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Snake's Addiction

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Have you ever had kids?”

  “No. Never had kids or been married. I’m not the kind of person to settle down. I did have a steady thing going once with one man, and then I decided against it.”

  “Oh, yeah, what happened?”

  “The guy was a cheating scumbag, and after I witnessed him in action I hated him. He fucked anything that walked. Remind you of someone?”

  “I’m not offering you forever.”

  “You’re not offering me anything other than a bad friendship.”

  “Lydia has nothing to do with this. That woman is weird. You don’t need to hang out with her.”

  “What? Hang out with you instead? Maybe the women of the club?” Jessica snorted. “I don’t think so. I’ve no intention of being anything to you, Snake.”

  He pulled up outside of her house. Climbing out, she clicked the button on her garage, following him inside. He parked her car up alongside her bike. She loved her precious bike. It was the one thing she did love in this world.

  “Thank you for driving me home.”

  “I could use a coffee. It’s cold outside. I’m thirsty, and I’ve got to get back to the hospital.”

  “Fine, come on.” She opened the door leading up to her house. Flicking the light off, she made sure the doors were all locked before heading toward her kitchen. Ignoring his presence was her safest option right now. She didn’t trust herself to be with him or to be anything with him.

  “Your house is nice,” he said.

  Staring at their reflections in the window, she quickly looked away. He was so tall and muscular. The sheer size of him made her place feel so small.

  “Thank you.”

  Putting the kettle on, she stared down at her hands seeing them shake. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Reaching for the cupboard, she gasped as Snake’s hand wrapped around hers, holding her still.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I know what’s wrong.”


  “Yeah. You want this, and that scares you. You’re held by some sort of moral high code, and the truth is, you want me.”

  “My God, the ego.” She turned around with him still holding her and wished she hadn’t. He was close, so close that she wasn’t able to look away from him. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re afraid that this will be more than fucking.”

  “I’m not going to fuck you.”


  “No.” She was fighting her own needs. Her pussy was slick, dripping, and all he was doing was touching her. When she thought the worst about him, it was easier, so damned easy. Seeing him vulnerable with the club made it hard for her. Snake felt a hell of a lot more than he let people believed. She’d seen that little baby, and she saw the love in Snake’s eyes. It had her yearning for someone to look at her with such love and devotion. She’d given all of this up to become a nurse.

  Jessica hated distractions, and men were only distractions to her.

  “Baby, you’re lying to yourself. Do you think Lydia would hold back right now? Do you think if it came down to a man you wanted, she’d hold back?”

  She didn’t like where this was going. “This is none of your business.”

  “No? I bet she’d be riding any cock she damn well liked. This friendship you’ve got yourself believing means something, is bullshit. You’re the only one that feels it.”

  All along she’d known the truth, but she didn’t want to believe it. “You’ve got to go.”

  The walls she’d built up were crumbling. She wanted Snake, not forever just for a moment. He pressed her hand against the cupboard, locking his fingers around her wrist. Stroking down her cheek, Jessica didn’t fight him as he caressed across her chest. “Tell me to stop because you want me to stop. Don’t push me away because of some stupid girl agreement between friends or because of what I was like before you. Take a chance.”

  Lydia would fuck anyone she wanted. There wouldn’t be a single concern to what Jessica wanted. Snake was right. The only person Lydia ever really cared about was herself. Jessica hated admitting the truth, but it was in fact the truth. Between her loyalty for Lydia and her reservations about Snake, she didn’t know what else held her back. She wasn’t looking for commitment, so why should his past bother her?

  He’d gotten under her skin, and she couldn’t move on until she had him. Her other hand was free. Reaching out, she stroked over his rock hard cock. Staring into his eyes, Jessica broke down the rest of her walls.

  “What’s it going to be, Jessica?”

  “I’ve got my hand on your cock. What do you think it’s going to be?”

  “I’m not interested in a woman who’ll scream rape afterwards.” His voice got a little thicker as he spoke. Shoving her hand inside his jeans, she cupped him. There wasn’t anything small about him. When he finally fucked her, ramming his cock inside her, it would hurt. He was large, larger than any man she’d been with.

  “I don’t cry rape. I’m not that kind of woman. I want this. You want this, and I’m tired of fighting it. You’re right, Lydia would fuck you if I’d wanted you or not.” She’d done it many times before in the past. Jessica never held it against her, but then, she rarely held anything against anyone. Snake was different. He was the first man she’d ever gotten angry over for Lydia.

  For several seconds neither of them spoke or did anything. Snake stared at her, and she stared right back. He was used to getting what he wanted, and he wanted this. She wanted this as well. There was no way she could go another night of screaming his name in an unsatisfied climax.

  The fingers on her chest began to unbutton the shirt she wore. She still didn’t look away, stroking his cock. He pushed her shirt aside, holding her hand above her head.

  “Are you going to let me go?”

  “No, I like having you pinned down. I’m going to need to look into some rope for my bed.”

  She smiled, crying out as he lowered his head to her chest. He sucked her nipple through the lace fabric of her bra. She wore a white bra with a matching pair of lace panties. Underwear was one of her greatest weaknesses.

  He moved to her other breast, sucking the tip inside.

  “Your tits are so large. They fill my hand perfectly. I want to watch them bounce in front of my face as I fuck you hard.”

  She reached around the back of his neck, gripping his hair, she tugged him down. He had to stop talking. He released her hand, wrapping both of his around her, trapping her against the counter and his hard body. His hands were everywhere, in her hair, running down her back. He didn’t hold one part of her but kept touching everywhere. She couldn’t focus, nor did she care.

  She pulled away from his cock to tug at the belt of his jeans. At the same time, he shoved her jeans down her thighs. The rough fabric scraped along her skin in the process. She didn’t care about the bite of pain. He lifted her up onto the counter as if she weighed nothing. Her legs were thrown open, and he yanked her panties off. His fingers glided through her core, and he slammed a finger inside her.

  “You’re so fucking wet, baby.”

  “Condom. You need a condom.” She panted. The smallest touch of his finger and she was ready to go up in flames. He kicked off his jeans, reaching down into the back pocket. She watched as he threw at least four onto the table, while using the fifth to slide over his dick. She didn’t want to think about why he had so many condoms.

  Watching him work the latex over his cock turned her on. He still wore a shirt, and hers was open, revealing her chest.

  “Don’t you want any foreplay, baby?” he asked.

  “No. I just want your dick inside me.”

  He aligned the tip to her entrance. She stared down seeing how big he was. In one jarring thrust, half of his dick was inside her. Jessica couldn’t help but scream out. He was huge, and there wasn’t any room for her to go.

  Snake was making her very aware of the fact she’d not had sex in a long time.


bsp; Chapter Four

  Jessica’s pussy was the tightest he’d ever had the pleasure of fucking. Snake gritted his teeth as he held still inside her. She was having trouble accommodating him. His cock wasn’t small. Reaching around, he grabbed her ass bringing her to the edge of the counter so that she was almost off it completely.

  Slowly, he slid the last couple of inches inside her.

  “Look at us, Jessica. Look at my dick.”

  She opened her eyes, which she’d closed when he started to fuck inside her. The moment she looked at them joined, her pussy squeezed him even tighter.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  He started to press in and out of her, over and over again, little tiny thrusts so he could enjoy the flutters of her cunt. She held onto the counter, rolling her hips and fucking him.

  “It’s not enough. I need you to fuck me.”

  She’d wrapped her legs around him, and now she lowered them to the floor. He pulled out of her only to be surprised as she pushed him into a chair. Snake didn’t get a chance to wait. She straddled his lap, gripping his cock as she pressed him inside her pussy. Jessica was the first woman to take the lead, to fuck him. The club whores did as he commanded. He either threw them to the bed or bent them over a surface close by, taking them from behind.

  With club whores he didn’t have to try. They were there for the club cock, nothing else.

  Jessica cried out as she took the whole of his cock when she slammed onto him. Gripping her ass, he cursed. “You take it fucking easy.” He didn’t want to hurt her, and this was another surprise for him. There were plenty of women out there that he’d never given a fuck about what they did to themselves. Outside of the hospital watching her walk over the frozen ground without a care for her own safety had pissed him off. He didn’t like the way he was behaving over her. There was something possessive in his need to be with her. She was plaguing his every thought.

  “What’s the matter, Snake? Never had a woman fuck you before?” She tugged on the hairs at the back of his neck, bouncing on his cock.

  Thrusting up inside her, he held tightly to her ass. There would be bruising from the strength of his grip on her ass. “You want my cock? Take it all.” He brought her down as he fucked up inside her. He gave it all to her, his strength, the length of his cock. She didn’t back down, crying out, and digging her fingers into his shoulders.

  “Please, I want to come.”

  He tugged her off his cock, placing her onto the round table. It wasn’t overly large but enough. Turning in his chair, he sucked her clit into his mouth. She screamed out his name. Slamming two fingers inside her tight pussy, he turned them to stroke over her G-spot. She started to thrust up to his mouth. Pressing a hand to her stomach, he kept her on the table, making sure she didn’t move. Flicking her clit, he slid down to replace his fingers with his tongue.

  “Fuck, yes, fuck,” she said, panting.

  She was soaking wet, and her cum was the sweetest he’d ever tasted.

  “Come for me, Jess.” He stroked his thumb over her clit, fucking into her pussy. Within seconds she came apart screaming his name. He’d never forget the sound of his name on her lips.

  Before she finished climaxing, he spun her around so she was bent over the table with her ass in the air. Running his hands over her rounded cheeks, he spread them open to get a look at her ass and pussy.

  Without waiting, he fed his condom covered cock into her dripping pussy. Wrapping her raven hair around his fist, he tugged the length back so that she was drawn off the table. Slamming every inch of his dick into her, he held her there.

  “I’m going to fuck you, baby. I want you to scream my name.”

  He wished there was a mirror so that he could see how fucking sexy she looked under his control. Slapping her ass, he drove into her hard. Landing blows to her ass cheeks with his hands, he fucked her hard, giving her every inch of his cock. He couldn’t stop himself the moment he started.

  She begged him for more, and he gave it to her. From the first moment they met at the hospital, through their date, and to now, this had been building. Neither of them could deny the attraction they both clearly had for each other. He didn’t want to deny it. Snake needed to fuck her out of his head. He couldn’t think about what it meant or what he wanted. This was sex. No woman would ever get anything out of him but sex.

  The table started to move with the force of his thrusts. He wasn’t going to last. Cursing, he slammed inside her twice more, filling the condom with his cum. It was the most explosive orgasm of his life. He felt utterly drained.

  Taking deep breaths, he slowly released her hair, lowering her to the table. His cock was still twitching inside her pussy. The sounds surrounding them were those of their heavy breathing. Pulling out of her tight pussy, he hated it.

  Jessica didn’t stay there. She got to her feet, bending down to grab her jeans. He saw she was shaking.

  What the hell had just happened?

  “You can see yourself out?”

  “Jess,” he said, staring to speak her name. He didn’t have a clue what to say.

  “Lock up.”

  She didn’t look back toward him. The kettle had long since boiled. He didn’t want to leave this like this.

  Watching her leave when she wasn’t even looking at him, pissed him the fuck off. Why wasn’t she looking at him?

  Picking up his jeans, he pulled them up his body. The condom was still on his dick. Pulling it off, he tied it up, throwing it in the trash. He washed his hands, then for some reason, he cleaned off the table. Snake didn’t do domestic shit, and yet he couldn’t leave. He didn’t have his cell phone on him as Judi had that because his phone had the pictures of her son, and he didn’t want to call one of the brothers to pick him up. If someone needed him they’d come and find him. Enough of the crew had seen him running out to Jessica. It wouldn’t take long for them to find him.

  He made them both a coffee, looking through her cupboards to find the cups, spoons, milk, sugar, and coffee. With two cups in his hand, he walked toward the front door, checking to make sure it was locked. Once he was satisfied that it was all safe, he made his way upstairs.

  Turn back.

  This is complicated shit.

  She’s not club.

  She’s a fucking nurse.

  Turn back.

  He kept walking up those stairs to find the woman who’d given him the best orgasm he’d ever experienced. Opening one of the rooms he found it was a bare room apart from a single bed with no sheets on it.

  Closing the door, he found Jessica’s bedroom. It was a lilac bedroom with a darker purple bed. He liked the room instantly, and it shouted out Jessica’s personality.

  “What the fuck am I doing?” He didn’t stop. She wasn’t in the bedroom, and he saw the only door led into a walk-in closet.

  Leaving the bedroom he found her lying in the bath tub. Bubbles were up around her neck, and she turned to look at him.

  “I thought you were leaving?”

  “I was going to leave.”

  “What changed?”

  “I’ve got nowhere else to be. You’re here, and we’re going to spend some time together.”

  “You fucked me. Shouldn’t you be leaving now? Don’t you have some kind of moral code that says you can’t fuck a girl twice?” she asked.

  He placed their cups on the counter near the sink.

  “I made you a coffee.”

  “You’re not going to answer my question?”

  “There’s no need to answer it because I’m already sitting here.” He took a seat on the toilet staring at her.

  There were no signs of tears in her eyes or cascading down her face.

  “I don’t cry,” she said.

  He’d not even realized he’d spoken out loud.

  “Why don’t you cry?”

  “I come from a family where tears are not really seen. We’re a family of fighters. My dad’s a lawyer. He’s used to winning. Tears don’t win court cases,
good lawyers do. My brother, he’s a doctor. He wouldn’t be caught crying. My mom’s a housewife, like those Stepford moms you hear about. I don’t cry.”

  Snake rubbed his hands together.

  “Why did you walk away downstairs?”

  “I’m not good with the whole morning after routine.”

  “It wasn’t the morning after,” he said, watching her.

  Jessica blew out a breath. “I don’t know how to do this. I’ve never had a boyfriend, not really. I’ve never lived with a man before.”

  “What?” He smiled. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “I’ve had plenty of sex. I’ve even had sex with same person. I’ve not wanted to have a boyfriend, and when I caught the one guy I was going steady with cheating on me, I haven’t wanted to be with someone since.” She shrugged. “I’m used to leaving afterward. I’m not used to sticking around and talking.”

  “Do you want a boyfriend?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Snake didn’t like that answer. This woman was going to reject him at every turn. She was in for one big fucking surprise. He wasn’t going anywhere.


  “Why are you still here?” she asked.

  Jessica expected him to leave. She didn’t anticipate him coming to find her. Staring over at him, she wanted to reach out and touch him, yet she couldn’t bring herself to do it. What was it about him that he was breaking through all of her walls? She wasn’t going to cry. Jessica couldn’t remember the last time she cried. It was hard for her to admit the truth about not having a boyfriend.

  “We’re not finished.”

  “I don’t want a boyfriend.”

  “I’m reading you loud and clear. You don’t want a boyfriend. I’m not going to force you to have one.”

  Wiping a hand down her face, she sat up to splash more water onto her face. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I don’t want anything from you, Jess. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Frowning, she glanced over at him. He held out a towel, which she took. She didn’t see the point in fighting him over a towel that she needed.

  Drying her face, she returned her gaze to him. Her body still remembered and liked him. He was a big man, and he’d didn’t have a clue that he was the first man to give her an orgasm with his mouth.


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