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INFERNO (New Perdition's Gate Omnibus Edition)

Page 20

by James Somers

  Jason looked at the image of Oliver Theed on the screen again. He racked his brain, but he could not find any explanation for what he saw other than what Alfred and the Christians had just come up with. And if they were right then that meant the Bible was true. Suddenly he realized, if the Bible is true then I’m going to Hell.


  September 11, 2095

  Jason and Chloe had come close to the Temple Mount. Jason had made a very unusual request. Chloe parked the jeep nearly three miles back. This was as close as they could get to the Mount, with the dedication ceremony coming tomorrow.

  They walked at a good pace trying to get to their destination. It wasn’t that Solomon and the others lacked knowledge—Jason just felt he had to speak to someone with more authority. He wanted truth, wanted to be sure.

  Soon enough, they arrived at the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall. The Wall, made of massive limestone blocks, overflowed to capacity with people camped out in the square before it, despite the fact that it was already 10pm. People lay out in the open, some around lanterns. Others had come more prepared, setting up small tents to hold their place near the Lord’s two witnesses.

  For three and a half years, they had been preaching in Jerusalem, in various places around the base of the Temple Mount. They had amassed a great following of people who traveled to hear them preach the Word of God. Tonight, the two men had settled in at the Western Wall.

  When Jason and Chloe came upon the two men, they sat on the ground in front of the Wall, with a small fire kindled between them. They were just finishing off the remainder of several pieces of fish and a loaf of baked bread, with honey. The men wore sand colored garments, breeches and a pull-over shirt with prayer shawls across their shoulders.

  They looked up as Chloe and Jason approached. One of the prophets offered a greeting. “Shalom! Is that Brother Solomon’s daughter coming to see us, so late?”

  “Yes, Brother Michael, it’s Chloe. I’ve brought someone to meet you. Shalom, Brother Jeremiah.”

  Jeremiah nodded and smiled at them. “Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ unto both of you.”

  Michael surprised Jason. “Hello, Mr. Night.”

  Jason looked at Chloe. She shook her head innocently. “How did you know my name?”

  “Don’t be so surprised, Mr. Night. The Lord has shown us who you are. We saw you even before you crept unaware into the residence of Oliver Theed, and murdered him.”

  Jason gazed at Michael, astonished. “Is this some sort of trick?”

  Michael grinned. “I know you must suppose Solomon or his daughter have told us about you, but you are incorrect. The truth be told, we haven’t spoken to Solomon in several months. Perhaps you think Solomon also told us about your friend Jerome Brown and your time spent within the sewer pipe, just before he died?”

  Jason tried to gulp down the lump in his throat. “I’ve never told anyone what happened—not even my handler knew the details of Jerome’s death.”

  Jeremiah gave Jason a penetrating look. “As we have told you, Jason, the Lord has shown us who you are, and all that you would do to bring you to this moment.”

  Michael offered each of them a piece of the fish and some bread, along with a bottle of water from a small cooler. They took it gladly. Jason found himself fascinated by the men.

  Michael turned to Jason again. “Tell us, Jason, why have you sought us tonight?”

  “Well, I’ve heard so much about these prophecies of Oliver Theed and the things he’s supposed to do, that I thought to come and warn you. He’s already in Jerusalem.”

  Jeremiah chuckled. “Dear Jason, we’re able to discern the scriptures. We have known what is to come with the Beast’s arrival. The Lord has ordered these events for his glory.”

  Jason pleaded with the prophets. “But he means to kill you. He’s been boasting to the media that he intends to rid us of the two men who’ve harassed the citizens of the world with their prophecies and plagues. Chloe says that he will be able to do it.”

  The two men looked at one another and grinned. Jeremiah leaned closer. “Jason, why have you really come to see us? Could it be that you are finally seeking the truth about God’s Christ?”

  Jason didn’t know what to say. He unconsciously nodded at the question, feeling embarrassed for his deceptive tactic.

  Michael grasped Jason’s shoulder fondly. “There is no need to feel uncomfortable around us. We are merely servants of the Lord, just as Chloe and her father. To each person, the Lord’s will be done.”

  Chloe spoke up. “We’ve witnessed to him several times, but Jason is reluctant to believe.”

  “Jason, I’m afraid that if you won’t believe the witness of Chloe or Solomon then you will find little more to put your faith in by speaking to us. Our truth is the truth of God just as Solomon has already told you,” Jeremiah said.

  Jason felt a little disappointed. He had hoped to hear something more that might convince him that all of these things were, in fact, the undeniable truth. “I suppose, if I had some solid proof. Couldn’t God show me a sign to prove these things to me?”

  “A sign will not convince you, Jason,” Michael said. “Consider the things you have already witnessed. You personally murdered Oliver Theed, then you saw him alive again, according to the scriptures in the book of the Revelation, chapter 13. In fact, you had hoped to use the murder to prove that the prophecy wasn’t true, but it came to pass anyway.”

  Jason listened and said nothing. He had to concede that what Michael said was true.

  Michael continued. “In the scriptures, we see that it was the same case with the Lord Jesus during his earthly ministry. Though he showed many signs and miracles before the people, yet they would not believe him. When they asked him to tell them if he was the Lord’s Christ, he did so, only to be branded a blasphemer and crucified. While the Lord was on the cross, paying for mankind’s sins with the shedding of his own holy blood the skeptics still asked a sign. They desired him to remove himself from the cross, to prove he was the Messiah. His willingness to remain on the tree proved he was the Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world.”

  Jason sat captivated. He could not deny their words. Truth be told, he no longer wished to. It was the first time Jason could remember actually wanting to hear more about Jesus Christ and the scriptures. He and Chloe remained with Michael and Jeremiah through the night. He reclined against the white limestone wall with the prophets, listening until he fell asleep.

  Jacob Stein blew across the surface of a hot cup of coffee to cool it as he walked over to the desk where his master, Oliver Theed, sat pecking at a laptop computer. “This is where we begin to see some of my preparation payoff, Jacob.”

  “My lord, you still haven’t told me what you’re doing.”

  Oliver turned from the keyboard long enough to smile. Jacob took a seat next to the desk. Oliver looked back at the computer screen. “I’ve tapped into the robotics database at Cyrus Systems, Inc. By accessing the account set up for Oliver Theed three years ago, I can modify programming, change passwords and institute special protocols for my robots.”

  Jacob looked puzzled. “Exactly what robots are you referring to, Master?”

  “Jacob, you may have noticed that we came to Jerusalem with no army escort.”

  “Yes, Master, I did notice, but I thought better of pointing it out. I’m confident you know exactly what you’re doing.”

  Oliver smiled again, looking very much like an animal ready to pounce upon its prey. “So, prophet of the new age, how will we institute my rule in Jerusalem? That is why we are here.”

  Jacob mulled it over, but could not come up with an answer. He shrugged, frustrated by his lack of vision.

  “Jacob, what would happen if we marched an army to Jerusalem publicly?” Oliver enjoyed the riddle he was weaving.

  “I suppose the Jews would try to stop such an army, or at best be on the defensive, wondering what was going on. They would probab
ly have their own army ready, even if you came under a flag of peace.” Jacob hoped he had come close to the answer his master desired to hear.

  “Very good, Jacob, which brings me back to my original question. How do we institute my rule in Jerusalem?”

  Jacob still felt unsure. “Perhaps we will win the heart of the people?”

  Oliver laughed. We have a peace treaty, Jacob, but Israel is still a sovereign nation. She will not give up control so easily; especially not when I proclaim myself a god inside the new Temple on the day of its dedication.”

  “I’m afraid I just don’t understand, my lord.”

  Oliver turned back to the keyboard and continued typing as he explained. “If you remember, Jacob, I am the one that made possible the reconstruction of the new Jewish Temple.”

  “Yes, Master, by giving the Jews thousands of robot laborers, you’ve done what couldn’t otherwise be done…and in record time.” Then insight hit him like a brick to the head. “The robots!”

  Oliver smiled as he continued accessing the protocol data for the robots.

  Jacob followed his train of thought. “You already have an army in place. But what good is an army of robots with robotic law hardwired into their brains?”

  “It’s all programming, Jacob. What can be written, can also be overwritten.”

  His fingers flew across the keyboard. “I’m overriding the first three laws with my own special protocols. The robots will obey me, or in my absence you and they will have the capacity to kill.”

  “Amazing, Master. Since the robots are already there in Jerusalem, the Jews will remain in the dark until it is too late to do anything about it.”

  “You’re catching on, Jacob—slowly, but still catching on.” Oliver gave a final pronounced key strike to the Enter button and sat up straight. “Now, the robots will disperse to key locations around the city. Some people may wonder why, but given that robots are common items to see around the city, it shouldn’t be any cause of alarm for them.”

  “What about the civilian robots, Master? Won’t they attempt to prevent harm to the people according to their first law programming?”

  “They will probably try, but these labor robots are very tough. In fact, I pushed Oliver to have special armaments added. A civilian robot won’t stand a chance against them. The takeover should be quick. I’ve had several thousand post themselves near the military compounds. When I speak the command code, I am God, the robots within hearing will pass the code to every other robot through their internal network system. They will move against the military first. Then the civilian population will succumb quickly. After that, my Arab allies will move into Israel to help establish our rule throughout the nation.”

  Jacob tried to imagine it. “Truly a diabolical plan, my lord. I’m glad to be in your service.”

  They laughed together at the ease with which they intended to take power—only a few hours from now.

  The sound of an approaching crowd woke Jason. It seemed like an eternity since he had felt so rested. When he opened his eyes in the bright sunshine, he expected to see a great throng of Christian followers gathering to hear the two prophets, Jeremiah and Michael. Instead, he found the Israeli military establishing a perimeter around the area.

  Chloe woke beside him. “What’s happening?”

  “Israeli Defense Forces, hemming us in.” Jason looked for a way out.

  Jeremiah and Michael stood before them calmly. Everyone else had left the square but Jason and Chloe.

  Chloe stood up. “Where did everyone else go?”

  Jeremiah looked at her regretfully. “They knew this was coming and have fled for their lives. I’m sorry that you didn’t also get away before the time.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.” Jason watched the soldiers fan out around them, yet remain distant. Jason remembered news reports of whole squads of soldiers trying to destroy these men and being killed as fire burst out of thin air upon them. Apparently the soldiers remembered it, as well. They hadn’t moved in, yet.

  Michael closed his eyes and breathed in the morning air deeply. “The time of our ministry is concluded. This is the one thousandth two hundred sixtieth day. He is coming for us.”

  Jason knew the answer already, but asked anyway. “Who?”

  Chloe sighed. “Oliver Theed.” She looked at the prophets. “This is the day Revelation, chapter 11, refers to, isn’t it?”

  They nodded.

  “What will happen to us?”

  “If you remain, you will surely die, but you must go now. Take the tunnel.” Michael pointed the way. “It will lead you back under the Temple Mount, eventually terminating in the street beyond. Only be careful that you do not lose your way, or you will be trapped by the soldiers for they’ve already seen you here.”

  Jason spotted the tunnel some distance down the Wall from them. “But we can’t leave you. We’ve all got to go together.”

  Jeremiah smiled kindly. “No, Jason, our work is to do the will of God. Here we will stay, until it is completed and the Lord glorified.”

  Michael grabbed Jeremiah’s shoulder. “He’s here already.”

  A black limousine pulled up behind the line of soldiers. Oliver Theed stepped out of the vehicle. A host of news media, followed from a distance as Oliver walked through the soldiers.

  He walked alone toward the two prophets still standing before the Western Wall. They urged Jason and Chloe to leave before it was too late, but Jason remained reluctant. As Chloe pulled Jason’s arm, Oliver Theed spoke to them. “Leaving so soon, Mr. Night?”

  Thirty yards remained between them.

  “Come on!” Chloe pleaded with him. For her sake, Jason allowed her to pull him away from the scene.

  Oliver watched them go without interfering. “Sweet children. Aren’t they, boys?” He seemed amused by the two prophets.

  Jeremiah looked steadfastly into Theed’s eyes. “Do what you have come to do, Satan.”

  Oliver laughed and turned to the cameras focused on him from behind the line of soldiers. Everyone was afraid of the two Jewish prophets—everyone except Oliver. The world watched the scene unfold. Would their beloved leader, newly raised from the dead, be able to do what countless others could not?

  “Are these the men you fear?” Oliver addressed the cameras and the world. “They are but mortal men. To you they are mighty, but can they stand before me? Am I a mortal man who has risen from the dead, or am I the true god of this world?”

  Oliver spoke deliberately into a pin-mic on his jacket, picking up his every word for the world to hear. Jeremiah and Michael stood erect and tall, but they said nothing more.

  “See for yourself that I have more power than the God they claim to serve!” Oliver turned back toward the two Christian prophets, pulling a pistol from his black suit jacket as he did so. He leveled the pistol on the men standing fifteen feet from him with the wall of soiled white limestone blocks towering behind them. With a fierce grin, Oliver Theed pulled the trigger over and over again, until he had emptied the magazine. The two prophets accepted their fate willingly.

  They lurched as bullets hit them repeatedly. The force of the speeding rounds drove them back into the Wailing Wall. Their blood stained the limestone blocks and the ground around them. They slumped to the pavement in a heap and did not move.

  Oliver, quite pleased with himself, turned back to the cameras, so that his triumph over the two prophets could be immortalized in the minds of the watching world. Oliver had now done what no other man had been able to do. He had not only defeated death, but rid the world of the two men who had caused such great suffering by their plagues.

  Oliver shouted joyously to the cameras. “As a memorial of this day, I declare a time of celebration! We will celebrate because the angry God of the Christians and His prophets of doom have been defeated!”

  The soldiers and the media crews started to cheer at the victory they had witnessed with their own eyes. They wondered at the amazing world leader who had br
ought it to pass when no one else could.

  Oliver quietly addressed the soldiers on a handset hidden inside his lapel. “Lieutenant, storm the area with your troops and kill any other Christians that are within your perimeter. There is a man and woman, in particular, who aided the two prophets—kill them on sight.”

  Jason could hardly believe what had happened. He had stayed at the head of the tunnel just long enough to see Oliver Theed gun down the two prophets. Jason had only known them for a few hours of intense conversation, but it was time he would never forget. He had liked Michael and Jeremiah, despite his reservations about becoming a Christian.

  Jason and Chloe ran beneath the Temple Mount, through the catacombs. Chloe attempted to lead the way through the tunnels, but she had trouble finding the way. Jason noticed a faint glimmer like water refracting light upon a wall as they ran by one of the side chambers.

  “I think it’s this way.” Chloe seemed flustered as they searched in near darkness for the way out. Then, around the next corner, they saw it. Daylight funneled in from the distance down one of the corridors. “This way.”

  They ran for the light. Shadows infiltrated the tunnel ahead. Jason saw the soldiers just in time to pull Chloe back around the corner as shots ricocheted off the walls.

  “They’ve cut us off!” Chloe started to panic. “What are we going to do?”

  “We can’t go back, they’ll be coming in from that direction too.” Jason cursed himself for not bringing any weapons with him.

  They ran back down the tunnel trying to find another way, but only dead ends remained. Jason remembered the shimmer he’d seen in one of the rooms. They had no other choice.

  Jason led the way. Soon they found the room he searched for. He heard soldiers coming in from both directions now. He and Chloe rounded a stone wall. A large pool of water extended before them, carved out of the stone floor. Between them and the pool stood a ceiling-to-floor gate.


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