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Maven Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 20

Page 5

by Brenda Trim

  Teagan blinked and turned her head. Kilian immediately missed having her bright hazel eyes on him. “Huh? Oh, no. I’ve never seen a picture or video of anything supernatural. I’m shocked by your existence. I still can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

  Killian followed her gaze as it traveled over the patrons of the club. She paused at a Valkyrie before moving onto an ice demon then a partially shifted feline. It became clear what she feared. Despite knowing about their existence, she was frightened by them.

  “I imagine it’s upsetting when you grew up believing nothing prowled the night and humans were at the top of the evolutionary chain,” Mona observed.

  “You could say that,” Teagan said with a chuckle. “So, Killian, aside from owning this club, what are you?”

  He liked her direct and assertive nature. His mind immediately wondered if she would be as straightforward during sex or if she would be shy and quiet. He couldn’t decide what he hoped for more. He usually liked to take control but was more than willing to give the alluring female the reins.

  “I’m a sorcerer,” Killian replied as he called his staff from the ether. Her eyes widened and traveled the length of his magical implement. It affected him as much as if she ran her hands over his flesh.

  “So, you cast magic?” she asked, and he handed her his staff. Teagan’s hands reached out and pulled back several times as if uncertain.

  “For the most part. Sorcerers are actually creatures of instinct, magic, and wind. We gather, shape, and wield the energy of the Earth.”

  “I had no idea magic existed. This wood is warm to the touch. Is that the magic in it?” she inquired as she ogled the pole. Yeah, he had another pole that was warm to the touch.

  Killian nodded his head and took his staff back from Teagan. “For sorcerers, magic appears as lights, but I imagine it might feel warm to you. Our staff channels and funnels magic to us when we need it.”

  “Let’s dance,” Mona suddenly suggested. Killian danced, drank, and visited with patrons throughout the night, so it wasn’t an unusual request.

  “Ummm,” Teagan said as she eyed the crowded dance floor warily. “I’m not so sure.”

  Kill looked at it from her perspective as he returned his staff to the ether of his pocket realm. There were several harpies whose wings looked sharp and deadly, as well as a fire demon. An ice demon joined a female vampire, and the sight was entirely foreign to her.

  “C’mon,” Mona urged. “Surely with all the club-hopping you do, you can dance.”

  Teagan shook her head, her long black hair swaying with the motion. “I’m usually working when I go to clubs. I know how to dance and do it often, but I’m not so sure.”

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” Mona assured her and pulled Teagan to her feet. Killian followed behind them and laid a hand on Teagan’s shoulder. Their flesh touched, and electricity zinged up his arm, making his heart pound in his chest. Her light, feminine gasp was music to his ears.

  He was about to pull her into his arms when a noise startled him out of his lust-drenched mind. He turned just in time to see his bouncer, Stan, making his way toward Killian with a look of grim determination on his face. As Killian headed to Stan, he heard steps behind him. Given the sensual energy that still threatened to derail him from a noticeable emergency, Killian bet Teagan was following them.

  “Kill, we have a major fucking problem,” Stan said when he reached Killian’s side.

  Killian kept walking and gestured for Stan to follow. The second they cleared the dance floor, he turned to the male. “What’s happening?” His mind raced with worry. Was Angel’s Kiss in his club? He’d put extra protections in place after the last archdemon, Kadir and his minions destroyed Confetti, but there was nothing he could do to keep Angel’s Kiss out of his club.

  “Demons. They’re outside, attacking the barrier, and looking for a way in.” Chaos descended as soon as the words left Stan’s mouth. Patrons ran around screaming and trampling over everyone. On instinct, Killian pulled Teagan to his side and called his staff to his palm.

  Killian used an enhancement to boost his voice throughout the ample space. “You are safe inside these walls. The protections have been fortified by the Rowan triplets and the Guild Master so no demonic forces can enter. Stay put and enjoy your evening. I will take care of the issue.”

  Immediately, everyone in the bar settled down and went back to their drinks. No one was dancing, but they weren’t running for the exit, either.

  Teagan’s panicked voice broke the silence and stopped Killian from heading outside. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re under attack, but you’re safe inside the club. Stay with Mona while I handle the demons outside.”

  “But,” Teagan began until Killian cut her off.

  “Stop. It’s not safe outside, but it is in here. I have the best protections available, and the Dark Warriors will be on their way to help.”

  “Go,” Mona interjected with a motion of her hands. “I’ll make sure she stays put.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be back,” Killian promised Teagan then dashed for the door.

  The second he was outside Killian thanked the Goddess he’d placed extra protections inside the club. Half of his parking lot was empty while chaos embroiled the other half. Giant demons with several pairs of horns and red skin were smashing cars with every step.

  Dark Warriors Rhys and Gerrick were already on scene and fighting demons and skirm. Killian cursed as he eyed the bloody gore. There would be a huge mess to clean up when it was over. But first, they needed to take care of this before humans called the police.

  “Are others coming?” Killian called out as he ran through the barrier, keeping the demons from his club and innocent patrons.

  “Yes. They’re on their way. We were close by when we got the call,” Gerrick called out.

  Killian ducked behind a car and nearly lost his footing when he encountered a hellhound. Scrambling to avoid the massive dog’s chomping teeth, Killian kicked out and sent the hound through the window of another car. He didn’t feel so bad given the car was falling apart, and unfit to drive. He was doing society a favor.

  A sharp piece of glass scraped across the hellhound’s neck slicing it open. Black blood spurted, burning Killian’s cheek and making the cloth seats in the car smoke. Bile rose in Killian’s throat as the smell of rotten meat and brimstone clashed to create the worst stench on any planet.

  Using his sleeve, Killian wiped the black blood from his face, so it didn’t continue to eat through his flesh. He left the hellish dog to bleed out and then stalked toward the giant red demon.

  Killian paused at the rear of a nearby car and cast a destroy spell at a rage demon rushing toward Kyran and his mate, Mack, who were arriving on the scene. Mack’s taunting laughter was infectious and made Killian want to join her killing spree. The female had a verve for life and didn’t hold back her joy in fighting skirm and demons.

  Killian didn’t get very far before something hit his side and he flew onto the windshield of a car several feet away. His shoulder shattered the window, and glass shards cut through his shirt and skin.

  He groaned and cursed when the pus demon jumped onto the hood of the car. The green demon’s steps crushed it and metal groaned. A sticky substance was left behind with every move the creature made. The cars were ruined. This wasn’t going to sit well with Killian’s patrons.

  Surely, they’d be more grateful to be alive, and wouldn’t complain about the damage. There was only so much he could do. The further away from the building, they placed the spells the weaker. Each protection needed to be anchored by blood magic and infused inside the building, so there was no safe way to extend them to the entire parking lot.

  Killian jumped to his feet and thrust his staff forward. The end slid right through the soft flesh of the pus demon without causing much damage. He had no desire to be bathed in green pus, so he didn’t send magic coursing through the wood. Instead, he withdrew the po
le and shoved it toward the demon’s face.

  As soon as the vile monster went flying, Killian jumped from the car and landed close to several Sheti demons. The lizard-like creatures hissed at him. A flash of black light distracted Kill and the Sheti. A narrow slit appeared fifteen feet off the ground, and black smoke poured from the opening.

  Horror dawned on Killian while he watched the light grow as the opening widened. The distinct sensation of razors scraped every nerve ending in his body, sending agony coursing through his limbs. The scent of brimstone and decay intensified, tainting the air around them. Dozens of demonic creatures from the Underworld stood on the other side of the portal that was widening.

  A loud, commanding voice shouted orders on the other side of the opening. A large black wing fluttered so close that Killian swore he could reach out and pet the feathers if he were fifteen feet tall that is. The second a feather touched the portal, that same voice barked a curse, and the demons went still on the other side.

  Demon skulls started exploding, and others climbed through the portal, prompting Killian into action. He pulled his cell from his pocket and hit Evzen’s number and kicked the nearest Sheti in the chest.

  The phone fell from his hand, and Killian lost his grip on his staff, making it return to the ether. Evzen’s voice answered from wherever his phone landed, but Kill couldn’t stop to look for it. He had to fight two Sheti.

  “Killian? What’s up? Please tell me that the protections are holding,” came a muffled voice from somewhere close. He still couldn’t see his phone, but maybe Evzen could hear him.

  Claws tore the long-sleeved button-up he was wearing and scratched through the skin beneath. Blood trickled down his skin, soaking the fabric hanging from his torso.

  “Protections are solid, but I need you, Ev. There’s a portal to Hell opened in my parking lot and, if I’m not mistaken, Lucifer is trying to cross over. I can’t close it without you,” Killian shouted as he kicked and punched the demons attacking him.

  “Be right there,” came Evzen’s reply.

  Killian was surrounded which didn’t give him time to call his staff to his hand. He lost sight of the portal to hell, which was likely a good thing. The sheer numbers they were overwhelming, and he had half a mind to bail out and run for his life.

  Okay, that was overdramatic, but the thought of dying at the hands of these beasts and leaving all those innocents in his club unprotected was terrifying. Suddenly, a foot connected with his arm, making it bend unnaturally. He was relieved it wasn’t broken when he swung his fist and punched through an eye socket a second later.

  Car doors slammed, and he heard Zander shout orders to the warriors. The cavalry had arrived, thank fuck. Ducking, Killian wrapped his arms around the Sheti’s legs and yanked hard. The creature landed on his back, and Killian summoned his magic, covering the creature in a massive block of ice. Reptiles didn’t like the cold, so he hoped the thing was out of commission.

  Turning, Killian saw Evzen running through the portal and heading his way. Killian tossed fire at an approaching hellhound then swiveled to find a massive red demon descending on him. He turned his palm and kept the stream of fire flowing into the new beast. Breslin was at his side and took over by the time his spell died down.

  Needing to close the portal, Killian jumped onto the hood of a car and then climbed to the roof. Evzen was there a second later. He summoned his staff, and Killian focused on the opening above them. “Obliterate?”

  Evzen shook his head. “No. I want this location sealed forever. If we combine obliterate with obfuscate, they won’t be able to track this signature and open a new one here.”

  Killian nodded his agreement and called his power to him. It built in the wood he clutched for several seconds before they directed the spell toward the opening. White light exploded, momentarily blinding them.

  With blurry eyes, Kilian recharged his power and shouted when he saw the opening gone. “Thank fuck,” he panted through a ragged breath. The pain from the injuries and fatigue were catching up with him.

  “Ready?” Evzen asked him.

  Before Killian could respond, a red demon smashed a fist into the roof. He landed on its back a second later. Without pausing, Killian took a knee to stabilize himself and called out, “Let’s do this.”

  A second later they cast the incantation to obscure their location and scramble any ability to find it again. The spell would deflect anyone trying to reach the area, much like a pinball bouncing in every direction.

  “Let’s finish this so we can get back inside,” Killian instructed as he jumped down from the car.

  There was a sexy human in the club that he wanted to explore. Getting lost between Teagan’s sexy legs would be the best ending to this shithole of a night.

  Chapter Six

  Teagan chewed on her fingernails and jiggled her foot as she sat on a stool next to Mona. Anytime the door opened, she heard shouts and screams followed by a whiff of something awful. She had no idea what the smell was, but it made her sick to her stomach.

  “How are you so calm right now?” she blurted to the vampire.

  Mona chuckled and patted her shoulder. “Supernaturals are stronger, faster, and better fighters than humans. And, I hear better than you, which is why I know that our Dark Warriors are winning the fight. Killian and the others will protect us. Besides, the demons can’t get in here, so we’re safe.”

  Teagan nodded her head, then picked up her drink to take a sip. Her stomach churned, and she instantly set it back on the countertop. “This is all so new to me. Like I said before, I haven’t wrapped my mind around all the differences. I think about everything from my limited perspective.”

  “I get it. I can’t put myself in your shoes, either. Take your cue from those around you. If they weren’t defeating the demons, those around us would be freaking out and trying to open a portal out of here.”

  “Good point. Thank you. That helps. I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” she informed the woman. Her nerves were fraught, and a splash of cold water to the face might help. When Teagan stood to go to the restroom, the door flew wide, and Killian entered with several men.

  Her feet instinctively carried her toward the man. Teagan stopped in her tracks when she realized she was rushing to a near stranger. What the hell was she thinking? And, why was she so drawn to Killian?

  “Teagan,” he called out before she could go back to her stool.

  With a burned face, and torn, bloody clothes, he looked like he’d been through hell. “My God. Are you okay?” she blurted as she stared at his injuries.

  “I’m fine. Just a few scratches,” Killian replied with a devilishly-handsome grin. How could he still look so attractive while covered with scratches and blood?

  “You should probably see a doctor,” Teagan suggested and turned his face so she could inspect the burn to his face. “That looks pretty bad.”

  “It’ll heal in no time,” he disclosed, and she guessed that was another handy trait for supernaturals. She was officially jealous of these creatures, and their otherworldly powers. It made her feel supremely inferior.

  “Is it safe to leave? I should probably get going,” she replied as she glanced around the club. No one seemed concerned about what had just happened outside the establishment. Was an attack like this a common occurrence?

  Killian wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her to a table in the corner. She noted there were several others gathered in the area he was taking her. “It’s not safe just yet. Please stay just a bit longer,” he stated as they approached a tall, good-looking man with shoulder-length black hair. It seemed supernaturals didn’t do ugly. She surmised as she stared into dark blue eyes that seemed to stare straight to her soul. It was very disconcerting.

  “Teagan, this is Zander Tarakesh, the Vampire King,” Killian introduced, and she held out her hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” she greeted and immediately second-guessed her extended palm. Was she suppo
sed to curtsy?

  Zander shook her hand and smiled. “Verra nice to meet you. Killian is right. ‘Tis best if you stay here until we know the danger is gone,” he divulged in a thick, Scottish accent. It suited him, she thought. He had an aura about him that screamed aristocracy.

  A guy with silver hair walked over and clapped Zander on the shoulder. An attractive female with purple eyes stood beside the man. “I’m Evzen, by the way. Guild Master for the sorcerers. And, this is my mate, Braelynn.”

  “Oh, so you’re like Killian then?” she asked.

  “Yes, the three of us are sorcerers. And, this is Hayden. He’s the Omega for the shifters,” Evzen introduced.

  Teagan perused the hulking man. He was easily seven-feet tall and wide as a house. He took a drag of his cigar and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared Teagan’s way. She took a step closer to Killian, hoping he would protect her from the menacing giant.

  “Stop scaring her, Hayden,” Killian interjected. “Listen. We need to have a council meeting first thing in the morning. Lucifer is getting stronger if he’s able to open a portal from the Underworld in my parking lot.”

  “Aye. I agree,” Zander stated.

  Teagan gasped and threw her hands over her mouth, making all eyes turn to her. Killian waved the other men away and nudged her into a seat. They were in the corner booth but had a view of the entire establishment.

  “The devil was in your parking lot?” she blurted as Killian took a seat across from her. He grasped her hands in his, and it instantly calmed Teagan’s nerves. She found it odd, given she barely knew the man, but she felt safe with him.

  “No, Lucifer is bound to the Underworld. He tries every now and again, but he can’t cross over, yet. He sends his demons to wreak havoc which unfortunately weakens us.”

  “So, there are demons out there right now?” she asked as she glanced to the exit. What the hell had she gotten herself into? All of a sudden, her boring hangout sounded like the smarter choice. Still, she couldn’t deny her curiosity about this exciting and dangerous world.


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