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Snake's Addiction

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

“I could ask you the same thing.” He was changing, and it was all down to this one woman in his arms.


  Later that night the party did finally pick up. Judi and Ripper were on the dance floor. The happy couple had already been congratulated and was now dancing close together. Jessica leaned against one of the walls, sipping from a can of soda watching Ripper and Judi dance. Snake had left to have a smoke with a couple of the men. She saw there were a lot of men, and a lot of women from town. Some of the women were the club whores that Snake told her about while others were just women who wanted sex.

  “Hi, you’re Jessica right? I’m June.” A slender woman stood in front of her offering a hand.

  “Hello,” Jessica said, without taking the offered hand.

  “I’m one of the club whores,” she said.

  Raising a brow, she stared at the other woman wondering if she was stupid or silly.

  “I heard what you did to Amy. I wanted to come and be honest with you.”

  Standing up, Jessica stared at the pretty woman. She had brown hair, with pretty green eyes.

  “Well, have you come to stick up for your kind?” Jessica hated being a bitch, but Snake did warn her that the only way to survive with these women was to be harsh. It was what they knew.

  “No. I fuck the men who aren’t available. I wouldn’t dream of being with the men who are. Believe it or not, I actually have some morals.”

  “You’ve never fucked Snake?”

  “I didn’t say I’d never fucked him. I’ve never fucked Devil or Ripper. They were taken even before I came around. Snake, he wasn’t seeing anyone when I arrived.”

  “Why do you sleep with lots of men?” Jessica asked, no longer hating the woman. She couldn’t exactly bitch at her for being honest and human. Snake was a good looking man.

  “I like it. You like being a nurse, I like fucking men. I’m not ready to settle down nor do I want to. I have an itch that needs to be scratched just like every other woman.”

  Jessica smiled. “Stay away from Snake and we’ll call ourselves even.”

  “You’re not going to chase me down with the intent of killing me?”

  “No. Do as I ask and I’ll let you live.” Jessica laughed. “I’m only kidding. I’m a terrible actress.”

  “Not at all. I’m glad I came over here. I’m going to look so tough to the rest of the women. They’re afraid.”

  “Why?” Jessica asked, taking a sip and looking around the room.

  “They’d fuck Snake in a heartbeat, and it wouldn’t have anything to do with you.”

  “He’s well endowed,” Jessica said, smiling. She liked the size of his cock. It sometimes made up for his personality.

  “I’ve got a feeling I’m going to like you.”


  They both started to dance to a beat.

  “Come on, there’s more fun to be had out there on the dance floor. Most of the single men are looking at your smoking body. I can have the leftovers that Snake doesn’t kill.” June took her hand, leading her toward the main throng of people. Judi and Ripper were in their own little secluded corner away from the heavy beat of the music.

  “Let’s get this party started,” June said.

  The music was turned up, and the beat bounced off the walls. June took Jessica’s soda from her. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  June wrapped her arms around her and they danced close. Dick pulled June against him and he started to rub his dick against her ass. Ignoring the men, common sense, and just focusing on fun, Jessica threw her hands in the air and started to sway her hips to the beat. Men came up and danced with her. When they got a little too close, she pushed them away. Closing her eyes, she basked in the fun. June came back and disappeared. Jessica missed Snake and wanted him close.

  Someone wrapped their arm around her waist, thrusting his cock against her ass.

  Before she could stop whoever was holding her, she heard Snake’s voice.

  “Dime, get the fuck off my woman.”

  “This is your woman?”

  Opening her eyes, she stared up into the dark depths of her man. He looked so jealous that it gave her a thrill to see. “This is my woman, and you’re a second away from being unable to father children, Dime.”

  The man behind her let her go. Jessica threw herself into Snake’s arms. “I wondered how long you were going to be.”

  “You missed me? It didn’t look like it from where I was standing.”

  “I was about to throw him off me.” She pressed her lips to his, moaning as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. His hands gripped her ass tightly, thrusting his pelvis against hers. “You got there before I was allowed that pleasure. There’s only one man I want.”

  “You’ve got him.”

  The room fell away as Snake showed her exactly who she belonged to. She didn’t want to be in anyone else’s arms nor in his bed. Snake was the man for her, and that was what terrified her.

  Judi and Ripper were the first to leave the party, followed by Devil and Lexie.

  “Come on, I’ve got a cock with your name on it.”

  “Wow, you’re so romantic,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  He took her up to his room. She hadn’t been drinking, but she wanted to be with him. The clubhouse was fast becoming her home. Snake closed the door, turning to her quickly. Before she knew what was happening he pushed her dress up, taking her back toward the bed.

  “I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Please, Snake, I need you inside me.”

  He dropped her to the bed. Going to her elbows, she watched as he unbuckled his belt, dropping his jeans far enough. His cock sprang free. He was already long and hard. She opened her thighs, reaching down to stroke her clit.

  “Do you want my dick, baby?”

  “You know I do. I need you.” She slid a finger inside, crying out at the pleasure.

  Snake shoved her hand away, replacing her finger with the tip of his cock. There was no time for condoms. Even Jessica couldn’t bring herself to stop him.

  He slammed to the hilt inside her. The thick length of his dick scraped down her walls, and she whimpered as he plowed inside her. He didn’t stop until he was balls deep within her.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re always so tight and so wet. This is my addiction. This is what I want. I’m addicted to you, Jess. So fucking addicted.”

  He leaned down, biting onto her shoulder. They were not touching enough skin. Snake tore at her dress. The sound of fabric tearing filled the room.

  “I’ll get you a new dress, baby.” His lips sucked on her nipple, biting down as he also thrust inside. She thrust up to meet his cock. Jessica tugged up his shirt, throwing it out of the way. Scoring her nails down his back, she panted for breath at the intense pleasure of his cock thrusting inside her.

  “Fuck, yes. Put your mark on me, baby. Put your fucking hands on me. Touch me. I want it.” He groaned, pounding inside her. The strength of his thrusts made the headboard hit the wall, matching the pounding of his hips. He was stroking along her G-spot, his balls slapping her ass.

  She scratched his back, crying out as he hit her cervix. The pleasure was so intense that it was almost pain.

  “You’re all mine. I’m never going to let you go, never ever. You’re mine now.”

  “Yes,” she said, moaning as he sucked one nipple then the other into his mouth. She was so close to orgasm

  He pounded inside her, over and over. She reached down, touching her clit. With each thrust of his hips, he smashed her hand against her clit adding an element of pain.

  Jessica couldn’t hold off any longer. She screamed out as her orgasm struck her hard. Snake didn’t stop. He kept fucking her hard.

  When he did come, he threw his head back crying out his release. The sound echoed off the wall, giving her goosebumps. He slumped down over her.

  “Fucking hell, baby, you’re going to send me to an early grave with that sweet pussy of yours.”

nbsp; She chuckled. “You weren’t too bad yourself.”

  They finished removing their clothes. Jessica felt his seed sliding out of her pussy, but for some strange reason, she didn’t seem to mind.

  The party was still going on in full swing downstairs.

  “I saw you talking with June.”

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “What did you think of her?” he asked.

  “I know that you fucked her. I also know that June doesn’t fuck any of the men who are taken. Don’t worry. I’m not going to cut your balls off. I’m not that horrible a person.” She chuckled. “How did you know I was talking with June? I thought you went out for a smoke.”

  “I did. I came back in, saw you with June and ran. I didn’t want to be caught up in the crossfire with you two.”

  “You’re a coward.”

  “Only when it comes to you. Do you know how to fire a gun?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she chuckled. “No gun, but I do know how to fire a weapon.”

  “See, you’re terrifying me already.”

  Jessica slapped him. “I like June, and, erm, I kind of like you.” She admitted the truth to him.

  “You like me?”

  “Just a little and only kind of like you.” She stared down at his chest, wondering what the hell was making her say these things.

  “Well, I kind of like you, too. I like you a lot actually. You’re the first woman I’ve ever taken the time to talk to.”


  “Yep, I don’t believe in talking to a woman about anything. I like sex. With you, it’s different. I get the feeling it’s always going to be different with you.”


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Don’t cheat on me okay? I don’t want to be one of those women who find their man in bed with another woman. You want to end this, do it to my face with words. I can’t stand the thought of being hurt like that.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips. It was tender, sweet, and Jessica knew in that moment she was falling in love with him.


  “Ripper and Judi are holding up well,” Lexie said.

  Devil walked into the bedroom, drying his hair with a towel. His woman wore a silk negligee that was rather tight across her stomach. Some men wouldn’t like her abundant curves, but to him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She’d gotten even more beautiful since she’d given him children and also taken Simon on as her own.

  “They’ve been through a lot already.”

  “I called Eva. Tabitha’s doing much better, and everything is settled. Tiny’s handed over the gavel to Lash.”

  “I didn’t see that one coming so quickly.” Devil threw the towel into the laundry basket, then the one wrapped around his waist. He padded over to the bed barefoot. Lexie was struggling to lie down. “Come on, baby, let me help you.”

  “You must think I’m a beached whale.”

  “Not at all. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” He voiced his earlier thoughts while also easing her into bed. “This to me is beautiful.” He cupped her stomach, pressing a kiss to the rounded bump.

  “You’re a charmer.”

  “I’m your man.” He climbed over her, settling behind her back completely naked. Resting his hand on her stomach, he kissed her exposed shoulder. “Ripper and Judi have the whole club at their back.”

  “I just worry. A premature baby is going to be hard work. There’s medicines, and we’ve got to take precautions.”

  “The men love her like their own. They’re going to take care of her, and no one will care about the work.” He caressed Lexie’s stomach, wishing she’d calm down. Devil didn’t like her getting stressed. It wasn’t good for her or the baby.

  “I know I shouldn’t worry.”

  “You can worry but worry about the right things.”

  “Oh, yeah, and what are the right things?”

  He caressed up her body to cup her jaw. “The right things are to make sure your man is taken care of, our kids, and the club. We’re in this together. I won’t let anything happen to Judi or Ripper or the baby.”

  “You’d have made the same choice with me though.”

  “I would. You come first, always. I love the kids, but I don’t love them the way I love you. They’re my flesh and blood, you, you’re my life, Lexie. You’re something I can’t give up.” Pressing his lips to hers, he moaned as she opened up to him. They’d been together nearly five years, maybe longer, and he still couldn’t get enough of her. She was his whole world.

  Chapter Nine

  Four weeks later Ripper and Judi’s baby, whom they’d named Paul, was allowed to come home. The whole club arrived at the hospital. There hadn’t been many of the brothers who had the stomach to see Paul in the neonatal unit. Snake stood behind Jessica, his woman. The past four weeks had been out of this world. When neither of them was working, they were together. They slept at the club or at her place. He’d taken her to the movies, to dinner, and they’d stayed at the clubhouse.

  She still hadn’t heard from Lydia, which he didn’t mind. The woman was crazy, and while Lydia was away, it meant he got his woman all alone without worrying about a friend’s interference.

  What he was happy about was Doctor Bastard’s withdrawal. The man had taken his threat seriously, and one night after Jessica fell asleep, Snake had paid the good doctor a visit at his own home. He made sure Milford knew his place and that Snake could kill him whenever he wanted without a thought.

  “Look at them, Snake,” she said, touching his hand with her own.

  “They look beautiful together.” He pressed a kiss to her head. For the past four weeks Judi had been a shell of her former self. Leaving the baby every day had hit the young couple hard. Fortunately, nothing had gone wrong, and Paul was as strong as ever. Glancing toward Devil, he saw Lexie and the kids were also in tow. Lexie had her hand on her abdomen. She should be dropping any day now. Devil had already put them on water breaking warning.

  When Elizabeth was a couple of weeks from being born, Devil made all of the club aware of what could happen at a moment’s notice. Snake hadn’t liked watching Lexie’s feet in case of a puddle, but he’d done it for his Prez. Now, he understood why. He understood more than most.

  “You better show that little darling off,” Phoebe said, rushing forward. Judi held Paul in her arms while Ripper held the car seat they needed to put him in. Paul was still small, but with time, he’d fill out. “He’s so cute. I can already see he’s going to have all the girls chasing after him.” Phoebe was Vincent’s wife.

  “I think someone’s feeling broody.”

  “You think Phoebe wants more kids.”

  “Yep, look at Vincent. He looks scared to death.” Jessica chuckled.

  “Do you want kids?” he asked. He’d not given kids a thought. Jessica was opening his world up making him want things he’d not even realized he wanted.

  “Someday I guess. I’d not really given it much thought. You’re supposed to want them, right?”

  “A lot of people seem to think it’s the way forward.”

  Jessica shrugged. “I’ve never had the yearning to have a family of my own. There’s not been a man out there who has awakened that yearning.”

  He didn’t take offence. For the both of them this was entirely new territory. For the last five weeks the only pussy he’d had was hers. He was used to being bored now, but alas, that hadn’t happened yet. Snake kept expecting it, too, but it hadn’t happened.

  “I’ve got a problem,” Jessica said, turning toward him.

  “What’s the problem?”

  She ran fingers through her hair, twitching a little as she looked left and right. “Erm, Lydia hasn’t called, but my dad and brother have.”

  “Your dad and brother?”

  “Yeah, they’re stopping by Piston County tomorrow and they want to have dinner.”

s this great or not?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I was wondering if you’d like to come and meet them?”

  He paused. “You want me to meet your parents?”

  “I want you to meet my parents and my brother, if you don’t mind.” She bit her lip.


  “Well, they’re always worried about me. They don’t think it’s good for me to be alone, and when they find out that Lydia has done another disappearing act, they’ll be pissed.”

  “What’s Lydia got to do with it?”

  “We’ve been friends along time. My parents preferred me moving to Piston County so long as I had a friend here.”

  “They don’t know about her regular disappearing acts?”

  “I’m a twenty-nine-year-old woman. I don’t tell them everything.”

  He let out a sigh. “I’m there to show you’re protected?”

  “Just a little. They think anything can happen at any time. They believe the worst things. Honestly, it’s very strange how protective they can be.” She smiled.

  Folding his arms over his chest, he stared back at her.

  “Please, pretty please.”

  “Meeting the parents?”

  “Yes.” She touched his arm. “I’ll give you anything you want.”

  Raising his brow, he nodded his head. He’d gladly meet her parents and put their minds at ease. “What do I get out of it?”

  “What would you like?” she asked.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her toward him, stroking through the crease of her ass. “This is what I want.”

  She let out a sigh. “That’s it? Out of everything I can give you that’s all you want?”

  “What more is there?”

  Jessica chuckled. “First, we’ve got a deal, and you can’t back out now.”

  “I’m fine with that.”

  “You could have asked for a sex slave for the day? You, me, and a day where I give you everything, your every fantasy?”

  The smile he had seconds before disappeared. He’d not even considered that.


  “Maybe next time you’ll think about what you can have next time.” She pulled away. “I’ll see you after work?”

  “Yes, I’ll pick you up.”


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