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Bad Professor

Page 2

by Matilda Martel

  “Just use your imagination.” I roll my eyes and reach for my water bottle.

  “Dr. Barnes doesn’t have a crush on me. There are droves of sorority girls dying to show him a good time. Look at me, Lora. Look at me. Does this look like the face of a woman interested in showing anyone a good time?” I sip my water and reach for my book.

  “Well, eventually, you’ll want to show someone a good time. You owe it to every girl on campus to find out if Dr. Linus Barnes is any good in the sack. The rumors are swirling and we all want to live vicariously through Everly Dunne.” She sighs and leans in.

  “Who wants to live vicariously through me.” I snap as my heart stings with jealousy.

  “Just show him a good time and get back to us!” She rolls her eyes and grabs my book.

  “Jesus, stop reading for one damn second and live in the moment. We never spend time together anymore. Soon, you’ll leave and I’ll never see you again.” She pouts and guilts me into putting my book back in my bag.

  “For heaven’s sake, I’ll be a plane ride away. You can visit over Christmas vacation.” I sit up and pull out my clothes.

  “And what if things with Barnes get serious? He’s not your professor anymore. You can go balls to wall and finally turn in that precious V-card.” She wags her eyebrows.

  “V-card? I hate that ridiculous expression. Things won’t get serious. It was just a kiss. He doesn’t want to be with me.” I take a deep breath and steady my pout. I have no idea what he wants. I refuse to speak to him. It’s pointless.

  Feeling frustrated, I throw some clothes over my swimsuit and take a walk. I’m not getting the peace I came for. It’s no one’s fault. Lora deserves a break, too. Unfortunately, her break includes getting it on with one or both Jackson twins and that’s not my idea of blowing off steam. Lacing up my shoes, I grab a bottle of water and head out into the park across the street.

  I love being here, but a part of me wishes Linus… old Linus was here too.

  I’m never bored with him.



  The more I think about Everly, the more frazzled and frustrated I feel. After stewing for thirty minutes, I take the train into the city and track her down. Like a badly trained private investigator, I follow her from a distance, shielding my identity with a pair of sunglasses she’s seen me wear a dozen times.

  She’s so pretty. No, she’s beautiful.

  Sitting on a bench, I watch her walk through Central Park, pet dogs, take photos of the city skyline and look more stunning than I’ve ever seen her. The sun shines off her auburn locks and creamy shoulders, illuminating the space around her. She looks like an angel. My pulse quickens. The closer she gets, the more desperate I feel. She’s far beyond my grasp, but my hand twitches to touch her again.

  Everything she does fascinates me. Like a teenage boy, I’m struck speechless by every mundane move she makes. I take a deep breath, tug my hair in frustration. I want to say something. I want to walk with her.

  She’s always by herself. I knew eventually her friends would bore her and she’d venture out on her own. Ever’s an old soul. Just like me. Only certain people get us, and I know we get each other.

  She crosses the street and heads to the west. I know where she’s going. She’ll go to the museum. We talked about it all the time. Her father took her there on field trips when she was a little girl. My Dad too me there too.

  I consider leaving but my feet ignore me and press on. When she’s far enough ahead, I follow and catch sight of her bounding up staircase towards the front entrance. She’s so lovely. So graceful. Like a gazelle sprinting away with my last shred of dignity.

  I wait a few beats and creep up the steps. I glance at my watch, at the exhibits, at anything but the beautiful girl fifty paces ahead.

  This is my chance. I need to talk to her. Enough time has gone by and she hasn’t let me explain my feelings. I know she feels something too. We don’t get to choose our soul mates. She can deny it all she wants but I know if I catch her at the right time, in the right place, I can make her see this thing between us won’t go away.

  She’s not my student anymore. There’s no one in my life and there’s no one in hers. So, we’re seventeen years apart. Fuck the age difference.

  Something like this comes around once in a lifetime. I’m not giving up so easily.



  With a kick in my step, I head towards the museum. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. When I was a kid, my father and I spent all day roaming through the halls of the Museum of Natural History. Maybe, it’ll make me feel better.

  I hate missing Linus. It’s asinine. I’ve missed him for two weeks and the worst part is he’s been in front of me the whole time. But he’s bossy. I don’t care for bossy. I guess, it’s kind of hot sometimes, but it’s not practical. I like things to be practical.

  Everly Dunne doesn’t fly by the seat of her pants.

  Racing up the stairs, I follow the crowds and head into the exhibits. The smell is so familiar, it soothes me into letting go of the world around me. For a while, I forget about everything. I stop stressing about Linus. I forget about stupid Justin. I stop thinking about having to put up with Lora and Kevin when I return to the hotel. Dinner plans escape me. The only thing on my mind is North American mammals.

  You heard me. North American mammals.

  I pass the elk. See some caribou. Ogle a big-horned ram. Push some kids aside to get a closer look at the moose and take my time to read info on the bison. So majestic. So American. I’ve never seen one in real life.

  I’m not sure if I say that out loud, but someone behind me answers.

  “I saw a few when I was in Texas once.”

  I stand up straight. My eyes widen and my skin prickles. It’s him.

  Moving to stand next to me, he continues. “They’re beautiful.”

  “Professor Barnes.” My voice shakes.

  Linus, please. I’m not your professor anymore.” He waves his hand forward, directing me through a crowd of tourists.

  We walk side by side. Awkwardly. Silently. Until I speak. “Are you upset?”

  “No. Of course, not. Do you think I followed you here to chastise you for skipping out on our meeting?” He laughs.

  I stop and face him. Inhaling deeply, I struggle to speak but finally stutter my long-prepared speech. “Linus. You’ve been kind in the past. I liked your company. But I’m not interested in anything more. I’m sorry I gave you that impression.”

  He moves closer. His soft green eyes lock on mine and I freeze. I can’t move. I don’t want to move. The smell of his cologne slaps my senses and sends a chill down my spine. He’s so beautiful, I’m not sure I can stop him.

  “I don’t believe you.” His voice deepens as he reaches for my face.

  “What? What part?” Not believe me? How dare he!

  “I don’t believe you’re not interested.” Lowering his head, he softly brings his lips to mine, sealing us in a blistering hot kiss that makes me shudder with surprise.

  I press my hands to his chest. I swear, I try to push him away. But I can’t. There’s no strength in my protest. My arms are jelly. My brain is mush. When his tongue invades my mouth, deepening our union, I lose all resolve and cave like the shameless, wanton woman I so long to become whenever Linus Barnes kisses me. Instead of pushing him away, I greedily pull him to me and kiss him deeper.

  He stops. I almost protest. I want more. But he says nothing. Taking my hand, he leads me to a stairwell on the far end of the floor and pulls me through the door. Running down the steps, he brings me underneath the staircase and pulls me into his embrace.

  “Linus…” I whisper as he takes me into his arms and pushes me against the wall. Lifting me, he wraps my legs around his waist and recaptures my lips in a soul-shattering kiss.

  “No more bullshit, Ever. I want this. You want this. We’re adults. Why wouldn’t we take what we want.”

ut...” I whimper as his fingers dig into my ass, squeezing it roughly while his lips tease mine.

  “No buts...” He growls and the vibration passes into my chest. My nipples tighten. My panties flood. But my mind is too hazy to decide something so big.

  “Linus… we need... to talk.” I step away and gaze at him, my eyes heavy with lust.

  He places me on the floor, takes my hand and wipes his full lips.

  “We will. Let’s go.”



  “May I ask you a question?” Her eyes peek through her dark lashes as she takes a sip of club soda.

  “Of course.” I scoot closer and place my arm behind her. On her insistence, we came to eat first. I have a room at The Plaza, near the park and her friends. I wanted to get her alone and tear every inch of fabric from her body. But if my lady is hungry, I need to feed her.

  “What do you want from me? This has no potential or possibilities.” She sits straight and waits for me to answer.

  “That’s not true. This can be whatever we want it to be. I know you have feelings for me. I have feelings for you. Why is it impossible to act on them? Why wouldn’t we?” I lean my head against hers and feel myself slipping fast. I’ve been wading in the shallow end for months and now, all I want to do is dive deep.

  In every fucking way imaginable.

  “I’m sorry. I apologize for being rude to you. I like you. I don’t want to like you. I know this is inappropriate and I’m not someone who shirks the rules.” She tap her fingers on the table, and hesitates to say more.

  “And what about now? We’re not breaking the rules anymore.” Our eyes meet and I need to break my gaze to keep from kissing her in front of the other diners. Once I start, I won’t be able to stop.

  “You’ve been a little scary, Dr. Barnes. There were a few times when I left your classroom on the edge of tears.” She purses her lips and playfully wiggles her behind into her seat.

  My heart shrivels. Did I seriously freak her out? Fuck.

  “Really? Now, I feel like shit.” I exhale and slump in my seat. I’m such an asshole.

  “Only on the edge and only angry tears.” She smirks and sips her drink.

  “Did I make you cry or not?” I frown and loom over her.

  “No, but you came close. If I was a more sensitive person, I would have run out of your class sobbing.” She knits her brow and wrinkles her nose.

  I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her tightly to me. “You talk too much. You’re a bit of a show-off and I think you enjoyed teasing me with those short skirts.”

  She gasps and then cracks a huge smile. “I did not. I love my skirts.”

  I nod. “Yeah, you did. You knew I had it bad. You liked holding something I wanted over my head. You’re seventeen years younger than me and you have me by the balls, Everly. ”

  “Then why did you ask me out?” She snaps.

  I shrug and take a sip from her drink. “Because you have me by the balls. I want you. I’ve wanted you all semester. And you’re the only one that can help me get some of my power back.”

  A flush paints her cheeks bright red. She has no idea fucking idea what she does to me. “And how is that?”

  “You’ll see.” I wink and when she smiles, my heart flutters in my chest.

  For the first time in my life, I’m not afraid to fall in love. It’s too late, anyway.

  Because this little girl rules my world.



  We walk quietly at first. With the spring breeze on our backs, we stroll across the park and enjoy the sights around us. It feels nice to be alone with him. Away from campus. Far from gossiping students.

  “What are you thinking about?” His deep voice startles me.

  “I like being here with you. I missed talking to you these last two weeks.” I give him a quick glance and to my surprise he’s smiling. My heart flutters. That’s strange. But it’s a lovely smile. Too bad he always looks angry.

  “What do you do for fun? For a laugh? Every time I saw you on campus, you had your nose in a book.” He guides me on to the sidewalk and positions himself closer to traffic. It’s sweet.

  “No. No fun. I took two extra courses to finish early. I was so close, I didn’t want anything to mess it up.” I sigh and let him steer me past some discarded trash, inadvertently pulling me closer to him. I get a whiff of his cologne. Sandalwood, musk, maybe cypress. Whatever it is, it smells divine. Masculine. Hot. Just like him.

  Focus, idiot. Tell him about London.

  “Why push yourself so hard?” His smile disappears.

  I nod. “I started college with enough credits to be a junior and I’ve always attended summer school. I have a job waiting for me in London that starts in two weeks. I couldn’t take any chances.” I turn away from him.

  He stays quiet. When I shift my eyes to him, he looks straight ahead. Eyes sharp. Brows creased.

  Before we reach the pathway towards my hotel, he stops and takes a few steps closer. I instinctively step back, but he quickly closes the gap. He reaches for my hand and when he takes it in his, I’m not sure what to do. I could yank it away, but I’m stunned by the size of his mitts. His hands are huge, sinewy and vascular. They reek of masculine strength and power. He’s a professor. How did he get these?

  And how did they escape me?

  Where the hell have these magical hands been all my life?

  He tries to speak. I don’t look up. While he stammers, I stare at his fingers and conjure lewd thoughts. How have I neglected these beauties? Stunned by their perfection, I’m suddenly eager to get a good look at the rest of his... assets.

  No. What am I saying? Nasty girl.

  “Why London? Why not here in New York?” He clasps my hand tightly and it disappears in his.

  “It was my Dad’s idea. He has an office in London. I can train there before I come back here.”

  “You can’t train here?” His voice drifts off into a mumble.

  “Why would I want to stay here?” My cheeks heat. I swallow hard and gaze up at his stern expression. His eyes take me in from head to toe. I feel consumed. Ravished. Naked. In a good way, if I’m being honest.

  “Because I’m here. Our future is here. Not in London.” My heart soars then drops into my stomach, frightening all the butterflies fluttering like crazy.

  I take a deep breath and try to speak, but words fail me when I spot Lora and Kevin Jackson headed in our direction.

  “Uhh…Can I get back to you about this?” I glance at my watch and pretend I’m late for something. I’m not a great actress, but I’d rather not say I don’t want to be seen with him. It sounds mean.

  “What?” Linus steps away and lowers his head to stare directly into my eyes. He shakes his head and pulls me behind a tall hedge, away from prying eyes. I open my mouth to protest this odd move, but when I do, he closes his mouth over mine. My lips part, his tongue swipes mine and I gasp, bracing myself on his big chest.

  Jesus, the firmness. The size. So hard and cut. My hands sink in and linger on the the only real pecs they’ve ever felt.

  With his mouth on my mine, his hands fall to my waist and seal me to his warmth. This might be the end of me.

  Linus wants his power back and I’m folding like a cheap suit.



  We’re not talking. She’ll come up with more bullshit. She lives her life counting the minutes and planning each day without fail. I can’t blame her entirely. It’s gotten her to where she is now.

  But where’s the fun? Where’s the joy?

  Ever wants everything to fit in a tidy little box and for that box to fit into a tidier bigger box, but that’s not how life works. If it was just her life, then I’d say fine, play with your damn boxes, but her fixation with plans and perfection will not ruin both our lives.

  I take her hand and haul ass to The Plaza. When we reach the lobby, she stares at me, chews her lip, leans closer, but says nothing.<
br />
  She knows what this means. She knows once it happens, I’ll never let her go. Since that first day of class, since the day we met, we’ve been working our way to this moment.

  The second we’re alone in the elevator, I smash her small body against mine and sink my mouth into hers. I steal her breath, deepen our kiss, invade her mouth and feast on those pink lips. She melts into me, kissing me back and winding her arms around my neck. Her big boobs rub against my chest. Her nipples harden. My hands fall to her waist and grip it tightly. We’re enraptured. One kiss becomes two and then they all blend into a desperate ache that refuses to be sated.

  I’ve never waited so long to be with a woman. I’ve never been so in love I remained celibate while I waited. But Everly is worth it.

  I’m not leaving this city until she’s mine forever.



  We rush through the hotel lobby, kiss on the elevator like long-lost lovers, and then dash through the sixth floor to Linus’s suite. I’m scared. I know what’s involved, but my experience in this arena is more than limited.

  For years, I thought I was saving myself for marriage. Then I met Linus, and although I didn’t think it would be him, I thought if someone made me feel the way he makes me feel, then I may not be strong enough to say no.

  What if I’m not any good? I think I can fake it until I make it, but he’s an older man. He’ll sniff me out.

  Slamming the door behind us, he carries me into the bedroom and brings us both on the bed. I die. I’ve never been in bed with a man or a boy and now I’m lying next to him. His masculine scent, his warmth, his taste quickly overwhelms me. I tremble with need and reach out to pull him closer.


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