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INFERNO (New Perdition's Gate Omnibus Edition)

Page 21

by James Somers

  Chloe tried to remember. “It’s the Strouthion Pool.”

  “The what?”

  “It’s an ancient series of pools that date back to Biblical times. They were built for King Herod, I think. I’ve read about it. The pool goes beyond that wall at the far end, and enters an old monastery. If I remember correctly, they excavated about forty years ago, opening up the monastery to the street somewhere by an access tunnel.”

  Lamps illuminated the water, allowing tourists to see the pool. Jason tried the lock. A few well placed kicks proved fruitless. The soldiers closed in from the tunnels outside.

  “Wait here.” Jason tapped his perceptor control pad. He became almost invisible.

  Chloe started. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to get us a key to this lock.”

  Jason ran back into the outer tunnels where the soldiers closed in. He felt back in his element, hunting instead of being the hunted. It took only seconds for a fly to wander into his web. A soldier rounded a corner before him, but remained oblivious to Jason’s presence, at least until Jason smashed the palm of his hand upward into the man’s nose. It cracked. The man fell back to the ground dead.

  Jason confiscated the soldier’s machine gun. Others approached calling to one another. Jason walked quietly into the corridor with his weapon. He remained transparent in the darkness. He rounded a corner and found three soldiers making their way cautiously along the walls.

  Jason fired several bursts and took them down. He grabbed up another rifle and slung it over his shoulder for Chloe. Then he headed back for her, and the Strouthion Pool.

  He rounded the corner and heard more soldiers calling out, having found some of their men dead. Jason became visible again as he came upon Chloe waiting by the gate. He tossed her the other rifle and flipped the ammunition selector to armor piercing rounds then took aim at the gate’s lock.

  A short burst of machine gun fire blasted the lock open. Jason led Chloe through the gate into the chamber beyond. “How far is the monastery beyond that wall?”.

  Chloe looked fearful. “I don’t know! What if we don’t make it?”

  “We’ve got no choice now.” Jason grabbed her hand and they jumped into the water. Ice cold water seeped through their clothing. They waded back, at chest depth, to the far wall where it was much darker.

  Soldiers erupted into the room searching for them. “They’re in here!” One of the soldiers shouted to the others in the corridor. The soldier wasted no time and opened fire on Jason and Chloe. They reached the far wall and took deep breaths. Shells snapped into the stone above them as they ducked under the wall and swam for the other side. Jason hoped they could reach it before they ran out of air.

  Under the wall, in the darkness, precious seconds seemed like hours as their supply of oxygen waned. They paddled frantically, hoping for the stone above them to end in open water. The urge to breath burned in Jason’s chest, as carbon dioxide accumulated in his blood. Where was the other side of the wall?

  Jason held tight to Chloe’s hand, trying to pull her along. He hoped she wouldn’t die under the wall before he could get them to the other side. They had no light, save a dim cast from the underwater lighting way back in the room where they had come from. Jason paddled relentlessly, his lungs aching for a new breath. He felt Chloe jerking against his arm. She convulsed beside him.

  Jason knew she was about to succumb to the urge to breathe. Even if she held out by shear force of will and passed out her body would breathe for her, pulling water into her lungs. Chloe struggled, flailing against the unending cold stone above them. They had nowhere to go but forward. Even if Jason turned back now, they would never make it.

  Chloe struggled to break free, to go back, to go anywhere for air. Jason held her hand tightly, forcing her on. He paddled his feet with every ounce of strength remaining, feeling for the wall above and praying for an edge, so he could pull them into the next room.

  Jason almost gasped for breath when he found the edge and pulled them both beyond it. Jason raised his head above the water and gulped in precious oxygen, as though it were the last breath he would ever get. He realized Chloe had gone limp beside him.

  Jason pulled her into his arms and immediately began to give the girl mouth to mouth resuscitation. He forced air into her lungs repeatedly. Frantically, he continued, holding her upper body horizontal across his arm while her lower body floated in the waist deep water.

  Chloe gagged and coughed the water from her lungs. Jason tilted her up and let gravity help her evacuate the fluid. Hearing Chloe breathe again relieved an ache in his heart. She would be all right.

  She gasped, trying to speak. “Where are we?”

  “I’m not sure—maybe in the monastery you were talking about. Are you okay?”

  “I think so.” Chloe continued to cough up small amounts of fluid. Then she hugged him. “Thank you for saving my life.” She breathed heavy against his chest, trying to calm down.

  Jason felt frozen by the water. “We’ve got to get into the sunlight before hyperthermia sets in.” They sloshed through water in the dark. “Wait a minute.” Jason pulled out his vellum tube from the pocket of his uniform. He extended the vellum sheet and pressed the button to activate the device. It lit up completely white, but no writing would appear and the sheet wouldn’t become rigid.

  Chloe laughed, happy to be alive and now have some light to see by. “I guess this stuff wasn’t meant for water.”

  “Yeah, but it will do.” Jason used the illuminated sheet of vellum to look around the chamber. The darkness made it nearly impossible to catch any details about the chamber, Jason saw a long corridor in the center of one wall. “Come on, let’s try this way.”

  An ancient wooden door stood at the far end of the corridor. Jason kicked it open for them, revealing another tunnel beyond with light seeping in at the far end. Chloe smiled. “We’ve made it out.”

  “Almost, but we’ve got to hurry. If those soldiers know where the other side of that pool comes out, they may be headed for the entrance to cut us off.”

  They took off running for the end of the tunnel. A cool breeze blew around them from the outside. When they reached the head of the tunnel, a small ticket booth sat abandoned. They hopped the turnstile and ran into the street.

  Jason laughed at the irony when he saw it. But not for the street so much as the weather. Dark gray clouds boiled overhead. It hadn’t been raining for long, but it would do to help cover them as they emerged into the street. Jason and Chloe rushed to the entrance and peered out in every direction, looking for soldiers closing in on their escape route. They saw no one.

  Jason reprogrammed his perceptor suit to mimic normal clothing again. They walked out into the rain joining the other pedestrians—smiling as the warm rain fell upon them.


  September 12, 2095

  Jacob Stein stood at an ornate podium before the recently completed Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. “My friends, it is with great pleasure the High Representative and I attend this dedication service for the restored Temple in Jerusalem.” This was a time to end all times. Soon, he and his master would rule the world.

  Gathered in the new Court of the Gentiles, thousands of people spilled out into the common areas beyond. Billions more watched the proceedings, via media link. Yet, Jacob did not feel nervous. The spirit of his master filled him. He knew exactly what to do and say.

  Jacob smiled confidently at the crowd. “We stand on the brink of a new century and a new era. A time of unprecedented peace is upon us, and we must seize this moment in human history before it is too late. An opportunity for greater heights of knowledge and unity among all peoples awaits our willingness to reach out and take it.”

  Behind Jacob, both religious and political delegates sat from all over Israel. The Prime Minister, Eli Cohen, sat next to Jacob’s master, Oliver Theed. The newly appointed High Priest sat on Oliver’s other side.

  Jacob continued. “The people
of Israel have had a long and arduous journey to get to this place—ready to dedicate the new Temple to their God. But it is to this point that I must confess a revelation. For God has said within the scriptures that he would reveal himself to mankind. Many have claimed to do miraculous things and yet have not fulfilled the demands of scripture for the Messiah—the Christ of God.”

  Some of the people stirred, but Jacob went on. “I’m sure that Rabbi Netanyahu would agree with me when I say that the Messiah was prophesied to rebuild the Temple of God upon this mount.”

  More stirring occurred behind Jacob, as the rabbis conferred visually with one another. They seemed curious as to where Jacob was leading with this line of thought. He continued on with his speech. “Men and brethren, I say unto you that God has revealed himself this day!”

  The religious Jews grew restless, murmuring among the thousands assembled for the dedication service. Jacob continued undaunted. “For I will show you a man who has taken back his life from the power of death, a man who has killed the prophets of the false Christian God which no other man could destroy, a man who has done more to bring peace in our time than any other. A man that has now restored unto you the Temple of God, upon this sacred mount! That man is none other than our own beloved High Representative, Oliver Theed!”

  Pandemonium threatened to take over at that point. Several Rabbis on the platform became outraged, but it wasn’t so with the High Priest. He was actually crying, overcome with emotion. He conceded that the man next to him was indeed the Messiah of Israel finally come. The others began to stand, arguing amongst themselves as the politicians tried to restore order.

  Among the crowd, a similar scene erupted on a grander scale. Some had suspected that the man could be a god and were merely waiting for the truth to be revealed. Others defiantly opposed such an idea. Fights broke out among the thousands assembled.

  The military attempted to restore order among the crowd, but it grew more out of control. Then one of the chief Rabbis stormed the podium, pushing Jacob aside. “This man cannot be the Messiah of Israel!” He thundered into the microphone. “He is a gentile, and unclean!”

  Jacob stepped back from the podium and the rabbi. “God would show you a sign this day!” The crowd calmed somewhat as they heard the exchange on the platform. Jacob leveled a finger at the Rabbi. Though he seemed far away from the microphone, Jacob’s voice echoed throughout the Temple courts. “Since thou hast the fire of rebellion against the Lord’s anointed upon your lips, so let the fire of the Lord’s vengeance consume you!”

  A massive peel of thunder shook the platform, as flame descended upon the Rabbi from thin air. The rabbi and the podium burned in the fire. Members of the crowd screamed.

  The military overcame their bewilderment and made their way to the platform. Oliver stood then, approaching Jacob. He nodded and Jacob stood down. Then he gestured to the people for calm and began to speak. “My people, still your hearts and put away your unbelief, for I have come to carry you into a new age of peace and prosperity. My prophet, Jacob, has declared the truth unto you. I am your god. This time of dedication for the restored Temple is precious to me, for as the scriptures have before declared, Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold he shall come saith the Lord of Hosts.”

  The crowd transformed into a mixture of cheering worshippers and bewildered unbelievers. Oliver leveled his gaze upon the approaching soldiers. “The military is hereby commanded to stand down here in Jerusalem.” The soldiers continued toward the platform. “Do not rebel against me, I am god.”

  With that command signal, the formerly docile construction robots, hundreds of which remained at the Temple site, came to life and began to attack the soldiers. Gunfire erupted very briefly, but within moments the coup had been accomplished. The military compounds would be overrun by other robots stationed there and the civilians would offer no resistance.

  The Prime Minister stood at the table on the platform. “Why are you seizing control like this, Oliver?”

  Oliver turned to him with a benevolent smile. “I have revealed myself to you. The kingdoms of this world will now become my kingdom. This Temple and this land are mine.”

  The politicians stood there stunned. They had been routed out of power with one simple stroke. What did this god have in store for them, or their nation. Jacob smiled at his master.

  Oliver Theed spoke more reassuring words to calm the people. Slowly they succumbed to his charms. The body of the Rabbi smoldered upon the platform. And the watching world wondered at the man proclaiming himself a god.


  Near midnight, Jason and Chloe found their way back to the secret underground base below the abandoned parking garage. Solomon ran to his daughter. “Where were you?”

  “The jeep had been confiscated before we could get back to it, Dad.”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have let you two go down there.”

  Jason remained quiet. He should have expected Solomon to be distraught over his daughter being down at the Wall with Oliver Theed coming.

  “Dad, Jason saved my life back there. And more importantly, he may have gotten some of the answers he was seeking from Michael and Jeremiah before…” Chloe fought tears remembering the last moments of the two prophets.

  Solomon became tender then. “I’m sorry, honey. I saw what happened. It was the only thing broadcasting.” He pulled his daughter in tight, and hugged her. “Just remember, it’s not really over for them. They’ll rise in three days time, and the Lord will be glorified in their deaths and resurrection.”

  Jason didn’t know what he meant, but wasn’t sure whether now was the time to ask. Solomon had calmed down, now that he had Chloe back safe, but Jason thought it better to give him some more time.

  They walked back into the larger chamber. Everyone worked at a frantic pace like bees preparing their hive. “What’s going on?” Jason asked.

  “We’re breaking camp,” Solomon said. “Things are now too dangerous for us in Jerusalem.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Solomon motioned for Jason and Chloe to follow him. They proceeded back to where Max was loading gear into a truck. Solomon helped his friend with a box before explaining. “We have to leave, Jason. Now that Oliver Theed has taken control of the temple mount and proclaimed himself to be God, the scriptures in Matthew, chapter 24, have been fulfilled.”

  Max loaded another crate of supplies as he looked over at Jason. “And the Lord Jesus specifically said that when that event happens, believers are to flee Judea into the mountains.”

  “But you’re well hidden here in this place.”

  Chloe stood next to him and spoke earnestly. “Jason, the Lord Jesus warned us of this. If we refuse to obey his commandment then we will forfeit the protection the Lord wants to provide us. We must walk by faith if we want to escape the persecution that’s coming.”

  “Everything is going to become much worse, until the Lord Jesus comes in three and a half more years,” Solomon said.

  Jason shook his head, confused. “You’re losing me. He’s coming to the Earth again?”

  “The Bible is clear, the Lord will return three and a half years from the midpoint of the seven year tribulation we are in right now,” said Solomon. “The Abomination of Desolation, and the killing of God’s two witnesses mark that midpoint. Now we have to leave because the time is coming when great persecution like never before is going to come upon believers.”

  “And not only that, but soon Theed and his False Prophet will institute the Mark,” said Chloe.

  “What is the Mark?”

  “We’re not exactly sure,” said Solomon. “It will be some sort of identification that is implanted upon the forehead or the right hand. This Mark will have to be willingly accepted by people and it will mean they are allied with the Beast ruler. Anyone who doesn’t ha
ve Theed’s Mark will not be able to buy, or sell within the New Eden economy.”

  “And the worst part for those poor souls is that once they receive the Mark they cannot be saved by the Lord,” said Max. “Those people are damned for finally rejecting the Lord Jesus and allying themselves with the Antichrist.”

  “You mean, even if they wanted to be saved after that, God wouldn’t save them?” asked Jason. He wanted more information. He grew nervous about the fact that Solomon and the others were all leaving.

  “It’s not like that exactly.” Solomon stopped packing the truck for a moment to be sure that he communicated his next point to Jason. “You see, Jason, the Bible clearly says that a person can only come to Christ if the Father draws him. So, it’s not that they would want salvation and God refuse them. Without Him drawing them, compelling them to come by faith to Him, they never will have the desire, so they will die in their sins.”

  Jason felt sick to his stomach. An overbearing sense of impending doom washed over him. He had begun to sweat despite the cool air underground. “Where’s Alfred?”

  “He’s in one of the bays helping some of the others load some heavier items.” Max pointed to one of the adjoining garages.

  Chloe grabbed Jason’s arm. “Where will you go? Back to New Rome?”

  Jason hesitated. “I’m not sure. I’ve still got several homes there that Babylon knows nothing about—at least I don’t think they do.”

  Chloe stared into his eyes. “I’m not going to lie to you, Jason. I’m worried about you.”

  “I can take care of myself, Chloe. I was an agent, remember?”

  “You don’t understand, Jason. The things spoken of in the scriptures about this last three and a half years…it’s going to be terrible. The wrath of God is coming upon the world in series of awful judgments, the likes of which mankind has never seen. There will be no safe place for unbelievers from these judgments—especially not New Rome.”


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