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Year Zero

Page 41

by Ian Buruma

  Jews, 71–72, 103, 122, 158, 160–68, 177, 289, 312

  communism and, 88

  concentration camps and, see concentration camps

  French, 220

  German deportations compared to experience of, 157–58

  hiding and helping of, 89, 171–72

  homecomings of, 134–35

  Horthy and, 206

  Hungarian, 206

  Laval and, 220, 221

  laws against Nazis compared to laws against, 178

  Mussert and, 219–20

  in Netherlands, 134–36

  plunder of assets of, 89–90, 178

  in Poland, 86–90, 134, 160–62, 164, 165, 168

  revenge against, 90

  revenge by, 98, 99–101

  scale of genocide against, 161, 165

  United States and, 162, 167

  wealth attributed to, 88, 89

  Zionism and, 99, 100, 161–68, 244

  Journal à Quatre Mains (Groult and Groult), 25

  Judt, Tony, 90, 101

  Jules et Jim, 309

  Juliana, Princess, 24

  Jünger, Ernst, 94, 157, 234

  Kabuki theater, 300, 301, 332

  Kades, Charles, 176, 299

  Kafu, Nagai, 43–44

  Kaliningrad, 78

  kamikaze pilots, 140, 141–42

  Kant, Immanuel, 278

  Kästner, Erich, 68

  Kato Etsuro, 303

  Katyn massacre, 233

  Keeler, Christine, 296n

  Keenan, Joseph B., 185, 186

  Keene, Donald, 61, 186–87, 193–94, 268–70

  Keitel, Wilhelm, 18

  Kempeitai, 183–84, 188, 214, 259

  Kennan, George F., 225, 235

  Kennedy, John F., 326–27

  Kerr, Robert, 216

  Kertész, Imre, 133–34

  Keynes, John Maynard, 270–71, 290

  Kido Shinichiro, 118

  Kim Il-sung, 191, 268, 270

  Kinzel, Eberhard Hans, 15

  Kishi Nobusuke, 187, 259–61, 262, 270, 303

  Kitano Masaji, 211, 212

  Klee, Paul, ix

  Klein, Fritz, 228–30

  , 148

  Koestler, Arthur, 253

  Königsberg, 78, 158

  Konoe Fumimaro, 34

  Korea, 34, 106, 191, 262–70, 272, 273

  division of, 270

  Japan and, 262–67

  political rivalries in, 264–65

  sadae in, 265, 268, 269

  Shinto shrines in, 263

  Soviets in, 264, 266–69

  U.S. in, 265–69

  Korean War, 270, 298

  Korwin, Marta, 32

  Kovner, Abba, 99–101

  Krakow, 87

  Kramer, Jose, 228–30

  Krockow, Christian von, 91

  Krupp, Alfried, 181, 183

  Kulturbund, 284, 285

  Kun, Béla, 205, 207

  Labour Party, 253, 254

  in Britain, 243–44, 246–48, 250, 271, 273

  Lamartine, Alphonse de, 311–12

  Lamsdorf, 94, 95

  Laski, Harold, 246–47

  Lattimore, Owen, 261

  Laurel, José P., 188, 189, 191

  Laurel, Salvador “Doy,” 191

  Laval, Pierre, 200, 218–25, 229

  Law No. 8, 177–78, 181

  League of Nations, 9, 308, 309, 314, 316, 318, 322

  Lebanon, 324, 325

  Legge, Walter, 237

  Lehndorff, Hans Graf von, 78, 82, 156

  Lehnhard, Frau, 5

  Leipzig, 180

  Lemberg, 158

  Lemkin, Raphael, 322

  Lend-Lease Act, 270, 317

  Levant, 323–25

  Levitt, Saul, 226

  Levy, Rabbi, 162

  Lewis, Norman, 33–34

  Liberation, 13–16, 20, 22–23, 37, 51, 76, 86

  of Bergen-Belsen, 29–30

  colonial societies and, 111

  of France, 20, 50, 85, 120, 171

  of Greece, 208, 209

  in Netherlands, 53, 84, 132, 134

  sexuality and, 23–29, 38–39, 50

  Libération, 19, 20

  Liberation complex, 13

  Liberation Day, 14–15

  Lithuania, 160, 168

  Litwinska, Sophia, 229

  Löbe, Paul, 157

  London, 57

  V-E Day in, 18–19, 21, 22

  Lorelei, The (Heine), 2

  Lothian, Philip Kerr, Lord, 310

  Lvov, 89

  MacArthur, Douglas (Supreme Commander for Allied Powers; SCAP), 41

  Japan and, 35, 37, 65, 66, 174–76, 183–86, 191, 211, 261, 304

  Japanese reeducation and, 296–301

  Japanese viewed as childlike by, 296–97

  letters from Japanese citizens to, 174–75, 185

  Philippines and, 188–91, 213–18

  Willoughby and, 176, 211

  Yamashita and, 213–17

  Macmillan, Harold, 103–4, 107–10, 150, 245

  “Madelon,” 20

  Malaparte, Curzio, 49, 149

  Malaya, 111, 112–14, 125, 212

  Mallaby, A. W. S., 119

  Manchester Guardian, 244, 250, 324, 331

  Manchukuo, 66, 80, 81, 184, 193, 203–4, 210–11, 212, 257–61

  Shinkyo, 258

  Manchuria, 66, 69, 80, 187, 195–96, 203, 330

  Soviet invasion of, 66–67, 69, 195

  Manila, 60, 188–90

  Massacre of, 212–17, 306

  Mann, Thomas, 286

  Mao Zedong, 9, 102, 192–93

  Márai, Sándor, 59, 205

  Marcos, Ferdinand, 191

  Marcuse, Herbert, 177

  Marriage of Maria Braun, The, 141

  “Marseillaise of Peace” (Lamartine), 311

  Marshall, Richard, 184

  Martin, Françoise, 125

  Marx, Karl, 257

  Masada, 161

  Mascolo, Dionys, 138

  Mauldin, William “Bill,” 143–44

  Mennonites, 2

  Meredith, George, 278

  Metaxas, Ioannis, 107, 109, 110

  Metternich, Klemens von, 327

  Michel, Ernst, 231–34, 241

  Michnik, Adam, 86

  Middle East, 324–25

  Mikado (Gilbert and Sullivan), 300

  Milan, 59

  militarism, 174, 175, 179, 183, 185, 276

  Prussian, 171, 173, 175, 182, 279

  Mitsubishi, 187, 260, 261

  Mitsui, 187, 260

  Mitterrand, François, 138

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 321, 328

  Monde, 331

  Monnet, Jean, 253, 255, 256, 295

  Montgomery, Bernard “Monty,” 15, 16, 54, 207

  Monument of Jewish Gratitude, 136

  Moran, Sherwood, 61

  Morgenthau, Henry, 65–66, 276, 317

  Morgenthau Plan, 65, 276, 278

  Mornet, André, 222

  Mosaddeq, Mohammad, 312

  Moscow, V-E Day in, 20

  Motoshima Hitoshi, 175n

  Mountbatten, Louis, Lord, 111, 115

  Mount Fuji, 300

  Mouvement de Libération Nationale (MLN), 310–11

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 283

  Munich, 180

  Muslims, Islam, 113, 121–22, 155

  Mussert, Anton, 218–21, 222–24

  Mussolini, Benito, 103, 104, 105, 272, 311

  Nagasaki, 271, 296, 298, 309, 32

  Nanking, 193, 194–95

  Rape of, 194, 306

  Naples ’44 (Lewis), 33–34

  Napoleon I, 292, 327

  Nation, 322

  National Council of the Resistance, 252

  Nausée (Sartre), 290

  Nazi Concentration Camps, 279

  Nazimuddin, Khwaja, 244

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 315

  Netherlands, 253, 308

  Arnhem, 2, 16, 307

  birthrate in, 53–55

  black market in, 68

  France and, 220

  hunger in, 53–55

  Jews in, 134–36

  liberation in, 53, 84, 132, 134

  Liberation Day in, 14–15

  moral panic in, 50

  Nijmegen, 2, 132–33

  Operation Manna in, 53–54

  prosecutions for collaboration in, 207

  Rotterdam, 256–57

  war monuments in, 136

  Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA), 116–18

  Neumann, Franz, 176–77

  New Deal reformers, 175–76, 186, 244, 261–62, 272, 296, 299

  New Jerusalem idea, 249–53, 257

  New York City, 22, 332

  V-E Day in, 19, 21, 22

  New York Daily News, 22

  New Yorker, 310, 320, 326

  New York Herald Tribune, 21–22

  New York Times, 41, 54, 154, 192, 313, 329, 330, 332

  Nicolson, Harold, 245–46, 254–55, 271

  Nicolson, Nigel, 145, 146

  Nijmegen, 2, 132–33

  Ninth Thesis on the Philosophy of History (Benjamin), ix

  Nishizawa Eiichi, 332

  Nissan, 187, 259–60

  Nixon, Richard, 305

  Noel-Baker, Philip, 327

  Norel, K., 136

  North Korea, 191

  Norway, 84

  Nosaka Akiyuki, 40, 44–45, 55

  Nozaka Sanzo, 261

  nuclear weapons, see atomic bombs

  Nuremberg trials, 183, 185, 216–18, 226, 228, 230–37, 244, 322, 331

  Odrodzenie, 90

  Ogtrop, Father, 24

  Ohlendorff, Otto, 182

  Ohrdruf, 226–27

  Okamura Yasuji, 194–95

  Oleiski, J., 163–64

  O-Machi, 196–97

  Omi, 302

  O’Neill, Con, 181

  Operation Barleycorn, 65

  Operation Fraternization, 24

  Operation Manna, 53–54

  Operation Market-Garden, 16, 307

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 313

  Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, 170

  Osaka, 60

  Our Job in Japan, 276

  Ozu , 141

  Pacific War, 34, 67, 175, 297

  Paget, Bernard, 324

  Pagnell, Newport, 326

  Palestine, 100, 163–68, 244

  panpan girls, 36–38, 69

  Papandreou, Georgios, 208

  Papon, Maurice, 200–201

  Paraat, 134–35

  Paris, 24, 25, 58, 273

  V-E Day in, 19–22

  Park Chong-hee, 270

  Patriote de l’Eure, 85

  Patton, George, 41, 71, 143, 160, 181, 307

  , Ante, 102, 149

  Pearl Harbor, 188, 216, 314, 316

  Pearson, Lester, 327

  People’s Courts, 203–7, 267

  Percival, Arthur, 40, 212

  Persilschein, 179

  Petacci, Clara, 104

  Pétain, Philippe, 103, 137, 171, 198–200, 219, 222

  trial of, 221–22

  Philippines, 111, 188–91, 212, 315

  Japanese invasion and occupation of, 188–90

  MacArthur and, 188–91, 213–18

  Manila, see Manila

  Pills, Jacques, 24

  Pissarczik, Georg, 93

  Poland, 62, 253, 335

  German occupation of, 87–88

  Germans falsely accused of having been Nazis in, 93, 94

  Germans forcibly returned to Germany from, 154–60

  Germans in former German lands in, 91, 92

  Jews in, 86–90, 134, 160–62, 164, 165, 168

  leaders of wartime underground in, 320, 321–22

  persecution of Jews in, 86–87

  plunder of Jewish assets in, 89–90

  revenge against Germans in, 90–95

  Silesia and, 92–93

  Soviet Union and, 88, 91, 92, 319–22, 323, 328

  United Nations and, 319–20

  Polge, Madame, 85–86

  Populaire, 86

  Potsdam Conference, 153–55, 167, 173–74, 279, 300, 329

  Powell, Michael, 248–50

  Prague, 96, 158–59

  Pressburger, Emeric, 248–50

  Profumo, John, 296n

  prostitution, 24–25, 28, 33, 48, 49

  in Germany, 42–43

  in Japan, 34–38, 45

  Prussia, 157, 253

  Prussianism, 171, 173, 175, 182, 279

  Punch, 277

  purges of wartime collaborators, 235

  in France, 198–201

  in Germany, 172–73, 176–83, 279, 293

  in Japan, 172–76, 183–87

  see also trials

  Pu’yi, Henry, 258, 259

  Quezon, Manuel, 188

  Quwatli, Shukri al-, 323–24

  Radzilow, 88

  Rainer, Friedrich, 146

  Rákosi, Mátyás, 205

  Ramadier, Paul, 57

  rape, 38, 39, 42, 84

  of German women by Soviets, 83–84

  Rape of Nanking, 194, 306

  rationalist idealism, 311–12

  Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA), 34–35

  Red Bands of the Sabilillah, 113

  reeducation, 276–77

  of Germany, 277–95, 297

  of Japan, 276, 287, 295–306

  see also German culture; Japanese culture

  religious universalism, 311–12

  Remarque, Erich Maria, 290

  Renan, Ernest, 286

  Renault, Louis, 200

  Renault factories, 200, 253

  Rescue Committee for European Jewry, 165

  resistance movements, 169–72, 201

  communism and, 102–3, 109, 175

  in France, 170–71, 199, 201, 252, 253

  as political force, 253–54

  revenge, 9, 75–80, 86, 98

  in Asia, 111–13, 117, 118

  against Germans by Czechs, 95–98

  against Germans by Poles, 90–95

  against Germans by Soviets, 79–80

  in Italy, 105, 106

  against Japanese by Soviets, 80

  against Jews, 90

  by Jews, 98, 99–101

  in Vietnam, 126

  see also trials

  Rhee, Syngman, 267, 269, 270

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 231

  Richard, Marthe, 201

  Richter, Erich, 331–32

  Richter, Helmut, 92

  Ringers, J. A., 257

  Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 250

  Roberts, Owen J., 313

  Robertson, Brian, 278

  Rockwell, Norman, 314

  Romania, 62, 154, 159, 253

  Rome, 59

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 154, 292, 317, 318–20, 327–28

  Atlantic Charter and, 314–15, 323

  death of, 319

  Four Freedoms of, 314, 323

  United Nations and, 316–
18, 319

  Rosenfeld, Netty, 134

  Rosensaft, Josef “Yossele,” 56–57, 162–63, 229

  Rosensaft, Menachem, 57

  Rossellini, Roberto, 40, 242

  Rossi, Ernesto, 311

  Rotterdam, 256–57

  Roxas, Manuel, 189, 190–91

  Rudenko, Roman A., 233–34

  Rümmelin, Dr., 5

  Russia, 9

  see also Soviet Union

  Russians, 145, 146, 148

  forcibly returned to Soviet Union, 150–53

  soldiers, see Soviet soldiers

  Russo-Japanese War, 80

  Rutledge, Wiley B., Jr., 216–17

  Sackville-West, Vita, 271

  Saigon, 120, 124–27

  Saint-Pierre, Abbé de, 311

  Sakaguchi Ango, 68–69, 70, 140

  Sakura Sogoro, 332

  Salleh, Kiyai, 113

  Salter, Arthur, 63

  San Francisco Conference, 310, 312–14, 318–27

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 290, 291–92

  Saturday Evening Post, 36, 295

  Sauckel, Fritz, 231

  SCAP, see MacArthur, Douglas

  Schacht, Hjalmar, 231, 251

  Schell, Margarete, 96–98

  Schlesinger, Winifred, 19, 21, 24

  Schmidt, Josef, 332

  Schnitzler, Georg von, 183

  Schonfeld, Solomon, 60–61, 161

  Schuman, Robert, 294, 295

  Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth, 237

  Scott, T. P., 147, 153

  Selborne, Roundell Palmer, Lord, 150

  Serbs, 146, 148, 149

  Sétif, 122, 124, 315

  sexuality, 51

  in displaced persons camps, 31–33

  fraternization with soldiers, 23–28, 39–51, 84–86

  and German occupation of France, 26–27, 84–86

  illegitimate births, 28–29, 31, 38

  and liberation of Europe, 23–29, 38–39, 50

  prostitution, see prostitution

  rape, see rape

  sexually transmitted diseases, 28, 48–50

  Shaw, David, 152

  Shawcross, Hartley, 244

  Shidehara Kijiro, 300

  Shiga Naoya, 141–42

  Shigemitsu Mamoru, 300

  Shinkyo, 258

  Shinto, 263, 300–301

  Shinwell, Emanuel, 57

  Sicily, 253

  Sikorski, Władysław, 91

  Sington, Derrick, 29–30

  Skin, The (Malaparte), 49

  “Silence” (Borowski), 76, 77

  Silesia, 92–95, 155–58

  Singapore, 212

  Slovenia, 145–49

  Smith, Herbert A., 230

  Smuts, Jan, 322, 323

  Socha, Leopold, 89

  social democratic governments, 253

  socialism, 250, 254, 273

  in Britain, 245, 246, 248–50, 271

  Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), 285

  Sony Corporation, 72


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