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Damaged (Damaged Series Book 1)

Page 36

by J. Benson

  He lightly rubbed my back. "Do you want help or should I just... you know... get out of the way." He asked with a grin.

  I smiled. "I don't really know what I'm looking for..."

  "Okay, how about... I'll be around and if you need me, you can ask me." He smiled.

  "Sounds perfect, thank you." I smiled.

  He gently kissed my temple and moved down the aisle a few feet. He picked up a book and read the back. I tucked my hair behind my ear, and turned my attention back to the stacks of books in front of me. It took an extra second for my eyes to adjust, but I managed to finally see the titles and author's names in front of me. I scanned the books but there was nothing that immediately jumped out at me.

  I wandered around for several moments, but couldn't find anything that interested me. It was completely out of the ordinary, but I told myself that I probably should read some of the books I already owned before buying something new.

  I found Taylor standing near the check outs holding two bags of candies.

  "Candy? Really?" I teased. "Who goes to a bookstore and buys candy?" I teased, wrapping my arms around him.

  He chuckled, pulling me close. "It's an impulse buy. Did you get a book?" He asked.

  I shook my head. "No. Nothing caught my eye."

  Taylor frowned. "That's so unlike you." He teased.

  I shrugged. "Actually, my head is kind of throbbing... do you mind if we... Cut tonight kind of short?" I asked.

  His frown deepened. "Yeah, of course. That's no problem... are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. It's just a headache." I shrugged. "I think I'll take your advice and get some rest..."

  "Alright," His arm tightened around me in a brief embrace before he put his book and bags of candy on a nearby shelf.

  "You aren't getting that?" I asked.

  He shook his head. "No, no. I can get it another time." He replied. "Let's get you home, okay?"

  I nodded.

  He kept one arm around me and led me toward his car. He opened the door for me and I slipped into the passenger's seat. Taylor jogged around the front of the car and climbed into the driver's seat. He turned the car on and backed from the parking space.

  I leaned my head back against the headrest and sighed heavily. "Can you do me a favor?" I asked.

  "Sure, anything." He offered.

  "Can we not tell grandma about this? She'll just worry and she really doesn't need to worry about me." I explained.

  "Of course." Taylor answered. "Our little secret." I knew by the tone of his voice that he was already worried about me and he didn't like the idea of lying to my grandmother. I could read it all in his face.

  I shut my eyes, hoping the extra darkness would make my head stop hurting, but it didn't seem to help.

  "Are you going to be okay?" Taylor asked worriedly.

  I opened my eyes slowly. "I'll be fine. I promise." I responded. I reached across the front seat and lightly laid my hand on his shoulder. He removed his right hand from the steering wheel and took my hand, squeezing tightly.

  Taylor pulled into my grandmother's driveway, and turned off his car. He removed his seatbelt in lightning speed and was opening the passenger's side door before I could even get my belt undone.

  He easily helped me from the car, and shut the door behind me.

  We walked toward the house, and once we reached the top step, I stopped and turned to him. I sighed heavily.

  "Will you call if you need anything?" He offered, taking my hands in his.

  I smiled. "It's just a headache. I'll be fine." I insisted, smiling lightly.

  He sighed heavily. "Fine, but I'm still walking you in." He reached for the doorknob, opening the door as if he owned the house himself.

  I sighed. "Are you going to tuck me into bed as well?" I teased.

  "Is that an option?" He asked with a grin.

  I shook my head, trying to hide my smile. I slipped into the house, kicking off my shoes. I dropped my purse onto the stairs with a heavy sigh.

  "Emma? Is that you?" Grandma called. She emerged from the bathroom with a robe knotted around her waist. There was a book tucked under her arm. She peered down at us over the second floor railing.

  "Hi grandma, it's just us." I smiled.

  "You're home early." She said, stifling a yawn. "I fell asleep in the bath tub." She admitted.

  I smiled. "Are you going to bed?"

  She nodded. "I have an early day tomorrow..."

  "Us too." I answered. "I'm kind of tired; I think I'm still suffering from jet lag." I mused, glancing toward Taylor.

  He waved toward my grandmother. "I'm just dropping in to say goodnight." He flashed an award winning smile.

  Grandma smiled. "Okay, well, goodnight you two." She turned and disappeared into her bedroom.

  I lightly touched my forehead, shutting my eyes.

  "You should get some rest." He offered. "Take an aspirin and sleep it off."

  I nodded. "That sounds perfect."

  He wrapped his arms around me. "So do you still plan on taking me up on my offer to tuck you in?" He asked with a grin.

  I shook my head. "Maybe some other time." I stood on my toes and lightly kissed his cheek. "Thank you for all you've done for me today." I smiled.

  "No problem. I'm just doing what any other totally awesome boyfriend would do." He smirked. "But I'm going to get out of here, and let you get some rest, okay?"

  I nodded.

  He hugged me tightly for a moment before releasing me. He kissed me quickly, and for a moment I forgot entirely that my head was hurting. I wanted him to stay and hold me forever.

  Before I could make sense of what was happening, Taylor had opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?"

  I nodded. "Tomorrow."

  He lightly kissed me again, and shut the door behind him as he left.

  Chapter 51:

  Almost Back to Normal

  I met Taylor at our usual spot in the school parking lot on Tuesday morning. Even though I had just seen him the night before, I had missed him. He had become a constant soothing presence in my life, and I was eternally grateful.

  As soon as he saw me, he grinned broadly and rushed toward me. He swept me into his arms bent to kiss me in much the same way he did every morning.

  I immediately held up my hands, stopping his lips from coming anywhere near mine. "Don't kiss me. I'm sick!" I proclaimed.

  Taylor watched me in confusion. His frown appeared almost like a disappointed pout. "You're sick? You just had a headache yesterday."

  "I know. I think I'm coming down with a cold or something... I don't know. I'm really tired today. I feel... drained." I sighed.

  "Maybe it's jet lag." He shrugged. "We did fly halfway across the country and back in three days... I'm going to kiss you anyway, you know that, right?" He smirked.

  I laughed. "I think I'm actually okay with that." I slid my arms around his neck. I would have wound my fingers in his perfect long blond hair, but my bulky mittens were in the way.

  "Cute mittens." He teased. "Very sexy."

  "Glad you think so. My grandmother made them. She made you a pair too. They're in my bag." I beamed.

  "Pink ones like yours? That's perfect. Pink is totally my color." He laughed and bent to press his lips to mine.

  I smiled up at him as he moved away, suddenly wishing we didn't have to go to class and that we could stay in the parking lot and kiss all day long.

  I remembered the mittens in my messenger and pulled them out. "See? Grey. Grandma thinks they'll go better with your jacket." I touched the lapel of his crisp black pea coat. "I tried to convince her to put a string on them, like a kid. You know, so you wouldn't lose them."

  Taylor chuckled and bent to kiss me again.

  He smirked and promptly pulled the mittens onto his hands, even though we were going inside anyway. "Perfect fit and they're warm too. I'll need to thank her for these."

  "She's also invited you to dinner tonight." I pressed. "If you'
re okay with that."

  "I am always okay with that." He laughed. "Your grandmother is an amazing cook."

  I smiled.

  "Come on; let's get you inside... its cold out." He moved his arm around me, ushering me toward the front doors of the school. He briskly rubbed my arm through the sleeve of my coat. I immediately felt blissfully warmer just being near him.

  "I'm not going to get hypothermia, or anything." I teased. "You worry about me too much."

  He laughed, but tightened his arm around me anyway. "Let's just go to class."

  I nodded and followed him toward the door. Halfway across the parking lot, I stumbled a little, and slipped on a patch of slush.

  "Whoops. Careful." Taylor teased, righting me almost immediately.

  "Sorry... I don't know why I'm so clumsy lately." I sighed. "I guess I'm just not used to this much snow and ice."

  "Well, then I guess it's a good thing you've got someone big and handsome like me to cushion your fall." He smirked.

  I playfully shoved him, and took his hand as we walked into the school.

  Less people stopped to gawk at us, and we barely raised anyone's attention as we walked hand in hand through the school. I was beginning to feel a little bit more at ease with him. And it was getting easier to block out the baffled stares of our schoolmates.

  We were starting to fade into the background again; and I liked it.

  I glanced up at him and smiled softly.

  I had never imagined ever being so happy, and I was truly happy for the first time in ages. I was completely content just to be in the same room as him.

  Together, we stopped at my locker and I slipped out of my coat and hung it up. I placed my scarf and mittens on the top shelf, and glanced up at Taylor who was unbuttoning his own coat due to the warmth in the school. He had removed his own mittens finally and shoved them into the pockets of his coat.

  I smiled at him, and threw my arms around his neck, catching him off guard. I hugged him as tightly as I could.

  "Whoa!" He chuckled, his arms moving around me loosely.

  "Taylor..." I whispered at his shoulder. "Can I tell you something?"

  "You can tell me anything." He ducked his head and murmured into my ear.

  "You make me happy... I wanted you to know that. You make me very, very happy."

  I knew he was grinning at that comment. "You make me happy too." He replied. "I love you."

  "I love you, back." I said, unable to hide a massive smile.

  He chuckled. "As much as I love this moment, we're going to be late for class if we keep this up... I mean, I'm totally and completely fine with skipping class..."

  "Right." I said quickly and slipped out of his arms. I repositioned the bottom hem of my t-shirt over my jeans. I grabbed the books I would need for my first class and shoved my locket closed. "Ready."

  "Good." He smiled. "Let me take those."

  I had given up arguing with him. I felt capable of carrying my own books, but he insisted on carrying them for me. It was easier to just give in than to argue with him.

  "Did you finish the book for class?" I inquired innocently, slipping my hand into his free one.

  "Which book was that?"

  I laughed. "Dracula, remember?"

  "Uhh... I've read about three quarters of it... and I've seen the movie." He shrugged.

  "Taylor," I scolded. "Your mother would kill you if she found out that you flew off to New York with me and didn't finish your homework."

  Taylor laughed. "Will you catch me up to speed?"

  "Of course. Tonight?"

  He nodded, and stopped at his locker to open the door. He placed my books on the shelf and removed his coat.

  I watched him in silence for a moment, and then spoke up again. "Did you talk to your brother?"

  "Umm... which one? In a family as big as mine, you have to be a bit more specific." He smirked.

  I smiled. "Ethan."

  "Oh, right. I told him that nothing happened this weekend... He insisted that that would be exactly what I would be saying if something did happen this weekend. It's kind of a 'damned if you do and damned if you don't' type situation." He sighed. "I'm afraid it's a lost cause."

  "That's okay. I don't mind if he thinks something happened between us." I shrugged.

  "Really? You're not offended or anything?"

  I shook my head. "So long as he doesn't tell anyone I'm a huge slut or anything..."

  "I'll swear him to secrecy. He won't tell a soul."

  I playfully shoved him, shaking my head.

  He laughed.

  We were interrupted by the bell ringing signaling that we had five minutes to make it to our first class.

  "Come on. We're going to be late." He chuckled, closing his locker and reaching for my hand.

  We walked together to class, and I took my usual seat. Taylor sat across the aisle from me, which by now didn't turn any heads. Even the teacher had looked at him with confusion for the first week he sat with me, but now the entire class was accustomed to the change.

  I watched as Taylor picked up his tattered copy of "Dracula" and flipped through it. He opened the book to the last page and began reading.

  I leaned across the aisle. "That's cheating." I whispered with a smile.

  Taylor grinned at me. "I've already seen the movie. I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen already." He grinned broadly.

  By the time lunch rolled around, I was feeling even worse. I wasn't sure if it was residual jet-lag or if I was coming down with something. I walked out of gym class and Taylor was waiting to pounce. As hard as I tried to be mysterious and aloof, he always read me like a book.

  "Emma, what's wrong?" He demanded, pulling me aside.

  "Nothing." I replied immediately. "Why?"

  "This morning in English, Mrs. North asked you a question and you didn't know the answer..."

  I sighed. "No need to rub it in, Taylor." I grumbled.

  "Emma, you're exceptionally good at English. You've never once missed a question. Your average is like a ninety-nine percent... what's going on?"

  I chewed my lower lip.

  "What is it? What aren't you telling me?" He demanded quietly.

  "I'm tired..." I murmured, rubbing my aching head.

  "You went to bed at like eight last night." He said in confusion.

  I nodded, and pressed my head against my forehead. "I'm finding it a little hard to concentrate... and I'm kind of dizzy."

  He nodded, seemingly considering something.

  "What?" I asked, waiting for him to reach a conclusion.

  "I'm taking you home." He said sternly.

  "What? Why?" I demanded.

  "Emma, what are your next classes?"

  "Umm... math and science..." I sighed. Neither of those classes were easy, and I would need to be operating at full capacity in order to pay attention. "You're right. I should go home."

  "Come on." He took my hand and pulled me quickly through the crowded halls.

  "Taylor!" I cried, planting my feet.

  He stopped and turned.

  "Can you just slow down?" I begged.

  "Sorry." He breathed. "I'm worried about you. It's not like you to be so tired... I want to take you to the nurse."

  My eyes widened. "I am not going to the nurse!" I cried.

  "You're sick, Emma... I just want to make sure you're alright. I'm worried." He admitted.

  "I won't go." I pulled my hand from his and folded my arms over my chest. "You can take me home, or you can let me go back to class."

  He appeared shocked. "Emma!"

  I shook my head, standing my ground firmly. "Those are your options. Take it or leave it."

  He sighed. "I don't like it."

  "You aren't supposed to." I returned, lifting my chin in defiance.

  "You can be so damn stubborn..." He began, but he quickly censored himself. His jaw tensed irritably. "Fine. Looks like I don't have a choice, do I?"

  Before I could r
espond, he tucked me beneath his arm and led me down the hall with just as much speed as before. With my arms still tightly around myself, I followed, having to practically jog to keep up.

  He almost ordered me to sit down on the wooden bench inside the office. I obeyed quickly; I was dizzy and I assumed I had pressed my luck too much as it was. I dropped my head into my hands, and narrowed my eyes to block out the offending light.

  Taylor spoke to the secretary for several moments before he scribbled his name onto a piece of paper and handed it back to her.

  He turned to me. "Let’s go."I stood and wavered slightly. He was already holding the door open for me. I moved quickly to slip through the door and out into the hall. His arm moved around my shoulder, ushering me to the parking lot.

  "But my coat-" I protested.

  "I'll pick it up later."

  "But it's cold." I sighed, protesting futilely.

  I tried to pull toward my car, but his arm locked around me. "No, I'm driving."

  "But my car-" I protested.

  "I'm driving. You can't drive if you're not feeling well."

  I nodded.

  He held open the passenger side door for me, and I slipped inside, struggling with my seatbelt. Taylor climbed into the driver's seat, and reached over to fix my seatbelt. I folded my hands on my lap.

  "Are you mad at me?" I asked meekly.

  "No." He spoke with his jaw still tight. "I'm not mad at you. I'm worried about you."

  I turned my attention back out the window, confused by his reaction. My head was pounding hard in my ears, and the world outside the car window was spinning.

  The way he took the corner, and peeled out of the parking lot at the school was enough to scare me into silence. I hung onto the handle on the door tightly. He drove far too quickly toward my grandmother's house, and most of the trip was in complete silence.

  He screeched his car to a halt in the driveway. I reached around me to remove the seatbelt, but before I could manage to open the door, it was jerked open.

  "Come on, in the house before you freeze." He instructed, holding out a hand to me.

  I climbed out of the car, refusing the hand he offered me. I removed my keys from the front pocket of my jeans, sifting through them to find the door key. I stumbled slightly on the stairs, but Taylor seemed to miss it.


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