Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8

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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Page 9

by Pepper North

  He’d just come back from Isabella’s exam room. Her enema had finished and Dr. Richards had declared it a perfect time for her to expel her enema while Sofia was expelling hers. Noah had ducked next door to see Isabella while Sofia was busy and Isabella had been so sleepy it was adorable. Immediately upon leaving the potty, Isabella had climbed back onto the exam table and rolled over on her side. She’d asked for her pacifier and when that was gelled with the soother and placed in her mouth, she immediately fell back to sleep with one hand tucked under her head. Dr. Richards had pressed a suppository into her rectum to soothe her inner tissues and he rubbed a cream around her anus. Isabella had not even wiggled. Dr. Richards spread a soft blanket over her and had turned out the lights. Leaving the door open so they could hear, both men returned to Sofia’s room for her continuing treatment.

  Sofia groaned each time a cramp would begin from the cleanser-filled water flowing rapidly inside her. Noah would rub her tummy and help spread the water higher in her intestines so the cramp would subside. He couldn’t help the stinging from the strong cleanser.

  “Can you take out the nozzle, Daddy? It hurts!” Sofia pleaded. Her voice was muffled and distorted from the pacifier but Noah could still understand his Little girl.

  Noah moved the nozzle gently inside Sofia’s bottom. He rocked it in and out and from side to side. While his hand was in close contact with her bottom, he discovered that her vaginal area was soaked with her arousal. Noah moved his hand to brush her inner labia and her clitoris. Sofia’s eyes shot open and immediately met his. Noah held her gaze steadily and slid two fingers into her soaked vagina.

  Sofia moaned in reaction. “Daddy?” she asked watching him closely.

  “Just let me see if I can make you feel better,” Noah settled her with a small smile and a slow in and out motion of his fingers in her vagina. He could tell the minute that she began focusing on the sensations he was building for her and forgot about the gushing water from the enema. Her thick, brown eyelashes fluttered to rest on her cheekbones. Noah looked up to find Dr. Richards watching and smiling. The kind doctor nodded his approval and he stepped quietly from the room to give them some privacy.

  Noah lowered his mouth to Sofia’s erect nipples and began to tongue them softly. He watched her hips rise off the top of the table slightly as she moved into his hand. Noah slowly built her arousal. He slowed his movements and caresses when he felt her body tense to climax. Filling the time, he tantalized his Little girl until Sofia was writhing within her restraints. Finally, he allowed her to climax. The enema had finished a half hour previously and Sofia could now expel her enema at any time. He kissed her lips deeply and continued to touch her lightly until her eyelids fluttered and Sofia looked up at him with total satisfaction written on her slightly smiling face.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she sighed.

  “Any time, sweetheart,” he caressed her relaxed body from her breasts down to her anus with the implanted nozzle. “Are you ready to get this out of you and go home?” he asked.

  “Can I lay here for just a few minutes more, Daddy?” she asked quietly needing a little time to recover from the massive orgasm.

  “Of course, Sofia. I’ll go check on Isabella and I’ll be right back to help you to the potty,” Noah smiled at her one more time and quietly walked next door. Isabella was beginning to make snuffling noises as she woke up.

  She looked up to see her Daddy and she smiled brightly at him. “I was having the best dream. Is it time to go home, Daddy?”

  “Almost time, Isabella. Let’s get you dressed and you can color in the waiting room while your sissy is finishing with the doctor. What were you dreaming about, sweetheart?” Noah asked curiously as he began to wrap a diaper around Isabella’s hips and then, helped her stand wobbly next to the exam table as he gathered her clothes.

  “I was dreaming about you, Daddy and Sofia. We were living in your big house and we were so happy,” she remembered smiling.

  Pulling her skirt up, Noah said, “Sounds like our life now.”

  “Yes!” Isabella agreed. “But I had the feeling that we were totally settled together. That we’d been together for a long time. I could feel the love between us. It was a really great dream.”

  “It sounds like a great dream and an even better reality,” Noah said. He took her hand and led her to the table in the Little area so she could color happily. Kissing the top of her head, he told her, “I’ll be back with Sofia in just a little while.”

  Isabella was carefully selecting a picture to color. She had already focused on her project. “Okay, Daddy. I’ll see you in a while,” she said absently.

  Noah chuckled and walked back to Exam Room One.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Sofia was restless on the exam table. “I’m ready now, Daddy. Can I go to the bathroom?”

  Noah was releasing her restraints when Dr. Richards walked in. The two men helped her down from the table and walked her carefully to the bathroom. Dr. Richards carefully deflated and removed the nozzle allowing Sofia to sit and expel the large enema. He wrapped a strap across her chest above her breasts. “Sofia, I want you to try not to strain as the enema comes out. Just let it fall out as naturally as possible.” When she nodded, he patted her on the head and motioned to Noah to follow him over to the desk.

  “I’ve gathered a few things for you to take home. I have a general vitamin suppository, I want you to place in to each twin’s bottom before they go to bed. If you will be giving an enema to that twin, hold off until after the enema. The girls will likely have different suppositories after the test results come back but for now, these are great supplements. It is crucial that Sofia have at least two enemas a day for the next three days. I know her schedule is busy but you’ll need to follow through with this. If you have to, be creative. You could go give her a large enema rapidly during her lunch break or at another down time of the day. I’m supposing that there is a private bathroom in her office,” Dr. Richards questioned.

  “You are correct. I could give her an enema in her office. That’s a good idea. Is there a special formula that I should use?” Noah asked.

  “I’ve given you the magic recipe in your directions on the papers inside the bag. Each twin has her own treatment plan. On Saturday, I need to see Sofia here again. She’ll need to eat lightly that day – gelatin, broth, etc. Again, there is a list on the instruction sheet. What time would you be able to get her here on Saturday?” Dr. Richards asked pulling up the calendar on his phone to book an appointment.

  “The clinic closes at two on Saturday. I could have her here by three. Does that work for you?” Noah asked checking his schedule as well.

  “Sofia is now on my schedule for Saturday at three. I may have to give her one last large enema or she may be ready for the colonoscope. I’ll give her a strong relaxing medicine so she will not be able to respond to any emergencies at the clinic for at least twelve hours after the shot,” Dr. Richards warned.

  “She has an arrangement with another independent vet. They trade weekend duties. I’ll have her make sure that she can cover. Thank you for all your treatment and advice, Matt. My Little girls are going to feel so much better soon,” Noah said gratefully.

  “I’m very glad you all found each other. It looks like PLAYTIME is going to be very successful. I may have to find another doctor to help me with my age play patients or stop performing surgeries at the hospital,” he shook his head slowly. “It’s a good dilemma to have.”

  Both men turned as they heard, “Daddy?” coming from the rear of the exam room.

  “I’m on my way,” Noah started toward Sofia. “Being busy was certainly a good dilemma to have,” he thought to himself with a chuckle.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Noah washed both girls quickly in the tub and wrapped a fresh diaper around their hips. He tucked Isabella in her crib immediately. She had napped all the way home and she fell immediately asleep with her new pacifier securely in her mouth. He picked up a
drowsy Sofia and carried her into his bedroom. There in an alcove, Noah sat on an upholstered chaise lounge with Sofia on his lap. The brown plush fabric cuddled the two of them together. Noah kissed Sofia on the top of her head and then lowered his arm so that their eyes could meet.

  “Sofia, you know that your tummy is causing you some problems. Dr. Richards wants to look at the inside of your tummy with a special scope. That’s why he gave you the enemas today. That was just the beginning of the process to make your tummy ready for the scope. Starting tomorrow for three days, I am going to give you an enema twice a day. We have to make sure that you have two enemas a day. If an emergency comes up at work, we will have to be flexible in how we squeeze in those two enemas. I may have to come to your office and give you an enema during a break that you have that day.”

  Sofia shook her head vigorously. “No, Noah. I can’t do that. It’s not professional. I’m too busy at work. We’ll have time at home.”

  “I agree. It’s better if we can take care of this at home. However, you and I both know that you have emergencies at all hours. That’s one of the things that I love about you. You are dedicated to making animals feel better,” Noah smiled and kissed her. “I am also dedicated to making you feel better. We will follow Dr. Richards’ instructions just like you would expect a pet parent to take care of their animal. Tomorrow, I am going to send with you to work a bag of supplies. I want you to take it into your office and store it so that if we need it, we will be ready. This is not an option, Sofia. Daddy is telling you to take the enema supplies to your office. Do you understand me?” Noah asked looking very seriously at her.

  A long pause extended between them. Noah just waited. His Little girl would make the right decision. Finally, Sofia nodded her head. “I understand, Noah. I’ll take the supplies to work with me.”

  Noah pulled her in for a kiss. “Thank you, Sofia for following my directions. I will try not to disrupt your work time but I am going to take care of your health.” Noah stopped and seemed to be replaying the conversation. “I think Little girl that I just told you that I love you.” He seemed rocked by the revelation. “I don’t think I have even allowed myself to admit that to myself. But I do. I love you, Sofia. You are so precious to me.” He leaned down to kiss Sofia. He began to unfasten the only covering she had on her lush body. Pulling the diaper off, Noah began to caress and kiss his beautiful Little girl.

  Noah leaned forward to lay Sofia on the plush fabric on the elevated leg support of the chaise lounge. Her legs were spread on either side of his body and he could feel her heat through his pants on to his penis. He stroked and caressed Sofia until she was moving restlessly on the soft fabric.

  “Daddy, Daddy,” she moaned repeated. “Please, Daddy!”

  Noah unfastened his pants allowing his erect penis to spring forward brushing against Sofia’s drenched folds. He quickly pulled on a condom from his side table and he began rubbing his penis across her vaginal opening and clitoris. “You are such a beautiful Little girl.” He continued to thrust his penis against her.

  “Sweetheart, I know you haven’t ever let a man put his penis inside you. Daddy, would like to take your temperature with his penis. Would you like to feel Daddy inside you?” Noah asked groaning. His self-control was wavering. He had wanted his Little girls since the first time they met. It was her decision.

  “I love you, too, Daddy. Please, please. I need you inside me,” Sofia begged as she arched up toward his penis.

  “I’ll go slowly, Sofia. Relax, sweetheart. Daddy just wants to take your temperature.” He began to slide his penis into her tight channel. Noah stopped each time he felt her tense. He felt her tissues parting for him reluctantly as he slowly stroked his way into her.

  “Daddy! You’re too big!” Sofia cried as he stretched her widely.

  “You’re okay, sweetheart. Daddy’s penis is almost inside you.” He pushed forward until his penis was fully entered in her vagina. “The hard part is over. Now, just feel how well Daddy can make you feel.” Noah began to rotate his hips so his pelvis was brushing her clitoris with ever movement. He leaned down to begin to kiss and draw her tight nipples into the warmth of his mouth before blowing on them.

  Noah began to hear the moans and pants that he had become familiar with over the time that he had spent with her. His Little girl orgasmed strongly crying out, “Daddy, I love you too. I love you.” Noah kissed her lips strongly and began to thrust his penis deep into her vagina and to withdraw it. He watched Sofia’s eyes as she began to raise her hips to meet his thrusts. The feelings his body could give her amazed his Little girl.

  “Aaaahhh! It’s so good, Daddy,” Sofia cried out as she orgasmed around his again.

  Finally, Noah allowed himself to orgasm safely into the condom. He held Sofia in his arms until she fell asleep. Noah kissed her head and carried her into the nursery. Laying her on her changing table, Noah carefully wiped her clean of her arousal. Finding a little blood, Noah softly rubbed a soothing cream that Dr. Richards had tucked in his supply bag. Noah silently thanked the doctor for caring for his family. He wrapped her in a diaper and placed her new pacifier in her mouth. Finally, he gently laid her in her crib raising the high railing to keep her safely inside.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  After taking a shower, Noah dropped into bed nude. He immediately fell asleep exhausted by all the activities of the day. He dreamed of the twins and imagined what their life would be in ten years. Noah smiled in his sleep to see the two twins living their lives as his Littles. All three of them were blissfully happy and their lives were fulfilled all their needs.

  Sounds from the nursery monitor woke Noah several hours later. He rubbed his face as he walked into the nursery to find Isabella crying. He lowered the crib railing and began to rub her back gently. His Little was still asleep and having a bad dream. “Sweetheart, it’s okay. Wake up for Daddy. You’re just having a bad dream. You’re okay,” Noah spoke quietly to her.

  Isabella opened her eyes to see Noah and she launched herself at him. “Daddy, I had a really bad dream. You had gone away and didn’t want me anymore.” Isabella had tears running down her cheeks.

  Noah picked up his precious little and carried her in his strong arms out of the nursery. “I’m never going to let you go, Isabella. Daddy loves you,” he reassured her. “Come sleep with Daddy for a while. Let me hold you,” Noah said tucking her into his bed and laying down beside her.

  Sofia looked at him with the tears reflecting in her eyes. “You love me?” she said with hope resounding in her voice.

  “Yes, Sofia. I love you. I love your Little side and your beautiful adult body. I love taking care of all your needs and being your Daddy.” Noah kissed her lips deeply before kissing down her neck and across her chest stopping to nibble gently on her nipples.

  “Ooooohhh, Daddy. I love you, too!” Isabella moaned as she squirmed against him.

  Noah ran his hand between her legs and his Little girl rolled to her back spreading her legs for him. “Good girl. Daddy wants to make his Little girl feel better after her bad dream.” Noah ran his fingers lightly across her folds before dipping into the moisture that was gathering. “You’re so wet. I think you like it when Daddy touches you.”

  Isabella nodded her head eagerly. “You make me feel so good, Daddy.” She moaned as Noah’s fingers slide into her vagina. “Daddy, Daddy, can I touch your penis?” she asked reaching a hand toward his huge erection. When he nodded his permission, Isabella tried to wrap her fingers around him only to look at him with amazement. “I don’t think you’ll fit inside me, Daddy.”

  Noah smiled at her. “You let Daddy worry about that. You and I were made to fit together. Would you like Daddy to be inside you?”

  Isabella looked worried. “I’d like that but I’m a little scared. Do you really think we were made to fit together?”

  “I have no doubts at all. How about letting Daddy take care of you? Will you trust me?” At her nod “yes,” Noah began to ki
ss her neck and caress Isabella. He lowered his head to begin to pull her nipples into his mouth.

  Isabella’s attention moved from worrying about Noah’s penis to focusing on the sensations that he was evoking in her body. She felt Noah roll over slightly to retrieve a condom in the bedside table. She watched him roll it on and then roll back to hold her in his arms. He began to rub his covered penis against her inner labia and clitoris. On each brush, Noah stopped and slid his penis into her vagina. She was definitely tight but as the feeling grew, Isabella relaxed and he was able to press a little deeper inside.

  All the new sensations overwhelmed Isabella. Her Daddy was moving inside her but not deeply. Suddenly, it was not enough. Isabella whispered, “Daddy, I want you to come inside me. I need you inside. Please!”

  Noah began to push further inside her as Isabella’s sensuous body rose to meet his movements. Deeper and deeper he entered her tight warmth. He was almost totally in when Isabella exploded into an orgasm. She wrapped her arms and legs around Noah and tightened her muscles pulling him fully into her. Noah groaned and Isabella kissed him deeply. Noah rocked slightly in and out of her as she pulsed with aftershocks. When she had recovered slightly, Noah began to thrust fully in and out of her vagina overwhelming the tight grip of her muscles.


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