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INFERNO (New Perdition's Gate Omnibus Edition)

Page 19

by James Somers

  Jacob made his way back out of the New Eden headquarters building and found his limousine driver waiting patiently for him with the car. The man opened the door allowing him to slip inside as reporters tried to get off as many snapshots as possible.

  Jacob immediately raised the sound proof partition in the limousine that separated him from the driver and tapped his message panel. The fast dial pulled up Aleister Scire’s image within moments. Aleister seemed anxious.

  “Yes, Jacob, what’s happened?”

  “Exactly what the master said would happen, Aleister. Oliver Theed has been assassinated.”


  September 3, 2095

  “This is WBN news correspondent, Haley Wethers, reporting to you live from the memorial service that was just concluded for our beloved High Representative, Oliver Theed. The world mourns today, as we bid farewell to one of the greatest leaders the world has ever known. A host of world leaders were here today, including the Chairman for the World Council for Unity and Faith, Jacob Stein. We were all moved by Mr. Stein’s inspirational speech. The former High Representative, Oliver Theed, has worn shoes that no man on earth may be able to fill. And we are left searching for someone who can lead us into the next century. This is Haley Wethers with World Network Broadcasting.”

  When Jacob entered the dome that night. Aleister already had everything prepared. The dome opened to the full moon with its clear ceiling. The shadow of a moonlit pentagram shone on the floor. Four bowls of oil burned at equidistant points on the cylindrical wall.

  The master’s plan moved along perfectly. Now came the final phase. The clone of Oliver Theed lay upon the altar of sacrifice, clothed in a crimson robe. The clone lived, but possessed no soul.

  Jacob walked into the chamber, ready to perform the ceremony. He wore his crimson robe—the same worn by Aleister. Mr. Scire stood within the large hexagram painted in crimson upon the black floor, chanting in alternating Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

  This was the moment they had been waiting for. Ten years of failed attempts, but this final specimen, number six hundred and sixty six, had been the only one grown to maturity.

  Jacob approached the altar, matching Aleister’s chanting. He watched as the intensity built in the chamber to a fever pitch. He and Aleister stared at one another. The volume grew as the excitement of the moment carried them away.

  Then the pentagram shadow moved from the far side of the room, until it lit upon Aleister, standing inside the crimson hexagram. Aleister continued his recitation, but his countenance changed into something fierce, as though his chanting were now meant to force his way through some unseen barrier. Without warning, Aleister reached beneath his robe, pulling a ceremonial dagger from the garment. He raised it high over his head as the chanting continued.

  Jacob’s chanting fell to a whisper. He had not expected this. Aleister’s eyes widened. He looked mad with hatred and fear. He walked toward the altar of sacrifice with the dagger still in his hand, held aloft.

  Jacob, stunned, stopped his chanting. Aleister looked at the clone. Jacob felt sure he would drive the dagger right into the heart of the replicated man. He noticed the shadow of the pentagram remain on Aleister, as he approached the altar.

  Jacob thought to stop him, but Aleister’s countenance frightened him. Aleister reached the altar, still chanting loudly. He raised the dagger higher, his arm ready to snap with the intensity. Then Aleister sank the razor sharp knife into his own breast.

  Aleister jolted, his mind seeming to return in that final moment. He slumped over the clone’s body. His blood soaked the robe of Oliver Theed’s doppelganger. Jacob stumbled back against the wall.

  Slowly, the cloned Theed began to rise up off the altar. He sat up in his robe and pushed Aleister’s body away. A bloodied hand reached up and removed the hood. Oliver Theed’s face stared back at Jacob, but evil gazed at him through his eyes.

  The clone scooted off the side of the altar and approached Jacob. He quivered where he stood against the wall. A voice spoke from the familiar lips, but the power of it shook the entire room like a peel of thunder. “Kneel before your master!”

  Jacob, speechless and fearful, obeyed quickly. He fell before the man and managed to speak. “Master, is it really you?”

  “Rise, Jacob, and behold the physical incarnation of Lucifer, your master.”

  Jacob stood to his feet again, beaming with pride. His master stood alive in the form of a man. “What is your bidding, my master?”

  “Tomorrow is the third day, Jacob. I will appear before the people, alive, and all the world shall wonder at the miracle. You will proclaim my resurrection, then we will go to Jerusalem for the dedication of the Temple. When I speak at the dedication ceremony, I will proclaim myself as the true god of this world.”

  Jason walked back and forth in front of the old mission’s dirty storefront style windows, trying to see inside. As far as he could tell, no one was there. The Christians must have abandoned the place after the raid.

  Jason and Alfred had gone back to Petra first, but the place was locked down as tight as a drum. He could no longer just walk into Al Khazneh. Iron gates barred the entrance.

  The old robot factory had produced similar results. It seemed he had gone back to square one, trying to locate Chloe and her father again. He wanted to tell them the good news. Oliver Theed was dead and gone. But most of all, he wanted to tell them that the prophecies they believed, concerning the man, were a lie.

  Jason decided that this was going to be another fruitless stop, and walked back to the old four-wheel drive truck he had purchased after arriving back in Tel Aviv. Alfred sat in the driver’s seat with the engine running, just in case they required a hasty retreat. The truck, an older Toyota model, only had the front cab for passengers with a bed in the back. The former owner must have used it to haul manure—it retained the smell.

  Alfred spoke as Jason got back into the passenger seat. “These Christians are difficult to find when they want to be.”

  “Yeah, it’s no wonder with Solomon leading them. If he doesn’t want to be found, he can certainly accomplish it. I was just hoping to get back in touch with them. They should know that their religious beliefs aren’t as accurate as they believe.”

  “Gloating, sir?”

  “Not at all. I know, if I was chasing phantoms, I would want someone with proof to show me the truth.”

  “Really? That’s very interesting, sir. And what if their statements to you regarding Theed had turned out to be true? Would you have become a Christian then?”

  Jason gave Alfred a bewildered look. The robot just smiled back at him innocently through his human disguise.

  “Alfred, Theed is dead. It doesn’t matter what I would have done—they were wrong about him. And as far as I’m concerned that proves they are wrong about the other stuff they believe too.”

  “Admittedly, Oliver Theed is dead. That would seem to support your view, but I have been considering all they have told you, and it seems very logical. The mathematical probability of a supreme being at work in the creation of the world is far more likely than the popular theories.”

  Jason stared at him. “Alfred, how about you just drive the truck?”

  “Yes, sir.” Alfred put the truck into gear and pulled away from the abandoned mission building. “Although, I must admit that the concept of a supreme being paying the price to redeem mankind is completely illogical. Why not start anew, if one’s creation turned against you? Not logical at all.”

  “Just drive, Alfred.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The truck came to a stop sign. Just as they started forward, a person ran from an alleyway and jumped into the back of the truck, bouncing the vehicle as they landed.

  Jason jerked toward the stranger with Stella already in his hand. As he slid the small partition window open, the stranger revealed herself.

  “Hi, Jason.” Chloe pulled back the hood on her sweater jacket.

  “Chloe!”r />
  “Keep driving, Alfred. Take the next right turn.”

  Jason nodded. Alfred complied. The truck sped away and they took the next right turn.

  Jason spoke to Chloe through the small partition window. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “I know. We’ve got Al Khazneh monitored in case soldiers come looking for us. My father wants to see you.”


  Chloe directed Alfred to an abandoned parking garage several blocks away. They drove down from the street level, descending into the depths of the garage.

  When they had reached the lower level, they came to a dead end. The truck’s headlights shone upon a wall marked L6.

  Chloe instructed Alfred. “Drive through the wall.”

  Jason arched an eyebrow. “A hologram?”

  Chloe nodded. Alfred removed his foot from the clutch, driving the truck through the concrete wall. The holographic image shimmered as they passed through. A long tunnel lay on the other side. They noticed two armed guards with machine guns waving.

  They followed the dimly lit path by yellow LED’s in the ceiling of the tunnel. Soon, they came to a large parking area already occupied by many vehicles.

  Chloe pointed to a space where Alfred could park the truck. With the engine cut off, they exited the truck and saw Solomon Gauge walking up to them. “Hello, Jason, it’s good to see you again.”

  Jason nodded. “Chloe mentioned that you wanted to speak to me about something.”

  “Indeed.” Solomon appeared grave as he spoke. “Come this way. I need to show you something.”

  Solomon led them back through the converted base of operations until they came to another assembly hall. A few hundred people had gathered inside. Jason noticed that the pulpit was set off to the side in favor of a view screen.

  The image on the view screen caught Jason’s attention and held him, stunned. He stopped just inside the doorway captivated by the person standing there on the display. Oliver Theed, the man Jason had personally assassinated, stood at a podium giving a news conference.

  The world response, as Theed stood before literally thousands upon thousands in the New Rome coliseum, was nothing short of worship. It seemed a god had descended from Mt. Olympus. Oliver Theed had triumphed over death itself. Jason couldn’t believe it.

  He snapped out of his trance when Solomon spoke to him. “We saw the reports three days ago, how Oliver Theed had been assassinated inside his penthouse apartment. When I heard that he had been stabbed under his sternum, almost completely severing his descending aorta, I immediately thought of you. When I heard the assassin had been aided by another seemingly unstoppable individual, I knew for sure you and your robot were responsible.”

  Max walked up behind him. “Quite a feat, Jason.”

  Solomon nodded. “Yes, I have to admit, I was very impressed with your effort. But as you can see, Oliver is very much alive.”

  Jason looked back at the image on the screen—Oliver Theed, with the Chairmen of the Council for World Unity and Faith, Jacob Stein, standing next to him on the platform as he waved to his adoring public. The crowd went wild. Camera views switched between crowds gathered in nearly every major city in the world.

  Jason stammered. “I made sure before I left his body—Theed was as dead as they come. They even reported him dead and cremated the body after his funeral!”

  Chloe paced in a tight circle. “Maybe it was an imposter.”

  Jason couldn’t accept that explanation. “No, he knew who I was. He called me by name when he saw me in the room. It was Theed, no one else.”

  Solomon didn’t appear so perplexed. “It doesn’t really matter, Jason. Theed is the Antichrist, the Beast ruler of Revelation, chapter 13. It was prophesied over two thousand years ago, that this would happen.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Solomon continued. “The Bible says that the Beast would have a deadly wound by a sword, and yet he would live. Many people had their theories about how this prophecy might come to pass. Some people believed the Beast ruler would be killed then miraculously be raised from the dead by the power of Satan himself. However, we know of no such power given to Satan in the scriptures. In fact, Jesus alone is said to hold the keys to death and Hell.”

  Jason listened, less skeptical of what Solomon was telling him about the Bible than he had been before. A dead man, whom he had personally confirmed dead, now lived again and was blowing kisses to the world.

  Solomon tried to explain. “Other people believed that it might be a wound to his kingdom, or that the man wasn’t actually killed by the wound, but that it was merely a potentially fatal wound. But like I said, it doesn’t really matter how it has happened. The main point is that the Bible told us it would happen. Now we know.”

  Chloe interrupted. “And we know what’s coming next. The Beast will come to the dedication ceremony for the newly restored Temple, here in Jerusalem.”

  Jason grew more agitated. “But how could he be alive?”

  Solomon gestured for him to calm down. “Jason, the Bible tells us in Revelation, chapter 12, that the Dragon is to be cast down from Heaven prior to the Beast ruler coming to Jerusalem at the three and one half year midway point in the seven year tribulation.”

  “Wait a minute. I thought Satan was cast out of Heaven, way back before Adam and Eve ate the apple.” Jason grew more confused.

  “Actually, Jason, the Bible didn’t say apple. That’s just a misconception. And while Satan was cast down from his former place as the Covering Cherub, he was still afforded access before God according to the first and second chapters of Job. From what the Bible seems to indicate, Satan himself will possess the Beast ruler, personally using his position to rule the world and persecute Israel and all believers on the Earth. That’s why we’ve prepared Petra for the time when believers and Israelites will flee from Judea, as Christ tells us in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew.”

  Jason stared at the preacher. “Oh.” Solomon certainly seemed to know his Bible very well. Jason only knew what he’d seen from old television programs and things he’d heard from others.

  Solomon continued to explain as the crowd watching the video monitor turned to pay attention. “When the Beast ruler comes to Jerusalem, he will accomplish the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet and the Lord Jesus.”

  “What is the Abomination of Desolation?” Jason asked.

  Chloe spoke up. “The Beast ruler will desecrate the Jewish Temple by proclaiming himself to be God, establishing himself there as the one to be worshipped.”

  Max corrected. “Actually, the Word says that the False Prophet will establish the worship by all people and it will be worship of the Beast’s image.”

  Alfred spoke up for the first time. “Who, may I ask, is the False Prophet?”

  Chloe smiled. “The False Prophet is a powerful world religious leader.”

  Solomon squeezed his daughter’s shoulder with pride. “Yes. We believe that this must be none other than the Council for World Unity and Faith Chairman, Jacob Stein. Especially now that they have appeared together, following Theed’s supposed resurrection. Somehow, the False Prophet must cause whatever the Image of the Beast is to possess life and speak. This image will be worshipped under penalty of death.”

  Jason worked through the logic. “If what you say is true, then why would this Beast person allow his image to be worshipped and not have it all for himself?”

  “We’re not sure,” Max said. “We know for sure that Oliver Theed is the Beast ruler. He alone has the level of world power described by the scriptures and he alone made the seven year covenant with Israel. Besides, we still don’t know what the Image of the Beast will actually be.”

  “They used to think it might be a computer,” Solomon offered. “More recently, people thought it might be a robot to be worshipped as the Image of the Beast.”

  “But robots are not alive,” Jason said. “No offense, Alfred.”

red nodded. “None taken, sir.”

  “And why would this Beast ruler, possessed by Satan, allow anyone to worship a robot that just looked like him?” Jason asked. “That makes no sense to me. Neither does the fact that Theed is alive right now.”

  “Well, maybe Satan energized the body when he possessed Theed,” Chloe offered.

  “No, the body was cremated,” Solomon countered.

  “Well, I still think the robot idea has merit,” Max said. “I mean, look at Alfred here. He’s equipped with perceptor tech, and looks human enough.”

  “But Jacob Stein isn’t a robot engineer,” Jason countered. “He’s a scientist by trade, and if you say he’s this False Prophet—”

  Alfred interrupted. “Not just a scientist, sir. Mr. Stein is specifically a clonologist.” Everyone stopped for a moment, thinking.

  Solomon beamed at the robot. “Alfred, you’re a genius! The Image of the Beast is a clone of Theed, possessed by Satan himself!”

  “That’s how he did it!” Chloe shouted.

  “Jason really did kill Oliver Theed, and his body really was cremated.” Solomon became excited. “Stein must have had a clone of Theed ready for this moment. Satan took over the soulless clone body. Now the world thinks that Oliver Theed has power over death itself because of this fake resurrection.”

  Jason stood there stunned. The revelation of these things hit him like a thunderbolt.

  Chloe furthered their line of thought. “It stands to reason that this sinful population, blinded by Satan’s manipulation, will fall for the ruse and worship Theed as a god when he proclaims it in Jerusalem.”

  Jason watched them standing together, elated by the mystery they had apparently unraveled. Even Alfred seemed to have joined in on it. He smiled at Jason, talking with the others as though he were one of them.

  Jason remained speechless. If what they said was true, then the world was in big trouble…and so was he. Alfred had asked him, if the Christians had been proved to be right about Theed then what would he believe? Suddenly, Jason felt like his breath had been stolen away—as though his whole world had crumbled around him.


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