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The Prodigy Slave, Book Two: The Old World: (Revised Edition 2020)

Page 34

by Londyn Skye

  “I don’t know what the hell we done got ourselves into, but I know I love you…” She gently caressed her belly. “And this little baby our love created,” she assured him.

  With those words, the dam broke and the tidal wave of emotions came rushing forward. James’s eyes suddenly mimicked the current state of the pouring night sky. He walked over and embraced Lily with a strength unlike ever before, weeping like a little boy who had just found his way home after being lost in the cold for months. The moment he held Lily, the sick feeling in his stomach vanished, his appetite returned, and the incessant rantings of his guilt-ridden mind ceased. He cried even harder after getting down on his knees, wrapping his arms around Lily’s waist, and resting his head against the place where their baby was nestled. “Thank you, God,” he sobbed, planting an emotion-filled kiss on Lily’s stomach that undoubtedly showed his deep appreciation for the blessing he felt the Lord had bestowed upon them.

  Lily’s short conversation with the woman at the breeding farm and Corrina’s compassionate pleas had deeply affected Lily. But, just as James had predicted, it was indeed Lily’s mother that helped slay the inner monsters that held her trapped in the depths of emotional darkness. Being embraced by her mother’s words, her love, and her arms finally helped her escape that dark emotional abyss and step into the warmth of the sunlight. It now gave her the strength to embrace James just as warmly in return. She, too, wept while running her hands through James’s hair as she watched him express his love for their child.

  After thanking God for Lily’s choice to let a part of their dream live on, James finally stood. He held the sides of Lily’s face and brought her lips to his for a long overdue and much-needed, intimate meeting. The sweet taste of her mouth was immediately seasoned with the salt of their tears and sent waves of healing energy radiating out to every wounded part of James’s soul. After being satiated by the unique savory flavor of their kiss, he held Lily tight again and swayed slowly with her.

  “I’m so sorry,” Lily said through her tears, resting her head on James’s shoulder. “Please forgive me for all the ugly things I’ve said. I didn’t mean any of it.”

  “I already have,” James assured her, planting a soft kiss on her temple.

  “I’ve just been so afraid that yo’ daddy would take my baby away from me. I’m beggin’ you,” she said, breaking down into tears again, “please don’t let ’em take our baby away.”

  James pulled her back from their embrace, held both sides of her face again, and looked her in the eyes. “Lily, I would die first, you hear me?” he promised, sounding instantly angry over the thought of it. “I’d die!” He gently wiped away Lily’s tears while simultaneously feeling tears of rage start to surface within himself. “And please don’t tell me you believed any ‘a that garbage I said in the kitchen earlier this mornin’.”

  “No, no, of course not. I know betta’ than that. But I know yo’ fatha’ wouldn’t hesitate to stand by his word. I’m certain he’d snatch this baby the second it leaves my body, and I’m terrified ‘a what he’d do to it,” Lily tearfully replied, having a sudden flashback of the excursion Jesse had taken her on to his rally.

  “He won’t get the chance. I’d run you away from this plantation without a dime in my pocket and nowhere to go before that eva’ happens. I swear that to you, okay?”

  Lily was still momentarily lost in the flashbacks from the woods and did not answer.

  “Lily?” James said, trying win her attention again. “You believe me, don’t you?”

  Her mind finally turned off the heartwrenching sound of the screaming man that Jesse had tortured and tuned in to the comforting voice of the man in front of her. “Yes. Yes, I believe you.”

  “Good. Keep holdin’ on to that,” James replied. He then let another kiss linger on her lips before pulling her into his embrace again.

  “Okay, I will” Lily replied. Comforted by his words and his strong arms, she melted into James’s embrace. She then pulled back and gazed at him, a look of seriousness suddenly creeping into her facial expression. She toyed with a few tendrils of his hair as she quietly appreciated the fact that such a charismatic, strapping man was in love with her. Of all the women he could have in the world, he chose her. In that moment, despite no money, a destroyed musical career, and living a life in servitude, she realized how truly fortunate she really was … simply because James loved her so unconditionally.

  “Ya’ know, you may have been wrong about that man in my daydream, but you were right about one thing,” Lily stated, still gazing at her man.

  “What’s that?” James asked, gazing appreciatively at her in return.

  “I have missed you. I missed you touchin’ me. I missed you talkin’ to me and holdin’ me tight until early in the mornin’. I missed my best friend … I missed us too,” she admitted, as she parted his mouth with her lips and briefly glided her tongue slowly inside. “I missed feelin’ you buried deep inside ‘a me,” she whispered erotically, her lips a hair’s breadth away from his. “’Cause, you were right. We belong togetha’…” She lightly kissed him again. “In every way imaginable.”

  Despite James’s lack of nourishment in the prior days, his body immediately responded to what Lily was alluding to. His member instantly hardened, and his breathing deepened as he gazed at her through lowered eyelids. He caressed her face with the back of his hand and pulled her gently toward him to taste her delicate lips again. He then slid his tongue deep inside of her mouth, igniting an intense fire. The fire immediately shot to Lily’s core and heated the moisture between her thighs, preparing her heavenly passageway for the man she had missed. After James set her body ablaze, she dropped the blanket wrapped around her, no longer needing its warmth. She then untied her scarf and let her hair fall freely to her shoulders. James smiled at how something so simple immediately enhanced her beauty. He ran his hands down the sides of her soft locks, then quickly undid the back of her dress and let it cascade down her body. James watched it fall. His eyes then slowly panned up the work of art standing before him. Lily’s name breathlessly escaped his watering mouth the very second his eyes homed in on the increased size of her plump breasts.

  Following the overpowering demands of his taste buds, James took in an entire mouthful of Lily’s breast and began ravenously sucking away at her nipple. Trying to keep quiet, Lily bit her bottom lip. She grabbed both sides of James’s head and held him pressed to her breasts as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Every pleasure-filled clamp of his lips was tickling her insides, causing spurts of creamy moisture to erupt from her southern region. For a second, the eruptions ceased while James switched and inhaled Lily’s other breast. He sucked even harder this time, turning those spurts into a downpour. His oral pleasure suddenly made Lily ache to bathe his hardened flesh with the heated nectar between her thighs.

  Unable to express the pleasure verbally, Lily’s hands began speaking for her. She gripped and tugged at James’s hair like a woman in the midst of a brutal cat fight. The pseudo abuse turned James on even more. He tore away from Lily’s breast and trailed a line of kisses toward her naval while sliding her undergarments off of her. Now kneeling before her, he began suckling on the set of Lily’s lips that rarely saw the light of day. He snaked his tongue inside of her and repeatedly French kissed her clitoris while grasping a handful of her buttocks. James did not tease Lily long, though. He stood and transferred the sweet taste of her insides into her mouth with a deep fiery kiss, the way she loved for him to do.

  James pulled back from their kiss and stared at Lily a moment before he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. His eyes slowly careened up and down her nude body as he took down his pajama pants. Lily now looked at James in awe. She was immediately entranced by his physique. She sat up and began gently stroking his steel rod with her hand. James closed his eyes and inhaled through clinched teeth after her lips quickly followed the path of her hand. She slid his aching flesh all the way to the back of her th
roat. James’s mouth immediately parted, and his eyes fluttered closed. Caught off guard by the shockwave of superb sensations, he helplessly let out a loud moan. It took all his willpower to take a hold of Lily’s shoulder and stop her from quickly sending him over the edge. “I can’t handle that,” he admitted, breathing heavily. He then let out a sigh, feeling disappointed that the intense sensations had ceased, but relieved that it was not over before he was able to satisfy his woman.

  Lily gave James a sly smile over his admission, happy that she still had the power to make him quickly succumb to her naughty tactics. James gave a closed-mouth, sly smile in return as he slowly lowered himself over top of her. While hovered there, he began placing an array of moist kisses from Lily’s neck, through the pathway between her cleavage, down her stomach, all the way to her thighs. When he arrived at his destination, James spread her legs apart and ran his tongue from the inside of her right knee all the way up to her hidden jewel, sucking it from its hiding spot. Lily’s legs reflexively jolted from the pleasure, nearly clamping James in-between. She relaxed her legs again after James freed her swollen nub. His tongue then continued its journey down the left side of her inner thigh. He kissed his way back up and quickly submerged his tongue inside the darkness of her abyss, wanting again to have her sweetness lingering on his tastebuds.

  Again, though, James did not remain on his treasure dive for long. Most nights he had taken things excruciatingly slow with Lily. He would often camp out in her erogenous zone for minutes on end. But this night, he was in the ultimate rush to dive into her velvety folds. He wanted to hurry up and nestle himself in the warmest place he had ever felt in his life. He was desperately missing the way Lily’s insides swaddled his manhood like God had tailor-made the walls of her vagina just for him. The desire for the sensational feeling of her body left sweat already pouring off James, his mouth watering non-stop, his hardened member turning blue with pain, and his eyes beginning to mist over with tears. His body had gone into serious overload in anticipation of what it had been deprived of for months.

  With the pain mounting, James needed to be inside of Lily. He quickly rose from the most sacred area of her body and made his way back up to her face, planting a plethora of kisses on her beautiful anatomy along the way. He reached her mouth and slid his tongue inside as Lily’s hands glided down the sides of his waist and onto his buttocks. She gripped it firmly, let her knees fall to the side, and quickly lined James up with her pulsating abyss, proving that she needed him inside of her just as badly. For the first time in months, James slid into Lily’s cavern of ecstasy, both breathlessly moaning throughout every second of his slow entry.

  The quiet passionate sounds of being one with each other again was fortunately drowned out by the sheets of non-stop rain pelting the roof. On James’s very first stroke, lightning and thunder shook the heavens and rocked the house. It seemed the perfect metaphor for how their bodies were feeling in that moment. The tight feeling of Lily’s warm, silky insides immediately sent James’s body soaring into a bliss that made his waiting tears finally run down his cheeks. He was home. He was inside of the place where he was content to die. He so wished to express the euphoria of his homecoming through the erotic sounds of lovemaking, but their circumstances forced him to be mute. The euphoric feeling was instead expressed by the continuous flow of tears streaming from his eyes.

  To once have had Lily and then be deprived of her for so long, deepened James’s appreciation for having her in this way all over again. It made every stroke eclipse the feeling of being inside of her for the very first time. The elevated pleasures made James have to fight even harder not to lose control during the first few glides across the wetness of Lily’s folds. But the emotion of missing Lily, loving her, and the healing words she had just spoken, made holding back an impossible feat. The grand pleasure of gliding within her quickly intertwined with his raw emotions and peaked all at once. This time, his body simply lacked the nourishment and rest to fight back against the heavenly sensations of their loving reunion. With such a lack of strength, James erupted inside of Lily in just a few strokes, unleashing the most surreal climactic explosion his body had ever experienced. He lay within his woman paralyzed by the powerful burst of pleasure for the longest time. He closed his tear-filled eyes, and collapsed down onto her, too dizzy and weak to even kiss her at first. He just lay there relaxing to the sound of the rainwaters still pouring from the night sky. With his current company, it had miraculously turned the sound from a noisy nuisance into beautiful background music.

  Not wanting to break their connection too quickly, Lily wrapped her legs around James’s waist. She quietly played in his hair and stroked his back while she waited for their heartrates to settle. The little ritual was something that James had missed dearly. “I’m sorry,” he said, feeling embarrassed that their reunion was short-lived. He then raised up and looked down at Lily. “I just…” He shook his head. “I just missed you so much,” he whispered, gazing appreciatively at her.

  “No need to be sorry. I’d already beat you to it,” Lily confessed.

  “You did?” James asked, surprised.

  “Mm-hmm,” Lily purred, toying with a few tendrils of his hair. “I just couldn’t make a sound. It’s been so long. My body needed you … needed you bad,” she smiled.

  “Mmm, mine too,” he said, lightly kissing her lips. “I tried holdin’ back, but my body was just too grateful to be inside ‘a you again.”

  “I love that you missed me that much. That’s a compliment.”

  “Missin’ you don’t nearly describe what I been feelin’. Felt like a big part ‘a me’s been missin’ for the last few months. Couldn’t seem to function quite right without you, but I think you just got me back in workin’ orda’, Miss Lily.”

  She laughed quietly. “Did I now?” she smiled.

  “Definitely!” James tickled her ear with his lips to make her giggle again. He then suddenly broke free from her leg prison.

  “Heeey, where do you think you’re goin’?” Lily teased.

  “You’ll have to excuse me a moment, ma’am,” James joked, “but I got somebody I need to talk to.” He shimmied down toward her stomach. “Hey in there, little baby. It’s your daddy,” he whispered, kissing Lily’s belly. He then continued speaking to it as if it were already in his arms.

  Lily easily accepted James’s reason for his quick escape. A broad smile emerged on her face as she began to play in his hair again, appreciating how enamored he was with their baby.

  James was suddenly quiet for a moment as he slowly ran his hands over Lily’s stomach. He had memorized her body so well, he could easily tell the difference in her abdomen, despite how subtle it was. “Have you felt the baby movin’ yet?” he then asked.

  “Quite a few times now,” Lily confessed.

  Her response made James feel happiness, sorrow, and a twinge of jealousy all at the same time. He was happy over the fact that his baby was alive and thriving. But he was sorrowful over the fact that Lily had not shared with him the first time she had felt it move. He was jealous over the fact that he could not feel it moving at that very second. He kept his emotions together, though, and continued to focus on the happiness part of the complicated emotional equation.

  “How far along are you?” he asked, eager to finally hear the answer.

  “Five months now.”

  “I’d’ve neva’ guessed that by lookin’ at ya’. You’re barely showin’.”

  “I know. Strange. I expected to be much bigga’ by now.”

  James’s face suddenly lit up in a childlike smile after doing some mental math. “Only four more months to go!” he exclaimed. “I thought I’d be waitin’ much longa’.” He was genuinely excited, but once again, felt another emotion overlapping it: worry. He realized that it meant far less time to get Lily off his father’s plantation. Yet again, though, he did not let it take away from his excitement over becoming a father sooner than he originally thought. “I feel like
a giddy little kid waitin’ on Christmas. I swear, I can’t wait to meet this little one!” he confessed, taking a pillow and lying next to Lily’s stomach so that he could continue gliding his fingers across her belly.

  “Me eitha’,” Lily replied, feeling grateful over his enthusiasm.

  “I’ve always wanted a baby with you, Lily,” James suddenly confessed. “From the very first day I eva’ made love to you, I’ve been waitin’ for you to tell me I’d soon be a fatha’. I knew it was inevitable. When we were on the road, I rememba’ havin’ a dream that you were carryin’. Maybe it was just wishful thinkin’. But that dream was so real, I just couldn’t let go ‘a the fact that it was probably true. The feelin’ was so unrelentin’. I’s dyin’ to ask you if you thought you might be with child. But I kept my mouth shut, figurin’ it’d just be a matta’ of time before you told me in your own special way.”

  “As crazy as it sounds, we were so busy on the road, the thought ‘a bein’ with child neva’ once crossed my mind.”

  “Not at all?”

  “Neva’. Not until one mornin’ in late Novemba’ when we had that silly little argument about whetha’ our future kids would prefer my grand pancakes or yo’ ol’ dried up French toast.”

  James did the best he could to contain the sudden impulse to burst out laughing. “Don’t you mean your ol’ dried up pancakes?”

  “Naw, I had it right the first time,” Lily teased. “But I honestly hadn’t given pregnancy a second thought before that mornin’. I suddenly had to think back to the last time I’d menstruated. I realized it had been a little ova’ two months.”

  “No mornin’ sickness or nothin’ in all that time?”

  “I rememba’d feelin’ a little queasy a few times, but I thought maybe my body just wasn’t used to all the fancy food we’s eatin’. But just to be sure I really was with child, I waited anotha’ few weeks. Once I was certain, I asked Piers LeRoux if he had time to make a special sculpture for you as a way to break the news.”


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