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The Illuminated Witch

Page 2

by Imogene Nix

  “You’ll need a house. Somewhere for your people to call home.” Hope grinned and he saw the lurking humor she couldn’t quell. “I know of an interior designer, if you want their details?”

  He rolled his eyes, remembering the problems she’d had with her parents before she had been turned and the way she’d arranged for the entire block of units to be furnished. It had taken her one night to order and arrange for the delivery of all the furniture. Unlike the immense task her mother had proposed.

  But her smile died away as her own memories must have surfaced.

  “I don’t know about that, but if you’re offering help, then I’ll accept it. I don’t have a clue where to start.” He moved back to the armchair and slumped into it. “I don’t usually concern myself with those types of problem.” He allowed his head to drop into his hands and muttered. “I don’t think I’m ready yet.”

  A soft touch on his shoulder captured his attention. “Cressida thinks you are. Otherwise she would not have petitioned the Councilors. Now come on. You need to start planning. We have one month to arrange your investiture…”

  “Cressida will arrange that,” Xavier helpfully called out.

  “Excellent. That’s one less thing to sort out. And I don’t have a clue how to arrange one of those anyway!” Hope’s voice quietened and Javed knew she was trying to cajole him into a more positive frame of mind. “But you do need to pull together at least the semblance of a nest. So, what do you want to start on?”

  “A house. It’s no good having all those nestlings without somewhere for them to live.” He lifted his head and swiped his unsteady hand over his forehead. Twenty-eight days wasn’t a long time and he needed everything completed and ready. “Uh, but how am I supposed to fund…?”

  “Read the rest of the letter, my friend. All that is in there.” He heard the humor in Xavier’s voice and glanced at the paper.

  The Council has allocated a funding grant to ensure the adequate start-up of the new nest. Included is the purchase of appropriate housing, consisting of one main residence and appropriate housing for between fifty and eighty nestlings. Seed funding for the start-up of appropriate businesses to ensure the stability of the nest and additional funding as required to furnish, employ and run the nest for a period of up to five years, or until financial viability is attained.

  Once that has been attained, the nest will be required to make an annual payment to the Council for funding future requirements of not less than ten percent of annual gross profits of the nest.

  “They have been…more than generous.” He glanced at Xavier who had raised his blood wine, saluting him.

  “They are. But you deserve it, my friend.”

  “Xavier, I don’t know how—?”

  “You don’t know how to repay the debt? Javed, my friend, it’s not a debt. They believe you are able to bring a new nest into existence.”

  Pressure built up inside him, blooming deep inside his chest. He shoved away from the table.

  The broad grin on his friend’s face died away. “If you really don’t feel comfortable…”

  Javed shook his head, trying to throw off the disoriented state that shrouded him. “Honestly? I just don’t know.” He ran his hand through short dark hair, felt how untidy it was. “I certainly didn’t expect this.” He waved toward the parchment.

  “You can deny the request, if you don’t…” Hope’s voice behind him made him grimace. She was so young, still so new to their life and ways. She obviously didn’t yet realize it wasn’t so simple to brush the will of the Council aside.

  “I could, but I also don’t know that I want to.” The words were grudging. It wasn’t that he didn’t want the position and responsibility. No. It was more concern that he wouldn’t make it work. Couldn’t carry out the role effectively and protect those whose futures he would be overseeing. He stared at the ornate Persian carpet. It reminded him of his past. The one he had shied away from.

  “You can do it. You’re ready.” Xavier’s words hung in the air and he bowed.

  “As you wish, my master.”

  * * * *

  Home was still some blocks away as she plodded along the sidewalk. Right now, Celina was regretting the decision to go to the doctor’s office. “But you couldn’t even see straight.” Yet that was a cold comfort. If she’d driven, she could have been home by now.

  Her stomach had settled slightly as she reached the doorway to one of the most imposing buildings in the block and she craned her head to look up. The last rays of sunlight had died away and she noted how the glass didn’t glow in the muted reflection of the moon as it did during the day. She shivered slightly. Instead of the stifling heat, there was a crispness in the night air that only seemed to arrive in summer.

  Darkness had settled during her unsuccessful wait to gain an appointment with her physician. She’d sat in the corner of the waiting room, sweltering in the oppressive atmosphere while the air conditioner buzzed and hummed ineffectually, and a vast number of hot bodies had come and gone while she’d waited, hoping for a canceled slot.

  In the end, the receptionist had announced that the doctor would be unable to see her. She had been shown the door with a “Come tomorrow morning. He’ll see you before his first scheduled appointment.”

  Now making her way slowly home, Celina took a swipe from the drink she’d bought from the corner stall. She gratefully let the cool water trickle down the back of her parched throat as she closed her eyes, seeking a break from the ongoing ache that pulsed behind her eyes.

  “Watch out below!” The call echoed through the night and she scanned the night sky to see a small vehicle swooping down between the towering buildings, the glare of headlights cutting through the gloom of the concrete jungle. The heels of her shoes clicked on the hard ground as the small car landed quietly where she had stood mere seconds before.

  This must be someone important to be able to afford one of the air-capable vehicles. She’d seen them a couple of times and could only guess at their price tag.

  The registration plates on the rear of the vehicle declared it was a vampire transport. In the last few years, more of them had populated the roads and skies as the nests had become accepted by society. Every now and again a petition would circulate via email and mailbox drop, arguing that they, the vampires, were accorded greater privileges than most of the populace.

  “Utterly pointless,” she muttered as the passengers climbed out. A tall man, striking to gaze upon with dark skin, hair and piercing eyes, glanced around before ushering the willowy dark-haired beauty before him. His Middle Eastern origins had her gaping at him.

  She heard, “Thank you, Javed,” and saw the smile he gave the woman. Deep inside, she yearned for someone to care for her like that. As if she was special to them. Then Celina brushed the thought away. She had been alone long enough to know that wishes often didn’t come true.

  On more than one occasion she had considered applying to one of the nests, yet they took so few and her life had been such a struggle that she had shied away every time the thought had struck. After all, she didn’t need to be rejected again. Once more the notion bloomed, as the hunger she kept carefully banked bit at her. To belong somewhere, to be a part of a family… She’d always dreamed of that.

  The couple gracefully headed toward the door of the chrome and glass shrouded building before her. One of the heavily guarded nest buildings, she noted.

  “Bloody vampires.” A voice echoed behind her and even as she turned, someone roughly pushed past her. She shrugged then immediately regretted her action as her head ached again. A wave of dizziness passed over her and she couldn’t contain the gasp that escaped. Celina stumbled heavily and would have fallen but for a gentle touch on her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?”

  Her stomach lurched again. The ground shimmered below her. “I’m… Ah…”

  Then the gray she’d been fighting all day overwhelmed her.

  * * * *

  He’d b
een aware of the red-haired woman from the moment he’d stepped out of the vehicle, his eyes catching the jerky movements she’d made and the way she’d watched Hope and him. But he was used to being observed by humans. Vampires still made enough of a splash that people gaped at them wherever they were. It was one of the reasons they lived in nests. The humans employed within the nests didn’t treat them like freaks.

  Her lush frame, vibrant hair and subtle scent had captured his senses.

  She’d made a sound, little more than a groan, and he’d turned away from the door. His senses were on high alert, expecting trouble. The air was full of fraught expectation.

  Her face was bloodless. In the moonlight she had seemed far too pale and fragile, while the distinct red hue of her hair glowed with warmth. He’d noted the way her eyes dilated and the sluggish way she responded to the question. Then she’d slumped.

  Javed caught the woman as she fell toward the hard concrete, her head mere inches from the ground.

  “Is she all right?”

  He turned at the question, and saw Hope gazing over his shoulder. “Yes. I caught her in time.”

  “Then you’d best bring her up.”

  He nodded, his mind sluggish as he peered at the woman in his arms. His libido, although rarely satiated, flickered as he lifted the woman’s supine body. A frisson of connection worked its way through him.

  “Vampires! Vampires attacking!” a voice called out in the night and he glanced up, scanning the crowd who now stepped back uncertainly.

  A sea of white faces stared back at him. The humans seemed frozen with horror, disbelief and something else. There was more than fear in the air now. Malice.

  His hackles rose and the centuries-old warrior emerged. He’d been in just this position before. It was one he’d hoped never to relive again. The memories of the long distant past, one he had tried to bury, rose. His heart thudded fast as adrenaline surged through his veins. He contained his instincts to fight or flee.

  Hope. He had to protect Hope. She was his first priority.

  His mind urged him to return to her, to leave the human behind, but something, maybe the shadow of his soul, told him he couldn’t. Instead, he cradled the woman in his arms, holding her close while he scanned the crowd for any threats.

  “Get inside, Hope.” He stalked backwards in the direction of the door, his preternatural senses telling him that Hope had followed his instructions, while his mind ran through strategic options of defense.

  Hope might’ve been a powerful vampire in her own right, but she was also the life partner of his friend and master, Xavier. He would give up his own life to protect them both.

  “He’s taking the woman!” another voice, this one shrill with fear, called out into the night as he moved faster, gaining the scant security of the doors that shut as he entered.

  The sea of voices swelled and rose. “He can’t take her” mingled with “He’ll kill her.”

  Anger rose but he tamped it down with ruthless efficiency. Within the building, he freed one hand and slapped it against the emergency shields. They had all been upgraded in the long months since the attack on Hope and Xavier. All security procedures and protocols had been overhauled, but he feared it wouldn’t be sufficient.

  Right now, he was more than grateful for the foresight.

  “We should get her upstairs. Find out if she’s okay.” Hope laid her hand on his shoulder.

  He scanned her face. “Are you okay?”

  Hope beamed at him. “Javed, it will take a lot more than an angry mob to frighten me.” There was no tremble in her voice and for a moment he wanted to tell her that she should be frightened. But she hadn’t been around for hundreds of years. She hadn’t seen the ferocity of the attacks on the nests in earlier centuries. She’d never had to run for her life, the way so many of their numbers had.

  He swallowed the angry words and followed her to the lift, after nodding at the security guard on duty. He knew the man had made contact with the necessary authorities, overhearing his words “… yes a mob, outside…” before redirecting his attention back to Hope and the woman in his arms.

  “I think she might need to see a healer.” His words sounded gruff and he winced as she speared him with a sharp look.

  “You know, I may not be able to read your mind, but I can tell that you are angry about my comments and trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to hide it.”

  He closed his eyes. “I didn’t mean—”

  “No. I know you didn’t mean any disrespect, Javed.”

  He breathed deeply, hearing her soft tones. He gazed out of the glass elevator over the city, seeing the sparkling lights beyond while he accepted the gentle remonstrance.

  “Xavier told me about the times the nests have been attacked. About the dangers older vampires have survived. I’m not being flippant.” The bell chimed, cutting the opportunity for further discussion as they entered the reception area.

  Chapter Two

  Opening her eyes was a painful experience. While the headache itself had finally abated, Celina’s whole body ached. Just as it had every day since these headaches had begun. The only difference was the severity of the ache. It had increased, leaving her bones heavy and awkward.

  The touch of a hand startled her and she grimaced at the cool touch against her burning hot skin. “Where am I?”

  “You’re safe.” The words were soft, and she cracked her eyes open a little further, willed them to focus and finally the man, no—vampire—she’d seen exiting the car swam into her vision.

  Celina blinked once and again. She noted the deep burnished golden brown of his eyes and the way he stared right though her? She pushed weakly at the light covering and struggled upright. Her mind worked to decipher the who and where of her situation.

  “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have…” Shouldn’t have what? her mind demanded.

  He grinned at her, his face lightening. He went from amazingly handsome to so beautiful he’d leave the most gorgeous woman wishing for the purity of his looks.

  Her stomach flip-flopped in reaction, as if a dozen tiny eels were trying to escape. “I’ve inconvenienced you.” She knew enough about vampires. She knew enough about staying out of their way. Even as a child, growing up in a series of uncaring foster homes, she’d known the truth. Learned about the world in which the nests operated. She might have toyed with the idea of applying to the nests from time to time, but she knew you didn’t inconvenience vampires.

  They were a species of alpha predators. She’d heard enough of their intentions and their vast empires. Besides which, vampires fed on humans, didn’t they? They saw them as cattle, to fatten, then glut themselves on. She shivered at her own thoughts, fright suddenly turning her skin cold. “I’ll go now.”

  His lips thinned as he held out a hand, stopping her weak movements. “You will wait for the healer. Is there someone I can call?”

  She stared at him, trying to process the melodic and almost caring manner. Soft? Caring? She placed a halt on those thoughts. Vampires weren’t fluffy and caring. They were hunters. The alpha of the night-time world! But even as the thoughts battered her, a melting sensation curled deep within her gut. It called out to her consciousness that maybe the stories were wrong.

  “No. There’s no one.”

  He frowned, the action marring his perfect burnished skin. She let her gaze roam over his face for just a moment. She took in the dark hair, the perfectly straight nose, his chiseled jaw line covered with a light dusting of facial hair and high cheekbones. Watched his golden-brown eyes widen slightly.

  He reminded her of the old Arabian movie heroes one of her foster mothers had played on her old video machine regularly in an attempt to educate her foster brood on the classics. Her mouth, already dry, now felt parched, and her hand moved of its own volition, toward him. She almost touched his face before reality intruded in the voice of a woman.

  “Javed? The healer is here!” The words snapped her out of the trance she’d
been lost in. Celina wrenched her hand away.

  But she kept an eye on him through lowered eyelashes, as he straightened and dragged himself upright.

  “Send him in, Fiona.”

  The man came into the room, and she gasped, unable to contain the sound as she realized that he too was a vampire.

  “It’s okay, Javed. I’ll take it from here.”

  The dismissal didn’t suit the one who answered to that name. He narrowed his gaze and she stared as he flattened his lips. He bowed low and without a word stalked from the room.

  “Let me take a look at you.”

  She scooted away from the older man’s touch.

  He sighed heavily. “Yes, I am one of them. But I’m still a doctor. The humans of the nests need medical attention too. Now, there isn’t likely to be anything wrong with you that I haven’t seen before.” He placed his bag on the floor with a thud.

  She gulped. “You won’t…?”

  He stared at her then shook his head. “No, I won’t hurt you, but people don’t just drop to the ground for no reason. According to Javed that’s what you did, so let’s find out what caused it.”

  Even as he reached out, her head began the familiar pulse once more, and she gasped. The doctor frowned, and reached for her forehead. When he made contact the lights in the room flickered once. Then they were in darkness.

  “Oh dear.” His words were soft but full of concern as he tugged his cool fingers away. The room spun again, and even as the darkness overtook her again, she heard him bellow for the one called Javed. Then she let go of consciousness.

  * * * *

  The words of the doctor fell like stones on his head. “You need to get her into a nest and get her powers under control. She’s over-saturated and unstable. For my money, I would call her an untrained and unknown witch.”

  Javed sucked in his breath at the pronouncement.


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