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Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)

Page 23

by Stephens, Amy

  The waitress returns with our sweet teas, and Jennifer excuses herself to go to the restroom, blaming her frequent trips on the pregnancy. I pull out my phone to play around with some stupid game to pass the time while she’s gone, and I notice I’ve missed a text. I click to see who it’s from. Rebecca. She just won’t let it go.

  Rebecca: Our discussion is not over!

  I simply want this crap with Rebecca to go away. It’s apparent Jennifer has her reasons why she has yet to share our news, and I respect her choice.

  I see Jennifer walking towards the table again, then stop to talk to an older couple sitting a few tables down from ours. It appears as though she knows them, since I see her smiling and chatting away with the man and woman. Before walking away, she reaches down to hug the woman, and then walks back to our table. I slip the phone back into my pocket, quickly forgetting all about the text. I’m curious to find out more about this couple.

  I take a sip of my tea while she gets comfortable in the seat again. “Who are those people you were talking to?”

  “Oh, that was Rebecca’s parents. We were catching up on what my parents have been up to. If they are still here when we get ready to leave, I’ll be sure to introduce you to them.”

  Great! Rebecca’s parents. Why can’t everything involving Rebecca just go away? I think back to the text and try not to let it dampen my mood. I wonder what Jennifer would think if I told her about my meeting with Rebecca earlier and all the insulting things she said to me.

  “Sure, I would love to meet them.” I put on a fake grin, and I’m relieved to be interrupted by the waitress delivering our crab claws. We both dig in as though we’ve not eaten all day. I actually skipped lunch earlier, knowing I wanted to bring Jennifer here tonight.

  Jennifer and I make small talk until our meal arrives. “Oh my goodness, this looks heavenly!” I take in the look on Jennifer’s face, and I’m glad she agreed to come back here to eat tonight. This just might be my new favorite place to eat in town.

  We both stuff ourselves to the point that neither of us can eat another bite. I refrain from placing both my hands on my stomach, allowing Jennifer to enjoy her moment of overeating since she is eating for two now.

  “I have something for you.” I reach for her hand across the table and hold it in mine. She has no idea what I’m about to spring on her.

  “Surprise huh?” She makes an attempt to put a crazy look on her face, but all this does is make me laugh out loud at her failed attempt.

  I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the ring box from the jewelry store. I stopped by earlier to check on our rings, and the saleslady surprised me by having them ready. I pull Jennifer’s rings from the box and reach for her hand. While I slide the rings onto her finger, she takes her other hand to cover her mouth.

  “Awww, you remembered. I’ve been so busy lately, I completely forgot to check on them.” She holds her hand up to admire them, then turns her hand for me to inspect. “They look so pretty.”

  I know this is not an extravagant set, but the look on Jennifer’s face is priceless. I think I could have given her a ring made of aluminum foil and she would be just as happy. I’m glad she insisted on applying for credit.

  I take care of our bill, feeling relieved to be able to do this for once without having to rely on her. I hold her hand as we walk outside. I’m thankful that Rebecca’s parents left so we didn’t have to deal with introductions. I’m not saying I purposely ate slowly, but I did feel better as I watched them walk from their table towards the front. Jennifer’s back was to them so she never noticed.

  We walk to the car and I open the door for her. I’m still getting used to the idea of being married and doing the gentlemanly thing. I think back when I was still living at home and how respectable my dad was towards my mother even though his actions towards me showed differently, and I suddenly have the urge to visit. I don’t know if Rebecca mentioning my past has anything to do with it, but I’m curious to know if Jennifer would be up for a road trip. Oh how I would love to show my dad, firsthand, how I’ve changed.

  We don’t say much on the drive back home. I’m so full, I’m miserable. Before getting out of the car to go inside, I gather up enough nerve to ask Jennifer. “What would you say if I wanted to take a trip back home to visit with my parents and brothers?”

  For a moment, she doesn’t say anything. “I wondered if you ever missed them. I think it’s a great idea.”

  “I want you to come with me, of course.” She looks down to her hand and stares at her rings as the light from the streetlamp beams down on them making the rings sparkle. “I want my mom to meet my wife and her grandbaby. My dad will probably still be the ass he’s always been with me, but the funny thing is, I kind of miss the fights and arguments with him. I just hope I don’t turn out to be like him.” I definitely know I will treat my son or daughter better than he ever treated me.

  I look away, not wanting her to see the small tear that has formed in the corner of my eye. I pull myself together and step out of the car so I can open the door for her. We walk together, hand in hand, to the front door. I embrace her and hold her to me, probably longer than I should. I don’t want her to think anything more, so I pull away and open the door. I glance at the clock on the microwave and see there’s a little bit of time left before Jennifer has to leave for work. I put our jackets up and take another look at her in her pregnancy clothes. My wife. My pregnant wife. The mother of my child. I never thought I would enjoy the sound of those words.

  I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom. Apparently, we’ve both got the same thing in mind. I help her remove her clothes, and I’m barely out of mine before she’s attacking me. We have wild, passionate sex for the next hour before she has to leave for work. I don’t want this night to end, but I will settle for the memories, instead. I fall asleep before she leaves the apartment for the night.

  As I park my car in my usual spot, I think back on the nights Rebecca and I used to joke about the mysterious silver Honda. Little did I know, I would now be married to the owner of that car.

  Brian has come a long way since that night the cops brought him in to use the hotel phone. In some ways, I feel as though we have known each other forever, even though I can’t tell you one single thing about where he’s from. Then, there are the times I feel like we hardly know each other at all.

  The more I think about Brian’s idea of bringing me home to meet his family, the more I like it. I also like his idea of looking for a new ride. If I’m going to accompany him back home, I think he needs to show up driving something he can be proud to call his own, not some piece of junk car that he can’t depend on, and certainly not my car either. Yes, we will definitely look for a new car for him tomorrow.

  I have put away a decent amount in savings, but with the baby on the way, I really don’t want to tap into it should I need it during my maternity leave. But I like knowing it’s there if we need to use some for a car.

  I gather up my purse and book bag and head inside. Rebecca is waiting on a line of customers, so I clock in and immediately help her. Our boss frowns on overtime, so I do everything I can to free her from her duties. Surely it’s just me, but I get the feeling something is bothering her. She hasn’t even bothered to acknowledge my presence behind the desk.

  The last customers walk towards the lobby to grab the roll-around cart to help them transport their luggage to their room, so I take the opportunity to question her.

  “Everything okay? You seem a little somber tonight.” I’m genuinely concerned.

  “I guess I’m just a little tired.” She tries to play it off, but I know when something is troubling her. Maybe she hasn’t heard from Greg in a few days.

  Rebecca doesn’t waste any time gathering her things to leave. Our friendship still feels strained at times, despite the fact that we’ve made up and both claim to have put the past behind us. I still feel like she carries a grudge. I feel the less I bring it up, the better off we are.
I don’t know if she and Brian will ever come to a resolution, but for my sake, I hope they can both try.

  “No need to rush off. Hang around for a little bit so we can talk.” I tell her, hoping to get some answers for her odd behavior. “I ran into your parents tonight.”

  “I wish I could, but I’m actually meeting a few friends from school next door at Night Moves. They are waiting for me.” I’m completely taken back. Rebecca and I have always gone out together. Never has she ever wanted to go out alone or with anyone else for that matter.

  I’m not sure what to say to her. “Ok, then.” Rather than show the pained expression that I know must be written across my face, I turn to pull some paperwork from the filing cabinet. I really don’t want to cause another dispute.

  “About Sunday.” She adds before walking out. “I’m not going to be able to make it after all. My parents have something they need me to help them with. Maybe some other time. Go ahead and enjoy your day with Brian.”

  Tears swell in the corners of my eyes, but I manage to hold them back. Talk about getting a slap to the face. I’m so heartbroken by her words, I don’t have anything more to say to her.

  Rebecca walks out to her car, and I see her grab a bag from her trunk and head across the parking lot to the club. I miss my best friend, but I don’t like the sudden change that’s come over her.

  All night long I find myself glancing out to the parking lot, checking if Rebecca’s car is still there. I miss our girl time, and I’m jealous that she would want to go out without me. Then again, maybe she doesn’t feel I can be fun anymore since announcing my pregnancy. Somewhere in the early morning hours, her car disappears while I’m away in the bathroom. It’s amazing how many times a pregnant woman has to go to the bathroom, even in the early stages.

  I work on some schoolwork until I’m struggling to keep my eyes open. I pull out my phone and text Brian. I’m sure he’s sound asleep, but I want him to find the text as soon as he wakes.

  Me: I miss you. Just wanted to tell you how much I love you. Thankful to call you my husband.

  I put the phone down on my desk and I’m startled when it makes a chirp indicating a new text. I quickly grab the phone and slide it open.

  Brian: Miss you too baby. Trouble sleeping. Your text came perfect time. <3

  Me: Sorry you can’t sleep.

  Brian: Me too. Going in at 9. See you soon.

  Me: <3

  I’m able to make it through the remainder of my shift just by reading those few texts from him.

  On Sunday, we both sleep in and are in no hurry to venture out. Our only plans are to browse a few car lots in hopes of spotting a good deal. If we see something we are interested in, then we can always go back on Monday.

  It’s nearing noon when I finally get out of bed for good. If I lay here any longer, I may scream. I’ve already had two cups of coffee and gone to the bathroom at least five times. I hop in the shower first, and then Brian showers while I finish getting ready.

  We walk around two car lots and nothing appeals to us. The third lot has lots of sale signs and balloons attached to several cars close to the highway indicating a big sale, so we hope to find something that interests us. I’m not exactly sure what kind of car Brian is looking for, but I notice him checking out a few models.

  On Monday, as soon as my classes are over, we go back to the same lot, and instantly a salesman greets us. Brian tells him a few features he’s looking for and we walk to a car that Brian instantly falls in love with. It’s a newer model than I expected him to be interested in, but we’ll see what kind of offer the salesman has for us. We drove here separately today. Should Brian find something, he would have his car available to trade in.

  I’m beginning to hate the process of buying a car! My head is pounding, and I’m beyond ready to go home. I honestly think a car salesmen couldn’t care less if you’re happy with your selection. They want to stick you in the first model you show some kind of interest in, and move on to the next customer. But in the end, Brian is able to make a deal he feels is worthy, and is now the owner of a used Honda Accord, this one being just a few years newer than his current model. With Brian’s trade in, some money he’s been saving from his overtime, and a little bit from my own savings, I am satisfied with the deal. I really hated to have to borrow from my savings, but I know in the long run, this car will be more dependable for him, and I will not mind riding in it with him, which will make Brian more at ease. He promises to put back the money we used from my savings, and with the extra hours he’s been putting in, there’s no doubt he’ll be able to repay it in no time. I’ve definitely been able to see a more mature side of Brian lately, especially since he was able to save up enough of his own money for part of the down payment.

  I leave him at the dealership finishing up some last minute paperwork while his new car is being cleaned. I just want to go home and take something for this headache.

  I wake later in the evening, never hearing Brian return home, and notice a few shopping bags from the auto parts store left on the kitchen table. Apparently, Brian felt he needed a few things to help keep his new car looking good. I’m happy for him; he deserves better transportation and something to be proud of.

  Later that night, I get to work with a few extra minutes to spare. I can’t wait to share our news about Brian’s new car with Rebecca. I really want to convince he is trying to be a better person. I walk in the door, and, to my surprise, see Rebecca is not here. A lady who normally works the day shift is behind the desk instead.

  “Where’s Rebecca?” I ask, somewhat concerned that I don’t know what’s going on with my best friend.

  “She’s on vacation this week.” The lady informs me. “It was a last minute thing, but we were able to cover all of her shifts.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know.” I put my things away, and she leaves for the night.

  I hope everything is okay with Rebecca, since she didn’t even bother to tell me anything. Maybe Greg got some time off and she decided to join him. I’m sure she’ll call or text me later. Strangely, her parents didn’t bother to mention anything the other night either.

  The next morning I grab a couple biscuits from the breakfast area before rushing home to see Brian before he leaves for work. My first class of the morning is cancelled, so I have a few minutes I can spare before I need to leave for my second one.

  Brian is surprised to see me.

  I give him a big squeeze before passing him the bag containing our breakfast. “I missed you last night.”

  “I missed you too.”

  Brian’s phone rings, and he stands to take the call in the bedroom. I’m bothered he doesn’t have the conversation in front of me, but I also don’t want to act like a controlling wife, either. He returns after a few minutes.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, just my boss.” He acts no different.

  “Well…” I continue, curious about his phone call. I blame it on pregnancy hormones and not jealousy. I’m not fond of his boss being a young female who likes to frequently call and text him, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m just thankful for the job he has now.

  “She just wanted to know if I wanted her to pick me up something for breakfast. I told her I was already enjoying breakfast with my beautiful wife.”

  That is so not appropriate. I’m concerned about how often this happens and whether or not he calls her to ask the same. I tell myself to calm down; I don’t need to get myself worked up for nothing.

  “Care for another cup of coffee?” I ask, not sure if he wants one for the drive to work or not.

  “I think I’ll pass this time.” He replies. “I wouldn’t want to accidentally spill anything in my new car.” I love the smile that forms across his face as he mentions his car. I’m glad we were able to secure a deal that works into our budget.

  Brian takes the trash on his way out the door, and I change into something comfortable before leaving for class. I’ve been tossing
around the idea of taking a few classes over the summer, since I’m going to miss fall term to have the baby. Part of me wants to enjoy the time off, while the other part says I need to stay focused. I know my parents aren’t going to be thrilled about me missing a term, and I don’t want to fall too far behind, either. I still have time to think about things before I commit to anything.

  The remainder of the week passes quickly. Brian and I decide to plan a trip to see his family. I’m nervous, but I’m sure nothing compares to what he feels. He decides to take three days off so we can leave as soon as I get home Saturday morning. His boss says he can still work as many hours as he needs to on his other days to make up for taking off on Saturday. I like the fact she is willing to help him, I just have this weird feeling about her. Ever since that day I showed up to surprise him and they were laughing and carrying on in the stock room, I’ve had mixed emotions about her. I’ve only met her once, the day Brian and I got married, and Brian never mentions anything about her or her personal life. The less I hear about her, the better off I am.

  I pack our bags on Friday evening so we won’t have to bother with last minute issues on Saturday morning. Brian hasn’t said much all week--I know this trip is weighing heavily on his mind. Rather than call his parents ahead of time, he feels better just showing up. I’m not big on the idea, should they already have plans and not be home, but that’s the way he wants it to be.

  Saturday morning arrives and I change from my work clothes into something more comfortable. Brian says the trip should take about nine or ten hours, depending on traffic, and I can sleep the entire way if I need to. We put our little bit of luggage into the trunk, and Brian pulls out of the parking lot, driving his new car.

  It’s a beautiful day, perfect for our long trip. We’ve had to stop twice for a bathroom break already, and it’s not even noon yet. I shift around in the front seat and find it’s actually pretty comfortable. I fluff the pillow I brought along and pull the blanket around my waist. Brian turns the radio down, and I drift off to sleep.


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