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Snake's Addiction

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Milford stood directly behind her.

  “Are we good to get coffee?” he asked.


  She ticked the necessary boxes and handed the chart back to the reception desk. The woman on the desk looked at her with pity. Without saying anything more she left the main desk and started back to the emergency room. It was a slow day with barely any visitors. Several of the Chaos Bleeds crew were still there waiting. She’d not seen Snake since he’d dropped her off. She didn’t know what to make of her current situation with Snake. One moment she hated him, then she wanted to have sex with him, then she wanted to laugh and joke with him.

  She’d never been in love with anyone, and yet, she was sure what she was starting to feel was love. Going to the coffee machine, she paid the money in, clicking for a black coffee.

  “You’re going to have a coffee out of the machine instead of sitting with me?” Milford said. He still hadn’t disappeared.

  “This machine isn’t trying to get into my pants every chance it gets.” She turned around to look at him. “Let it go. I’m with someone.”

  “The biker? You can do so much better than that.”

  “I own a bike. I like bikes, and I like men who ride bikes. Don’t start to think you know me.”

  This guy reminded her a little of her father, which was just eww. She wouldn’t screw anyone like her father. Men like him always looked down their noses at other people.

  “You ride a bike?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I ride a bike, and I fuck men who are unsuitable. You’re not even in the same league as me, Milford. Back off, as otherwise Snake’s going to have an issue.”

  “I already have an issue,” Snake said. He appeared behind Milford, grabbing the doctor around the neck, and pressing him against the wall. Jessica threw her full coffee into the trash rushing to Snake.

  “Nothing was happening, Snake. He’s not worth getting into trouble over.” She tugged on his arm, trying to make him let go. Nothing was happening. He wouldn’t budge. “Snake, please, let him go.”

  “No, I’m not going to get into trouble,” Snake said. He shoved Milford into the wall one final time.

  “You will. I’m telling the cops. This is assault.”

  “Wrong answer.” Snake gripped him tightly around the neck again, practically throwing him about like a rag doll. “Let’s get one thing straight, you piece of shit. You tell on me or you look at Jessica again, I’ll come after you. There are enough women in this hospital who’d be happy to get rid of your ass. You’re fucking scum, using your place to lure women into bed. I hear you doing it again I’ll take this further.”

  “You can’t kill me.”

  “No? Actually, I can, but you’re right. It would be much more rewarding watching you squirm on the stand. Your career and reputation in tatters.” Snake slammed his fist into Milford’s gut. “Let’s go, Jess.”

  She didn’t argue, taking his hand.

  With her changing her hours, she’d texted him to let him know she’d be finished by one o’clock as today was her day off.

  Several of the nurses were happy with her reducing her hours as it meant they could book the overtime in. If she’d known she was stopping women and men from earning more money, she’d have stopped ages ago.

  She didn’t need the money as she came from wealth. Her father, no matter how much he was pissed off with her over moving to Piston County, wouldn’t disinherit her. Her mother was proud, and Jessica learned long ago to make sure her mother was happy, and her father wouldn’t say anything against her.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Jessica said, following him out to the parking lot.

  “He was only going to get worse. Men like Milford don’t understand the word no. I fucking hate men like that.” Snake helped her into the passenger side of the car.

  “Judi and Ripper are going home today.”

  “They’re going to be at the club. We’re all having a celebration.”

  “What are you celebrating?” Jessica asked.

  “Right now we’re celebrating the fact Judi is alive and well. When the little monster comes home, we’ll celebrate him.” She watched as another car pulled into the parking lot. “Devil’s here now. Give me a moment.”

  He closed the door walking toward the other member. Devil wore a leather jacket showing the club he ruled. She’d seen him up close, and on the front there was a tag with the name “PRESIDENT”. It was all in capital letters making no mistake who he was.

  The woman, Lexie, climbed out of the car. She was swollen pregnant, but the stress of Judi hadn’t caused any problems for her. It wasn’t her first child but her fourth.

  Snake and Devil shook hands before he started making his way back to the car.

  “What was that all about?”

  “I was telling him about Milford. He’s going to look into the fucker.”

  “He’s just a sleazy doctor, Snake. I think you’re worrying about him a little unnecessarily.”

  “It’s either look into him to keep him away or I’m going to do something I regret.”

  “I can’t believe you can talk about killing him so easily.”

  He gripped the back of her neck, slamming his lips down on hers.

  “I can talk about it easily, because it’s the truth. I don’t like the thought of anyone having their hands on you.” He stroked her neck then pulled away.

  “So, this party tonight?”

  “You’re coming.”

  “Wait, what?” She wanted to stay in with a good book or at least a good movie.

  “Devil wants to meet the girl that scared Amy.”

  She frowned, turning to look at him. “No one saw that but us.”

  “Amy’s got a big mouth. She’s told all the women to steer clear of me. It looks like you got your message across.”

  She groaned, dropping her head into her hands. “This is bad.”

  “Why’s it bad?”

  “I’ve never been to a club party. I don’t even like drinking, Snake. God, they’re all going to laugh at me, and worse, they’re going to laugh at Amy.”

  “No, they’re not. We’re going to your house so that I can get you prepared tonight.”

  “This is all wrong.”

  “We’re exclusive,” he said.

  “What does that have to do with it?”

  “We date each other. You’ve scared away other women. You’re coming to this party because it’s important to me.”

  She stared across the car at him as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?” she asked.

  “We’re certainly something. Do you want to put a label on it?”

  “I don’t know what I want to do.”

  “Well, I figured we could stop off at the diner, eat some burgers, and go to your place.”

  She nodded. “It sounds good.”

  Twenty minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot around the back of the diner.

  “I’ll be happy when spring shows itself,” she said, wrapping her jacket around her. Snake pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her body. His warmth seeped through her clothes.

  “I can warm you up.”

  She melted against him, not wanting to let go. They walked into the diner, finding a seat in the back. One of the waitresses took their order within seconds of them being seated.

  “Mia, Curse’s old lady, made sure we got served.”

  “I remember hearing something about you not being all that popular here.”

  “It’s settling down a little. I think proving we’re not thugs is helping,” he said.

  “They’re keeping a close eye on that strip club you’re organizing.”

  “The strip club?”

  “Yep, I’ve heard a lot about it. The wives in town want it shut down while the husbands want it open. Will this be one of those clubs where the girls add a little extra in the back rooms?” she asked, smiling.

  “I really can’t say.” />
  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll never be visiting.”

  “Why not?”

  “Always busy. I’m not in need of seeing a woman’s tits on display, Snake. I’ve got a set of my own. I want to watch them swing, I’ll dance in front of a mirror.”

  One of his brows rose as he stared at her.

  “I may get you to show me some of those moves.”

  She chuckled. “You’re a horn dog, anyone tell you that?”

  “You know they do.”

  The smile left her face as she thought about Lydia.

  “Have you heard from her?” he asked.


  “You know who.” He gave her a pointed look.

  “No. I’ve not heard from Lydia.”

  “Do you want me to look into her?”

  Jessica shook her head. “There’s no point. Lydia will appear when she wants to. I’ve come to see over the years that I’ve been the stable one. Lydia, not so much.”

  Their burgers came, which stopped anymore talk. She didn’t want to talk about Lydia. The guilt had started to fade, and even thinking about her now, she didn’t feel guilt for being with Snake.

  She was a horrible friend.

  Chapter Eight

  “You know I was supposed to be helping you pick out an outfit, not sitting here waiting.” Snake shouted the words for Jessica to hear upstairs. They had a great time eating their burgers, laughing and joking. The moment they got indoors, Jessica disappeared upstairs to get ready. It had been thirty minutes¸ and he’d hoped to get her naked.

  The party wasn’t for another couple of hours.

  Glancing across the room, he checked out the time to see they had another couple of hours to spare. They could turn up at any time. Devil had already called him to let him know Judi and Ripper were at the club.

  The visiting times were not great for visiting their baby. The good news was the fact the baby was doing great. He should be home within a matter of weeks.

  “Okay, I want you to close your eyes and not peek.”

  “How can I peek?”

  “Just do it.”

  Closing his eyes, he called out to her that they were.

  He heard movement and was tempted to peek. Remembering the way she attacked Amy last night stopped him. He didn’t want her hurting his balls.

  “Right, you can look,” she said.

  Opening his eyes, his cock went rock hard at the sight. He’d never been so aroused so quickly. She wore a very tight red dress that molded to her curves like a second skin. Her hair was curled, and the length cascaded around her in luscious waves. The makeup she wore was minimal only highlighting the plump red of her lips and her rosy cheeks. The black mascara she wore emphasized her blue eyes. The whole package was wow.

  He was going to be the envy of every single guy at the club.

  “I don’t wear short skirts or any revealing stuff. This is all I have. I wore it for dinner with the family a year ago. I’ve not worn it since.”

  His mouth was dry as she turned. The back dipped down, showing a little flesh. There wasn’t enough to show off the bra she was wearing. Was she even wearing panties?

  “Do I look okay?” she asked. Her hands went to her hips, and then her fingers locked together in front of her.

  “You’re beautiful.” He stood up and closed the distance between them. Wrapping his hands around her body, he pulled her closer. She was so fucking sexy. Sexy and hot and he couldn’t keep his hands off her. “Damn, baby, I don’t want to take you to the party.” He slid his hand down to her ass. There wasn’t even a sign of a thong. He pushed his hand up the inside of the dress.


  She was bare and wet to the touch.

  “Will you stop that?” Jessica pushed him away. He licked the cream off his fingers.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “And you keep saying that. How do I look? Will I fit in?”

  “You’re going to stick out, baby. Every man will want you tonight. The sweet-butts are going to hate your ass.” He tugged her close, pressing his nose against her neck. Breathing her in, he rubbed his cock against her stomach. “Do you feel what you do to me?”

  She moaned, and he gripped her ass. “We’re going to that party.”

  “We are.”

  If he could get his dick inside her, she’d stop talking about the party.




  “Fine, fine,” he said, withdrawing his hands. “We better go now otherwise I’m going to bend you over the couch, table, or bed, and fuck you.”

  “I like the sound of that, but we can do that after this party.”

  She held her hand up stopping him from taking the moment further.

  He counted to ten inside his head, trying not to look at Jessica.

  Once they were in the car, he found himself glancing toward her. He couldn’t help it.

  By the time he parked the car at the clubhouse parking lot, he was still hard as rock.

  “Imagine Lydia,” she said.


  “With your little problem, imagine Lydia. She scared you, freaked you out a little. It should help.” She smiled over at him.

  “You’re doing this to torture me.”

  “No. I’m doing this to fit into your world, Snake. I’ve accepted there’s something between us. I can’t explain it, and to be honest it scares me. I’ve never been with anyone like you before. You can’t deny something is going on.”

  “I can’t.” He agreed with her. There wasn’t a point in lying about the truth.

  “I’m going to try to fit in with your world.” She opened the door, and Snake took a breath. He had a feeling she was going to fit into his world a little too well.

  As Snake walked her toward the clubhouse door, Dick was standing at the door.

  “Wow, fuck me, man.”

  “Shut up, Dick.”

  “You’re the nurse who helped Judi?” Dick asked. Snake watched him throw the cigarette to the ground, stomping it out.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  Dick held his hand out. “I appreciate everything you did for Judi and the club.”

  She took his hand. “Thank you.”

  The respect Dick had for Jessica was clear to see. Snake frowned at Dick. The other man wasn’t known for being nice. He’d earned his name by being a dick to almost anyone.

  They entered the clubhouse. Lexie was arguing with Devil.

  “I’ve told you to sit your ass down on a seat. You’re pregnant, and I want you to rest.”

  “Nothing is wrong with me, Devil.”

  “Do you want me to take you over my knee? I fucking will in front of the whole club.”

  “You dare and I swear you won’t have any sex for a year.”

  Both of them stared at each other, glaring.

  “Lex, Devil’s right. You need to sit down,” Judi said, walking downstairs. She looked so tiny, vulnerable. Ripper held onto her shoulders, staying close to her. He didn’t like seeing Judi like this. “We’ve already had one scare.”

  “You should be upstairs, resting.”

  “I know you’re throwing a party. I’d rather get stuck in here.”

  “This is going to be a lame assed party,” Spider said, walking around the bar.

  Judi shook her head. “It’s not going to be a lame assed party. It’s going to be a damned good one. I won’t have anyone telling me that a party of mine is lame.” She walked over to the music player, and selected a song. “Ha, this will do.”

  Snake pulled Jessica against his side. “How is she doing?”

  “She’ll be fine. Providing she takes rest, and everyone keeps up her spirits. Everything should be fine now. The biggest problem is the baby. He could take a turn at a moment’s notice. It’s why he’s staying in the hospital so they can keep an eye on him.”

  “Jessica?” Lexie said.

  They all turne
d toward them. Snake saw the interest in the single men’s eyes. Gripping the back of her neck, he sent a glare out to all of them. This woman was his. None of them had a chance.

  “I brought you a nurse, Devil,” Snake said.

  “Finally a woman of sense.” Devil walked up. “Tell my very sexy, but very stubborn, wife that she must rest.”

  Jessica smiled. “Lexie, I’m afraid I’m going to have to agree with your husband. You really need to rest. You’ve had quite a scare with Judi. It wouldn’t be right for me to say otherwise. Rest, you’re heavily pregnant and really need to take care of yourself and the baby.”

  Devil cheered while Lexie huffed.

  “Please don’t hate me,” Jessica said.

  “You’re the nurse. You know what you’re talking about whereas this big lug doesn’t. He’s only happy that you agree with him. I heard what you did to Amy.”

  He watched as Jessica glanced down. “I’m sorry—”

  “It was about time someone put her in her place. She was getting a little too full of herself.” Lexie patted her on the arm. “Some of the sweet-butts really think they can just fuck our men and we’ll not do anything. I’m pleased you showed them it wasn’t the case.”

  “And it made me hard as rock,” Snake said.

  “Ew, too much information. Thanks for the visual.” Lexie covered her eyes and shook her head. “Have fun at the party.”

  Snake tugged her back against him. “You’re going to have a lot of fun.”

  “I really am sorry about that girl.”

  “Don’t say anything and spoil my fantasy. The only thing missing was lubricant or mud. I don’t know which one would have been more appealing.”

  “Has anyone told you that you can be a real horn dog?”

  “Only you.” He wrapped his arms across her rounded stomach. “And now I’m only horny for you.”

  Tilting her head back, he sealed his lips over hers. For the first time since they got together in front of others, Jessica melted against him. She did so in private but never in front of people. Even in the diner earlier, she hadn’t relaxed. He wanted her to relax around him so that it was natural to her.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked, whispering the words against his lips.


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