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Cole's Dragon [A Dragon's Growl 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  Or if he would fly into a panic and stay in that state, unable to come out of it and unable to forgive Evzen for scaring him like that.

  And why was Cole still outside the room?

  Oh God, please get in here. Please come in here. I can’t take waiting like this anymore.

  Even the scent of Cole’s lust was getting to the point where it was all Evzen could focus on. It was a high he couldn’t escape, and his inner dragon was struggling to get out, to take what belonged to them.

  To make love to Cole, worship his body and make sure no one other than Evzen ever touched him ever again.

  Cole finally, blessedly, took two hesitant steps inside the room. Evzen almost thought he should keep the door open behind the man so he wouldn’t give Cole the impression of being locked inside, but considering what they were going to do, a shut door was something of a necessity.

  So he closed the door.

  Cole glanced around, looking at the furniture, the walls, the closed curtains, and the doorway leading to the bathroom.

  “There’s no one else in here,” Evzen promised.

  “I know,” Cole said softly, his ears twitching.

  Actually, now that Evzen could see them, he was pretty sure this was the first time he’d ever looked at the other man and seen his wolf ears standing straight up. They were usually pressed flat against the top of his head, his tail tucking itself between his legs.

  While his tail did still appear a little on the limp side, it wasn’t between his legs, which had to be a good sign.

  “You were given this room?”

  Fuck. He was right. This room did used to belong to one of Cole’s abusers. “Yes, though I was hoping I could take you somewhere a little more private,” he said. “When Seth trusts me enough, I might ask him if I can take you into the city. We can get a room overlooking the buildings, or the lake, and maybe something with a Jacuzzi, just you and me.”

  “Wouldn’t my ears give me away?” They twitched even now.

  “You could always wear a hat.”

  Cole nodded. “That’s a good idea.” He smiled softly up at Evzen, almost shyly, and when he smiled a bit, holy mother of God, it was enough to make all of Evzen’s guts turn to liquid. “I was worried you would want me to cut my ears off.”

  “What?” Lust mood officially destroyed. “Why would you think that?”

  Cole shifted from foot to foot, suddenly appearing uncomfortable. “You always…I’m sorry, you always looked at them with a curl on your lip. I thought you didn’t like my ears.”

  They pressed down flat against his hair again, as though trying to blend in with his human hair, hiding.

  Oh, shit.

  Evzen reached out, his fingers gently touching Cole’s wolf ears. He almost pulled away at the last second, but they simply compelled him to put his hands on them, to feel them, to pet them. They were softer than he’d expected them to be, and then the petting got so much easier from that point afterward.

  Evzen stroked the man’s wolf ears until they stood tall and pointed on top of his head.

  “I’d never ask you to cut these beauties off.”

  The ears flicked. God, they were too soft. Evzen could get addicted to touching these.


  Evzen nodded. “Yeah, really.”

  Touching Cole’s ears was also having another effect on Evzen, one he couldn’t contain.

  He had to touch him so much more than this. He couldn’t simply satisfy himself by touching the man’s ears, petting them, feeling how soft they were.

  Evzen was more and more interested with how soft the man’s lips were, which was why he leaned in and kissed them.

  Cole sucked back a deep breath. He clearly hadn’t seen the kiss coming, but Evzen couldn’t pull away.

  Even if he wanted to, now that he was here, he needed to go all the way.

  He needed to take what was his, and that was exactly what he was going to do.

  Evzen tilted his head to the side just a little, just enough to keep their noses from squashing together and so he could get a better angle on the shorter man. Cole was nearly a full head shorter than Evzen was, so he had to do a little bending down just to get to where he needed to be.

  Which was fine because then Evzen felt the melting in Cole’s body. He felt the way the smaller man let his instincts take over and how he was warming to the touch.

  He also felt the way the timid omega pushed himself up a little higher, onto his toes so Evzen wouldn’t be forced to bend down so much, and it was wonderful.

  Cole curled his arms around Evzen’s neck, hanging onto him, as though he couldn’t bear to let him go, as though demanding that he continue the kiss now that it had started.

  And all Evzen needed to do was press the tip of his tongue ever so lightly against the man’s lips and Cole opened for him eagerly.

  Evzen moaned, and when Cole responded in kind as Evzen licked him deep, their tongues coming together in a forward slide, as though they were saying hello, Evzen swallowed the noise down, his body coming closer, pressing against Cole’s, feeling his heat, feeling the firm length of his cock as Cole reacted well to being pleasured even like this.

  Evzen growled and pulled back. He had to, if only so he could get a proper breath.

  He grabbed Cole by his wrists, bringing the man’s hands to his chest. “Feel what you’re doing to me.”

  Cole tensed, his pert ears flicking, his tail swishing around behind him as his palms lay flat against Evzen’s chest. Even with the thin material of his shirt over top of hard flesh, he could tell Cole was feeling the hard thrum of his heart.

  “But I’m not doing anything,” Cole insisted, looking up at him, shaking his head.

  “Yes you are.” Evzen stepped forward. Cole walked back until he was pressed firmly back against the door.

  “After tonight, you’re mine.”

  Cole swallowed, and then nodded. “O-okay.”

  Evzen had hoped for a little more than that, but he supposed one kiss alone wouldn’t be enough to convince the man that it was all right for a mate to claim him.

  He touched Cole’s cheek, stroking it, watching as those ever-widening eyes flickered with all kinds of emotions.

  Terror was definitely among them but also a hopeful sort of trust.

  A trust so fragile that it could snap with the slightest of infractions.

  “I was hoping I could take you properly, but I don’t think I can.”

  Those wolf ears fell flat against Cole’s head. “You won’t?”

  Evzen shook his head. “No.” He began pulling his mate toward the bed. “You’re going to need something slower, something easier. It’ll piss off the dragon in me, but it can handle it and shut the hell up about everything else.”

  “Handle what?” Cole asked, his gaze never leaving Evzen’s face, full attention on him as Evzen turned him around and gently pushed him down to sit on the bed.

  “You can’t handle a proper mating right now. Those are usually a little on the rougher side.”

  Evzen began unbuttoning his shirt. He peeled it off his shoulders and then pulled the white T-shirt beneath over his head.

  “I can handle hard,” Cole said quickly. “It was…I have training with that sort of thing.”

  Evzen flinched. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what Cole was talking about when he said that or if he wanted to know what Cole was thinking of him.

  “Whatever training you had with the vampires, throw it all away,” Evzen commanded, putting one knee onto the bed, noting the way Cole’s defenses began to slowly rise up as he backed off.

  He really did look like a prey animal waiting to be eaten. He looked nothing at all like a wolf shifter. Even an omega was supposed to have a little more fight in them than this.

  Cole didn’t try to get away, however. He seemed to be more observant of what Evzen was doing as he pushed himself back onto the middle of the bed as Evzen crawled over him.

  Interesting to say th
e least. Very interesting.

  “What…” Cole cleared his throat, swallowing, and it was adorable the way his gaze continued to flicker down toward Evzen’s mouth.

  As though he was wondering when Evzen would start to kiss him again. As though he couldn’t wait for that to happen.

  And Evzen loved it. He absolutely loved it.

  “Finish that sentence,” Evzen commanded. He cupped Cole’s jaw, the pad of his thumb sliding across the omega’s full, lower lip. “What were you going to say?”

  He kissed the man again, very gently this time.

  Cole shivered, his eyes falling closed. He sucked back a deep breath, but that seemed to be all he was capable of doing. Nothing else would come forward.

  Nothing at first, then Cole seemed to get ahold of himself.

  “What am I supposed to do then? I don’t know what you mean when you tell me to not think of my training.”

  Evzen let his hands slid all up and down the length of Cole’s arms. He just wanted to feel the man. He wanted to let Cole know he was safe here, and though Evzen was probably doing it the worst way possible and incredibly wrong, making someone feel safe through touch was the only way he knew how.

  “I’m going to make love to you. There’s a difference. Eventually I won’t be able to hold back, and I’ll need you harder, but by then, trust me, you won’t mind.”

  Evzen’s hands found Cole’s pants. The man wore no belt. His jeans were old, thin, and Evzen struggled not to growl at that as he opened them. He hoped that Seth wasn’t slacking off when it came to buying the omegas the clothes they properly needed to get their work done, or just to comfortably live, but there was also the very real chance that Cole hadn’t asked for new clothes.

  He seemed like the timid sort.

  “You can be harsh with me now if you want. I can handle it. Why are you flinching?”

  Evzen wished he could hold it back because the last thing in the world he wanted was to give Cole any indication that what the man was saying was something to be ashamed of.

  But fuck, the man just kept saying the worst things with the straightest look on his face. It was as if he had no idea how much his comments were breaking Evzen’s damned heart here.

  The fact that he was telling of his training with the vampires in the ways of the bed, as though it was supposed to be some sort of achievement that Evzen would be proud of him for was gutting him.

  “Trust me, I want you as hard as I can take you now. See?”

  Evzen took Cole’s hand and brought it down to his cock. He wanted the other man to feel for himself how much of an effect he was having on him. He wanted Cole to get a sense of every pulse that was happening through Evzen’s dick.

  “It’s fucking torture not being inside you right now. Fuck, I should have asked before we started this. What sort of omega are you?”

  Evzen looked down at Cole, studying him, remembering one very important detail that might even help him out when it came to what he wanted to do.

  Cole blinked up at him, as though he was genuinely confused by the question. “Do you mean…am I able to take you? I can do that.”

  Evzen wasn’t entirely sure if Cole was aware of the sort of question he was trying to ask. It was embarrassing as all hell, but it needed to be asked again.

  “What I mean…” Evzen smiled. “God, this is so humiliating, what I’m trying to ask you is that I know some omega animal shifters, the males, they can produce children…”

  “Oh!” Cole said, his eyes lighting up and his ears pointing up high. Like little furry triangles. “Yes, I can do that. You’re asking if I can self-lubricate?”

  He said it so matter-of-factly. Evzen would have expected the man to get all shy about it and to not want to say anything about it at all.

  Nope. He just revealed that information as though it was just par for the course.

  Evzen smiled. “At least you’re honest.”

  Cole nodded. “It’s helpful for the vampires if their pleasure servants can do that. Then they don’t have to bother with anything else, though if you have any…” And now Cole looked as though he was getting a little shy, his cheeks becoming darker with color. “I wouldn’t mind it if you used something anyway. Just in case.”

  Evzen nodded. “I can definitely do that for you.”

  He was fairly sure he could find something slick around here. A body wash, a conditioner, or even a bottle of sunscreen hidden somewhere. This was a former vampire home, after all. There must be that sort of thing all over the place around here.

  Cole sighed, as though relieved by that. “Thank you.”

  Evzen pulled Cole’s jeans off his legs, pleased when the man’s cock sprang forward. Cole sucked back a breath, looking up at Evzen, as though nervous about his reaction, and Evzen seeing it.

  Evzen got each pant leg off of Cole’s feet before he tossed the jeans away. Socks and all. His mouth watered at the sight of Cole’s prick. Evzen was bigger, a lot bigger, actually, but he liked what he saw. He liked that his mate was so excited to do this with him.

  And he was even more excited to take Cole’s dick in hand by the base and bring the head to his mouth.

  Slow and steady. He reminded himself of this again and again. His mate needed slow and steady.

  Evzen sank his mouth down around the head, his tongue swirling, and as Cole moaned and shivered, his hand coming up, touching the back of Evzen’s head before pulling away, it was enough to make Evzen’s cock jump.

  He pulled his mouth back. “No, keep doing that.”

  Cole blinked at him, as though he was seeing everything through three feet of water. “Doing what?”

  “Put your hands on my head again. Push me down if you want me to do that.”

  Cole tensed. “You want me to push your head down?”

  “Only if it’ll make you feel good.” He smiled at the man, his lips briefly touching the crown of Cole’s cock head one more time. God, he fucking loved the way Cole’s eyes widened like that.

  As though he was scandalized something like this could be happening to him in the first place.

  “Don’t be afraid to touch me. I like it.”

  Evzen put his lips back around the head of Cole’s dick. His tongue and cheeks worked well to pillow the man’s sensitive bits, making his cock hum and drops of precum form at the head, which Evzen greedily swallowed down.

  Cole moaned, his back arching. Evzen didn’t pull back a second time to tell the man to touch him again.

  As he bobbed his head back and forth, he wanted to wait and see if it was something Cole would eventually be able to do on his own. He wanted Cole to be able to thrust his hips and push Evzen’s head down onto his cock as much as he thought Evzen could take.

  And it would have been the best damned pleasure Evzen could think of, his mate pumping his hips while Evzen swallowed him down.

  He wanted to see how much further he could take this. Evzen hollowed his cheeks, increasing the pressure but also tasting the saltiness of skin as his tongue swirled again and again against the hard shaft.

  It wasn’t enough. Cole moaned and shook his head from side to side, but the only thing he seemed willing to grab onto was the bedsheets into his small little fists. Evzen heard a soft ripping sound, and he realized that Cole had let his small claws come out to play.

  Oh God, now Evzen really wanted to feel those hands on his skin. How amazing would it be if those claws dug into Evzen’s back, scratching him up while Evzen pumped his cock into the man’s asshole?

  He would be tight, too. He wouldn’t have had anyone else for a long time. Evzen could tell because he could smell no other male on this man. He probably hadn’t been taken since…

  Right. Evzen reminded himself why he wanted to do this right. This wasn’t about the dragon inside his head going insane and wanting pleasure. This was about building trust.

  He reached forward, his hand finding and cupping Cole’s tight testicles.

  He rolled them gently, massagi
ng them, wanting them in his mouth as well because he knew for a fact how amazing that could feel.

  Cole moaned, long and loud, his spine arching up, his hands finally coming forward and grabbing the back of Evzen’s head hard as he thrust up into Evzen’s mouth, warmth flooding over Evzen’s tongue as Cole spasmed and then came.

  Evzen moaned across the man’s tongue, swallowing as much down as he possibly could. He sank his lips down as far as he could go, taking Cole inside his mouth until he could go no farther and Cole’s thin hairs at the base of his cock tickled Evzen’s nose.

  He could smell a pine-scented soap there. God, he smelled so damned good.

  Cole panted and puffed for breath when he finished, his cock still hard, though Evzen could feel the beating of the man’s heart against his tongue.

  God that was so fucking sexy he could hardly stand how good it felt to be able to love the man like that.

  When he finished, pulling back, Cole’s cock was wet and shiny with saliva, and Evzen couldn’t help but feel like the best damned person on the planet.

  He was like the cat that had stolen the cream.

  And Cole’s arm was over his eyes. Hiding.

  Oh shit.

  Evzen pulled back quickly. “Cole? Are you okay? Fuck.”

  He tried not to sound as though he was panicking, when in reality that was exactly what he was doing. Should he touch the man? Would that make it worse? He thought over what they’d just done, searching for anything that might make the omega beneath him upset, but he could think of nothing, and he certainly didn’t recall Cole asking him to stop.

  So what could it be that was bringing about this reaction from him?

  Then Cole himself revealed it, lowering his arm, gazing at Evzen with such an open expression on his face.

  “That was…strange.”

  A cartoon-style ballroom piano could have dropped on his head right at that moment. “Okay. Not the reaction I was hoping for.”

  “Sorry.” Cole’s wolf ears briefly fell against the top of his head, but then they immediately perked back up. “What I mean, is that…no one has ever done that to me before. I didn’t think when I walked in here that it would be the first thing you would do.”


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