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The Prodigy Slave, Book Two: The Old World: (Revised Edition 2020)

Page 35

by Londyn Skye

  James briefly stopped caressing Lily’s belly and looked up at her. “Really?”

  Lily nodded. “James, it was so beautiful. He sculpted a small statue of you and me sittin’ on a log unda’neath an oak tree as children, holdin’ Wilbur with a stack ‘a books nearby. On the base ‘a the sculpture he engraved the words, ‘As children, we bonded over the life of a very special friend and now the beautiful life we have created together will cement that unique bond for an eternity.’ I broke down into tears when I first saw the way he had added such painstakin’ detail to that beautiful moment in our lives. I just knew you’d love it.”

  “I sure would’ve,” James whispered, sounding a little sad that he had not gotten to see it. “What did you do with it?”

  “At first, I’s gonna give it to you while we’s sailin’ on the cruise ship to the Old World. I had this silly girly idea of givin’ it to you New Year’s night, unda’neath the fireworks show while it was lightin’ up the sky,” Lily admitted sheepishly.

  “There’s nothin’ silly about that,” James replied, kissing her hand as he imagined such a grand moment. “I would’ve loved that Lily.”

  “Thank you. But I ended up changin’ my mind. I felt like I’s gonna bust tryna hold on to that secret for so long. So, I decided I’s gonna give it to you as a Christmas gift afta’ the show at Winta’ Garden. But I dropped it and broke it the minute I saw yo’ daddy,” she sighed. “Seems like I ain’t done nothin’ but drain all the joy outta us havin’ this baby since then,” she said, becoming emotional after the memory of seeing Jesse in that back hallway was fresh in her mind again. “I’m so sorry,” she expressed, as a tear slid down the side of her face.

  James immediately sensed the shift in Lily’s demeanor. “Hey, hey, let’s not dwell on that anymore, okay?” he said, quickly scooting up and aligning his face with hers. “Here and now, and everything movin’ forward, is all I want us to try and focus on, okay?” he whispered.

  “I know that’s the right thing to do. But I admit, I’m still so scared ‘a yo’ daddy, James,” she confessed, having another flashback of the excursion he had taken her on to his Ghost Rider rally.

  “Hey, look at me,” James began, turning Lily’s head toward him. “We’re gonna be far away from here by the time you give birth to this baby, okay?” He caressed her face. “Can you trust me on that?”

  “Yes,” Lily replied, finally shaking Jesse from her mind. “Yes, of course I trust you,” she reiterated. His words were exactly what she needed to hear to provide temporary relief from her fears.

  “Good,” James replied, giving her a gentle reassuring kiss.

  With that, Lily finally let another geuine smile emerge on her face. “Well, I guess I probably need to be gettin’ back.”

  “What?” James asked, gently grabbing her shoulder when she tried to get up to leave. “Get back where?”

  “To the quarta’s.”

  James abruptly got out of the bed and walked over to the dresser near the door.

  “What’re you doin’?” Lily asked in a hushed tone.

  James grabbed the dresser and slid it in front of the door. He then locked the window and closed the curtains. He hung up Lily’s dress to dry, picked up the blanket from the floor, and laid it on top of Lily’s nude body. He then slid in underneath it behind her and wrapped his arms firmly around her. “You ain’t leavin’ my arms.” He moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. “Not t’night … Not eva’ again, Miss Lily.”

  Feeling a sense of love and security, Lily quickly drifted off to sleep while James continued holding her firmly against the warmth of his body, like he would never be afforded such a luxury again. He could not help it. Lily and his baby – his whole world – were wrapped in the safety and warmth of his embrace. Despite how tired James was, that fact had him wide awake. He laid there daydreaming about the future of his little family, all the while caressing Lily’s barely swollen belly, hoping maybe he would be lucky enough to feel his beloved child moving for the first time. Though his baby slept soundly, and that chance eluded him, it did nothing to shatter his current state of joy. “I love you both,” he whispered in Lily’s ear, hoping to infuse the words into her dreams just before he drifted off into a dream world of his own.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “One second!” James yelled after he was awakened the next morning to the sound of familiar pounding on his door. He jumped up frantically to usher Lily out of the window but rolled over to find that he was in bed alone. He quickly threw on his pajama pants, slid the dresser out from in front of the door, and then flung it open with a racing heart.

  “Mornin’,” Lily said, leaning against the door frame with a devilish smile on her face after beating on the door Jesse-style.

  James’s heart immediately settled when he saw Lily smirking at him. “You ’bout near scared the shit outta me,” he whispered.

  “I see that,” she laughed.

  James rubbed his pasty eyes. “What time is it?”

  “Just afta’ eight.”

  “Eight! Where’s my fatha’?” he asked, looking over Lily’s shoulder.

  “Don’t worry. He just left to go into town. I lied and told ’em I went to wake you for breakfast, but that you said you wasn’t feelin’ well. I’s hopin’ he’d leave you alone and let you sleep a while longa’. Afta’ last night, I figured you needed the extra rest,” Lily smiled devilishly again.

  James returned the devilish smile. “Mmm, you’re damn sho’ right about that,” he said, wrapping his arms around Lily’s waist. He drew her against his body and passionately kissed her.

  “Mmm,” she purred when their lips parted ways. “You hungry?”

  “I can honestly say that this is the first time in weeks I’ve woke up with an appetite.”

  “Good! ’Cause I just finished fixin’ you a plate ‘a biscuits and gravy with the biggest, fluffiest biscuits you’ll eva’ find in the south,” Lily said, beaming with pride.

  “Who said my appetite had anything to do with food,” James replied in a lustful tone, kissing his woman slow and passionately again. “I got somethin’ else I’d ratha’ eat.”

  “Mmm, do you now?” Lily replied, her deepened tone reflecting how he had instantly turned on an equal desire.

  “Mm-hmm, I gotta make up for last night, rememba’?”

  “I told you I was satisfied,” Lily smiled.

  “Not nearly as many times as I like for you to be.”

  With his words, Lily’s sultry lioness began itching to escape. “Just how hungry are you?” she moaned in James’s ear and then bit his lobe.

  “Ravenously hungry,” he growled in a husky tone, latching on to her neck with his teeth. “God, I wanna be inside ‘a you so bad,” he moaned in her ear.

  “What’s stoppin’ you?”

  “Those clothes are posin’ a little problem,” he teased.

  Lily took a few steps back to be sure James could get an eyeful of her. She slowly began to unbutton her dress, all the while staring unblinking at the way he was watching her. She was turned on by the way his eyes followed the unveiling of her skin as she methodically danced her way out of her dress. She loved having that sort of hypnotic control over him. She loved, just as much, watching the cloth of his pajama pants start to rise higher the lower her clothing got. “Any otha’ excuses you care to make?” she asked after her dress glided down her shapely body and hit the floor.

  Once getting a full view of Lily’s nude body, James just stood there with his mouth agape, looking entranced. He was especially hypnotized by the fact that she had never put her underwear back on, as if she had prepared for this moment.

  After standing there for a moment and letting James get an unobstructed view of her body, Lily walked over to him and began slowly pushing him back toward his bed while kissing him. She pushed him until the back of his knees impeded the bed and he reflexively sat down, positioning him at eye level with her stomach. She then placed one foot
up on the bed, revealing the opening of her pulsating abyss. “I think this just might fill you up,” she said seductively, maneuvering his head toward the delicacy he claimed to be ravenously hungry to eat.

  “It damn sure will,” James replied, his mouth watering as his lips closed in on her. A raspy groan then escaped his throat just before he greedily devoured her swollen seed.

  During the building intensity of their passion this time, there was no need to hold back the erotic sound that escaped Lily when James began feasting on her. After being forced to hold back so much the previous night, Lily made up for it with a voracious moan while embedding her nails deep into the skin on James’s back. She then callously pulled away from him altogether, exited his room, and began walking down the hallway. She did not need to look back to know that James was following her with his mouth agape, intently watching the sway in her hips and the tantalizing jiggle of her perfectly rounded posterior. With her body alone, Lily was guiding him to the place where she wanted him to finish receiving his well-deserved hearty meal. Lily only ever made love to James in a bed when there was no other choice. She always much preferred less traditional locations, like where she was heading now. Despite logically knowing the danger of her chosen spot, she was extraordinarily turned on by places that left the prospect of being caught or overheard in the act. Logic and fear seemed to always go quickly hurling out the window when her overheated body was in the midst of craving her man.

  If Lily wanted to live on the edge, where her life was literally at risk, there was no greater place than the parlor of Jesse Adams’s home. After her provocative stroll down the hallway, Lily arrived in exactly that room with James hot on her heels. She opened the curtains and cracked the window to make it easier to hear an approaching wagon. She then sat down at the very piano bench that, in her youth, gave her the very same risk-taking rush she was seeking right now. James stood less than a foot away, looming down on her with his waist right in her line of view. Lily leaned back against the piano key cover, sprawled her arms across it, and gave a seductive smile at the way the rod in front of her was standing at perfect attention, saluting its commander in chief. She then looked up at James and spread her legs, giving her soldier a direct order without ever using a word. As any loyal soldier would do, he immediately followed her commands.

  James began his descent to grant Lily’s wishes, but suddenly found himself distracted by another part of her anatomy. He wanted to fulfill his sudden desire, but Lily moved her head to the right and evaded the kiss he tried to plant on her luscious lips. He tried once more and was denied yet again with a quick move to the left. James could not help but want to defy his given orders after becoming fixated on the glistening, pouty lips of his sensual commander. Catching Lily off-guard, he quickly slid his fingers inside of her. As soon as the pleasurable sensations made her temporarily lose control, he swooped in to taste her soft lips. James gave a mischievous smile when he pulled back from briefly exploring her mouth. Lily devilishly smiled back and did not scold him for his naughty misbehavior since he then quickly retreated down south to fulfill her original demands.

  The very second James savagely sucked Lily’s hidden jewel into his mouth, he was rewarded by the sound of her erotic sighs. He pulled back briefly and let his tongue glide down toward her opening and back up again, keeping his face close enough to let the whiskers of his beard tickle her sensitive skin. After a few sweeps, he engulfed her seed again. When Lily gasped and her legs shuddered against his body, James let out a muffled growl. While buried happily between Lily’s thighs, the crotch of his pajama pants was quickly soaked in a pool of escaping semen. His manhood was begging for mercy, but after his weakness the previous night, he was content to let it suffer if that’s what it took to sufficiently satisfy Lily’s needs this time. James was so focused on keeping the waves of pleasure barreling through her that he was completely oblivious to the pain in his knees from kneeling on the hardwood floor. He was far too engrossed in giving Lily a long relaxing ride in the clouds at the expense of his tongue. The sound of her moaning, her closed eyes, her thrusting hips, and her hands grabbing masses of his hair were proof that he undoubtedly had her soaring exactly where he felt she deserved to be. He would have been glad to keep her that way for as long as she wanted, but the excess blood flow from her pregnancy had heightened the sensitivity in her southern region. With such sensitivity, Lily’s body almost immediately began to cave to James’s erotic stimulation without him having to resort to his usual tricks. After just a few quick sweeps of his beard and tongue along her erogenous corridor, a pulsating blast of her nectar spilled from within her, sending the breathy cries of her deliverance singing into James’s ears. Her body’s rapid-fire response caught James off guard. She had erupted so quickly, he was out of position to intoxicate himself with her sweetness, leaving him ravenously lapping at the trickling remnants.

  When Lily descended from her high, she leaned back on the piano again with her arms sprawled across it, gazing down at James, who was still panting helplessly on his knees. “Did you miss fuckin’ me?” she asked bluntly.

  “You have no idea,” James replied, still breathing hard.

  “Prove it,” Lily demanded, sounding like the seductive lioness that James had truly missed.

  In an instant James was on his feet, taking Lily by the hand, and pulling her up from the piano bench. He quickly spun her around, bent her over, and let her steady her hands on the piano key cover. He then dropped his pants, gripped Lily’s waist, and slammed his erection inside of her. Lily roared his name the moment James began speed-fucking her with the reckless abandon of a primitive beast. Every stroke of his pelvis clapped in perfect rhythm against her firm buttocks, echoing through the house as he sought to prove how badly he had missed burying himself inside of her.

  Lily’s moans were unlike any James had ever heard from her before. With non-stop roars of elation, she was expressing how much she loved the brute strength of her strapping man pleasuring her in such an untamed, primordial way. Grateful that James had sent her hurling back into the blissful world of euphoria, she began throwing herself back on him in an equally untamed manner, wanting to be sure that he, too, was joining her in the exotic fantasy-lands of ecstasy. The synchronicity of Lily meeting James stroke for sexual stroke had him expressing his euphoria through a plethora of lion-like roars of his own. The way Lily was so eager to swallow his entire length had James feeling completely free to let loose the sexual savage beast that most men felt forced to hold back. It seemed as though she was commanding him to set that side of himself free with her bodily motions and her demands to fuck her harder. Lily left him feeling secure in the fact that he could unleash his natural carnal needs without fear of her perceiving his affections in the wrong way. For James, there was no greater high than being able to express such a dark side of himself with the woman he had proclaimed as the love of his life.

  For as long as James could muster, he set free his inner primitive caveman while making love to Lily, never once feeling any inhibitions, especially knowing she was enjoying that freedom just as much as he was. There was no kissing, caressing, or fondling; just mindless, uncivilized, brute fucking. He freed his inner dark desires until his manhood had no choice but to bow down to the queen who had full control over him. Succumbing to Lily’s bodily demands, James released an explosive stream of his tiny soldiers inside of her kingdom to swim freely within its walls. The explosion simultaneously catapulted Lily’s body into a suspended state of intense pleasure along with her obedient soldier.

  It was only after their bodies returned from their surreal escapade that they realized the reality of their surroundings and felt the quivering of their overworked muscles. James still had his hands gripped onto Lily’s waist, hunched over her, breathing hard. Sweat was dripping down Lily’s temples onto the piano while she breathed just as hard. She pushed herself up straight with quivering arms after James stepped backward to give her space, but she lost her balance when
she was completely upright. She was light-headed after all the blood seemed to have seeped from her brain down to the celebration in her southern region. She nearly fell over laughing at how dizzy she suddenly was.

  “Whoa, you okay?” James laughed too, taking hold of her arm to help steady her.

  “Fine,” Lily giggled. “A little woozy,” she said, holding her head.

  “Come on ova’ here,” James said, guiding her over to the couch. He lay down first and then pulled Lily down on top of him. “Betta’?”

  “Mm-hmm,” she assured him, still laughing a little at herself as she lay her head flat on his chest. Once she was settled in comfortably, James began lightly gliding his fingertips up and down her back. “That … was … amazing.”

  “Yes … it … was,” James concurred, kissing her on the forehead afterward. “Truly amazin’.”

  They were quiet a moment as they enjoyed the feeling of their hearts falling into sync with one another.

  “Thank you for not givin’ up on me, James,” Lily said, after lying there thinking for a while.

  James looked down at her. “I don’t have it in me to give up on you … or on us.”

  “And for that I’m grateful. Don’t know if I’d’ve eva’ come outta that darkness if it wasn’t for you standin’ by me. It’s crazy the things you’ll talk ya’self into when you’re feelin’ sorry for ya’self.”

  “I’ll always stand by you. No matta’ what.”

  “I know. That’s why I can’t seem to forgive myself for what I’ve put you through these last few months. I been actin’ just as rotten as MJ, and I just can’t tell you how sorry I am about that.”

  James suddenly pulled Lily up, sat up himself, and looked her in the eyes. “Please don’t eva’ again in life compare yo’self to that woman,” he said, feeling a searing anger return about the infidelity that Mary Jo had blackmailed him into. He was especially angry when he considered that he would one day have to confess such a thing to Lily. “MJ has no excuse for her behaviors! Your anga’ and your behaviors have been totally justified. Every bit of it! So, you don’t owe me any apology, ya’ hear?!” he said with conviction. “I’m the only one that owes any apologies. Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin to make up for what I did to you back in Manhattan. I just…” He blew out a breath and grabbed a chunk of his hair with both hands, itching to pull it out. “It’s just, in the heat ‘a the moment, I didn’t know what to do, Lily. I…”


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