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Snake's Addiction

Page 3

by Sam Crescent


  “The food. This burger was cooked in the eighteen hundreds. It had to be, it was that fucking disgusting.”

  Against her better judgment she started to laugh. Once she started she couldn’t stop. It had been so long since she’d found anything funny.

  “You’ll owe me another date. You liked our other date.”

  The laughter stopped instantly.

  “I don’t know about that, Snake.”

  “You’ve got a problem being with me?”

  Licking her lips, she pushed the pasta away from the sauce. “I’ve not got a problem with you.”

  “Then what have you got a problem with?” he asked. “Lydia?”

  “She’s my friend.”

  “Your friend is a little freak. She kept trying to slap me and make me her bitch. I wouldn’t fuck her again even if my life depended on it.”

  Jessica didn’t want to think about her friend and her sudden interest in BDSM. She knew Lydia was reading books and watching videos online, but to actually slap someone? Lydia didn’t strike her as a slapper, but then, she didn’t want to know anything about her friend’s sex life. She should have known though. Who dates a guy who goes by the name Master?

  “I, erm, I don’t know what to say about that.”

  “How are you and Lydia friends? She’s a freak and works—I don’t know where she works?”

  Chuckling, she stared at Snake. Last night she’d come screaming his name, and now she was eating her lunch with him.

  “I don’t know what you want from me?”

  “I want you to give me a chance.”

  “You fuck women and forget about them.” Jessica pushed her lasagna aside, no longer wanting the food. Instead, she decided to eat the cheesecake.

  “Do you believe in love and soul-mates?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Do you believe in fun?”

  “Snake, I appreciate you having dinner with me. I do, but this isn’t going to go anywhere.”

  “What is Lydia up to now? Is she still pining after me?”

  At Christmas all Lydia had talked about was Snake. Now, she had a new man in her life. Jessica didn’t know his name, but she always called him Master. It was a strange thing, but Jessica wasn’t interested in coming between her friend and happiness.

  “I don’t think she’s pining after you. She’s moved on. I think.” It had been a week since she last heard from Lydia. Jessica was an awful friend. When she finished lunch she’d call Lydia.

  “Then give me a chance.”

  “Can we change the subject?” She didn’t want to give into him. Yes, she believed in fun, but with Snake? She didn’t want to get involved with him.

  “I will get past that little wall you’ve built up, Jessica.”

  She didn’t say anything. They ate their lunch talking about Judi and what could happen. When it was over, Jessica was sad to see Snake leave.

  Leaving the hospital, she dialed Lydia’s number. It went straight to the answering machine.

  “Hey, Lydia. I miss you. Please give me a call when you get this.” Hanging up the phone, Jessica blew out a breath. This was turning out to be a long day.


  “Wait, what do you mean?” Devil asked.

  “We need to prepare her for an immediate C-section. The baby, it’s in distress, and Judi’s deteriorating. If we leave it too long I fear she will end up in a coma,” Milford said.

  Glancing through the window into the hospital room, Devil saw Judi’s pale face. She was resting against the pillows, but she was too weak to even hold the oxygen mask to her mouth.

  “It’s ten weeks too soon,” Ripper said. “The baby could die?”

  “We have a brilliant neonatal unit here. I promise you. Your child would be taken care of.”

  Devil looked toward Ripper. He saw the pain, the confusion, the fear all play across the man’s face. This was not a decision he had to make.

  “Is there a chance she’ll just get better?” Ripper asked.

  “There’s a chance. It’s very slim, and in her condition, it’s unlikely. I can leave it another couple of hours—”

  “What could happen in those couple of hours?” Devil said.

  “Like I said, she could get worse.”

  They didn’t have time for her to get worse. It was a fifty-fifty chance. Closing his eyes, he rubbed them, feeling years older than he actually was.

  “I’ll give you a moment to make a decision.”

  “Devil, I can’t do this.”

  “She’s your woman. Your life is lying in that bed. You’ve got a choice here, do the C-section or don’t.” Devil swallowed past the lump forming in his throat. “Neither of those choices gives you a great outcome. You could lose Judi or your kid, or both.”

  Ripper turned away, slamming his fist against the wall. “I can’t do it. I can’t lose them both, Devil.”

  “Then make a choice. This is your choice.”

  Devil knew what he’d do. He’d never risk his woman. Lexie knew, and hated him for it, that if it ever came down to a choice, save his baby or save his woman, he’d save her. They’d argued about it enough times.

  “I can’t lose her. I don’t care about the kid if I don’t have her.”

  “Then make the call.” Devil contained his relief as he watched Ripper call the doctor back.

  “Do the C-section. You save my woman, do you hear me?”

  “We’re going to have to do this now. Bernie, take this man and prepare him to be seated with his wife.”

  Devil pulled Lexie away from the crew as they worked on Judi. Their girl was fading, growing weaker because of the baby inside her.

  “I get what you mean,” Lexie said.

  “What, baby?”

  “I know I’m not much older than Judi, but she’s ours. I wouldn’t let Ripper kill her for the baby. I couldn’t do it.”

  “Then you better stop arguing,” he said. Kissing her head, he watched the nurses start to prepare Judi. He couldn’t lose her now. She deserved to live a full life, one with kids.

  Chapter Three

  The whole of the hospital was tense as Devil had given them all the news. Judi was going in for a C-section. Snake’s hands were shaking as he started to pace the hospital. It was past seven, and they hadn’t heard any news.

  “What happens to the baby?” Mia asked. “It’s ten weeks early. This is going to break Judi’s heart if anything happens to it.”

  They didn’t know the sex of the baby as they wanted it to be a surprise.

  “She’ll get through this. She’s strong.” This came from Dick, who was sitting in the corner.

  They were all tense as they waited to find out what was happening.

  When he couldn’t stand the silence, Snake left the hospital to have a smoke. The cold hit him, and once he stared up at the sky, he forgot all about the smokes.

  “Have you heard any news?” Jessica asked.

  Opening his eyes, he watched as the woman who refused to give him the time of day moved toward him. She held a large box in her arms.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. She wasn’t wearing her scrubs. Her hair was down, spilling around her in luscious waves.

  “I didn’t want you eating eighteenth century burgers. I went to the diner in town. I thought you could all eat something.” The box looked heavy. Stepping forward, he made to relieve her from the box, but Jessica held it tightly. “Why are you here?”

  “Bernie told me what was happening. On my way out I saw you all waiting.” She wouldn’t look at him. “Let me help you, Snake.”

  He wanted to get more out of her but decided against it. Taking the box from her, they entered the hospital. When one of the women behind the reception desk tried to stop them from eating, the brothers silenced her with a look.

  Snake watched as Jessica handed out burgers and coffee. Everything was wrapped up, and there was still heat coming from it. Once they handed everything out, she took
a seat beside him. He took a bite, moaning at the succulent meat.

  “You still owe me a date.”

  “Okay,” she said, no longer arguing.

  “You’re confusing.”

  “Don’t talk about it. I’m confusing myself right now. I promised myself that I’d stay away.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Everyone needs to have a friend at a time like this.”

  “I’m surrounded by friends. I don’t need you.”

  “Why are you always following me if you don’t need me?” she asked, firing a question back at him. “We all need someone, Snake.”

  “You’ve made it clear that you don’t need me.”

  The rest of the hospital fell away as he stared at her. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her raven hair fell down to her waist, and he could imagine wrapping the length around his fist as he fucked her hard. He would bet every cent to his name that she had a nice tight pussy, soaking wet as well. Her blue eyes held him captive. What he loved the most was when she licked at her bottom lip, driving him crazy.

  “I want to be here.”

  She took hold of his hand, locking their fingers together. He didn’t like the thrill that he got from her touch. No woman had him torn up like this. He was a Snake. He struck his prey when they least expected it.

  He didn’t pull away. Tightening his hold on her hand, they sat together and waited.

  “You’ll hear something soon,” she said.

  Twenty minutes passed before Devil came out. “She’s alive,” he said. “She’s stable, and her blood pressure is coming down.”

  The whole club breathed a sigh of relief.

  “What did she have?” Mia asked. “The baby?”

  “He’s in neonatal at the moment. Ripper said he came out screaming, but he’s overworked himself. They’ve got him on oxygen, and they’ve hooked him up.”

  Snake didn’t know what to say.

  “You can all come and visit her, two at a time,” Devil said.

  “Wow, someone must have scared the doctor.”

  “Why?” Snake asked.

  “Only close family is allowed to visit at a time like this.”

  “Look around you, Jessica. We’re her closest family. No one is going to get rid of us.”

  “I can see that.” She smiled.

  “Snake, are you coming?” Devil asked.

  “Go,” Jessica said. “I’ll be here when you get down. I won’t run away.”

  Nodding, he released her hand, missing her touch the moment he did. He walked up with Dick. Curse and Mia were before him.

  “Has Ripper gone to see the baby?” Snake asked.

  “No. He doesn’t want to see him, not yet.”

  “This is going to be a long road for the little guy,” Mia said.

  “We’re all here for them. This was a damned scare.”

  Sitting outside with Dick, they waited for Curse and Mia to go through.

  “Fuck me, that had to be the hardest couple of days,” Dick said.

  “It could still get worse.” Snake leaned on his knees waiting for his turn to go and see Judi.

  “Yeah, it could.”

  Neither of them spoke as nurses and doctors walked past. He listened to the quiet commotion of what was happening around him. Snake didn’t like it; in fact he hated it.

  Curse and Mia left, and Snake got to his feet going inside the room. Lexie was sitting on one side while Ripper sat on her other side as close as he could get to his wife.

  “Hey,” Judi said, smiling.

  She looked weak, tired.

  “Hey,” Snake and Dick said at the same time.

  “I’m so sorry for scaring you.”

  “What’s going on now?” Snake asked, gripping the bars at the end of the bed.

  “I’m waiting for the epidural to wear off. I can’t feel my feet or legs. I’m numb from the waist down. I’m going to have a horrible scar.” She stuck her bottom lip out. “I’m trying to convince Ripper to go and see our son.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without seeing you.”

  “Would you like me to go and see him?” Snake asked. “I could take Jessica. She could give me a rundown of all that shit. Take a photo if I’m allowed.”

  “Would you do that?” Judi asked, smiling. “I would really like to see him again.”

  “I’ll go and do it now.”

  “Thank you.”

  Leaving the room, Snake went to grab Jessica. She was reading a book when he entered the waiting room.

  “Are you done?”

  “No, I need you to take me to the neonatal unit. Judi wants a picture of her kid.”

  “Snake, I don’t think they allow—”

  “I’ve gotten their permission. Judi needs to see her son. Please.” He wasn’t beyond begging for Judi.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll help.” She got to her feet, taking his hand. They walked toward the doors. He moved behind her, following her. Ripper was exiting the room as they walked in.

  “I thought you weren’t going to see him,” Snake said. The sound of screaming babies hit him hard.

  “I can’t see him, but I had to sign your names down. I’m going back to my woman.” Ripper was gone before he could say anything more.

  “It must be hard for him.”

  “I don’t think it is. He’s feeling guilty.”

  “How do you know?” Jessica asked.

  “I know Ripper, and I know what he’s feeling. At the moment he’s angry at the baby for putting his woman at risk.”

  “But that’s stupid,” Jessica said.

  “Is it? Judi’s the love of Ripper’s life. He risked everything for her, and now he almost lost her. Ripper can’t go and see his kid until the anger goes.” Snake signed himself into the room, nodding at the woman. The nurse showed them toward Ripper’s kid. He was in an incubator, hooked up to a machine.

  The sight made any anger Snake had disappear. This little guy was going to be loved by the whole club.

  “How can anyone be angry at him?” Jessica asked.

  “It’s not directed at him,” Snake said, trying to amend his earlier comment. “It’s what he could have done.” Pressing his fingers to the glass, he let out a breath. “He’s so small.”

  “He’s ten weeks early. It’s going to be hard couple of weeks, if not months.”

  “Damn, I didn’t think he’d be that small.”

  “What did you think? He’d be a grown assed man so you could beat him up for hurting Judi?”

  “No, I didn’t.” He turned to look at Jessica. Tears were shining in her eyes. “What is it?”

  “Nothing. I just, I hate seeing babies like this.”

  Snake didn’t like the way he felt from witnessing her upset. Women crying usually pissed him off, and he wanted out of their lives. This wasn’t the case with Jessica. Gripping the back of her neck, he pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “It’s okay.”

  “He’s so little.”

  “Yeah, he is. He’ll be big soon. Can I take a photo of him?” Snake asked. He didn’t want to let go of her.

  “Providing you don’t get anyone else or other babies, you should be fine.”

  He pulled out his cell phone. Accessing the camera, he took several shots. His heart broke for the little baby hooked up to machines. When he was done, he took her hand, leading her away.

  “Come with me. I just want to show Judi these shots.”

  They made their way out of the neonatal unit. “Do you think I should go up there?”

  “Yes. You’re coming with me.”

  He didn’t let her go as they made their way up to her room. Spider and Dime were inside the room this time.

  “I’ve got the pictures.” He released Jessica long enough to hand Judi his phone.


  “He’s so beautiful,” Judi said, smiling down at the phone. Jessica watched the young mother, wishing with all of her heart nothing went wrong. This was t
he one day where she left work early and now she was back because she couldn’t stay away. Lydia wasn’t answering her phone, and when she wasn’t answering her phone, Jessica didn’t know why she should steer clear of Snake.

  “Take the phone,” Snake said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, you look at that little guy.”

  “Ripper, you’ve got to go and see him.”

  Jessica couldn’t stay to watch anymore. It broke her heart. This was why she stayed with her emergency room, handling cases that were fleeting, not cases like Judi.

  “Jessica, wait up!”

  She kept walking, needing to get out in the fresh air. The brothers didn’t look up as she made to pass them. Only Snake calling her name followed her. She grabbed keys out of her back pocket determined to get out of the hospital. There was no way she was going to fall for his tricks. She was done with this shit. She didn’t want to fall for a biker, a man whore biker.

  “Will you fucking stop?” He grabbed her arm, pressing her against her car.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Stopping you from getting yourself killed. You’re not in the right frame of mood to drive.” He took the keys from her fingers. “I’ll drive you home.”

  “I can drive myself.”

  “I’m not going to let you.”

  He opened the door, helping her inside. Jessica no longer saw the point in fighting. He was only going to get what he wanted anyway.

  Gritting her teeth, she watched as he readjusted her chair so that he was comfortable behind her wheel. She didn’t like it, and she didn’t like him.

  You want him.

  He was the first man in a long time that she actually wanted to fuck. The only reason she’d not been with someone in the last year was because she didn’t want to.

  “I know where you live.”

  “I remember.” Resting her head on her hand, she stared out of the window. It was already dark, and she just wanted to head home. This was a half day for her, getting home before the next day.

  She remembered his kiss so bad that it scared her. No one should ever have power over someone else with a single kiss.

  “Are you going to explain what that was all about?”

  “Nope. I don’t like seeing kids like that or anything like that.” She licked her lips.


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