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Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20

Page 4

by Brenda Trim

  “I can help you if you want,” Izzy offered.

  Troy smiled and slung one of his arms around her shoulders. “You’re the best, Iz. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  She chuckled and waved his comments away. “You wouldn’t finish the training program with the rest of us, that’s for sure. You’d be too busy making up assignments you didn’t finish on time.”

  “I blame your realm’s Netflix for that. Now that they’ve figured out how to stream shows and movies, who has time for homework?” he joked and pulled Izzy closer to his body.

  It felt different than when Blaze put an arm around her. Blaze was like a brother, where Troy’s nearness made Izzy’s palms sweat.

  Blaze turned around, walking backwards as he talked with them. “Right?! I wish my parents would let me watch more television. I want to see Game of Thrones. It’s all Mack talked about during her last visit. It sounds fantastic.”

  Izzy laughed as she recalled her Aunt Mack bringing the DVDs for Khoth technology wizards to add to their collection. She agreed with Blaze. It might be a great show for them to watch. From what Mack said it was all about the political machinations and wars in a fictional realm. It could probably teach them something useful.

  “You’re going to have to wait for that show. Your father and I watched it. It’s too bloody and sexually graphic,” Keira called over her shoulder. She was up ahead with Blaze’s little sister, Josie, as they walked to Nolan’s Brewhouse. He made the best sherulla fruit smoothies on the planet, and she couldn’t wait to get her hands on one.

  “Aww, mom. That’s not fair. I’m heir to the Cuelebre throne. I need to learn all about these things,” Blaze complained.

  “You don’t need to learn what that show will teach you. There are enough betrayal and deception in Khoth from Cyril and Akilam,” Keira stated, referring to the Unseelie King and leader of the evil Buggane that were destroying Khoth land. “Speaking of which, son, did you see the latest numbers?” she asked.

  “Yeah. It seems like we’ve hit a wall on reclaiming land,” Blaze murmured.

  Izzy’s mind went over what they’d tried thus far. Khoth might not be her home realm, but she loved living in the beautiful land of dragons. She’d be damned if she sat back without helping. Blaze and his parents had adopted her into their fold and treated her like one of their own. They were the next best thing to her parents.

  “Did we manage to heal the western portion of the outer banks?” Izzy asked. She wanted to visit the location so badly she could taste it. It was close to the volcano, Mt. Batia, and she wanted to explore its caverns. Unfortunately, it wasn’t safe because the Buggane controlled the area.

  “Not entirely, but Angus made a little progress before it stalled on him,” Keira replied.

  “Izzy!” a male called out, drawing Isobel’s attention. Everyone in her group looked up, as well. Troy and Blaze instantly stepped in front of her, creating a wall of protection.

  “Would you two move?” she grunted behind the taller males as she pushed against their backs. Neither male would move a muscle, so Izzy shuffled to the side and finally saw who called her name.

  “Donovan!” she cried out and rushed toward him. The smile that broke across her face went soul-deep and wiped out the loneliness and sadness besieging her moments before. “What are you doing here?”

  Donovan grabbed her around the waist and hauled her in for a bear hug. Izzy instantly noticed two things. One, Donovan wasn’t so tall anymore. He used to tower over her, but given the time difference between realms, she’d caught up to him. And two, it felt weird to hug him now. Her boobs, while small, smashed into his hard chest and made her insides churn oddly.

  Stepping away from him, she ignored the latter and focused on her joy at seeing him. His familiar blue eyes sparkled with humor but seemed more mature. And, his appearance had changed. Chiseled jawline, muscular arms, and chest, not to mention the way he carried himself. He was becoming a grown male, much like Blaze and Troy.

  “It’s getting more dangerous in the Tehrex Realm, and my parents decided we should move here for the time being. Wow, Iz. You look…” he paused, eying her in way that made Izzy squirm, “…different,” he finished, and she heard his voice crack. Blaze’s voice was changing, as well, and she poked fun at him all the time about it.

  Izzy looked behind Donovan toward his stepmom, Isis, and his dad, Braeden. She waved enthusiastically at the couple, and her heart swelled with happiness at having familiar faces surround her. It was a small piece of the Tehrex Realm and lessened her homesickness.

  “Hey, little Princess,” Braeden greeted as they walked toward Izzy and the others. “Well, not so little anymore, I guess,” he acknowledged and tugged one of Izzy’s braids.

  “Wow, you have grown,” Isis added with a smile.

  Isis was the middle sister of the powerful Rowan triplets. The three witches were the High Priestesses in the Tehrex Realm and very close friends of her parents. Isis had long hair that was the prettiest shade of red. It looked like fire fanning around her face.

  “You know? I think you’re older than our Van now,” Isis informed Izzy as she looked to her then Donovan.

  “Mom,” Donovan scoffed. “Stop, please.”

  Isis shifted a baby in her arms then ruffled Donovan’s brown hair. Izzy noted his hair was a bit longer than she remembered, and not as curly. “What? I’m just making conversation. You’re a strapping twelve, almost thirteen years old. I have no idea how old Izzy is now,” Isis divulged.

  So, she was a bit older than him, Izzy acknowledged. It was so odd, given she’d been several years younger the last time they saw each other.

  “I just turned fourteen,” she informed Isis as she peaked into the folds of the blanket. “Who’s this?”

  “This is Callum,” Isis introduced and pulled back the blue fabric.

  “Wow, he has your red hair. Well, it’s darker. And, his face looks like you, Braeden,’ Izzy said. “So, you guys are moving here? What happened back home?”

  Pema, the oldest of the triplets, walked forward and set her daughter, Aria, on the sidewalk before straightening her ruffled shirt. “Crocell tried to kidnap the kids last night. It isn’t safe for them in the realm, so we came here. Besides, Donovan has been hounding his parents to come and visit you.”

  Izzy smiled at Donovan whose cheeks instantly reddened. She wondered if he was hot. The warm, humid temperature in Khoth was very different from Seattle. “You have to join us for a smoothie,” Izzy interjected, thinking the cold drink would help.

  Beside her Troy made a noise, making her look at him. He glared at her for a second before he turned away. “I need to finish the assignment for Jorrelle. See you later, Iz.”

  “Wait,” she called out, but Troy marched down the street. He seemed like he was mad at something, but she didn’t know what that might be. He was likely worried he would fail the class. Shrugging, she figured she would catch up to him later. Turning back to Donovan, she grabbed his hand and tugged him into motion.

  “You have to try the sherulla fruit smoothie. It’s almost as good as strawberry ice cream.”

  “Oh, man. That’s one thing I’m going to miss,” Donovan mumbled before looking over at the dragon shifters walking with them. “Your Highness, it’s good to see you again,” he greeted Keira then quickly added, “you too, Blaze.”

  Keira swung Josie into the air, making her laugh. “You’ve raised a well-mannered son, Isis. I think my son could take notes from Donovan seeing he couldn’t be bothered to greet you properly.”

  Blaze shook his head and lowered it. Izzy understood. Keira was a great mother, but since they were royalty, she insisted on proper etiquette all the time. Thankfully, Izzy’s mom was different, probably because she grew up human. Elsie had no desire to force such behaviors onto Izzy.

  “I didn’t intend to be rude,” Blaze said addressing Isis and Pema. “I was giving Izzy her moment to reunite with you. I know how badly she’s miss
ed you. But we are pleased to welcome you to Khoth. Will you be staying at the castle, or finding a home in the city?”

  “We appreciate the warm welcome. Honestly, we didn’t think about the situation that far ahead. I’m afraid I reacted in the moment without considering our accommodations,” Isis informed Queen Keira. “And your son is very polite.”

  Pema reached out and squeezed Isis’s hand in solidarity. “My sister was reacting to the fact that the vile demon almost took our children. We had to move quickly since she was able to track their energy signature. We would love to stay at the castle if that is okay with you and Angus.”

  Izzy’s heart raced as she played the words through her head. “How’s my mom? Is she okay?”

  “She’s dealing with a little morning sickness, but she’s good, otherwise. She sends her love and a care package,” Isis replied as she pointed to a large bag close to one of the dragon knights standing by the sidewalk.

  There were no cars on Khoth, so they used animals to transport luggage to and from the portal. If there were few enough, one of the Cuelebre would fly the stuff and visitor to the city. They had more visitors since the portal reopened. They had to develop an entire system for portal crossings along with a 24/7 schedule of protection. Angus refused to allow anything nefarious to cross into his lands.

  “Thank you for bringing it to me. I worry about them and miss them so much.”

  “Your mom said she and your dad will visit soon enough. I think your parents miss you more than you can imagine. It’s not easy for a parent to leave their child,” Isis added as she watched Donovan.

  They entered Nolan’s, and the sweet smell of fruit combined with the tang of coffee beans roasting greeted Izzy. “Your Highness,” Nolan murmured with a bow to Keira. Izzy felt like a bug under a microscope. It made her worry Donovan and his parents would leave with all the attention focused on their group.

  Izzy was watched wherever they went and rarely gave it any thought now. Donovan was a quiet, shy kid. She didn’t think he would like the focus, so she hung back next to him.

  “Nolan,” Keira replied with a smile. “Please tell me you have some espresso left. I need a pick-me-up.”

  “You’re in luck. I received a new shipment of beans from the Tehrex realm yesterday. Sherulla smoothie for you, Izzy? What about you, Blaze?”

  Blaze rubbed a hand over his jaw. “I’ll try a mocha, please.”

  “And I would love a smoothie. My friend Donovan will have one, as well,” Izzy interjected.

  “Yes, I remember all of you,” Nolan confessed with a wide grin. His lavender eyes sparkled with mirth as he threw ingredients into a giant blender. “It’s been a while since you visited last. I see Izzy is pushing the sherulla smoothie on you. If she doesn’t watch it, she’s going to turn into a piece of the fruit,” he teased, and his lavender eyes sparkled with mirth.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised. The first memory I have of Izzy is when she took my strawberry ice cream cone,” Donovan said with a chuckle before he turned to her. “I tried to bring you ice cream, but it melted on the way through the portal and turned to soup. So, what have you been up to?”

  Beside them Isis addressed Nolan. “Thank the Goddess. You have caffeine. I’d love a mocha, as well. And, one of these scones.” Izzy led Donovan off to the side a bit so they could talk.

  “I’ve been going to school and training. There’s so much to do here, but I’m just starting to explore the realm. Until just recently, my parents and Blaze’s parents refused to allow me to wander far from the castle.”

  “Do you still go to the beach?”

  “Yes. It’s my favorite place to go here. One day King Phineas will take me to the city beneath the water, which is where the Stoorworm sea serpents live,” she explained to Donovan. “Hey, now that your mom and Pema are here, maybe they can create charms so we can breathe underwater. I have practiced holding my breath but can only last about a minute and a half before I need air.”

  Donovan’s eyes went wide, and his smile reminded her of all those days playing while stuck inside her house. “Are there mermaids? I’ve always wanted to meet a mermaid.”

  “I know me too! Phineas and Keira told me there aren’t mermaids here. But just being able to see Saqara is exciting enough for me. Swimming with Blaze and Phineas is a ton of fun. The way they zip through the water is almost like flying. It’s the one thing my mom would let me do. There’s no worry about me falling off a dragon and to my death.”

  Donovan cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at Blaze. “He would let you fall off?”

  Blaze puffed his chest and took a step toward Donovan. “I would never let her fall, cambion. She’s one of my best friends, but there are things out of your control in the sky like wind currents.”

  “Sorry. You’re right. I should’ve known you’d take care of her. So, is there room for one more in your training program? I know I’m going to have to join you guys in school, but I want to train, as well. I miss sessions in Anthru House with Nikko,” Donovan said, and Izzy heard the sadness in his voice.

  Her heart twisted at hearing Nikko’s name. She never got to say goodbye to him. It was hard to believe he was gone and wouldn’t be there when she got back to the Tehrex Realm.

  Blaze relaxed his stance and accepted his mocha from his mother. “There’s plenty of room in our class, but I’m surprised you want to join. Aren’t cambions lovers, not fighters?”

  Braeden laughed but didn’t say anything while Izzy couldn’t help but be embarrassed. Blaze got that information from her, after all. It was something she grew up hearing from her dad all the time, so when Blaze asked about her friends back home, that was her automatic response.

  “Donovan will be a lover when he grows up,” Braeden said as he sipped his drink. “But, I have wanted him to be able to protect himself ever since Cele abducted him years ago. He can go into the family construction business or become a Dark Warrior if he chooses, but he will be able to fight.”

  “Both my boys will be able to kick some ass when needed,” Isis said as she kissed Callum’s head.

  Izzy found herself nodding in agreement. It was all she’d wanted for years, as well. Much like Donovan, Izzy had been taken prisoner by evil. One significant difference between them. Izzy escaped torture, unlike Donovan. They had many discussions about their experiences. He was the only one she could talk to about what she’d gone through. She didn’t want to worry her mom about her nightmares, and Donovan understood her fears. It was so great to have him there, Izzy thought as they enjoyed their smoothies.

  Everything was going to be okay. Life was looking better now that she had her best friend with her. She couldn’t wait to show Donovan all of her favorite places on Khoth.

  Chapter Five

  Sweet Goddess, Killian thought. That female was sexy as sin and drove his libido into high gear. Her mini-skirt hugged her curves perfectly, and her off-the-shoulder top exposed creamy shoulders that beckoned him. He wanted to sink his teeth into her flesh, and he was no vampire. Regardless, he had to taste her…soon.

  He was no stranger to attractive females and sex. Hell, he built rooms in the back of his club, so he and his randy patrons had a place to get their rocks off when the urge struck them.

  Work was his first love, and the only thing he’d dedicated any of his energy to throughout his seven centuries of life. Not only did Killian own and run his nightclub, but he was also the computer guru for the Dark Warrior Alliance. That took a lot of his time, and relationships weren’t high on his priority list.

  At the moment, he was running on a couple of hours of sleep total for the last two days and had been dragging ass until he met the alluring Teagan. She was a rare breed in his world. A human on the inside, but not a Fated Mate to another supernatural.

  The first thing he checked once his heart started beating again was for a mate mark behind her left ear. No mark appeared on her skin, which left him free to drool over her and fantasize about taking her to one
of his rooms.

  Killian wanted to know more about her and found it a challenge to stop the questions from flying out of his mouth. It was an odd sensation, and one he usually ascribed to females. Not many males he knew, himself included, felt the need to say something, even when the silence stretched. But with Teagan, he was a bumbling idiot.

  “What brings you to my club? Would you like another drink? Are you here on a date?” Fuck, dumbass! he silently cursed himself for not being able to stop the one question that burned hottest inside his mind.

  Teagan looked from him to Mona and back again, but he couldn’t read the expression on her face. It almost seemed like frustration or fear. Neither made any sense, and Killian didn’t spend enough time with humans to decipher their facial expressions accurately.

  “Not on a date, no. I asked Mona to bring me here because the rumor is that your club is the best in the city. And, I have to agree. I’ve been in every club in and around Seattle but have never experienced a better atmosphere. You have achieved an energy here that most only dream of accomplishing. It’s a brilliant balance of sensuality and entertainment.”

  The tension released in Killian’s shoulders at hearing she was unescorted. She was up for grabs, it seemed. And he wanted to snatch her from her chair and take her to his bed. Setting those thoughts aside, for now, he addressed her astute observation. “I created one of the only safe environments for supernaturals to enjoy themselves. Whether that’s sexual in nature, getting together to drink and play games, or just dance. There are few places nowadays that we are free to let our hair down without fear of being caught by humans.”

  “I imagine with today’s technology that’s a huge risk for you,” Teagan interjected.

  Killian nodded his head. “Cell phone cameras and the need humans have to record every second of their lives is a major problem.”

  “Is that how you found out about us?” Mona asked. “Through pictures or videos?”


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