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Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance

Page 25

by Tabatha Kiss

  Phantom shower steam fills my lungs and my brow breaks out in the thick, humid air. Junior pushes the zipper the rest of the way and I look down to watch him slide his pants to the floor.

  He stands before me, naked and aroused, just like that day in the locker room and my body responds just like it did before.

  “Ellie…” he whispers. “Do you see what you do to me — what you still do to me?” I nod, knowing what he’ll ask me next. “Do I still do the same to you?”

  My grip on the sheet loosens but I don’t drop it yet. “Yes…”

  He leans forward, pinning me against his desk. “I wanted to take you then,” he admits. “I wanted to hold you against the locker and—” He crushes his lips on mine. I sigh into the kiss, melting like crazy for him. He pulls away with closed eyes, holding back. “Did you want me, too?”

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  He kisses me again, this time harder and firmer. “I felt your touch on me for hours. I couldn’t shake it. I needed it.”

  My fingers twitch on their own and they wrap around his hard cock. He inhales sharply and cups my face, digging his fingers into my cheeks as he massages our tongues together. I stroke him slowly, imagining what his thickness will feel like when he’s finally inside.

  “Tell me again what you told me last week,” he whispers with baited breath. “What you said I could do to you if we won.”

  “I said…” My lips shake. “I said you could fuck my brains out.”

  He smiles. “You want it, don’t you?”

  I nod, practically falling apart against him.

  “Say it.”

  “Yes,” I answer. “I want you to fuck my brains out.”

  Junior reaches for the sheet and pulls it from my weak grasp.

  My skin bleeds warmth. His touch shocks my system, firing ripples of pleasure across my skin wherever his fingers graze me. I lay his cock against my folds and he groans for it.

  “Let me inside of you, Ellie,” he says, barely letting his lips leave mine as he speaks. He reaches down my open knees and I raise them up to embrace his hips. “I want to feel what it’s like… just for a second.”

  I bite my lip, hesitating while my body betrays reason. Everything throbs; a constant, sexual metronome of heat and desire that I can’t control. I look down at his huge cock in my hand, thinking I’m in total control but I’m not. His bare skin on mine. His raw, animal nature taking over me. The temptation is more than I can stand.

  Just for a second.

  I guide him down to align us and I keep my eyes on him as I guide his cock inside. The pleasure is instantaneous, igniting more lust than I’d ever thought possible before.

  My entire body twitches as he pushes in as far as he can go. I want him to thrust me but he fights the desire to.

  His nails dig into my hips, nearly breaking my skin. The pain teases my core and my throbbing intensifies. My body nears climax already, forced to the edge by just one fill of him.

  He lets go of me and steps back to pull himself out, exhaling a hard breath from the bottom of his lungs.

  I moan at the perfect sensation of him moving in me and I’d do anything to feel it just one more time. There’s temptation in his eyes to keep fucking me but he spins around and walks over to his bedside table instead.

  I stay put, unable to move or think as he grabs a condom from the drawer and tears it open with his teeth. He returns to me with the rubber rolled down his cock and he takes hold of me so fast it makes me dizzy.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he grunts.

  I obey, raising my knees and locking my heels together behind him. My body melts into his skin, blissfully lost in ecstasy as he thrusts inside again.

  The fire in me explodes as he fucks me, moans falling from me faster than his pulsing hips can grind.

  He grips my body and kisses me, absorbing my vibrating tongue but I can’t stop moaning for him.

  “Junior…” I cry out his name, drawing an instant smile to his lips. “Harder.”

  A light chuckle escapes him as he leans forward to whisper in my ear. “Oh, Ellie… I’m just getting started on you.” His words shake me to the core and he rocks me with several firm thrusts. “I told you I’d ruin you and I always keep my promises.”

  Junior lifts me off the desk and turns us around. My head spins, overwhelmed with dizzy desire as he drops me onto his bed. He pulls me towards him, bending and shaping me how he wants and I open myself to take every last inch of him.

  “You can come as much as you want, Ellie…” he chuckles, “but you’re not going anywhere until I’m done with you.”

  He leans down to kiss me and guides my arms above my head to pin me in place beneath him. I lie back with my legs up, pinching his sides as he moves in me.

  I’ve spent the last few weeks torturing Junior Morgan, waving my pussy out in front of his nose and now that he’s got it, I start to wonder whether he’ll ever leave it. His eyes burn with passionate fire and his entire body breathes with lust — constantly moving as I writhe beneath him. His hands never stop touching and feeling me and my skin responds with a constant surge of pleasure blooms.

  He shoves his hand between us, masterfully stroking my clit to make sure I’m satisfied and I melt against his fingertips.

  Junior draws the first orgasm from me and he pauses to watch the expressions dance across my face. He leans down to steal a kiss, tasting my moans while pounding a steady rhythm inside. The sensation dominates me and I dissolve into a fierce rattle of uncontrollable laughter and groans.

  I’d heard Junior Morgan was good — but this is amazing.

  Chapter 15


  I draw a line along Eliza’s naked hip, tracing up and down for what must be the two-hundredth time but neither of us seems to care.

  Usually, I’d come up with an excuse at this point. Tonight was fun, babe, but I got an early practice in the morning. I’ll see you out. Something plausible but strategic to remind them of who I am and how lucky they were to even be here.

  But right now, the thought doesn’t even cross my mind as I stare over at Eliza. I’m just lying here, looking into the stunning ocean currents she calls eyes, refusing to look at the clock because I know that doing so will put a limit on this moment.

  “What?” she asks, smiling gently with her head on my pillow.

  “Nothing,” I reply, letting my fingertips dance along her skin.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like it’s just an intermission.”

  I laugh. “Maybe it is.”

  She props herself up on her elbow. “Bullshit.”

  “I told you I could rock you all night, Eliza Pierce. You should have believed me.”

  “Well, then… I stand corrected,” she laughs.

  I shake my head and slide closer to her. “No, if you’re standing, then I’ve done something wrong. Spread your legs again—”

  She slaps me away. “Not so fast… I need a little more rest first.”

  “That’s what I thought.” I settle back, feeling a rush of satisfaction as she laughs.

  “Oh…” She sits up. “Speaking of you doing things wrong…” I raise a confused brow as she crawls across the bed and reaches for my notebook on the desk, flashing me the most exquisite view of her tempting ass as she moves. “I checked over your math homework while I was waiting on you.”

  “I thought you were only here for a few minutes before I got home,” I say, glancing at the pencil notches taking over my homework.

  She clears her throat, ignoring the accusation as she points to the paper. “I think we need to go over factoring again because you keep—”

  I snatch the notebook from her and toss it to the floor. “Not now.”


  “Ellie…” I shift her onto her back and drop my lips to her breasts. “Not now.”

  She smiles and exhales the tension from her muscles as I descend her bo
dy. “Okay… tomorrow then.”

  “Tomorrow is Sunday,” I argue.

  “That’s the perfect day for studying.”

  “When a guy fantasizes about his tutor riding him, a stern work ethic is not what he’s thinking about…”

  “Get used to it, Junior. I said you’d learn it and I meant it.”

  I kiss down her navel, sliding my tongue along her flavorful skin. “You know… you haven’t told me what you wanted in return for tutoring me.”

  Her lips curl. “Oh, that.” She runs her fingers through my hair, quivering softly as my tongue inches even closer to her core. “Grab my bag.”

  I reach for it, curious to know what she brought with her and what dirty things I can do to her with it.

  She withdraws a book from the bag. “Page ninety-seven.”

  I blink with confusion as she tosses it at me but I do as she asks. “Okay…”

  “Read Danny’s lines.”

  My tongue twitches with disappointment. “What is this?”

  “I help you study geometry and you help me memorize my lines,” she explains.

  I glance at the book and chuckle. “This wasn’t really what I had in mind…”

  “I know,” she grins, “but you said you’d do whatever I wanted and this qualifies.”

  “Does it, though…?”

  “Yes.” She sits back against the headboard, staring at me with expectation. “I’m waiting, Danny.”

  I sigh and look at the script, finding Danny’s first line at the top of the page. “If this is right, then why does it feel so wrong?”

  She smiles at my stiff delivery but swings into her character. “It feels wrong because we don’t know any better,” she recites from memory. “You just need a little time to think about it like I have.”

  “Nora, I don’t give a good goddamn what your head thinks.” I furrow my brow. “All I care about is what that beautiful heart of yours feels—” I drop the script. “This is stupid.”

  “You said you’d do anything…”

  “No, I mean… these lines. No one talks like this.”

  “I asked you to read, not to think.”

  “I don’t want to do either one right now,” I hint, tossing the script off the bed.

  She lunges forward, wincing as it slides along the floor. “That’s my only copy—”

  I grab her arm and pull her towards me. “Right now, I’d rather be moaning or grunting or tasting — none of which require reading or thinking.”

  She winks. “Maybe a little thinking.”

  “I beg to differ, Ellie,” I say, sliding down her body. “I can do some very good things to you without even thinking about it.”

  I lick her sweet folds and her thighs twitch against my shoulders. She moans softly, her breaths growing more powerful with each lap I give her clit. I focus on it, drawing circles around it and adding pressure in all the right places until she’s squirming beneath me.

  My mouth waters with every taste and I immerse myself in her, not caring how much of a mess she makes on my face. I reach up her body to squeeze her breasts and her hips buck and grind on me.

  Eliza grabs my hair and digs her nails into my scalp. “Stick a finger in me,” she moans.

  I do as she pleases, sliding my digit inside until I can’t anymore. She writhes against my hand, trembling wildly as I fuck her with it.

  Her back arches and she moans at the ceiling as she comes. Every piece of her quakes under me and I can’t help but laugh with her ecstasy. Her moans squeak from her little throat, an adorable change from her usual deep, feminine tone.

  Slowly she relaxes, gently twitching every few seconds as I kiss up to her neck.

  She opens her eyes and slight panic crosses her face. “Oh, my god…” she deflates, staring at my bedside clock. “My father’s gonna kill me.”

  “He gives you a curfew?”

  “It’s suggested,” she sighs. “But still, I’d rather not…”

  “Rock the boat,” I nod.


  I finally give in and check the time. It’s three in the morning.

  “Relax,” I laugh, hoping to keep her in my bed for as long as possible. “Stay here. The damage is already done.”

  She slides out from under me and reaches for her bag, but I squeeze her hand. “Junior, come on.”

  “Come on what?” I ignore her protest and pull her over me so she straddles my waist. Her wetness hugs my cock and I feel myself growing hard again.

  She feels it, too. “Junior… I have to go…”

  Fuck, I love the way she says my name.

  “No, you don’t.” I press myself against her glistening folds.

  “Junior…” she sighs with pleasure.

  I sit up and wrap my hands around her naked curves. Her nipples harden against my palms as I kiss her to taste the warm desire on her lips.

  She melts in my arms, losing more of her will to leave with every hard inch of me she feels.

  “What will it be, Ellie?” I ask. “Are you coming or going?”

  She smiles. “Why not both?”

  “Correct answer.”

  I settle back against my pillows as she grabs another condom from my drawer. She sheaths me with it like a champ and impales herself on me, instantly breathing a soft moan as the inches slide inside.

  I take her with slow, upward thrusts and she lays her palms on my chest to hold herself up as she rides me. She matches my speed, grinding and purring with each buck of our hips.

  Her pussy is still so tight around me, even after the hard fucking I already gave her tonight. I groan with each massaging grip, climbing that hill faster than usual but if her eyes are any indication, she just might come before I do.

  I slide a hand down her body and push my thumb against her sensitive clit to help her along.

  She gasps. “Junior, don’t stop…” I intensify the grind, drawing a sharp moan from the bottom of her lungs. “Faster…”

  I oblige, flicking my thumb and pounding upward even harder. Her face contorts into an expression of sinful agony with closed eyes and an open mouth, signaling an upcoming orgasm that’s sure to make me ruin the inside of this condom.

  “Junior—!” she moans, nearly screaming. Her body freezes in place above me and her inner muscles claim my cock with quick spasms, forcing me over the edge as her nails claw into my skin.

  White light tears my vision apart, blinding me as I come with her. She collapses forward to kiss me and our lips vibrate together with moans and grunts of satisfaction. I bury my nose in her hair to smell the mixture of her natural scent and her perfume and her shampoo — anything that will make me memorize every sensation of this moment.

  Eliza slides off of me, her chest heaving up and down. “Okay…” she says after she catches her breath. “Now, I definitely have to go.”

  She gets dressed and I throw on my jeans to cover up with before I lead her through the dark, silent house.

  As we step outside, I spot Ty’s car in the driveway. “I didn’t even hear him come in…”

  Her round eyes grow wider in the dim street lighting. “You don’t think he heard us, do you?”

  “Oh, he most definitely heard you.” She halts and smacks my shoulder. “I’m kidding! Ty’s the deepest sleeper I’ve ever met. I bring girls in and out of here all the time, he’s never complained.”

  She pauses. “Oh, really?”

  “That… did not come out right,” I choke. “I meant that I used to—”

  “Calm down, Junior.” She chuckles in the dark. “We both knew what this was.”

  My body feels twenty pounds heavier. “Right… we’re just having fun.”

  “Exactly.” She pops up onto her toes and lays a quick peck on my cheek. “Bye, Junior.”

  “Bye, Ellie.”

  I leave her at her car and she drives off down the street.

  I linger on the porch until her car disappears from sight but I try to pretend I’m not. I pull the mailbox ope
n to check inside even though I already know it’s empty. I bend over to adjust the welcome mat because it’s about thirty degrees off center.

  Thirty degrees? I guess Eliza was right when she said I’d actually learn something with her as my math tutor.

  I step inside and run right into Ty’s judgmental face.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asks, the whole truth flashing back at me.

  “Checking the mail,” I claim.

  “At three in the morning?”

  “Is that weird?”

  Ty shakes his head. “Cut the crap. That was Eliza Pierce, wasn’t it?”

  I scoff. “Come on, man. She’s just my math tutor.”

  “Oh, okay…” His voice drips with sarcasm. “Eliza Pierce was in your bedroom all night, moaning at you to solve equations harder and faster?”

  “Okay, fine. You caught us. We’re just having some fun. That’s it.”

  “There’s having fun with girls and then there’s having fun with Cary Pierce’s daughter,” he points out. “Only one of those things will get you kicked off the football team.”

  “Coach is not going to kick me off the team, all right?” I laugh.

  “I hope not because, unfortunately, we need your ass.” He steps back, his head sagging with disappointment. “Don’t let a few late-night study sessions blow this entire season for the rest of us.”

  “I won’t.”


  Ty takes off back to his room but I linger behind in the darkness for a few more minutes.

  I can’t really blame him for getting angry. Hell, I’d be just as pissed off if I were in his shoes. Hands off Eliza Pierce. It’s an easy, simple instruction but as Eliza the Tutor could easily tell you, following instructions isn’t my strongest suit.

  But Eliza and I are just having fun. She confirmed as much a few minutes ago. No strings attached. Just good, old-fashioned, casual sex.

  When the coach told me to stay away from her, he could have meant not to date her. We’re not dating so we should be in the clear, right?

  I slink back to my room and the temporary comfort the thought brings me disappears. The place still smells of her. That flower perfume lingers on the walls and my bedsheets. Her moans of pleasure and laughter still echo in my ears.


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