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The Illuminated Witch

Page 17

by Imogene Nix

  “Stop!” His words forced her into stillness.

  “What?” She turned to him and knew he saw the belligerence in the way she held herself. But that was a brittle veneer as hurt and shame filled her. What they had wasn’t special enough to him. No, he’s shared this gift with other women.

  “No.” Javed’s spoke the words and confusion filled her.

  She scowled. “No, what? Don’t move? I am allowed some freedom, master.” She used the word as an insult and saw the way he flinched.

  Then he leaned in. “I’ve only shared it with Cressida and the Councilors because of the investiture. Before that, I didn’t have the ability.”

  Her stomach wobbled at his words. Can it possibly be true? Am I building a mountain out of a molehill?

  Confusion overwhelmed her and she dropped her head to her hands. “Why? Why am I so unsure?” she whispered, not expecting any answer.

  “Because I’ve made so many mistakes. Celina, please. Let me show you our world.”

  She gulped as the sting of tears burned her eyes. “I want to… But I’m so afraid.” A quick shake of her head flicked her hair around. “I’ve finally found somewhere I belong. I don’t… I don’t want to lose that. I don’t want to lose you.”

  He wound his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. This time the shiver was caused by the desire running thick and hot through her veins.

  “I’ve done this all so wrong.”

  “We both have,” her voice rasped as heat suffused her. “But… I think we can start again. Please?”

  Her mind whispered that any relationship between them was a figment of her imagination. She might love him, but his feelings? She wasn’t quite so sure. He’d said he loved her, but only in the heat of passion, and heaven knew, men said a lot of things when they were getting what they wanted. Or so she’d been told.

  She banished the negative thoughts—instead, she turned to him, met his embrace. Accepting what he was offering.

  His lips felt firm against hers and she opened wide. Her body fired as though it was tinder in a blaze and the heat was upon her.

  She was hungry, urgent as his touch became surer. She felt hot, as arousal prepared her body for him, her core melting again. Their hearts beat in time, while pleasure spiked with each new touch.

  She twined her body around his. He skated his hands over her skin.

  She tore at the covering he wore, pleased to see it was little more than a robe.

  She touched the bare satiny flesh.

  Javed jerked back. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything.”

  He gave a gentle push, then she was on her back, resting her head on a pillow as he crawled up beside her. He pushed away the covers to bare her skin.

  Now there were no words—nothing to impinge on their private world, except the sound of sighs and flesh on flesh in the silence.

  He kissed his way over her collarbone. “The first moment I saw you… I was aware of you on that sidewalk. I wanted you even then.”

  Her breath caught, strangling her as he kissed his way lower, to find a nipple. It was already distended and ready for his caress. He suckled lightly, running his tongue over the beaded tip.

  His teeth descended just a short way, and he slid them into her flesh. The feeling of heat and pleasure shot through her. Zinging arousal raced from tip to core and back again. Nerves quivered and rippled and she clenched hard, as orgasm rolled deep within.

  “Oh!” She arched up, wanting more.

  He lifted his head. No one will ever love you the way I do. Her mind splintered under the onslaught.

  He used his clever and wicked fingers, fondling the curve of her belly. Carefully he found the nub at her very center and touched. Already sensitive she shuddered under the onslaught.

  Celina wrapped her fingers around his shoulders and shoved. Hard. He rolled, hands catching at her hips, and he pulled her with him. “I don’t have any patience tonight. I want you. All of you.” He grinned.

  Their loving was wicked.

  It was hot.

  Surveying the golden flesh arrayed before her, she debated for a second where to begin.

  His gorgeous pectorals caught her eye and she shifted in his direction, her breasts swinging with her movements. She found one berry-brown nipple and tweaked it with two fingers. It sprang up, ready for her and she leaned forward, sucking the tip into her mouth, running her tongue over the tiny nub. She wrapped one of her arms around his waist, just below his ribs. She skimmed the fingers of her other hand over the silky bared flesh of his chest.

  He slid his fingers into her hair, grabbing her tresses and twining them in the strands, while he pulled at her.

  Celina tutted. “Not yet, lover boy.”

  She slid her way down his body, gazing at him from below her lashes as he thrashed beneath her careful touches. Down past his firm belly and trim waist, she caressed, finding the hair on his legs before tracing her way back up. His hips jerked as she found his erection, firm and hot. Celina swiped her tongue over the rounded head, the slit weeping a small droplet. She licked it up. Salty.

  His hiss filled the air, and she smiled before slowly closing her lips around his erect length, her long draws a parody of his suckling at her breast.

  Celina burned but kept up the sensual torture until he stopped her with shaking hands.

  “No more. Not like that.” With one firm haul he jerked her up, slanting her mouth over his as he positioned her above his cock. She was wet and ready so when he slowly penetrated the slide was easy.

  Her core stretched to accommodate him and she whimpered at the sensation of fullness. The friction toyed with her senses and he pushed up—hard and urgent.

  Javed cupped her breasts, toying with her nipples, plucking and tweaking while she arched and cried out. She opened her mind, wanting him to know how much pleasure he wrought in her. The pace increased as the beat of her heart reached fever pitch.

  Together, they rocked faster in the most intimate dance of all.

  One last thrust was all it took. She cried out, eyes closed as her orgasm crashed through her senses. Their cries mingled. Then they stilled, holding onto each other.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Creedar stalked from one end of his cavern to the other. He was ready to leave his stony tomb, but he was no fool. He needed Jelani to show him how to survive in this new age. After all, the last time he’d hibernated much had changed. That had been a single century. This time three had passed.

  He growled low in his throat. A scuttle sounded and a sobbing hiccup.

  He spun around to see his servant Jelani slink through the stone entrance. “Master, I bring information.”

  He bowed low, but Creedar could see that something had happened, something he was trying to hide. Obviously Jelani had lived too long without him to oversee his actions. He would soon become a liability. “What news?”

  Jelani shoved a large woman to the floor in front of him. “I have found one of the descendants, master.” The words filled Creedar with elation. Finally, he could carry out his mother’s decree on his sibling’s progeny.

  “This one? She is not one of the descendants. I cannot feel the power that they would carry in their veins.” Anger filled him, and Jelani quaked.

  “No, master. But she knows where one is.” Even as triumph filled him, he knew he could not afford to be cocky. He had been thwarted before. In the past, he had come close. But all three needed to be destroyed for him to mete out justice.


  Jelani scuttled away, and Creedar advanced.

  “Master, this one knows the red-haired girl.” He indicated the cowering woman—the ripe stench of fear clung to her body. He shifted away from her, her very presence offending his nature.

  “What do you suggest I do with her?”

  The tension in Jelani dissipated, and Creedar watched him, wondering what infraction he had committed, to have him skulking in this manner.

>   “Master, I could find out more about the nest that shelters her.”

  He wanted to query his servant’s manner, but right now the woman had taken the opportunity to creep some distance as if to escape. He pounced, catching the woman with one hand. She cried out. Creedar smiled.

  He flicked her away with a casual wave of his hand. “Fine. But do not kill her until I am ready to feed. It would not do to be hasty.” Jelani bowed low and Creedar had an impression of fear and relief. His servant grabbed the woman’s hand and made to tow her from the room.

  “But…” Jelani stopped.

  Creedar had to contain the grin that nearly spread across his face. “You have done something you may or may not regret. I will know soon.” Now the fear also emanated from his servant as well. It wouldn’t do for Jelani to be too sure of himself. After all, he was still a servant. Replaceable.

  The quiet “Yes, master” filtered through the air.

  “And one more thing…”

  This time, Jelani did not turn back to him, though Creedar could see his rigid stance. “Yes, master?”

  “You may bring me my sustenance now.”

  With that Jelani forced the openly sobbing woman from the underground grotto.

  Yes, it was definitely time for him to leave these walls and venture above ground.

  * * * *

  Javed held Celina close. Their lovemaking had been wild and uninhibited.

  Javed? Her tone was unsure, weak even, but he grinned.

  Thank you, once more. He gazed into her eyes, marveling at the bright emerald green. We should rise.

  What time is it? With each thought, her voice strengthened, and he smiled.

  “Well after sunset. Cressida will be awaiting you downstairs.”

  Celina huffed and made to rise, but he reached over and caught her against him. Kissed her. The contact was scorching hot—at the end they were both aroused. “Cressida will demand you make an oath of allegiance.”

  Her glance was questioning. “Why? Didn’t I do that at the investiture? Why do I have to do it again?”

  “It is a way of showing that you will be true to our laws.” She agreed, but he was sure she didn’t understand. How could she? She had no history with vampires. She’d received none of the induction prospective that vampires received.

  “There is so much you need to learn. I really don’t know what you understand or don’t.” Only now was it evident that he’d been so hell-bent on forming this union that he hadn’t done the right thing.

  He hadn’t told her enough to allow her to make an informed decision. His pride stung, but the truth was that, though he’d changed her to save her, he’d made no attempt to explain their rules and responsibilities in the weeks they’d been together. He damned himself for that now.

  “While you dress, I’ll give you a rundown of our rules. They are few but none are negotiable.”

  Celina looked at him stricken. “But, Javed… What am I supposed to do for clothing?” She seemed genuinely startled, even when he started laughing, unable to help himself. Now she appeared upset and angry.

  “I had Kharisma pack clothing for you, while you were unconscious. She brought it here.” He indicated to the large walk-in wardrobe.

  She flushed. “Why didn’t you just take me back to the nest?”

  For a moment, he was surprised by her question, but he shrugged. “Cressida’s was closer, and time was a vital commodity.”

  Celina stalked to the door and peered in, but instead of the wardrobe, she found the bathroom. “Maybe…?”

  “Sure. That will give me more time to explain things to you.” He followed her into the large room, dragging on his clothing. Then he leaned back against the bench while she showered.

  The water sluiced down her lush curves, the same ones he’d laved, and there was the familiar tightening at his groin. Will it always be like this? Will I always experience the instant flash of desire when she’s around?

  “So go on, you haven’t explained anything yet.” Her voice was peevish and he grinned. His woman didn’t like to be kept waiting.

  “As with any government, there are layers in our world. You know a little of the Council, having observed the investiture. They handle the day-to-day government of our nests and the justice for our continent. We have one Overlord on each continent and the head of the Council acts as an adviser to the Overlord. Our Overlord is Caridad and Cressida is the head of our Council.”

  “Yeah, so what does that have to do with anything?” He waited as she ducked her hair under the spray, displaying her rounded buttocks for his perusal. His body heated again and he closed his eyes, concentrating on settling the mad pumping of blood through his veins, willing his body to relax.

  Did that help? Amusement? He cracked his eyes open to see her peering at him, a broad grin on her face.

  “Not really.” She turned off the spigot and climbed out, her red hair plastered against her alabaster curves. He swallowed, then handed her a towel before turning away. The mirror in front of him showed her movements, and he gritted his teeth.

  She snickered. You probably shouldn’t have followed me in here, then. Should you?

  He rolled his eyes and opened the walk-in wardrobe door for her as she strolled, naked, into the bedroom. So young, yet already with a sassy attitude. He wouldn’t have her any other way, though.

  “I…uh, put all your clothes here.” He indicated the top drawers and the few hangers. The clothing consisted of jeans and light blouses. She laughed as she tugged the underwear from the drawer.

  “So, go on.”

  He breathed deeply, trying to clear the fog from his brain. “Each nest has a master or mistress to whom all other vampires are placed as either guards or staff. We are only allocated so many new vampires, or changelings, each year. Our nest was not allocated any. However, Cressida gave me a dispensation after…” His voice trailed away.

  “After what, Javed?”

  “After I told her I couldn’t… After I turned you.” He gazed at her.

  She stilled, her eyes shadowed. “What do you mean?”

  He frowned, wondering how to declare his emotions to her. “I love you, Celina. I was going to raise this once everything settled. But…” He turned away, unsure how to continue.

  “Well, it’s about damned time you told me then. Because I honestly didn’t know what you wanted, you dumb man.” She stalked over to him, dressed in only bra and panties, flinging her arms around his neck and kissing him thoroughly enough to leave him aroused.

  “You told me you loved me in the bed, but it’s kind of hard for a girl to know if that’s honest or just lust. And you never once mentioned a possible future for us. You just kept saying you wouldn’t let me go. It’s not quite the same, you know.”

  He blushed, a deep hot hue, before she tugged away. “Now keep talking.”

  He closed his eyes, gathered his scattered wits and continued, “There are two kinds of vampire. Those attached to a nest and those considered rogues—the untrustworthy and unaffiliated, who sell their skills and abilities to the highest bidder. We also don’t feed off the public at large, unlike rogues. There are easier ways to fulfill our needs.”

  She nodded slowly. “Okay so nested and rogue. Don’t feed off humans, do feed off humans. So far, that all makes sense.”

  “We also never take the death drop. To do that is to call the demon that exists within us to the surface. So we only take what is required if we must feed directly. Most of us now only drink decanted blood mixed with wine.”

  “So, in short, we live in nests, are civilized and drink wine mixed with blood. The others, the rogues, feed direct from humans and will drink to the dead drop, whatever that is.”

  He laughed before sobering up. “The death drop. The very last drop within the human body.”

  “Ewww!” She tugged the denim over her hips and pulled on the shirt she’d grabbed from the hanger. “Thank heavens I don’t have to feed like that.”

* * *

  The short walk down the hall was a bit like stepping back in time. For all the bravado she’d put on, she still had another major hurdle ahead of her. What if Cressida is unimpressed? What if she says no?

  Celina’s knees wobbled as she made her way over the ceramic tiling to the statuesque blonde who waited below.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you properly, Celina.”

  Celina bobbed her head nervously at the Councilor’s words. What am I supposed to call her?

  “Councillor Cressida, it is a pleasure.” Javed took the Councilor’s hand, and Celina seethed for a moment until she saw the laughter in their eyes.

  “It’s okay, Celina. Councilor Cressida will be fine. But masters or mistresses and their partners usually just call me Cressida.” She waved her arm toward a finely carved seat and indicated they should sit.

  Celina lowered herself to a chair and waited.

  “So, Javed. Have you had time to explain about our world to Celina?”

  “There is much she doesn’t know, but I’ve explained about the hierarchy and rogues.”

  Cressida scowled for a moment before speaking again. “Well, we don’t have the luxury of time. It has to be done now. Celina, are you ready to take the oath? Knowing that there is still much to learn?”

  Her stomach tumbled and yawed but now that she understood some, she was sure the rest would come. She gave a cautious nod. “I think so.”

  Cressida stared at her. “You must be very sure, because if you aren’t then you will be bound, forever. This isn’t something to be taken lightly or without very careful consideration.”

  Celina cast a look at Javed. I will help you.


  “Then hold out your hand, Celina. Can you and will you uphold our hierarchy, our way of life and our commitment to the common goal of a peaceful existence? Will you give your future service to those who would guide and protect you? Will you give your life for your brother and sister vampires, and for the protection of the nest you are assigned to?” She chanted the words as if she had memorized them while a scent filled the air.



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