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The Illuminated Witch

Page 18

by Imogene Nix

Celina’s body jerked as an electric shock passed through her. She gasped.

  “Will you, Celina?” She stared into Cressida’s eyes, noting a swirling pattern deep within.

  “Yes. I will and I do.” The air around them skittered and her skin itched a little. “What was that?”

  Cressida winked. “I’ll let Javed explain it all later. But right now, we should get the other things done. Tomorrow is the full moon and we have nearly run out of time.” Cressida turned to Javed. “So, what do you know?”

  Javed ran a hand over his face and Celina noticed the fine shake, the lines of weariness. “Professor Anderson has been working on the information she found in the glyphs on the tomb wall.” He shook his head. “I have a copy of her email here in my pocket.

  “I need to ask about a scroll. I can’t find very much information, but I believe it tells of the way to defeat the evil God. It was given to one of the Princess’ personal vampire guards. They were charged to protect the Princess and the offspring on the God’s demand, though I have since learned that they were divided when the Princess became concerned for the safety of the child. The guards who remained were slain at the same time as the Princess. It was given to her personal guard. Kept in perpetuity by their strongest. The scroll holds the key.”

  Cressida blanched. “Oh…” She stood and turned away, wiping her hands over her black pants. “Oh dear. Well, I’d say this necessitates a visit to the vault.” She stumbled over the words and Celina wondered what could make this woman so concerned.

  “You both should stay here. It’s not something…” Cressida blinked suddenly. “Damn, I hate it when she does that.” She cleared her throat noisily. “Caridad is rather unhappy. She has told me of her plans to visit the Council and nests.”

  Javed stood and stalked toward Cressida. “You have our support.” Cressida nodded absently, placing her hand on Javed’s.

  “I know, Javed.” Her decisive nod indicated that the moment of uncertainty had passed. “Now, you must wait here. I have to go to the vault. I think I know now what you are looking for.”

  Cressida spun on her heel and Celina gazed at Javed as the sound of footsteps died away.

  * * * *

  Cressida returned an hour or so after she’d left. Her face was pale, but she waved away his query. In her hand was a large pot. The elaborate decorations in dark browns and blacks reminded him of Greek antiquities that he’d seen unearthed.


  She turned to stare at him, her blonde hair moving fitfully in the night breeze. “I need to open this.” Her fingers curved gracefully, and for a moment she allowed her nails to sharpen and lengthen to claws. With great care, she inserted first one then another into the old cork stopper and with a small tug she pulled it free.

  Celina gripped his hand as he peered within.

  What can you see?

  He nearly snickered at her demand. Just a rolled up piece of parchment.

  In the silence, Cressida gripped the old dry paper and lifted it. “This was entrusted to me centuries ago. I have always kept it in a vault, at Caridad’s request. Now…” She stopped, carefully laying it on the sheaf of acid free paper she had demanded be laid out. “I think it would be best to have Professor Anderson here, when we unroll it.”

  Javed gripped his phone, flipping to a social media site. “I believe Professor Anderson is awake now.” He handed it to Cressida who peered at the screen.

  “Ring her then.” She held herself tense and he wondered at the implications of Cressida’s actions.

  He dialed and the phone rang three times.


  He heard the bleary tones and felt a moment of guilt before brushing it aside. “Professor Anderson, it’s Javed. I was wondering if you would be willing to come and do an urgent reading on a scroll.” He gripped the handle, aware of the way the seam in the plastic device bit into his flesh.

  “Oh, Master Javed! Uh, yes, I can do that… I might take a while to get there.”

  He frowned at the scattered tones of her answer. “If possible, I would prefer it tonight.” A long silence was punctuated only by the sound of her breath on the line.

  “Of course, it’s just that—”

  “Yes?” He gripped the phone harder to his ear and ignored the glances that Celina and Cressida shot his way.

  “Can you send someone for me?”

  “Of course.” He exhaled, placed the handle in the cradle then turned. “I need to send someone for her.”

  He strode out of the room.

  Idris was there, stepping out of the shadows. “Yes?”

  “Send a car for Professor Anderson straight away. We have found what we seek.”

  He caught sight of the glint of satisfaction in Idris’ eyes before he turned on his heel and was gone.

  So close! Find the clue and unravel the mystery. His stomach churned, the movement somehow heavy in his gut. It had all seemed so easy at the investiture.

  Still very ill at ease, he headed back to the room where Cressida and Celina had taken seats and waited for him.

  “Something has changed lately. First the attack on Hope and Xavier and now this. I wish we knew what’s going on.”

  He shot Cressida a searching glance, which she returned. “I don’t know, Javed. But you’re right. There has been a change. One that I will raise with Caridad when she arrives.”

  “When is that likely to happen?” Celina slipped her fingers into his grasp. They fluttered like the heartbeat of a hummingbird.

  “Soon, Celina. I can’t tell you when, just that it will happen soon. Caridad is the most responsive Overlord vampires have ever had. While no one is quite sure how old she is, it is accepted that no one remembers a time when she wasn’t one. But that also means I can’t tell how long her soon will be, as her grasp of time is so different from ours.” Cressida leaned back into her chair and closed her eyes. For the first time, Javed got the impression of tiredness. Something he had never seen her show before.

  In silence they waited, the ticking of a clock indicating the passage of time.

  The sound of an engine filled the air and they stood as voices and footsteps heralded an arrival.

  “Master Javed, Councilor Cressida, Celina.” Professor Anderson stood before them, dark smudges under her eyes and clothing rumpled. “The umm… The scroll?”

  Cressida indicated the table and Professor Anderson drew white gloves from her pocket before she spread the parchment out.

  She glanced up, shock on her face.

  “This… This document talks about the existence of the First Ones.”

  Shock rocketed through Javed’s system. The First Ones? The ones who made the first vampires?

  “See, here is the story of the Princess.” She pointed to the glyphs. “And here is the prophecy that you spoke of, Master Javed.”

  She dragged her small tablet device from her bag then opened a screen, making notations. Some words left her humming, but she worked quickly.

  Time ebbed and flowed. They paced and watched as the professor worked in silence.

  “Right. Here it is. Thankfully it was written in a language common during their time, and preserved.” They converged on the table, all eyes on the single human in the room.

  “Witchling young, power unknown

  A bold partner to a throne

  The one of blood who embraces night

  These three alone can make it right

  Late one night as moon is bidden

  A treasure found one most forbidden

  The evil rises to banish light

  And now to them evil shows its might

  Three as one and three united

  Strength from partners uninvited

  And when the battle it is done

  A curse is lifted for all bar one.”

  “You must find the third partner. They alone can save you from whatever is coming your way.”

  “The three?” Javed spoke sharply and Professor Anderson blushed.r />
  “That is what I assume, based on what I have read, of course.”

  Javed slumped down on the seat. What more can possibly happen?

  Chapter Fourteen

  This time, when Celina woke, it was in Javed’s arms. Good evening. She wasn’t sure how long it would take to get used to talking to him this way, but waking in his arms was sheer bliss.

  She nestled for a moment, inhaling his scent, musky and tinged with frankincense. “You smell so good.”

  Javed’s laugh filled the room. Warmth stole through her. “I haven’t laughed so much in a long time.” He gazed in her direction and she reached out, tracing the hard planes of his face and his full lips.

  With careful movements, she leaned into him, capturing him with a kiss, watching his eyes. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.

  The embrace shifted subtly as he deepened it. He pushed his tongue within her mouth and she moaned deep in her throat, pressing herself closer against his body. The rock hard flesh felt warm and welcoming to her touch. She skated her fingers over the satiny skin of his shoulders as she straddled him, his waking erection hard and ready.

  Her own body was heated, damp at the core, and she opened herself to him, willing him to see everything that lay deep within her head. I love you.

  Javed’s eyes burned with hunger. She didn’t attempt to control the shiver that ran through her body. Forever, my love.

  Down her neck he grazed her with open-mouthed drugging kisses that pulled at her senses. She tangled her fingers in his hair. “Javed.” She arched up, as she gave into the sensations rippling through her body. He found her collarbone, laving it as streaks of fire rushed through her.

  When he found her breast with his mouth and his hand, the pressure building within her belly made her buck. “Oh God, don’t stop!”

  Like that, do you? I’m going to savor you. Your taste is so sweet. She felt him pierce her breast carefully before taking the merest drop of blood, but it was enough to push her through orgasm.

  His gripped her hips firmly, lifting her over his body. He settled his cock against her core as the final ripples enveloped her.


  His harsh demand stole her sanity. She scanned his features, graven and hard against the white satin sheets. “Yes.”

  This time, she lowered herself so slowly, feeling her folds part for his invasion.

  When she would have started to undulate over him, he held her still. “Wait.”

  She needed to move, but he leaned closer, rubbing against her now hard nipples and she gasped.

  “Did you know, in my culture, sex is one of the ways to achieve enlightenment?” His voice was liquid and velvety, and she swallowed involuntarily at the promise in his words.

  Let me show you.

  With slow and careful touches he shifted her so that her knees sat under his armpits. Lean back. She did and gloried in the sensation of him, deep within her body.

  She grasped his knees before she rubbed, gently back and forth, straining, her engorged breasts jutting forward and his eyes gleamed. She made to brush against him and as before, he stopped her. Not yet, my beauty. I am fascinated by every inch of your body.

  Without touching, he gazed at her. That alone ignited her senses, leaving her heated and more than ready by the time he let go of her hips.

  This time she shifted, sat up before she slid up and down over his flesh. He hissed, his body as damp as hers and the scent that rose in the air was musky and smelling of sex. It left her mouth aching and her entire body burning with need. The sounds of passion, gasps and flesh moving against flesh echoed in her mind. Teased her with the innate eroticism of the moment.

  The coiling spring deep inside her belly wound tighter.

  Just as she was about to reach the pinnacle, he stopped her again, his chest heaving and his eyes shining a deep golden color. Wait!

  “Javed, I don’t think…” The thought splintered and broke away as he carefully tugged her forward so that she lay over him. Now, when he undulated, her body danced in time with his. It was as if they were indeed one.

  “Forever you will be my love,” he chanted at her. “Bahebek aktar kol youm.”

  This time the waves washed over her and she danced, lost in pleasure. They rocked together as consciousness splintered.

  “I love you, Javed!”

  His grunt of pleasure followed and he thrust one last time, holding himself still against her body, panting filling the air as fingers gripped to the flesh of each other’s body. The violent thudding of their heartbeats slowed before finally settling into an even rhythm again.

  “You’ve changed.” His lethargic words cut through the silence.

  “What?” She cracked open an eye to stare at him. “What do you mean?”

  “When you came… There was a glow. Something has changed in your power.”

  “Really? No, I don’t think so!” She brushed away his words, resting against him as her body settled. Her eyelids drooped.

  She let sleep lull her. In fact, she was nearly asleep when Javed stiffened beside her. He radiated anger as it burned brightly inside her mind. Now that she was aware and understood how his body reacted, she opened her eyes and noted the horror dawning on his face.


  I’m so sorry, Celina. A package… Cressida just let me know. He turned away and the feeling of well-being melted away in an icy rush as fear bloomed.


  “Her hand was delivered to the house. We must go home. Now.”

  Anger swirled, deep and cold. “You are sure?”

  He nodded without a word. Tingles spread through her, waves of pure power. “Then they must pay. Nothing else is acceptable.” Her voice boomed, and Javed’s eyes opened wider. The gold deepened, but she ignored it, allowing the power to surge.

  “Then come with me. We will deal with this together.” They rose and prepared for the journey home.

  * * * *

  The trip back to their nest was rapid. Kharisma, who had come for them, climbed into the car.

  “We will find her, Javed. I already have people checking. I think they will have a second hidey hole. We stormed where they had Celina previously. There was evidence of habitation since our last visit. But they’ve left it. If it’s any consolation, I’m sure they are still nearby.”

  Javed scowled into the night. Cressida had promised them aid, but he wasn’t so sure it would be in time to save Bertha. Celina had been silent and white-faced since her outburst.

  He’d been stunned as her eyes had flashed golden, and the air in the room had arced with her power. Something she certainly hadn’t shown before. He’d wanted to question Cressida about what he’d seen, but they’d had to hurry to make it home before sunrise.

  Now as they turned into the drive, he could still feel the vibrations filling the vehicle. Kharisma kept casting glances in Celina’s direction, but he wasn’t going to say anything until he had the information to explain it.

  Until they knew what had changed exactly, he wanted to keep news of the growth of Celina’s abilities to themselves.

  “We’ve arrived, Javed.” Kharisma’s voice intruded on his thoughts and he realized he’d lost track of where they were. The car had stopped and he was still watching Celina.

  The enervating sense of imminent sunrise pulled at him and he ushered Celina from the car before the shutters of the house started rattling their way to the ground, shutting them off from the outside world.

  He could see Celina was fighting the weariness that all new vampires felt as the sun rose into the sky. “You should retire.” He touched her arm, but she glanced at him, her lips flattening into thin white ribbons.

  “No. I’ll remain with you. Do what I can.” She turned away and he knew she was wrestling with deep emotions.

  A large body of nestlings awaited him, the anger on their faces disconcerting.

  “You should all retire.”

  A female stepped forward. He racked his bra
ins trying to bring her name to mind. “Yes, Alison?”

  Her eyes glinted in the half light. “She’s one of us. They took Celina and those of us who were with you saw what they did… And now Bertha.” She paled and gulped before continuing. “We stand by our own. Tell us what you need and we’ll do it.”

  Barely a month since the investiture had passed and they had become a cohesive unit. He’d been so invested in building a nest and grappling with his personal issues he’d somehow missed it. It humbled him.

  “The best thing, then, is to get on your phones, ring anyone you can think of in the area of the original incursion. Get them out there looking. Search yourself, but only if you have the skills to stay safe. Kharisma?” He turned to her in wordless entreaty.

  He knew the instant she understood what he wanted.

  She stood beside him, taking control of the room. “Those of you with weapons skills, come see me. I will arrange teams to go together into the old district. These creatures are not to be taken on lightly. They will sacrifice anything, kill anyone, so you must be careful and stay together.”

  He scanned the room as the full suite of emotions crashed down. Concern, anger and fear all washed over him.

  “At all costs, we will not lose another. That is not acceptable.” Nestlings nodded but he continued. “We find our own and bring them home.”

  They scattered. Those who would meet with Kharisma formed a line outside her office. Others took up positions, preparing rations and getting cars ready. But even as the guards of the nest prepared to rest, for the most part, the humans took lead positions.

  “Javed?” Celina touched his arm, the brief caress noticed with many assessing gazes.

  Finally everyone melted away, leaving them alone in the corridor. He cupped her cheek tenderly. “You should rest.”

  “I can’t.” She swallowed and her eyes filled. “It’s Bertha. How can I rest when she’s still out there?”

  He could feel her swirling emotions. “I know. But you are still letting vampire DNA work its way through your system. Rest is essential.” Javed gathered her against himself, allowing her scent to calm the nerves that were stretched thin.

  “I need to do something useful.”


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