggling alone, Celina—a witchling of immense power—must find her place in the world of vampires.

  But while Javed is building a new nest—the first new one in a century—and struggling to overcome his own demons, an ancient evil stirs.

  Now with Celina in danger, time running out and the demands of a fledgling nest, can their love possibly overcome every obstacle?


  As always no author is an island… So I have to thank the many people who have helped make this possible.

  Firstly I must thank my critique partners Khloe, Danielle, Georgiana and Angela, and my wonderful beta readers Tracey and Amanda.

  My fabulous mother-in-law June (because she adores my books!) and my husband Mark and daughters Charlotte and Elizabeth.

  Without your input nothing would be possible.

  Also to the Totally Bound staff, particularly Sue, my tireless editor.

  Of course no thank you is complete without thanking you, dear reader. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Bluetooth: Bluetooth Special Interest Group

  Formica: Formica Group


  “The full truth can never be known, at least not at this time. Were it known we would be hunted as fiercely as the others before us. That we have seen already.” The dark-haired woman, Jemima, spoke slowly. The other women, a blonde called Daniella and the red-haired Danicka, nodded their agreement.

  “Those who have killed to hide the truth could destroy everything we have achieved. Everything we have hidden. The truce between the vampire nests is fragile and can easily be destroyed.” The three women sat dejectedly gazing at the ancient rock before them. It exuded a power that they couldn’t ignore, but that reminded them of their home, so far away. The green glow had dimmed after the centuries. Its power hadn’t failed yet, though.

  “I miss our sister,” the middle sister mumbled, her red hair illuminated by a flare from the rock in the center of the room.

  “So do I, but we cannot ignore the truth. At some point, the three we have foretold will come together again. It will be their antecedents who will carry our power. For now, we must keep watch over the humans as the nests grow. The child of the child of the child must be kept safe and taught how to use their power. One will remain within the bosom unwanted, one will be alone all their life…” The red-haired woman stopped and breathed deeply, her words causing a ripple of power to spread throughout the room.

  “The last shall be the key. They must meld with the vampires. Their love must be pure but tempered. They alone can fight the one who is left. And it shall be done.” The oldest sister, Jemima, sealed their words as magic wove around them, stealing their breath for an instant as their eyes shone.

  “Perhaps we should hide the prophecy well?” The younger one sat bolt upright in her heavily padded seat even as she patted her intricately coiled blonde hair.

  “No, Selena. There can be no single place where it can be hidden. Not here. Not yet. There will always be those who would seek to take control of us and what we have. The only thing we can do now is destroy him. We are not yet strong enough. We need the three to achieve that. You know how the power works.” Jemima glanced toward her younger sister before glancing at the other.

  The oldest sister toyed with her long dark hair, lost in deep thought as she gnawed at her lower lip. None of them seemed a day over eighteen but in truth their ages were lost in millennia. “Danicka, you said the power can’t be destroyed, didn’t you? That it has to be gifted through birth?” Selena nestled back into her seat, waiting for the edict of the older sister.

  “Well, being unable to be destroyed isn’t strictly correct. Anything can be destroyed. But it will take magic that far surpasses ours. The vampires now exist because of the children’s actions. Our late sister gifted her power to her one surviving offspring, as it’s foretold. The others, they will pass on the other powers, those lost to our family.” Danicka waved her hand around the small stone room where they huddled. “Until then, the best thing we can do is hide it from prying eyes. Keep the ones entrusted to us safe. We will watch over them, ensuring they are well guarded until the correct time.”

  Selena, exhaled heavily. “So I would believe we will have to continue the vigil then? For centuries? Until we can once more reveal ourselves?” Her voice deepened as it always did when something unsettling occurred to her.

  Danicka stood then held her hand out for the book. “Yes. It will be a long and difficult journey. We will see things we would have hoped to have never seen. Things that make some vampires look tame. All we can do is protect those within the nests. They will be the key to the destruction of this book.”

  Once more, Selena shook her head. “But what if I’m sick of this? What if I want to be a traveler once more?”

  Danicka drew a sharp breath. Surely not!

  “Be calm, sister. It will only be when the time is right. Then we will face the danger together. Until then, we can rest. Take our time. Hone our skills further.”

  Danicka smiled, but it was a mere shadow of her
usually sunny grins.

  “Now come. We must invoke the shadows. Even as the truth is written it must be hidden from prying eyes. Then a plan needs to be formulated. How to protect the descendants until the time is right to reveal them.” One by one, the three sisters stood, before moving toward the stone.

  Then with slow gestures, they began their task.

  * * * *

  “Celina Wurst.”

  Celina grinned as her name was called out from the rostrum. She stood and carefully threaded her way through the full seating area. She’d finally done it! Achieved her degree. After years of hard work, she’d dragged herself free of the stigma of being an orphan. Always alone.

  Many of her school peers had achieved this goal years before she had, but they’d been able to go back to their families, for support. Instead, she had worked her way through school. It may have taken her six long years, but she finally had the means to start the life she had chosen for herself.

  She extended her hand as they’d been instructed and accepted the scroll with a bow, carefully dipping her mortar board. “You have done very well, Celina Wurst. You should be very pleased with yourself.” The Chancellor’s words left her dizzy with the unexpected accolade.

  “Thank you, Chancellor.” She scurried from the stage. No one would be taking photos, no one would be cheering for her in the seats but she held those precious seconds close to her heart, savoring the impact of her achievements.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would beg your indulgence for just a few minutes longer. We need to present the school’s newest high achiever.”

  She glanced upwards, wondering who in the class would be nominated as the hardest working, the most driven.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if you could be upstanding… Miss Celina Wurst.”

  Her breath caught in her throat and someone squealed close by. Who is making that noise? It wasn’t her, that wasn’t the way she would react. At least, she didn’t think so. Hands patted her and eyes turned in her direction.

  She felt a gentle push at her back, shoving her toward the rostrum, and she made her way on her unsteady legs. A sense of unreality cloaked her. Surely, there has been some mistake?

  Even as she neared the podium, she waited for the correction to be announced, but the Chancellor grinned and held out his hand.

  “I…” She was lost for words. What on earth am I supposed to say? She attempted to smile but was sure it was little more than a grimace.

  “You have achieved this on your own. No one helped you. You worked while you studied. Yes, we chose correctly.”

  How did he know what I was thinking?

  The people in the seats rose as one and a massive cheer filled the air.

  The rest of the ceremony passed in a blur as she was guided to a seat at the side of the faculty. Then she waited. Celina still expected them to tell her it was a mistake. But it didn’t happen.

  At the end of the ceremony, when everyone had left the auditorium, she waited in silence. Now there was only her, the Chancellor and another woman who’d joined the Chancellor left in the cavernous room. The Chancellor bowed deeply to the older lady before turning back. “Miss Wurst, I believe Miss Carter would like to talk to you.” With a grand hand movement, he indicated she should step toward the waiting woman.

  The woman removed the hat she wore, revealing a thick mane of salt and pepper hair, which married well with the horn-rimmed glasses overwhelming her face. “Thank you, Chancellor.” As she stepped toward Celina, her long evening gown made a loud swishing sound and the soles of her shoes squeaked.

  Celina scanned Miss Carter, who watched her with vivid green eyes. “Uh, so I believe you wished to talk to me?” Her voice sounded strangled and her stomach rocked wildly.

  “Yes, I have an offer for you. Now that you have achieved your degree, we have a need for someone with your dogged determination in our corporation. The Chancellor was good enough to introduce us, but I would like to discuss a proposition with you.”

  A small pasteboard card was pushed into her hands. Celina turned it over, before she ran her fingers over the raised type. “A bank? You want me to work in one of the banks?”

  The older woman—Danicka Carter, if the card was to be believed—wanted to talk to her about working in one of the banks? “Uh, tell me when and where and I’ll be there. I promise.”

  The woman beamed. Celina couldn’t help herself, she returned it.

  “Good. Tomorrow morning? Ten o’clock. The address is on the card.” Then she turned and walked away.

  Celina was mesmerized by her unusually graceful steps.

  Chapter One

  Celina grabbed her aching head. Another headache, just like the day before, but perhaps it was more violent. Her stomach lurched uncertainly and she rubbed her belly while it heaved and roiled. It was only four in the afternoon, too early to head home, but she glanced around the office, looking vainly for an escape.

  “Hey, Celina? Can you cover for me tomorrow? I’m going to call in sick ‘cause I’ve got a hot date tomorrow night,” Sylvia, her cubicle mate, whispered to her excitedly.

  Celina closed her eyes. Great. Just what I need. “Honestly? Syl, I don’t know. I’m not feeling so great.” She mumbled a little, knowing what Sylvia’s reaction would be.

  “Have you been to see the doctor yet?”

  Celina swiveled in her seat and cast a dark glance at her workmate. “I’m going to call—” Her words ended abruptly as the lights dimmed and went out. “Damn… This is like the third time this month. What the hell is going on?” The heat of the office space swelled as the air conditioning failed. The cloying scents of a multitude of perfumes and hot sweaty bodies in the summer wave closed in on her.

  Celina’s tummy jostled once more, demanding her attention. She rose, racing unerringly to the bathroom, making it just in time to empty the contents violently into the toilet. The clunk of the door somewhere behind alerted her to the fact that she was no longer alone. She sighed loudly. Sylvia had followed her, she knew. The sound of wood banging closed reverberated off the walls. The ensuing echo splintered her thoughts.

  “Celina, you have to see the doctor.” There was concern in Sylvia’s voice and Celina shied away from it.

  Celina leaned limply against the wall of the stall, the dim security lighting flickering in and out. “Yeah, I think you’re right.” She didn’t want to face it, but the headaches had become an almost everyday occurrence in the past few months. One she’d tried to ignore, but with little success. But something had to be wrong. Her stomach quivered at the possible reasons.

  She pushed away from the wall and headed for the sink, turned the tap and was rewarded by the sound of running water. Celina scooped the liquid up, washed her face and swilled some around in her mouth, trying to banish the sour taste. Her knees shook like wet noodles beneath her.

  “Okay, I’ll ring in the morning and see how soon I can get in for an appointment.” A sound from outside caught her hearing, a thudding noise, as if someone was testing the door. She wouldn’t be able to hide from the problems for much longer and right now, she really needed some air. “We’d better get out there.”

  “Yeah. Okay.” She heard the concern in Sylvia’s voice. “Will you be okay to get home?”

  They slowly made their way through the door and back into the office, where the blast of heat and the waft of body essences made her want to gag again. She struggled through one shallow breath then another.

  “I’m planning on going straight home anyway.” Celina shuffled toward her desk and groped around in the dark, hunting for her phone. She grasped it in her damp hand and pressed the screen, waiting for it to lighten sufficiently to see her desk. She spied her bag and opened the desk to find her keys. “It looks like these are going to be out for a while. Can you…?” She indicated the light fittings, then toward the office at the end of the row, hoping Sylvia would understand.

  “I’ll go tell the supervisor. You go on. Head home and take some pa

  With a small nod, which she quickly regretted as a pulse wavered through her throbbing skull, Celina headed to the emergency stairs. As she passed desks she saw others grabbing up their items, including laptops. No doubt they obviously thought the same thing.

  Finally she made her way down the fourteen flights of stairs. On the way she heard many voices, some shrill and others filled with laughter in the darkness. Here and there she caught glimpses of light, probably from mobiles, illuminating the gloom.

  One foot after another she plodded down the steps, her head aching viciously and finally, light glowed ahead and a breeze started to clear the stuffy wooliness from her head.

  * * * *

  Javed shook his head. The missive he held in his hands filled him with emotions he hadn’t experienced in hundreds of years. He knew what it was. It was confusion. The sense of having the carpet jerked out from beneath him. His hands felt clammy.

  “So… That’s your destiny, there in your hands.”

  His hand shook and the sound of parchment moving back and forth filled the air. He held not just his destiny, but also that of so many others.

  He glanced at Xavier, his master, and Hope. They were two very powerful vampires as well as his friends. “I don’t know what to say.”

  Hope rose and glided toward him. “You don’t have to say anything. We will say it all. Your leaving us on one level makes us sad, but you will be a master in your own right. You’ve earned this.”

  Javed wanted to sputter and stop her words, but he couldn’t. The intent of the letter was clear. On the night of the next full moon, Cressida would grant him his own nest. He would be elevated to the position of master.

  If that wasn’t enough to accept, there was the knowledge that there hadn’t been a new house in over a century.

  There was so much to do. So many decisions to make and all of them would fall on him. He would need to choose a Yeux Secondes, the human who would oversee the financial and day-to-day aspects of the nest. He would also require a second, a guardian who would stand at his side. A fellow warrior, in whom he could place his trust, one who would help him build a safe haven in their house. He would need witches to help protect the vampires and followers… Where the hell do I even start with that?


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