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Bad Professor

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by Matilda Martel

  Bad Professor

  Scoundrels in Love

  Matilda Martel

  Copyright © 2019 by Matilda Martel

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  To hot professors everywhere. Thanks for the knowledge. We loved every minute of it.


  1. Linus

  2. Ever

  3. Linus

  4. Ever

  5. Linus

  6. Ever

  7. Linus

  8. Ever

  9. Linus

  10. Ever

  11. Linus

  12. Ever

  13. Linus

  14. Ever

  15. Linus

  16. Ever

  17. Epilogue- Four Years Later

  About the Author

  Also by Matilda Martel



  Today, my students take their final exams. Everyone’s buzzing. A gang of anxious faces greet me at my door. Most are seniors who may not be graduating if they don’t pull off a miracle today. It’s too late for prayers. They’ve screwed around all semester and have gotten far too many breaks along the way. It’s an unspoken rule if you make it into Yale, you make it out. The spoiled children of the elite need to get their ivy league diplomas before they head home and take their rightful place at their Daddy’s companies.

  But that’s not the way my class works. You earn your grade here.

  Thirty seconds before class starts, I head to the auditorium door to lock it. No one gets in late. It’s disruptive and since this is a senior-level course, they should know better by now. Right before I shut the door, an almost-late student runs right into me.

  Ever Dunne, my dream girl, smashes her huge tits right into my chest. Her large blue eyes grow twice their size and she immediately jumps back. I need to force myself not to laugh. There’s something about this girl that brings out the caveman in me. If I’m going to feel anyone’s tits rub up against me, it would be Everly’s.

  “Oh, no! Dr. Barnes, I’m so sorry....”

  I cut her off. “Just get in your seat, Miss Dunne.” I point to the row directly in front of my podium and stare down at her diminutive figure.

  She nods, ducks under my arm and slinks away.

  I watch her hips sway from side to side as she weaves through the tight row and my cock twitches with need. I swear, she’s got the most spankable ass in Connecticut. She’s been hiding lately. I feel bad. Not too bad. But I hate that she feels uncomfortable around me. We shared a moment. I was out of line, but I don’t regret it. She wouldn’t regret it either if her friends hadn’t walk in on us.

  Today’s her last day as my student. It’s the last day I’m bound by ethics to restrain myself.

  She knows it as well as me.

  I give them five minutes to take one last look at their notes before I bark out instructions. While I pass out the exams, I instruct everyone to stay until the end. No exceptions. Too many ins and outs can be distracting.

  And, I don’t want Ever to get too far.

  While I pace, my mind drifts to the feel of her full tits pressed against my chest. It’s a shame my hands weren’t in the way. I can’t wait to feel the weight of her supple flesh heavy in my hands. Honestly, they’re too big for her body. I’ve often wondered if they were fake, but after today, I’m certain they’re real. Real and fucking glorious.

  With her head down, writing furiously, I can watch her to my heart’s content. It’s strange how much time she puts into her wardrobe. She’s in college. People dress like shit. Not her. The lines on her pleated skirt are perfectly pressed. Her starched white shirt doesn’t have a stain in sight. It leaves nothing to the imagination. I can see the outline of her bra and the shape of her tight nipples poking through the fabric. I’m aroused and yet infuriated.

  There are sixty boys in this class. All whom occassionally cast their eyes on nipples I’ve yet to meet. This outfit is way too suggestive for school. And I have no right to have an opinion about any of it.

  Not yet, anyway.

  If they’re not staring at her boobs they’re gawking at her legs. She loves to show off those legs and I don’t blame her. They’re stunning. Athletic. Shapely. Not too thin. Her pleated skirt reminds me of Catholic school. Those knee socks conjure up the nastiest thought of seeing them wrapped around my waist, her tight pussy on my cock and those big, luscious mounds naked against my chest.

  Someone asks me a question and ruins my concentration.

  A minute later, my eyes stray back to her. There’s something about her. More than her legs, her boobs, even that fucking outfit. It’s the sound of her voice. The confidence in her tone. The way her chest heaves when she breathes.

  This little girl is rocks my world. She’s the best student I’ve ever had. The smartest girl I’ve ever known. She has a 4.0 grade average but still fights for every little point on her essays. As much as she vexes me, she fixates me. I've been fighting a losing battle since she first walked into my class four months ago and two weeks ago she pushed me over the edge.

  Fine. I initiated it. I pushed myself over the edge. I’m in love. This isn’t some weird professor- student crush, this is real.

  Everly Dunne was meant to be mine.

  I trudge back to my podium and shield my growing erection from the class. Just before the hour ends, I watch her kick her bag towards striking distance. She wants to bolt as soon as the doors fly open. When our eyes meet for a split second, she bows her head and avoids my gaze

  I’m being an overbearing jerk, but I can’t keep my eyes off her. For months I was sure this was nothing more than desire. Lust. The sexual fantasies of a lonely man. She’s beautiful. Of course, she turns me one. And yet, it’s not her physical beauty that arouses me most. It’s that big fucking brain.

  There’s no denying, I have it bad.

  Like I said, Everly rules my world.



  The clock ticks. Two more minutes. I’m done with my exam, but he warned us to stay until the end. My heart pounds as I slide my backpack with my feet. I want to fly as soon as we’re dismissed. He can’t keep doing this. This is the final. After today, I don’t have to see him anymore.

  While I wait, his deep green eyes survey me through his thick glasses and a slow grin creeps over his chiseled face. A chill runs down my spine. I’m no match for him. I can feel my resolve slip deep into a bottomless cavern and if I give in again, I’ll never come back.

  Suddenly uncomfortable with the length of my skirt, I tuck it under my thighs and keep my legs crossed at the ankle. I must be the only girl who doesn’t fall at his feet. Every female on campus. No, in New Haven. Possibly some in New York, worship the ground he walks on. As soon as Dr. Linus Barnes opens his mouth and that smooth, velvety voice tumbles out, the entire front row of sorority girls swoon in their seats. None hear a word he says. Utterly fascinated, they gawk with slacked jaws and tilted heads at the fine specimen of male beauty educating us on the history of the American Civil War.

  But class ends today. Surely, their world will come crashing down with no more Dr. Barnes to fawn over.

  They’re so pathetic. He’s okay for a man pushing forty.

  Personally, I’ve got no time for hot professors. This is my last test. Two years of Advanced Placement classes through junior and senior year. Two years of college. No social life to speak of, but all that can wait. I’ve got plans and prospects. I’ll be a college graduate in one week, just days shy of my
twenty-first birthday.

  Soon, Everly Dunne will be on her own. That’s not entirely true. Daddy is sending me to work in London. But the point is, I’ll feel like I’m on my own.

  The bell sounds. A crowd of students rise together and we march towards the front to hand in our exams. This was unnecessary and many know it was for me. Eyes glance in my direction as I near his desk and wait for him to utter a few words to intimidate me.

  Ever since that day, he can’t help himself.

  I drop my exam along with the others. He doesn’t look up. Maybe he’s letting go. The term is over. What choice does he have? I exhale slowly, then adjust my bag and step towards the door. Seconds before I’m gone for good, I hear his deep voice call me out.

  “Miss Dunne. Please, meet me in my office in ten minutes.”

  I hesitate, then keep walking, ignoring his command. Storming through the hall, my heart pounds as I jump down the stairs and head towards the doors. The semester is over. Class is over. I don’t have to put up with him anymore.

  I can’t believe I thought he was handsome.

  It’s his eyes. I’m a fool for green eyes. His gaze is intense. Green eyes, long lashes, and thick eyebrows are a lethal combination. His piercing gaze hints of martinis, negligees and sexy pet names. He caught me off-guard. I’m not used to men. Books I can handle. Grown men in their thirties wielding bedroom eyes are way out of league.

  So, I kissed him. But it was just a moment.

  Sprinting towards the bike ramp, I feel my cell phone vibrate in my bag. It should be Lora. My best friend and roommate. We leave for the city in a few hours. We’ve planned this for weeks to blow off steam after finals. And now I need it more than ever.

  I drop my bag on the ground, unlock my bike, and then reach for my phone. It’s not Lora. It’s Professor Barnes. How the hell does he have my new number?

  Where are you? I need to see you.

  I don’t answer. Enough is enough. The last two weeks have been a nightmare. All because of that kiss. The kiss everyone saw. How humiliating.

  I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m not used to men flirting with me. Grown men. He shouldn’t have done it. I shouldn’t have reciprocated. I know I was wrong, too. But he’s my professor, he’s the grown-up. He shouldn’t have started it.

  How was I supposed to know it would lead to this?

  A second text comes through, but I ignore it.

  I passed that exam. I know I did. He better not hold my grade over my head!

  I speed through campus and cycle my way home, working off excess energy. He always does this to me. As much as I hate him, a part of him drives me nuts. I must have a chip loose to get turned on by someone like him. He’s too old for me. He must be twice my age. I didn’t wait all this time, hold out for the perfect guy to get involved with someone like him.

  What am I thinking? He’s entirely inappropriate and he’s only after one thing.

  Damn it , Everly. Get it together.

  Rounding into the driveway, I jump off my bike, dash up the stairs and announce my entrance. Lora is already packing.

  “Ever! Thank goodness! My exam wrapped up early and the guys are heading out to the city ahead of us.” She bounces with excitement as she throws clothes in her pink bag.

  “Guys? Lora! What guys? This was supposed to be girl time. I just bought a new bikini for sunbathing on their rooftop pool. I don’t want to be hassled by whatever guys you dug up.” Shaking my head, I kick my legs, clench my fists and throw my clothes in my bag.

  I don’t need this right now!

  “It’s just Justin and Kevin, the twins and Riley is bringing Hank. I think Becky is bringing someone too. I didn’t want us to be there by ourselves if the girls were taking someone. The twins won’t bother you. I’ll keep them occupied.” She winks. She’s clueless.

  Neither have any interest in her.

  “I’m not there to hook up with anyone. No fix ups. No bullshit, Lora. I need to relax.” Frustrated, I throw my bag over my shoulder and head to the car.

  “Is Barnes still bugging you? You used to have such a crush on him. Why does it freak you out now that he wants you too?” She locks the door and follows me downstairs.

  She doesn’t get it. No one gets it. The guy’s relentless. I still think she’s the one who keeps telling people about the kiss. She can’t keep anything to herself.

  “It was just a crush. A fantasy. He ruined it by getting too real. I idolized him all semester and he messed things up by becoming a creepy stalker. He’s a grown man, Lora. Grown men want sex. I’m nothing but a conquest for him. Besides, I wouldn’t even know what to do with a man his age.” I sigh and buckle up.

  “You’re such a virgin.” She laughs at my expense.

  “Leave me alone, tramp.”



  I denied my attraction from the start. Since the moment I laid eyes on this perfect storm of mouthwatering feminine splendor, I’ve lived on the edge of insanity. I’ve been angry for no reason. Sexually frustrated. Restless and relentless. And I’m about to boil over.

  Watching her stroll into class every other day, unaware that every little thing she did drove me to the brink and back has been fucking torture. I tried to sexualize her and keep this superficial. She’s gorgeous. Possibly innocent. It’s one thing to fantasize, but I didn’t think I’d fall in love.

  You don’t have to tell me I’m out of line. I know I am. So, I’m a creep. So be it. Keep the insults coming. It doesn’t matter. This might be forbidden. It’s kind of taboo. I’ll venture to say it was unethical according to my code of conduct, but it’s not illegal.

  She’s twenty-years-old .

  Sitting in my office, staring at the clock, I think about our kiss. I didn’t mean to ruin our friendship. It just happened. A casual discussion turned into a heated debate that evolved into two people staring at one another and my mouth crashing down on hers. She didn’t pull away. Her hands gripped my neck and tugged me closer until one of her friends walked in on us.

  That’s when all hell broke loose.

  If it was just her body, I’d be over it. It’s not. It’s so much more. I’m crazy about her. She’s a once in a lifetime catch. An un-gettable get. Her sweetness, sense of humor, and that big brain wrapped so deliciously in that unbelievable body cannot go to waste on some less-deserving, insufferable, elitist prick thrust on her by her parents.

  This is my girl. My perfect girl.

  I know about her trip to the city. She told me weeks ago it was an all-girls trip but that’s not true. I overheard those horny Jackson twins whispering about heading there too. Those two jackasses have it bad for my Ever. I see the way they look at her and there’s no fucking way I’m letting either of them get their hands on her.

  My stomach churns. My chest tightens. I wish she’d talk to me. She thinks I’m a jerk and maybe I am, but I’ve lost my mind. I can’t think or see straight where she’s concerned.

  If she won’t come to me, I’ll go to her.



  The warm sun beats down on my skin and my mind drifts to thoughts of this afternoon. Professor Barnes, Linus… he asked me to call him Linus, but that doesn’t feel right anymore. I hate that he made it weird. He was one of the few people I could talk to.

  I miss him. Only a little. That jerk. Why did he have to kiss me? No one ever kissed me like that. I had boyfriends in high school. We kissed, not much more. But when they kissed me, I felt it on my lips. I never felt it in my head, my stomach and certainly, not down to my toes. I felt this kiss everywhere. The tingle on my lips, simmered in my chest, smoldered in my stomach, melted my panties and weakened my knees. It feels like the entire world just fell away. Only he and I remained.

  Mom said that’s what happens when you fall in love, but I promise, I’m not in love with him. I can’t be. He teaches in Connecticut and I’ll be in London soon. There’s no sense in getting attached.

  My schoolgirl crush
will not mess it up.

  The sound of voices come near. I close my eyes, feign sleep and cringe when I hear Lora and Kevin Jackson set their towels on the loungers next to mine. Hopefully, Justin stays away. He’s been bothering me since we arrived, but my lack of interest may have soured his libido. He has nerve assuming he’d get lucky on this trip. We hardly known each other. What little contact we’ve shared has been devoid of any warmth or affection.

  He must know he repulses me.

  “Hey, beautiful. Do you need help with some sunscreen?”

  Nope. No clue.

  My eyes shoot open. “I’m lathered, Justin. No, thank you.”

  “I can go over what you...” He thinks he’s funny, but I cut him off and address Lora.

  “Hey. You promised.”

  “Justin, back off. She’s got a boyfriend.” She ducks her head and winks before Justin slinks away. Typical. Men don’t mind invading your space, but they won’t encroach on another man’s territory.

  “Are you thinking about Barnes. I don’t know how you stayed strong. That man is seriously crushing on you.” Lora, smirks and takes a sip of her god-awful hibiscus iced tea.

  “How can you drink that? It tastes like flowers. Just take your tea black like a normal person.” I sneer, annoyed she’d mention Linus.

  “Ever! You made out with the hottest professor on campus and you’ve stayed tight-lipped about what it was like. Inquiring minds want to know. What was he like? Was there tongue? Did he grab your ass? I heard from a few people his hands were on your ass.”


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