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Johnny Deeper: A Sports Romance

Page 26

by Tabatha Kiss

  It could all come crashing down at any moment. The mere thought of that burns. Every ounce of victory and satisfaction in me is instantly displaced by nagging guilt and doubt but it doesn’t change a damn thing in the end.

  I plop down onto my desk chair and twitch as something soft breaks my fall. I reach behind me and pull out that teddy bear from the arcade. It takes me back to that night and how cute she looked sitting in my car with it on her lap. It’s just a stupid stuffed animal but it makes me grin like a damn idiot every time I look at it.

  I’d do it all again. I’d throw everything else away for a minute of her in my bed.

  Does that make me an asshole?

  Screw it. I’ll be an asshole then.


  Chapter 16


  “It’s over.”

  I say it without blinking, without hesitation, and Junior stares back at me from the other side of his bed with a blank expression on his face.

  “I don’t accept that,” he replies.

  I try not to look down at his naked abs, the one distraction I don’t need right now. His bed sheet lies draped over his groin. I’m sure if he even sneezed just right it would fall down to expose his—

  Focus, Eliza.

  “I don’t care what you accept,” I whisper, forcing my eyes down to my shirt — or I should say his over-sized shirt that I’ve claimed as my own. “It’s over, we’re done. I can’t do this anymore.”

  He sits up. “You’ve sung this song before, Nora. What makes this different than any other time you’ve run away from us in the last ten years?”

  “It’s…” I clamp my jaw in frustration. “It’s the… shit. Line.”

  Junior smirks and twists his wrist to flick the script open. “It’s the first time I’ve thought more with my head—”

  “More with my head and not my heart!” I complete the line. “Dammit. Why can’t I remember that one?”

  He tosses the script back down. “From the top again?”

  I sigh with amused frustration. “You’re not even looking at the script.”

  “I don’t need to anymore.”

  “You have it memorized?”

  “I guess.”

  I kick his chest with my bare foot. “I can’t believe you know this scene better than I do…”

  Junior cradles my foot in his hands, putting soft pressure against my arch. “Well, maybe if you didn’t end up with my cock in your mouth every time you came over to run lines, you’d know it by now.”

  My jaw drops and he laughs. “Wow… you know what?” I take the opportunity to mess with him. “I think you’re right, Junior. Maybe we shouldn’t hook-up anymore.”

  He drops my foot and points a finger at me. “I didn’t say that,” he argues. “I did not say that at all.”

  “I see the light now, Junior…” I add more emotion to my voice. “Sex is a bad thing. It’s naughty and horrible for productivity.”

  “But that’s the fun part…”

  “It’s over,” I say, taking it from the top.

  He smiles and leans forward, letting the sheet gently slip off his naked groin. “I don’t accept that.”

  “I don’t care what you accept…” I slide beneath him as he crawls up my body. “It’s over, we’re done. I can’t do this anymore.”

  Junior shifts between my willing thighs. “You’ve sung this song before, Nora…” He crushes his lips against mine and I stretch towards his condom stash to grab one off the top. “What makes this different than any other time you’ve run away from us in the last ten years?”

  “It’s the first time I’ve thought more with my head and not my heart,” I say, rolling the latex onto his stiff shaft. “This is the right thing for both of us, Danny. I know it.”

  He adjusts my knees, pulling me closer to align us. “If this is right… then why does it feel so wrong?”

  I moan as he pushes inside, stretching me out with every thick inch of him. “It feels wrong…” He rocks me with quick, firm thrusts and I twitch with pleasure. “It feels… oh, fuck, Junior, that feels good.”

  He laughs. “That’s not your line.”

  “I don’t care.” I raise my knees and he drapes them over his shoulders the way I like it. His tip presses against my most sensitive spot and my back arches off the mattress as I squirm on him.

  Junior grins down at me. “Nora,” he continues, keeping hard, consistent thrusts, “I don’t give a good goddamn what your head thinks. All I care about is what that beautiful heart of yours feels.” He leans down, flashing his best, melodramatic eyes at me. “It feels the same as mine. I love you. I’ve always loved you since the day I saw you and I refuse to let you go.”

  I laugh from the bottom of my gut. “You fucking show-off!”

  He chuckles, breaking character. “I think I may have missed my calling with this whole acting thing.”

  “You think so?”


  “I don’t think you’re handsome enough to be an actor,” I tease.

  He halts his thrust. “Oh, those are some fighting words, Eliza Pierce.”

  “What are you gonna do about it?”

  His eyes narrow, firing down at me with intense, playful revenge. “Okay, then—”

  I laugh out loud as he takes hold of me and spins me around onto my stomach.

  He’s back inside of me in seconds, entering me from behind as he pins me to the bed. I tremble, feeling the weight of his body against my back. He takes my hair in his fist and pulls my head up to expose my neck for his bites while pounding me hard and fast.

  I grip the pillow beneath my head, moaning into it with each breath. His lips graze my ear and his warm breath tickles my spine.

  “You going to take it back?” he teases, grinding me a little harder.

  Fire burns inside, almost ready to explode. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing but pleasure falls from my tongue.

  “Ellie…” he chuckles.

  He stops thrusting and I whine beneath him. “No, keep going—”

  “Take it back and I’ll let you come…”

  I grit my teeth in dissatisfaction. “You son-of-a—”

  He twists my neck, guiding my face back to kiss me. “Take it back and I’ll make you come all over this cock.”

  I whimper. “I take it back—”

  “Take what back?”

  “You’re handsome,” I laugh. “Born for the stage.”

  He slaps my ass. “Good girl.”

  The pleasant pain charges up my lower back and I moan as he resumes his domination of me. He has me so close again within minutes and he groans with me as he races me to the edge.

  “Ellie… I want to own this tight, little body.” He wraps my hair tighter around his fist and I kindle at the deep growl of his voice. “Let me own you…”

  I moan, fueled by his perfect, dirty mouth. He reaches for my hips and guides me to raise my ass, sending his cock in deeper and I gasp at the extra pleasure. “Right there… don’t stop.”

  He bites my neck, etching a line into my skin with his teeth. “I’m not going to stop until you’re coming on my dick,” he teases into my ear, “and then I’m going to come all over your ass.”

  “Yes!” I moan.

  He reaches around me to cradle my clit between two fingers, rubbing and fucking me until I’m purring like a damn kitten in heat.

  “You’re mine, Ellie,” he groans. I spasm with lust. “Tell me that no one else makes you feel like this.”

  “No one—!” I gasp, barely able to speak.

  Climax takes over, crashing around me like a fierce ocean wave and there’s nothing I can do but lie here and drown in it.

  Junior kisses my neck as I come, chuckling softly in my ear as he does every time I submit to him.

  I settle against the pillow and he pushes off of me to rip the condom off. I feel his bare tip against my ass, dripping and shaking as he strokes himself in a tight fist.

  I crane my
neck to watch the torture on his face as he ejaculates, enjoying the expressions that cross over him. Ropes of him spray against my skin and he marks both of my bare cheeks with his warmth.

  He lets out a final grunt and drops his cock, letting it twitch against his thigh. “Goddamn, I love this beautiful ass…” he says, slapping me again with his open palm.

  I chuckle. “It’s not that impressive.”

  “Never tone down your strengths.” He raises a finger at me. “Even if you have to fake it.”

  I cringe. “Quoting my dad probably isn’t the best thing to do after coming on my ass, Junior.”

  “Shit, you’re right. Sorry.” He gives my cheek another tap before climbing off the bed and retreating into his bathroom for a rag to clean me up with.

  I lie still, watching the sweat glisten on his skin as he moves across the room. “Did you mean what you said?”

  He takes the warm, wet towel and glides it across my rear. “About what?”

  “About owning me?”

  “I say that because it’s what you like to hear,” he says. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but every time I say it, you come within seconds. I certainly have.”

  “But did you mean it?”

  He folds up the towel and tosses it across the room, easily landing it in his laundry basket in the corner. His eyes trail up my body to mine but he quickly looks away. “I don’t know how to answer that.”

  I shift onto my side. “Why not?”

  “Ellie…” he hesitates.

  “Answer the question, Junior.”

  “Yes, of course. I meant it,” he spits. “But no one could ever own you, Ellie. That’s why I want to.”

  I let the words sink in and my brow furrows.

  Slipping casually in and out of Junior Morgan’s bed for the last few weeks probably hasn’t been the best idea. I’ve grown attached to him somewhat — but I never expected him to feel that same attachment to me.

  “Look—” he says, overruling my chance to react. “Don’t read into that. What we’ve got going on right now is more than enough for me.”

  I push the disappointment aside. “Is it?”

  “Yeah. I like having fun with you. There’s no reason that should change.”

  I nod, playing the part. “I agree.”

  His eyes shift to his bedside clock and he sighs. “I gotta get to practice.”

  “Hope I didn’t wear you out too much…” I grin.

  “Eh…” He shrugs. “That ass is always worth it.”

  “What are you doing later?”

  “Later…” he says, snatching a fresh pair of underwear from his drawer. “I need to study for tomorrow’s geometry test.”

  “Need me to help you?”

  He laughs. “No amount of real studying will happen if I say yes to that.”

  “Decent point.”

  Junior steps into his pants and wanders over to the bed to lean over me. “But I’m sure you can change my mind with the right incentive…” He pecks my shoulder and travels upward, grazing his lips on my skin until he reaches my mouth.

  I lay my finger over his chin, blocking him from kissing me. “No, you’re right. We should take a little break. You have a rough weekend coming up and you need to stay focused.”

  His cheeks turn pale white. “The Homecoming game…” he murmurs.

  “You guys are going to kick some serious ass,” I say, punching his arm. “Trust me.”

  “This team slaughtered us last year…” he recalls. “I’m pretty sure we ended the game with negative five points — which you might think is impossible, but… we managed.”

  “But you’ve won every game so far this season. If anyone should be shaking in their cleats, it’s them. Not you.”

  He winces. “Still…”

  “I’ll tell you what…” I sit up, leaning in a little closer to kiss his neck. “How about I give you some serious incentive…?”

  “What kind of incentive?”

  “Well… if you guys win the Homecoming game and you ace this test tomorrow…” I lick his earlobe. “I’ll let you put it anywhere.”

  Junior twitches. “Anywhere?”



  “Uh-huh,” I nod.

  He forcefully exhales. “That is some serious incentive.”

  I slip off the bed and grab my panties from the floor. “I mean, if you think that’s too easy, I can make it more difficult—”

  “No, no…” He stands up. “Your terms are reasonable...”

  “Are you sure?”

  He watches me dress, his eyes blissfully riding my curves as I hide them under my skirt. “I got this.”

  “Good.” I toss his over-sized shirt off and put on my own blouse. “Have fun at practice. Text me if you run into any study issues later—”

  Junior slides out in front of me. “What if I get a B on the test and we win the game?”

  I smile. “All or nothing, Junior.”


  “It’s an A… or you get no A.”

  “Shit…” he laughs. “That was clever.”

  I pop up onto my toes to kiss his cheek. “Bye, Junior.”

  “Bye, Ellie.”

  I scan the street for any witnesses before stepping outside, a habit I’ve developed since the first time I entered his house, and the reality of this situation settles in my gut.

  It’s a habit for a reason. Junior and I aren’t supposed to be hooking up like this. Even if the two of us really did want to be something more, there’s still an obvious obstacle for us to work around.

  He’s my father’s star quarterback. I honestly don’t know what my father would do if he ever found out, but I can safely say he won’t be popping open any bottles of champagne in celebration.

  I climb into my car as Junior steps outside to make his way back to campus. He throws a quick wave in my direction and I return the gesture. I think to blow him a kiss, but that’s not what we are.

  We’re having fun. That’s all this is. Just good, old-fashioned, casual sex. A quick wave is justified. A blown kiss means something we’re not.

  I can keep pretending that doesn’t bother me. I’m an actress, after all.

  The show must go on.

  Chapter 17


  “Pack it in, guys!” Coach shouts. “We’re done.”

  I pick myself up off the grass. That last tackle knocked the wind out of me. Not quite as much as Eliza promising me her ass this weekend, but still enough to make me feel a little lightheaded.

  “Hey, Junior!”

  I spit out my mouth guard and pull my helmet off. “Yeah, Coach?”

  He nods as I pass by him towards the locker rooms. “Excellent hustle out there today. Whatever action you’re getting at night, keep it up.”

  I grin. “Oh, I will.”

  He waves me off and I instantly feel someone bump my shoulder. It’s Ty, of course, casting me a vicious side-eye through his face guard but his lips still twitch with amusement. He hasn’t said a word to anybody about me and Eliza, despite his protests to the relationship entirely.

  Relationship. I can’t really use that word, can I?

  I mean, I suppose we have relations, but that’s not really the same thing. There’s no acceptable label for what Eliza and I are — at least, not one I’d openly admit to my mother or anything.

  I shower off the sweat and dirt, listening to the echoing banter of my teammates in the crowded locker room.

  Every time I feel this water on my skin, my brain instantly goes back to that day she walked in here. I don’t even remember what I was thinking about at the time, but I sure as hell remember the bolt of lightning that shot through my toes the second I heard her voice. I could barely move or think or breathe. All I could do was listen to her boots tapping on the floor, inching closer to me. That’s all it took for me to grow rock hard. Then I had her pinned against the lockers and all I could think about was—
br />   “Junior — you coming?”

  I snap out of it and see John staring at me from the next stall over. “What?”

  “To the party,” he says, running a hand through his shaggy, brown hair. “One last blowout before two days of clean eats and protein shakes in prep for the game.”

  “Oh…” I twist the shower off and wipe the water from my eyes. “No, sorry. I gotta study tonight.”


  I wrap my towel around my waist. “I have a test tomorrow morning.”

  He laughs at me and follows me across the room towards the lockers. “You don’t gotta study, man. You play football.”

  “I need to ace this one to…” I notice the coach lingering outside of the back office. He pauses, just barely glancing over at us but I can tell he’s listening in. “To keep my grade up.”

  “And to please that little tutor of yours, too, I bet…”

  I blink. “What?”

  “Oh, come on…” He nudges my ribs. “Why else would you have gone all academic this semester? There’s a sexy tutor, right?”

  I hesitate. “I have a tutor, yeah, but she’s not—”

  “Is she hot?” he interrupts, raising his brow. “She must be putting out if she’s got you hitting the books so much.”

  I pause, forcing the reply back down my throat.

  Before, I would have spilled every bean I had about whatever girl I was hooking up with: what she sounded like, how tight she was, where every little birthmark or freckle was on her body. But now? I don’t even want to mention it’s even happening — like it’s none of their business at all. That’s between me and Eliza and it should stay that way.

  “She’s a tutor,” I say instead.

  “That’s a yes,” he grins. “You should give me her number. I got a D that sure could use a little extra attention.”

  The room erupts with immature cackles and John accepts his well-deserved high-fives but I’m not laughing. Just the thought of Eliza even talking to any of these bastards makes my vision turn red.

  “So, what’s her name?”

  I grab a shirt from my locker. “She’s not available.”

  “Oh, come on…” He punches my shoulder and my blood boils. “We’re a team. We can take turns with her.”


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