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Moonlight Madness Part 1

Page 8

by Marilyn Lee

  Standing in the middle of the living room of the Dumont family home, the Dodge House in the Boston suburbs, Aleksei watched his mother’s dark eyes widen. She bolted from her chair and rushed across the room to him. Her small, soft hands gripped his arms. She stared up into his eyes. “Tell me about them!”

  He told her of Acier and Etienne.

  She pressed a hand against her breasts, her eyes filling with tears. “What are they like? Tell me everything.”

  He described them.

  She stroked a hand down his cheek. “Oh, Alexander! My first-born and Vladimir, my second born, both have sons! This is too much joy for this vampire.”

  “You’re not going to ask how it’s possible for each of us to have fathered only one of them?”

  “No. I have heard many things that some would consider strange. What did Grinkolo say?”

  “He had no explanation.”

  “It does not matter. When can I meet them?”

  He sighed, took her arm, and led her over to her favorite chair. She sat down and he sank to the floor beside the chair. There was something about his tiny mother that always made him feel like a little boy who wanted to sit at her feet and have his hair stroked.

  Her soft hand moved over his hair. “What troubles you, my Alexander?”

  “They’re having some problems, Mother. I need your help and the help of the others.”

  She tensed. “What kind of trouble?”

  He told her of the Brotherhood.

  She bolted to her feet, her incisors bared. “Let the Brotherhood attack at their peril. I will call the others and as a family, we will stand with them and protect them.”

  He sighed and rose. “Thank you, Mother.”

  “You will not thank me.” She took his hand in hers. “We are family and as your father used to say, that is all that matters. Yes?”

  “Yes, Mother. Family is all that matters.”

  “When can I meet them?”

  “This is a really difficult time for them and us --”

  “You want me to wait?”

  He heard the pain in her voice. “I know that’s a lot to ask, but they are both so fragile and… They both know about you and I know Acier would eventually be interested in meeting you. Right now he’s undergoing so many changes. Do what you think is best, Mother.”

  She placed her other hand on his arm. “I will be mindful of their fragile state, Alexander. Now.” She closed her fingers over his arm and they walked back toward the chair, resuming their former positions. “I believe that I have waited long enough to meet Dani. We must begin preparations for the birth celebration. When will she travel here?”

  “I’ll discuss it with her when I return home and call you, Mother.”

  She stroked his hair. “This is a troubling time for you, my little Alexander. One of joy for your new arrival and one of pain for Acier’s pain.”

  “Yes.” He leaned his cheek against her leg.

  She sighed. “Fear not, my little one. All will be well or there will be hell to pay!”

  His cell phone rang. He rose and removed it from his belt. He looked at the number and narrowed his gaze, telling himself not to panic. “Hello.”

  “Aleksei! Where the hell are you?” a gruff voice he immediately recognized demanded. “Never mind. Get your ass home now!”

  His heart raced. “What’s wrong? Where’s Dani?”

  “Come home immediately!”

  He placed his phone back on his belt and turned to look at his mother. “That was Dr. Grinkolo. He was scheduled to do a checkup with Dani today. I have to go.”

  “Fear not, my little one. I will come with you.”

  She was so small and fragile looking, but just knowing she would accompany him somehow decreased his fear.

  * * *

  Aleksei paced the length of the large master bedroom of his Main Line suburban Philadelphia home. His bloodlust, Dani Tyler, lay on the big bed they shared. His mother stood by the window, her eyes dark with worry. Dr. Grinkolo bent over Dani, listening to her heart. He took her blood pressure next. Aleksei bit back the urge to ask him how she was. Dr. Grinkolo did not take kindly to being rushed.

  After an eternity, Dr. Grinkolo straightened, patted Dani’s shoulder, and looked at him. “A word with you.”

  He looked in the other vampire’s eyes and could tell… nothing. He crossed the room to the bed. Leaning over Dani, he brushed the dark hair back from her damp forehead. She grabbed his hand, a frightened look in her lovely dark eyes. “I’m afraid, Sei. I can’t lose our baby. I can’t!”

  “Don’t worry, my love.” He kissed her cheek. “I’ll talk to the doctor and then I’ll be back.”

  His mother crossed the room, sat on the bed, and placed an arm around Dani, who immediately clung to her.

  He followed Dr. Grinkolo out of the bedroom. They walked down the hall to the head of the stairs. “She is stressed, Aleksei -- dangerously so. If she is not unburdened soon, she will lose the child.”

  He felt as if a large hand had been thrust into his chest to rip out his heart. His legs buckled. He struggled to get sufficient breath into his lungs. “What -- what can I do? How can I help?”

  “You can keep your ass at home with her.”

  “I know I’ve been away a lot, but that was only because Acier --”

  “I understand that Acier needs you and you have fences to mend with him.”

  “Yes, I do. He’s in pain and --”

  “He’s also a healthy, able-bodied adult. Your woman and your unborn child need you with them. When you are gone, she suffers all kinds of agony, imagining you are engaged in some activity that will result in your death. For a human she is having this baby very late in life. She needs you here with her until the baby is born. If you want your child to survive, you will need to remain at home and provide an environment where she feels safe and loved.”

  “She knows I love her,” he protested.

  “Does she? She knows you say you love her and yet you’ve spent very little time with her since she’s been living here with you.”

  “She… said that?”

  “She did not need to. I know what you’ve been up to.”

  “I had to find my son. I --”

  “I will listen to no excuses, Aleksei! She gave up a lot to be with you and she’s forty-three, old for a human woman having a baby. She needs you with her.

  “In addition, she must spend the remaining weeks of her pregnancy in bed… no sex, Aleksei. Just cuddling, comfort, and reassurance. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Very.” He sighed. “I will remain here with her.”

  Dr. Grinkolo nodded. “Good. I thought you would agree. When it is time for the birthing, the family will gather here.”

  “Here? Mother is expecting us to travel --”

  “She will be traveling nowhere. The birth will take place here.”

  On the rare occasions when there was a birth in the family, the entire clan gathered at the Dodge House. There was a special birthing room there where the extended family watched Dr. Grinkolo deliver the baby. They had last gathered there for the birth of Mikhel’s son, Dimitri.

  Dr. Grinkolo spoke again. “I have sent for Margolis Cheyenne.”

  “Who is she?”

  “She is a healer in her own right. A healer of the spirit.”

  “The spirit? Are you saying Dani’s spirit is injured?”

  “She has many insecurities which she has not shared with you, but which will impact negatively on your baby should she succumb to depression. Margolis’s skills are still being refined, but those from the Cheyenne line will go to any length to ensure the spiritual health of those entrusted to their care.”

  Aleksei thought briefly of the silver-eyed, mysterious healer he had heard so many rumors about. “Then why not the best? Why not call upon Enola Cheyenne?”

  “He is not currently available. Margolis will suffice. She will arrive sometime tomorrow and remain in the guesthouse until the delive
ry. I will, of course, be on call if I am needed.” He stared at Aleksei. “You know what you need to do to ensure your baby survives. Let nothing and no one interfere.”

  He nodded. “I understand.”

  After he saw Dr. Grinkolo out, he stood by the door with his eyes closed. Damn! Why the hell did this have to happen now? He balled a hand into a fist and hit it against the wall. He stared at the resulting hole for a long time before returning upstairs. He paused in the hallway outside the bedroom. Mother?

  Moments later, Palea appeared beside him in the hallway. She touched his arm. Alexander?

  He told her what Dr. Grinkolo had said. I’m torn, Mother.

  I can feel your pain, my Alexander. You want to be with them both. Yes? She pressed her cheek against his chest, slipping her arms around him. It is a difficult thing, but we are a large, loving family. You remain with your woman. We will ensure Acier and Etienne are looked after. Yes?

  But you don’t understand, Mother. We are just beginning to build a fragile understanding. If I’m not there for him now when he needs me --

  She stepped away from him and studied his face. I do understand. Do you not know how my emotions were nearly torn from my body when Vladimir threatened Mikhel? Do not misunderstand, my Alexander, but you know how I have always had a special love for Vladimir. I did not choose it to be so, but he has always been in need of a little more affection than the rest of you. You understand?

  Yes, Mother. We all understood.

  Know this as well, Alexander. If it had come to a choice between Vladimir and Mikhel, I would have killed Vladimir to preserve Mikhel’s life. Is this understandable?

  Yes. I feared I would have to kill him for the same reason.

  You would have done it, not because you love Mikhel more, but because he is the weaker of the two and must be protected. Yes?


  I would not have been able to live with myself afterwards. It would have been a hard decision, but I would have done it. In this family, we protect our young and innocent at all cost. I would have protected Mikhel… you protect your unborn child’s life and leave Acier to the rest of us. We will ensure all is well with him and Etienne.

  Mother --

  All will be well, my little Alexander. Say goodbye to your Dani for me. She squeezed his arm, hugged him, and ran down the hall toward the stairs.

  Dani looked up, smiling, as he entered the bedroom.. He sat on the bed beside her and took her hand in his. “You will need to remain in bed until the baby is born.”

  “I was afraid of that.”

  “But everything will be all right.”

  “I know.”

  She nodded, but he saw the fear in her eyes. He sighed. “Tomorrow, Margolis Cheyenne, a sort of spiritual and physical nurse practitioner, will arrive to oversee your care.”

  “And then you will leave?”

  Hearing the loneliness in her voice, he squeezed her hand. “No. I will not leave. I will be here with you and our child.” He touched her cheek. “I’m sorry I’ve left you alone so much.”

  She smiled. “I’ll admit I have missed you, but I have done this twice before, you know, Aleksei.”

  “I know, but you didn’t expect to do it again.”

  “No, I didn’t, and I was afraid at first.” She touched her stomach, her smile widening. “But not anymore. I am so looking forward to having your baby.”

  “I shouldn’t have left you alone so much.”

  “Aleksei, I’m a big girl. And you had to find your son.”

  “I did not realize that in devoting so much time to finding him, I was endangering our child.”

  “You didn’t!”

  “Dr. Grinkolo said --”

  “I don’t care what he said! This is not your fault. My last pregnancy was difficult even though my husband was there with me and I had no stress.”

  He caressed her cheek. “You are amazing. Still, I know part of this is my fault. It won’t happen again.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re a stubborn vamp, but I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  “What’s he like?”


  She nodded.

  He sighed. “He is everything a father could want in a son… proud, strong, a little stubborn, and very loyal to his brother and his pack.”

  “What does he look like?”

  “He looks like a man.”

  She laughed. “Meaning what? Is he as handsome as you?”

  “We don’t look anything alike. He has long dark hair and gray eyes. I’m sure women would find him very attractive.”

  “I know they do if he’s one tenth as handsome as you are.”

  “He’s much better looking. He resembles his mother. He has her coloring… white skin… and handsome where she was pretty.”

  “Did you love her?”

  “No.” He knew she wanted to know something of his relationship with Acier’s mother, but he didn’t really want to discuss her.

  “What was her name?”


  “Tell me about her.”

  “I’d rather not. If you need to know about our relationship, so be it, but --”

  She squeezed his hand. “Never mind. You can tell me when you’re ready. So will this handsome son of yours be here for the baby’s birth?”

  “Who told you about that?”

  “Your mother.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Honestly? I don’t know, but she tells me it’s a family tradition.”

  “It is.”

  “So… okay then. I get to lay around with my legs open in front of a roomful of people… okay. I can handle it.”

  “You’re taking this better than I’d hoped.”

  She stroked a finger down his arm. “If it’s your custom, I’ll deal with it because I can’t imagine living without you.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. He straightened before speaking again, choosing his words carefully. “There’s someone who is very special to me who I would like to invite to the birthing.”

  “A friend?”

  “He’s more than a friend.”

  “A vampire?”

  “He’s… he’s not human.”

  “What is he?”

  “It’s difficult to say.”

  “Don’t you know?”

  “For sure? No, but I do know that he’s been like a third father to me and he’s very important to me. His name is Luc and I really want to invite him. Before you say no --”

  “Why should I say no? If your brothers, stepfather, sisters, and God only knows who else will be there, what’s one more person?”

  “He can come?”

  “Yes. Now about Acier. Is he all right?”

  He sighed. “He’s entering a difficult and dangerous period of his life.”

  She bit her lip. “If you need to leave --”

  “No! If he has problems he can’t deal with, Mother or one of my siblings will stand in for me.”

  “Sei, if you need to go, go! I’ll be all right. If I need you, I’ll call you and you can --”

  He shook his head. “I will be where I belong now -- with you and our unborn child.”

  He saw the relief in her gaze. She smiled, squeezed his hand, and closed her eyes. He waited several moments before he left the room. In the hall, he took out his cell phone. After ending the conversation he closed his eyes and reached out with his thoughts. Acier.

  A rush of anger assailed his senses. Where are you?

  I had to return home.

  When are you coming back?

  I need to stay here for now.


  “Sei? Where are you?”

  He glanced down the hall toward the master bedroom. “I’ll be there in a moment, Dani.” I have to go, Acier.

  Then go. It’s what you do best, abandon me when I need you most… Father!

  Acier --

  I don’t need you!

closed his eyes, sighing, and made his way down the hall to the bedroom. Dani sat up, staring at the door, an anxious look in her eyes. She needed him. So did Acier, but even a vampire could only be in one place at a time.

  Drei, now a miniature version of Aleksei, perched on his shoulder, wrapped his tiny arms as far around his neck as he could manage. Father? Alpha be all right?

  Aleksei stroked a finger down the Keddi’s long silky dreads. This is a difficult time, but he will be all right. He had to be.

  Father sure?

  Sensing Drei’s fear for Acier, Aleksei did something he rarely did. He lied. Yes.

  Chapter Six

  The RV was empty when Raven returned from her visit with Abby. She closed her eyes. Bentia?

  She felt a coil of energy fill her stomach. I am here.

  Where is Steele?

  He went off to write.

  She wet her lips. Is he all right? Did you and he…

  He is not all right, but he and I did nothing more than talk, Ravanni. He is going through a difficult time. You will need to call his father.

  She sighed. “He’d hate that. He’s proud and stubborn and it killed him to have to ask him for a blood transfusion.”

  I do not understand this… Feast of Indulgence. It is a vampire phenomenon his father would be best suited to see him through.

  She hated thinking Steele needed help she could not provide, but she was still struggling to learn how to deal with the fact that she herself was not fully human.

  Abby had warned her that as the daughter of a High Priestess of the Goddess Modidsha, of planet Aeolia, she would one day be called to temple service. That would entail leaving her family and Steele. The prospect of being torn away from those she loved to live on another planet sent a chill of fear and foreboding through her.

  But she couldn’t deal with her own demons and Steele’s at the same time… especially when she did not understand either of them.

  “I know Drei is with Aleksei. What about Pen? Where is he?”

  Acier summoned Xavier to take him back to the pack. He was afraid he would hurt him.

  She walked over to the phone and dialed the number Aleksei had left with her. As she hung up from their brief conversation, she heard a vehicle stopping next to the RV. She moved to the front of the RV in time to see Etienne alight from the passenger side of his SUV.


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