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Cole's Dragon [A Dragon's Growl 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Marcy Jacks

  Evzen tilted his head to the side a little, trying to read what Cole was getting at. “What did you think I was going to do?”

  Cole shrugged. “I guess get my clothes off and start shoving away.”

  Great. Thank God Evzen had been taken by the lust that came when he got his first glimpse of Cole’s dick. Otherwise that was likely what he would have done.

  “Well, I wanted to make sure you were relaxed, that you would enjoy yourself.”

  He was never going to let Cole know that it had been a matter of luck that, that was how he’d started this encounter.

  Not that Evzen wasn’t planning on taking care of Cole’s pleasure, but he was just glad he hadn’t shoved away, as Cole had put it.

  Cole smiled, looking a little less shell shocked by it, and he even reached up, his hands coming up behind Evzen’s head. “I’m glad. “I’m…so damned glad.”

  His eyes briefly swam. Evzen worried there was going to be tears because he absolutely couldn’t handle it if Cole began to cry on him.

  Luckily, the omega blinked them back quickly.

  “I guess this is what Miles was talking about when he said I was going to like it.”

  Evzen raised a brow at him. “You asked Miles for advice?”

  Cole nodded. “I…wanted to know what it felt like for him, to have someone else who wasn’t Varrick doing these things to him. I’m sorry. Are you mad?”

  “Never.” Evzen shook his head. “Not in the least. I’m glad you have someone to talk to about these things.”

  He was going to have to thank Miles later for helping Cole with this. The fact that Cole had anyone to talk to, to help him through the things that Evzen would never be able to really help him with was an amazing thing.

  Sometimes, even a mate wasn’t enough. Theon had even kept a few small secrets from Evzen, nothing major, but he’d shared them with Theron, the both of them still a team even after Theon’s mating to Evzen, still plotting and planning, making trouble…

  Cole touched Evzen’s cheek, his fingers sliding across his face to his ear and then down to his shoulder, as though he didn’t really know where to put his hand. “You looked really sad all of a sudden.”

  Evzen shook his head. “I was just thinking about something. I’ll tell you later, but right now, if you don’t mind, I might have to do a little shoving.”

  He said it with a wiggle of his eyebrows, trying to come off as funny.

  When Cole smiled brightly, giggling and yet trying to hold it back, it was more than enough to let Evzen know he was on the right track.

  “I’m sorry. I was making you wait,” Cole said, though he didn’t appear all that sorry.

  “That’s definitely fine because we’re going to be in here long enough to make up for that.”

  Chapter Six

  Evzen left the bed at that point, walking into the little adjoined bathroom that all rooms in this wing of the house had.

  His was smaller than the master bedrooms, the rooms that would have been used by Varrick, anyone in his immediate family, or his esteemed guests.

  Cole knew this room well. This was for one for the ladies. Someone of high respect, but not worthy of much space or, apparently, a large bathroom.

  Cole was glad for that because he didn’t want his first time with his new mate to be in one of the other bedrooms. He’d never been called to one of the rooms of the ladies.

  When Evzen returned, a wide smile on his face and a bottle in his hand, Cole sighed.

  He was a self-lubricating omega. He could bear children much easier than other omegas, but he’d learned over the years that sometimes it was easier on his body if there was something there to ease the way.

  Some vampires didn’t bother checking if he was ready or not, and others preferred it when he was dry.

  For Evzen…

  Cole felt ready enough right now that he could take the entirety of the man inside him and not have to worry about anything easing the way for him.

  And that was saying a lot since Cole had felt how big the man’s dick was through his pants when Evzen had Cole touch him there.

  It was still a nice gesture that warmed his heart, that Evzen would still get the bottle for him.

  Evzen came back to bed, and even though Cole’s heart slammed heavily inside his chest, against his ribs as though desperate to get out, Cole wasn’t afraid.

  He was anxious, a little nervous, and eager for this to happen, but not fearful.

  Even if this hurt, he thought he could handle it. He would be able to put up with any pain he felt so long as Evzen was pleased.

  Cole sighed, wishing the man would hurry.

  Cole eagerly spread his thighs for Evzen, wetting his lips, anticipating when he would feel those fingers against his hole.

  Evzen smiled at him when he touched him there. “It feels like you’re ready for me already,” he said, and yet he still teased around the pucker, making Cole suck back a breath and shiver with the kind of pleasure Cole never thought he would have down there.

  This never felt good. No one had ever been able to make this feel good for him, and yet it was so nice now, even though Evzen wasn’t inside him yet.

  Then he was inside. His fingers were inside of Cole’s asshole, stretching him wide open, pushing the lotion inside even though—Evzen had been right—Cole didn’t need it.

  And it was good. It burned, but there was no pain.

  Only a pleasant sensation of being stretched and filled.

  Of the fact that he was about to belong to this man for real.

  “God, you’re tight,” Evzen said.

  Cole knew for a fact that was a good thing. He was glad to be able to please the man.

  The vampires hadn’t wanted Cole putting anything inside himself whenever he wasn’t in use. They demanded that if he was to ever pleasure himself, then it would not be in that way because they didn’t want him to lose any of that tight sensation they seemed to adore so much.

  It was an easy command to follow, considering Cole didn’t much like having anything in there to begin with, so he never bothered with trying to touch himself back there.

  Now he understood why they had been so paranoid about such a thing. This was wonderful. This felt so amazing that he couldn’t believe it was something he’d never known his body could do.

  And then Evzen reached inside deeper and touched something that made the pleasure he already felt explode behind his eyes.

  Cole snapped his eyes open wide, arching his spine, gasping for breath. “Oh!”

  “There it is,” Evzen said, as though pleased with himself for finding whatever it was.

  “Th-there’s wha—oh!”

  Evzen seemed determined to touch that place inside him, to make Cole moan and thrash.

  Cole had heard from others that this could feel good. He’d never believed them. He’d never believed it was possible, and the times when he’d considered it, he figured that maybe there was something wrong with him. Shouldn’t the vampires have at least touched this wonderful, secret spot even accidentally over the years?

  They hadn’t, and yet Evzen had expertly found it with a few simple strokes.

  No, that couldn’t be it. This was the mating heat Miles had told him about. Of course only a mate would be able to find some strange place inside him that made white stars burst over his eyes. It was the only explanation possible, the only reason why Cole had to reach out and grab onto one of the pillows, pushing it hard over his face so he wouldn’t make too much noise as he moaned his pleasure.

  Evzen removed the pillow, and his hand.

  Cole moaned from the loss, but then Evzen kissed him again, very briefly. “Ah ah,” he said. “You need to keep those pretty eyes locked on me.”

  Cole nodded. “Whatever you want.”

  He meant it. So long as this pleasure didn’t stop, he didn’t care what Evzen did to him.

  Why had he ever been so scared of this? It was madness, and now he wanted more of it. So much
more that his heart actually ached when Evzen’s fingers were not inside him.

  “Please,” Cole begged, clutching Evzen’s shoulders, aware that his small claws were digging into the man’s flesh, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about that. “Please give it to me. I need it. I…I …”

  “I know, sweetheart, trust me, I know.”

  Evzen took Cole’s legs. Cole thought the man would push them on top of his shoulders, but he didn’t. While he did encourage Cole to keep them higher up, Evzen had Cole wrap them around his middle.

  “Like this, keep your thighs back, just like that.” Evzen took his own cock in hand, sliding the hard length back and forth against Cole’s crack, against his hole, and he shut his eyes and shivered. “Fuck, that’s good.”

  “Put it inside me,” Cole begged. “Hurry, I want it.”

  He did. So badly that it barely made sense even to him.

  And then Evzen finally gave him what he wanted. What he needed so badly that he could hardly stand it.

  At first he felt the pressure, the strength of the blunt head pushing up against the ring of muscle. Then he felt his body giving in, and the head popping forward, the shaft sliding inside, and the burn and stretch was good. So achingly good.

  The warmth of Evzen’s skin, the firmness of his body, and the pleasure of his cock as it sank inch by glorious inch inside him was unlike anything Cole had ever before experienced in his entire life.

  His heart was actually breaking with how good it was. He’d gone his whole life without knowing what this was, without having this man with him. It felt like that piece of him had been stolen away. He wished he’d known Evzen when they were both children. He wished they could have grown up together. He wished so many things, but they were here now, and Evzen’s growl, something that would have scared the life out of Cole once upon a time, now made him tremble with pleasure.

  It made him want more.

  Evzen grunted when he was fully seated, when his body could go no deeper and he was balls deep inside of Cole’s body.

  Cole tightened his legs around the man’s waist, clenching his hands until his fingers ached over the muscles of his shoulders. He wanted to keep Evzen there with him forever.

  “Oh fuck,” Evzen groaned.

  “Move, please move,” Cole begged.

  Evzen shook his head. “Just give me a minute.”

  Cole didn’t understand why at first, only that he was being denied.

  Then it clicked. Evzen was still trying to be gentle with him. He didn’t want to fuck Cole harshly, not until he’d gotten Cole used to it.

  Still not understanding what Evzen meant by a hard fucking, and only knowing what the vampires meant by it, Cole sucked back his disappointment and allowed the man to compose himself.

  Still, it was beyond difficult to keep his own body under control when he continued to cant his hips forward and back, wanting Evzen’s cock to continue touching that wonderful place inside him again and again.

  Evzen growled at him for it. “You’re trying my patience, little wolf.”

  Cole smiled up at him, feeling strangely confident and brave when he never had before. “Do you like it?”

  He’d never been all that interested in pleasing his vampire masters, but he was extremely interested in pleasing Evzen. That seemed incredibly important right about now.

  Evzen smiled down at him, a predatory look that on anyone else would have had Cole running and hiding for the nearest dark corner.

  Not with him. He was different.

  He also moved his hips, a sudden, sharp jerking motion forward that made Cole throw his head back and sigh.

  “I do like it,” Evzen purred, his warm mouth coming down to tease along the shell of Cole’s ear, his lips making the sensitive flesh around the lobe tingle with both hot and cold, which had the rest of Cole’s body reacting in all kinds of ways.

  “And you,” he said, bringing his mouth down to Cole’s other ear, the sharp bite of his teeth against the lobe a slight warning and loving caress, “you are going to like this, too.”

  Cole didn’t need much convincing about that because he was already liking it.

  Then he liked it better when Evzen finally began moving his hips in earnest, pumping his cock inside of Cole’s body, stroking him, filling him, touching that sweet spot deep inside him again and again.

  The pace was steady, not too slow and not too fast. It was the sort of thing Cole would have expected from someone who was getting ready to increase the speed at any moment. Someone who was about to lose control and begin racing toward their own pleasure.

  No. This was…different. Cole couldn’t look away from Evzen’s face, and he now knew that was what the man had wanted from him in this position. Evzen sometimes leaned down to kiss him, other times he simply looked at him, and there were times after that when Cole was the greedy one, desperately pulling the other man’s face down so their mouths could meet again.

  That seemed incredibly important right about then. The kissing.

  And yet, despite the rumbling groans from Evzen’s body, the clear need the man had to increase the pace and continue on with his pleasure, he never did.

  Each forward thrust was hard, their hips meeting with a pressure that rocked through Cole’s body, a pressure and a pleasure that he very much liked. The slapping of their flesh together made Cole moan every time it happened, and his toes curled until they cramped.

  And yet still, the man did not speed up.

  It was almost a torture. Cole had heard from others that fucking while facing each other was boring. This seemed anything but. The fact that he could see the struggle in Evzen’s eyes to keep from slamming harder and faster into Cole’s body was thrilling, and the fact that Cole suddenly found himself desperate to hold back that buildup of pleasure, made it even more so.

  But he couldn’t hold it back. It wasn’t something so easily contained. He didn’t have the strength for it, and it was out of his hands at one point.

  Cole turned his head from side to side, desperate to contain this building pressure, but he couldn’t.

  “Let it go,” Evzen commanded him. “Come for me. I want to feel your body squeezing around my cock.”

  “But…but you haven’t…”

  “I will,” Evzen growled. “Now do it.”

  It occurred to Cole that Evzen might be trying to wait for him to come first before he did so himself. That in itself seemed like an incredible gift. How was that possible that this force within Cole, something so powerful and good that he couldn’t contain even after already coming to his pleasure, was something Evzen seemed to have a much easier time with even though he hadn’t yet come to his pleasure once?

  It didn’t matter because Cole still wanted to please the man. He still wanted to make Evzen enjoy himself, and if this was the way to do it, then this was how he was going to do it.

  Cole stopped trying to hold himself back. He let down all the walls he’d built up, even though they had been weak and were overflowing to begin with, and without thinking about it, his hand reached down.

  His cock, trapped between his softer belly and Evzen’s much harder one, jumped when his fingers curled around it, and there was nothing more he could do to stop it from happening.

  Cole moaned, his testicles tightening as the rush that had been building in his belly finally let loose.

  Warmth spilled onto his stomach and onto Evzen’s stomach as well. Cole would have been horrified by that at any other time, but he found himself enjoying the sensation too much to be able to care.

  And then he was vaguely aware of the grunt Evzen released, and how the man did finally start to thrust into Cole’s body with purpose.

  Cole moaned, the sensation of Evzen’s cock slamming into him again and again, hitting that wonderful place with powerful precision and without any mercy brought Cole to another orgasm immediately after he’d just had one.

  And he was helpless against it. Cole jerked and moaned, the sensation
never stopping and his body moving as though it had a mind of its own as he thrust mindlessly back against Evzen’s cock, wanting it, needing it, wanting this pleasure to be milked from him again and again.

  He wasn’t ever going to be able to stop.

  That was honestly what went through his head, until it finally did stop. The pulsing heat, the pleasure, it slowed down, and Cole found his body becoming more and more sensitive even as Evzen fucked into him hard and fast, milking his own orgasm.

  Cole could take it. He reached up, his fingers playing with the man’s dark, budding nipples, pinching them, flicking them, and then he let his small claws trace along his perfectly muscular chest, wanting to tease, wanting to give Evzen all the pleasure he was giving to Cole, and so much more as well.

  “Come inside me,” Cole begged, the first time in his life when he’d ever said those words and meant them. “Come inside me.”

  Evzen groaned again, hard, and then he did.

  Chapter Seven

  Hours later, three hours to be exact, they lay there in bed, Cole snuggled up onto Evzen’s chest, the pair of them finally coming down off the mating heat in order to relax a little.

  Evzen knew it was supposed to be different for everyone, but he figured they still had a few more hours left to go before they finished for real.

  That was fine by him. Evzen had never felt more at peace in his entire life than he did right then, his mate in his arms, petting the soft wolf ears that rose out of the man’s hair and feeling the thump of his tail against the sheets.

  Considering how shy Cole had been of him just twelve hours ago, he was stunned and pleased at the pace they were moving.

  “I’ll announce to my clan at noon that you’re my mate,” Evzen said.

  Cole stopped sliding his fingertips over Evzen’s chest. “Do you think they’ll…approve?”

  Cole looked up at him, and Evzen stared down at his mate. He smiled, nodding. “They will.”

  It was Theron he was most worried about, and he would speak with the man privately. Right now, it was one in the morning, and they were both aching and tired, but still horny and buzzing from pleasure. Evzen wouldn’t spoil the mood. Cole would read too much into it anyway until he was more comfortable around Evzen’s men.


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