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Love Amplified (Heavy Influence Book 3)

Page 4

by Ann Marie Frohoff

  “What? Really?” Kyle looked surprised and looked to Nadine saying, “I didn’t see him.”

  Nadine shook her head, shrugging. “I didn’t either.”

  “Maybe he didn’t want you to see him.” I said, as my eyes searched the distance.

  “Where’s Nathan?” Kyle smirked, staring down his nose at me.

  I pulled Kyle along. “We broke up.”

  “When?” He looked confused.

  I sighed, dragging him next to me as Nadine followed. “A few days ago.”

  “Does she know?” He tossed his head back at Nadine.

  “She always knows everything.”

  Before I could locate Jake, three of my teammates rushed up to me glittering with excitement, and as I was about to return the sentiment, Becca blurted out, “Oh my God, Alyssa! We just took a picture with Jake. Are you guys back together?”

  I felt myself sink two levels and forced the smile to remain on my face.

  Erin chimed. “He said he was here for you.”

  I nodded. “That’s what I hear.”

  “So, you’re not back together? Wait, you’re engaged to someone else?” Erin said, looking baffled.

  “Huh? I’m confused.” Sarah said, twirling the tassel that hung from her hat around her finger as she looked around at all of us.

  “Guys, we’re just friends.” I laughed off their tittering and ignored the question of my former engagement. “I haven’t really talked to Jake in a while. I’m gonna go say hello.”

  Becca hugged me, saying, “To be you! I woulda died if Jake showed up for me.”

  The other girls gave me hugs goodbye and that’s when I noticed Jake; he was talking to Nadine and Kyle. Only a small curious crowd of onlookers remained. Then I noticed he was holding the hand of a little boy, the boy I met at the ice cream shop. An unfamiliar feeling came over me as I walked toward them, wondering if maybe Grace was there, too, as I searched the people surrounding them. I didn’t see her.

  Jake took notice of me and his brilliant smile was captivating. Stop smiling at me like that. He released Ethan’s hand and ambled toward me, looking fit and healthy. Cleanly shaven, his features looked more mature, and even more handsome than ever. He carried a necklace of flowers, a Hawaiian Lei of pink and white orchids. Why did he have to come here after I told him not to? We met each other with two feet separating us. His bright, blue eyes shimmered happily. I struggled to keep my arms at my side, though every bit of me wanted to hug him.

  “You did it, Alycat. It’s official. You’re a college graduate.” He announced warmly. He placed the lei over my head, followed by a tender kiss on my cheek. It sent a pleasant humming vibration through me. He lingered close, looking as if he were about to kiss my lips. I felt my mouth begin to part and my head tip back. No! I swallowed hard, looking down at the vibrant colored flowers laying at my chest, and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I just knew he felt my desire and knew I was embarrassed, but he didn’t say a word.

  He gently ran his hands across my shoulders. Feeling the pressure of his grasp drawing me to his chest sent my blood pressure to the moon. I didn’t want to want him. I didn’t want to need him. We had our chance. He chose to slip back into his addiction. He chose not to wait for me, carrying on with Sienna like he did. I just couldn’t allow myself any more potential pain. Our time was gone.

  I returned his warm embrace. It felt like home.

  I sighed, whispering. “You didn’t have to come, but thank you. Thank you for the lovely flowers.”

  He looked down at me. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

  “You brought your little friend I see.” I said, backing away, happy to have the little boy as a distraction.

  Jake turned. “Ethan!” He shouted and Ethan let go of Gabe’s hand and trotted toward us.

  “Where’s his mom?” I asked casually, feeling anything but.

  “Grace had to work. Ethan wanted to go to the beach, but I brought him on an adventure instead.” Jake’s eyes toggled between mine. “Aly, we’re only friends.”

  I cringed inwardly at my inability to hide my feelings and forced a slanted light-hearted remark, “Friendship is a wonderful thing, but I’m pretty sure it has different meanings to you than me.” Then I leaned close to him, whispering. “Friends with benefits isn’t my thing.”

  He smirked, unmoved by my jab, then he jabbed me right back. “Where’s Nathan?”

  The burst of adrenaline made my vision sway and I couldn’t hide it any longer. “We’re not a thing anymore.”

  His eyebrows inched up, surprised, or maybe he wasn’t, but he didn’t have time to respond and focused on Ethan, who squirmed at his side. The kid was cute.

  “What’s gonna happen now?” He squeaked, looking up at Jake.

  “Ethan, say hello to Aly.”


  “Hello.” I couldn’t help but smile at the little rug rat.

  He looked back at Jake. “Are we leaving?”

  “Yes.” Jake confirmed and my heart sank, wishing he could stay just a bit longer. I hated that my feelings for him were still so strong. “Nadine says you’re going to celebrate at Duke’s?”

  “That’s the plan.” I confirmed.

  “I gotta get Ethan home, but um...since your status has changed, and even if it hadn’t, I must insist on a celebratory drink.”

  I looked at him skeptically. “A drink?”

  He shrugged with a corny grin. “Or ice cream.”

  I looked over to Nadine who was intently watching us. My family, on the other hand, appeared to be engaged in their own conversation with Kate.

  “Alyssa!” My mom called when she saw me staring and waved, indicating it was time for us to go.

  I waved back, nodding, and then met Jake’s eager eyes. I couldn’t believe I was about to agree to a cheesy little date with him. “I’ll tell you what.” I stiffened my posture. “I’ll meet you at the Creamery.”

  “Deal.” He said, a little breathlessly, as if he couldn’t believe I’d agreed. I couldn’t believe it myself. His blue eyes burned brighter and he stepped close, kissing me on the cheek. The heat of his lips sent a red-hot current rushing through me.

  Oh no.

  I said goodbye to Kate, thanking her for coming, and told my parents and brother we’d meet them. I floated toward Nadine’s car in a fog of inner chaos while she yammered in my ear. There were people only a few yards in front of us. “Shut up, will you?” I finally hissed.

  “Answer my question then!” She frowned. “What’s going on?”

  I stopped in my tracks and huffed at my frustration. “Stuff that shouldn’t be happening.” I whined, shaking my head. I continued toward the car. “Jake asked me to meet him and I said yes.”

  “Holy shit.” She laughed nervously.

  We finally reached her car. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “The hell it doesn’t!” she said, unlocking the car doors with a push of the button on her key ring. We both got in, slamming our doors shut simultaneously. We locked eyes and she reached over taking my hand. “Alyssa, why fight it?”




  Her name couldn’t be more perfect for her. She made making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich look like she was expertly painting a masterpiece. Grace moved unlike any other chick I’d known before, fluid and elegant. Her slender arms pushed two plates across the counter in front of Ethan and me. Ethan shoved an apple slice into his mouth, bouncing in his seat as he picked up a perfectly cut square.

  “Finish chewing what’s in your mouth.” Grace cautioned Ethan.

  I noticed his didn’t have the crust and mine was only cut in half. “You know,” I said, picking up a half of my sandwich, “If you eat crust, it’ll grow hair on your chest, make you into a man.”

  Grace’s brow twisted in amusement and she chuckled. Ethan looked at the piece of sandwich he held in his hand and suddenly reached over, pulling down my shirt at the neck
, almost popping the button.

  “Whoa, buddy.” I said grabbing his little wrist before he could really yank at it.

  “I wanna see. Lemme see, lemme see!”

  I looked at Grace and she backed away, shaking her head with palms in the air. She knew I didn’t have any hair on my chest.

  “Let him see your chest, Jake.” Grace could barely restrain her laughter.

  I gave a proud jut of my chin and unbuttoned my shirt. Ethan reached up, parting the fabric, and inspected my chest. “Mom needs to make you more cruts.”

  Grace burst out laughing and corrected his pronunciation. “It’s cruh-ssst. S before T.”

  I chuckled heartily, eating my sandwich. “Yep, why do you think I’m eating my crust?”

  Ethan nodded happily, finally taking a bite, and focused on the TV in the adjacent family room. I watched Grace as she put away the peanut butter and cleaned the counter. Her eyes kept bouncing over to me.

  “What?” I finally asked, smiling.

  “How did it go?”

  A deep breath filled my lungs. I tried not to seem too excited. “I’m meeting her in a little while.”

  Grace’s face froze in a half smile before saying, “That’s nice.” She continued with wiping down the counter with a white rag, blinking rapidly as if she had more to say.

  “Mommy!” Ethan said loudly, grabbing her attention. “Can I sit over there?”

  “Sure.” Grace agreed and took his plate and him by the hand, setting him up comfortably at the coffee table.

  I got the impression my revelation disturbed her by the look on her face. The last she knew, Aly was to be married. “She and Nathan broke up.” I explained when she returned.

  Relief softened the troubled look that rested on her face and a sweet smile spread at her lips. “Well, then, looks like you may have another chance after all.”

  My stomach quivered nervously. “We’ll see.”

  Grace walked around from behind the counter and stood in front of me. “I’m happy for you. I hope you get what you want, whatever that is.”

  A lump formed in my throat so quickly it took me by surprise and I took her hand in mine. clearing my throat. “No matter what happens with Aly, I’ve got a happy something right here.” I kissed her hand. “I swear if it wasn’t for meeting you, I don’t think my head would have been screwed on as tight...or straight. Ethan,” I gestured toward him. “I dig him. I’m hoping whatever happens…we’ll remain friends.”

  “Of course we will.”

  I stood, hugging her. “I hope so.”

  When I finally received a text from Aly, two hours later, I was at home tooling around with some new sounds. Her name flashing bright on my screen sent my heart racing. I almost dropped my guitar from my lap as I stood to grab my phone. I laughed to myself at how nervous I was. She said she was home and could meet whenever and I texted her back immediately – 6 PM? And she replied – Yes.

  I had an hour. I didn’t have to shower, but I did. And even though I had someone who came by the house twice a day to keep it orderly and clean, I still walked around the entire house, moving shit around, like it would make a difference or something.

  She probably won’t even come here.

  I grabbed a light black sweater and pulled it over my head as I walked out the door. The ocean breeze had cooled the heat of the day. The Creamery was a ten-minute walk down the hill. I loved where the home I rented was located and I loved that people left me alone. As I walked down the street reaching the business district, I braced myself for gawkers and space invaders asking for pictures. It didn’t happen. I walked down Manhattan Beach Boulevard, passing people who looked at me like I was any other Joe. The more days that passed like this, the more I was happy to be in my hometown. Now I was meeting my hometown girl.

  Maybe it was time to sell the New York apartment.

  I took out my phone to call Marty. He lived at my apartment as a guest and was engaged to Nadine. I wondered what his plans were, thinking they should get fucking married already. I laughed, knowing he was scared shitless of his mother and her very Jewish expectations. I didn’t even think his mom knew he’d gotten engaged.

  As I hit his name to dial his number, I spotted Aly through the window of The Creamery and hung up. I didn’t expect her to be early.

  As I stepped through the crowded doorway, Aly noticed me right away.

  A subdued smile formed on her beautiful heart shaped face and her eyes said it all as I approached the little round bistro table. She wanted to be here. She crossed her bare legs, leaning into the table, resting her chin in her hands.

  I smiled down at her, with my heart slamming in my chest. “Thanks for coming.”

  She took a moment to reply. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  I reached out, brushing her cheek with my finger, slipping it into her palm. Her hand fell from her chin as she took hold of it. She wouldn’t look at me.

  “Come on, Alycat.” I said tugging her to stand. “Whad’ya feel like?”

  Her eyes finally met mine as she stood and I stepped closer. She shook her head. “Jake, we really shouldn’t…”

  Resting my forehead against hers, I whispered. “Stop.” She closed her eyes and I kissed her forehead. “Just be in the moment. Please.”

  I could hear her swallow. Sighing loudly, she stepped away, releasing my hand. I followed her to the freezer and stood next to her. She stared down at the dozens of flavors. I spotted the mint n’chip.

  “What’s it gonna be?” I nudged her.

  “Hmm.” She smiled, tight lipped. “The tried and true. Mint n’chip.”

  I bit my lip. “I knew it.”

  She squinted, looking at me sideways.

  “Your favorite.” I shrugged. “I bet you still haven’t tried the strawberry or the chocolate.”

  She laughed. “That’s not true. I’ve tried them. I just know that I really like mint n’chip.”

  Her words struck me. She had no idea how ironic they were. We ordered our ice cream cones. Hers was mint n’chip and mine chocolate. Strolling outside, we made our way to the pier in silence.

  “How’s it taste?” I asked, as we sat on the bench at the middle of the pier.


  “Is it the same every time?”

  “Mhmm.” She hummed, licking her scoop.

  “Is there a time when it hasn’t been?”

  She shrugged, staring out at the sand. “I mean different brands have a slightly different taste, but for the most part I always know what I’m getting. I love it every time.”

  I nodded, taking a huge bite of mine and letting it melt in my mouth. “You’re my mint n’chip.” I announced.

  I watched her face as my words sank in and she met my gaze with a punchy laugh. “Why do you gotta say shit like that?”

  I chuckled. “Why not? It’s true.” She stared down at her half eaten ice cream. “Come on, Aly. Why do you always have to fight it?”

  “Because.” She murmured. “It’s hard to get past it all when just the thought of you reminds me of all the shitty stuff…and I don’t want to hear about all the good. Yes, when it was good, it was great. It’s beside the point now. Excuses are just detours to the truth. The truth will always be the truth. Moving past the truth isn’t easy for me, because there’s always another skeleton that pops out with you.”

  “You don’t have to move past anything, Aly. Just be in the moment.”

  A little smile peaked at her lips. “That’s what I’m doing.”

  “Is it?”

  She looked me directly. “Yes.”

  We both left it at that for a few quiet moments as we finished our ice cream. I got up, taking the wrapping and napkins from her, tossing them into the nearby trash can.

  “So, what’s your plan?” I asked, sitting back down next to her.

  “For what?”

  “Now that you’re a college graduate.”

  “I’m headed to Miami to train for a few weeks, maybe longe
r. I may go to Brazil or Spain. I’m really not sure.”

  “I’m going to London for some radio station gigs.”

  She nodded. I couldn’t read her.

  “I thought that woman was your girlfriend.” She said, changing the subject, pointing. “I saw you playing in the sand with Ethan, the day Nathan and I broke up.”

  I’m not sure why I was stunned by her frankness, but I was. I gulped trying to grasp how to reply. I didn’t want to scare her away. “It’s been fun with Ethan.” I said lightly and twisted to face her. “It’s been a weird journey, Alycat. I’m lucky I met Gabe, Ethan, and Grace.”

  She looked at me seriously, rubbing her brow. “I can’t take anymore surprises, Jake.” She shook her head, looking away from me. Her hand fell into her lap. “There’s always something lurking with you.” A laugh popped out and she gestured to me. “You’re probably sleeping with Grace…and that’s okay. I’m not saying it because I think something’s wrong with it. But there’s always something like that going on with you. Sure, I’m your mint n’chip…” her arms flung out, mocking my analogy, “but she’s the clueless flavor of the month.”

  “No. I’m not sleeping with Grace.”

  “But you would.”

  “Stop it.”

  “Do you blame me? Jake? Really?” She stood up, leaning against the pier railing. “I’m bracing myself for another bullshit media storm because of Sienna, so don’t blame me for questioning your relationship with Grace when you’re sitting in front of me telling me, in so many words, that I’m still the one for you. What does it say about the type of person I am? A doormat?”

  “No. You’re not a doormat.” I said, emphatically. The vibe between us was intense. As we stared at each other trying to make sense of our meaning, I suddenly wanted to know what happened with Nathan. “Why did you and Nathan split?” She didn’t flinch at the question, staring off at the ocean. I let the question hang there for a second. “Aly?”

  Taking in couple breaths, she answered. “Because it wasn’t right for me to keep leading him on. He wanted an answer. He wanted to move on with his life. He had a timeline and I wasn’t meeting it. I didn’t want to jump into anything…” her voice grew quiet, mixing with the wind. “When I saw you down there with them, the way it made me feel was undeniably shocking and overwhelming.” Her eyes met mine. “I still care too much. It rocked my world seeing you down there playing happy family. I knew right then that I couldn’t be with Nathan. The truth is, you’re still…”


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