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I Am a Dominant

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  I pulled off my coat and scarf, hanging them in the hall closet, then wandered into the living room and across to my liquor cabinet. Pouring myself a brandy I swirled the liquid in the glass and took a drink, pondering my plans for my recalcitrant girlfriend, not just for the next hour, but for the days ahead.

  There were more holiday celebrations coming up, and I wanted something in place that would guarantee her good behavior. My thoughts began to coalesce and the answer became clear; drinking the last of the warm liqueur I headed upstairs.

  Entering the bedroom I found her seated in the armchair, still looking glorious in her sapphire gown, but she had loosened her hair and it was laying in gentle waves around her shoulders.

  “I had to let it down,” she explained, running her fingers through the locks, “it was beginning to fall.”

  “It’s fine,” I replied, and disappeared into my closet.

  I slowly undressed, donned my thick robe, and pulled out my back of tricks. Picking out the items I wanted I stuffed them in the deep pockets, then ambled back into the bedroom.

  “Apparently I’ve let things go that I shouldn’t have,” I began, walking across to her. “I should have nipped this in the bud after your office party.”

  “But I-”

  “Be quiet,” I said sternly, sitting on the edge of the bed opposite her. “I thought you were simply letting off steam and I let it slide, but clearly that was a mistake. At the club you were either taking advantage of my tolerance, or you were testing me. Neither is acceptable, and tonight…my goodness.”

  “James, I-”

  “Sir,” I said sharply. “you know what I expect. Don’t let that happen again.”

  “No, Sir,” she murmured dropping her eyes.

  “You have been very willful, shockingly willful. I made it as clear as anyone could what I expected tonight. Am I wrong? Answer me, Caroline. Was I not abundantly clear?”

  “You’re not wrong, Sir,” she quietly admitted. “You, uh, made it clear, very clear.”

  “And what did you do?”

  “Sir, I’m so sorry,” she whimpered.

  “Answer the question. It’s not wise to test my patience right now.”

  “I drank more than I was supposed to,” she whispered.

  “You disobeyed me,” I scolded. “Say it.”

  “I disobeyed you, Sir,” she said, her voice thin and tremulous.


  “Oh, Sir,” she groaned, “this is-”

  “Why?” I pressed.


  “Because? The truth, all of it, please.”

  “Because I wanted to see what you would do,” she stammered, “and…and…”

  “Go on!”

  “I wanted you to take control of me,” she squeaked.

  “Just as I thought. Well, Caroline, you’re about to find out what it happens when you test me. Kick off your shoes and bend over my lap.”

  “It won’t happen-”

  “Be quiet,” I barked, “and do as you’re told.”

  Tentatively she pushed off her high-heels, took the couple of steps towards me, and uttering a strange whine she lowered herself across my lap.

  “Grab a pillow, you can yell into it if you wish, but don’t you dare put those hands behind you, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she quivered.

  She reached across to grab one of the loose cushions near the headboard, and I barely gave her time to settle before I began landing my palm with hard smacks. The satin fabric provided little protection from my slow, solid swats, and it didn’t take long before she was squealing into the pillow, and gyrating her hips from side to side.

  “That was a decent start,” I declared. “Go into the closet and take off your clothes, all of them.”

  Rising from my lap she grabbed her seat cheeks as she hurried away, and I took the respite to open my robe and rub my cock. It was standing at full attention, which was a problem since I had planned to send her to sleep with a well spanked bottom and a wet, hungry pussy. Hearing the closet door open I covered myself up, and turning around I saw her lovely nakedness walking towards me.

  “Stay on that side of the bed and bend over the mattress, legs spread,” I ordered.

  She splayed herself out, and walking around I saw how wonderfully crimson her bottom was.

  “Tell me again, why are you being punished?”

  “Because I was disobedient.”

  “That’s only part of the reason, what’s the rest?”

  “Because I tested you, because I wanted you to take control of me…like this…” she stammered.

  “It’s called, being a brat,” I said sternly. “You threw a tantrum just like a brat, and brats require tough love.”

  “Please, Sir,” she bleated, “I’m truly sorry.”

  Ignoring her whimpering plea I sat down next to her and resumed my work, slapping her red skin with hard rapid swats, catching her sit spot with slicing blows that made her kick out and squeal.

  “Sir, I swear, I’m so dreadfully sorry,” she wailed.

  “I’m sure you are, but brats need strong discipline,” I replied, and reaching into my pocket I retrieved the thick butt plug I’d pulled from my bag. “Pull your cheeks apart.”

  Burying her head and groaning into the mattress she did as she’d been told, and rising to my feet I carefully applied a small amount of lube, then gently began to slide the plug home.

  “Sir, it’s so big,” she mewled.

  “Tough love, Caroline, open and accept it.”

  Groaning loudly she did as I’d instructed, and as it moved into place I felt her resignation. My message had gotten through. Now I needed a simple underscore, along with an insurance policy for the future.

  “You’ll wear that for a while, until I make sure my point has been made, and to finish I’m going to introduce you to the gummy whip.”

  “The what, Sir?” she squeaked, moving her red face from the mattress, her wide eyes staring at me over her shoulder.

  “The gummy whip. It’s small but very effective, as you are about to find out.”

  Pulling it from my pocket, I laid the nasty little whip across the center of her bottom, lifted it just about a foot, then flicked it down. She yelped in shock, and her hands flew back to cover her cheeks.

  “I made myself clear?”

  “Ooh, Sir, you’ve definitely made yourself clear,” she wailed.

  “I have to be very strict with you, but it’s what you wanted, isn’t it, Caroline? My attention? To take you in hand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she bleated.

  “Move your hands above your head, one more, and then we’re done.”

  Uttering a strange mewling sound she raised her arms, then wiggled in fear as the whip rested about an inch below the first mark.

  “On the count of three,” I warned, “one, two, three.”

  It landed in just the right spot, and as the deep burn radiated through her backside she stamped her feet and let out a low wail. I waited until she’d settled, then gently tapped her burning bottom with the whip.

  “From now on this will be in my pocket whenever we’re out, whether we’re attending a party or out to dinner, or even shopping. I believe it will provide the incentive you need to behave.”

  “Oh, it will, Sir, it definitely will.”

  “And if we are invited to the Major’s country house, you’ll be getting a stroke or two before we hit the road.”

  “Oh, Sir,” she moaned.

  “I’m going to rub you for a while, then you’ll climb into bed and wait for your cuddle while I take a shower. It will give you a chance to think about things.”

  Listening to her appreciative moans I rubbed her splotchy, stinging behind, then slipping my fingers into her sex I found her absolutely dripping.

  “Ooh, Sir, thank you.”

  “Don’t be too grateful, there’ll be no pleasure for you tonight, but I have no intention of denying myself,” I remarked, and enj
oying the view of her punished bottom while I diddled between her legs, I rubbed myself to a very satisfying climax.

  A little while later as Caroline was curled up in my arms and I was drifting off, she raised her head and softly kissed my lips, stirring me from my approaching sleep.

  “Thank you, James,” she whispered. “If I’m being completely honest, I was beginning to think you didn’t care…not about me…I know you care about me…but about me being, you know, a good girl, a good sub.”

  “And if I’m being completely honest, I missed the cue,” I admitted, “but that was no excuse for you to use an event that you knew was important to me to get my attention. That was not good, Caroline, not good at all.”

  “I know, James, it wasn’t, it was very bad of me. I’m sorrier about that than anything. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

  “You’re already forgiven,” I said warmly, pulling her into me, “but it shows just how badly you wanted me to take charge, but you won’t pull a stunt like that again, right?”

  “No, Lord no, I wouldn’t, and not just because my ass is sore and I’ve got this damnable thing up me.”

  “We’re still learning about each other. It would have been easier if you had just talked to me, told me what you needed.”

  “I suppose that’s true, but somehow it wouldn’t have been the same.”

  “I know,” I sighed, “now go to sleep.”

  I did know, and many times we Dominants are supposed to be mind readers. If we’re lucky, if we have a woman with whom we are deeply connected that happens, but sometimes we get it wrong. We are, after all, only human.


  The Very Big News…

  …is that Caroline moved in, and I’m delighted that the timing of this book has allowed me to offer such a satisfying conclusion.

  It was a huge thing for me to ask her, though I suppose it shouldn’t have been. She was spending almost every night with me anyway, and over the many months we’d been together much of her wardrobe had found its way into my house. She already had some of my closet, and in the guest room she’d claimed the nineteenth century chest of drawers and the wardrobe.

  The idea that I would be officially living with a woman was difficult to wrap my brain around. I honestly didn’t think it would ever happen; it felt like a very big deal, and it was one I agonized about for weeks. When I finally asked her it was over a romantic dinner in an intimate French restaurant, which made me feel as if I was about to propose, which, I suppose, in my own way, I was.

  I wanted to do something to commemorate the event, and she already had a key so I was at a loss, then finally an idea came to mind; I had address labels printed with her name and my address (sorry, our address).

  So there we were, at this exquisite restaurant, I finally broached the subject, and as far as I can remember the conversation went something like this:

  “Caroline, you know you mean the world to me.”

  “James, you look so serious, is something wrong?”

  “No, no, far from it, it’s just…you’re at my house pretty much all the time, so I thought…(big pause)…perhaps you should-”

  “Yes, yes, I’d love to move in, thank you so much, sorry, did I jump the gun, shoot, did I? That is what you were about to ask me, isn’t it?”

  My hesitation and her eagerness created a magic moment, and when she opened the large white envelope with the big red bow, while the look on her face will live in my memory forever, I truly wish I’d had the forethought to pull out my phone and capture it.

  She stared at the labels, and for a moment I could see she wasn’t sure what she was reading, then the penny dropped. Her face crinkled up, and her gorgeous almond eyes began to spill happy tears. The reaction brought a lump to my throat and exorcised any tiny remnants of doubt that might still be lurking.

  There wasn’t much to organize, which surprised us both. She had several pieces of artwork that fell into place beautifully, and much of her furniture had come from her parents when they’d renovated their house. She decided to place it in storage, with an eye to either selling it or donating it to charity later. The few pieces she did bring complimented the guest room, and helped the dining room, which had only the dining table and chairs.

  Because she was with me so much it was difficult to ascertain the official day of her move-in, so I decided it was the day the tenants moved into her flat. Once that date was determined I set to work organizing a very special welcome.

  I’ll admit here that I went a bit (well, a lot) beyond anything I’d ever imagined doing for any woman. I think I was doing it just as much for me as for her, that the enormity of the event required some kind of grand gesture.

  I needed her to be out of the house for at least an hour, and that was the most difficult part of the planning, but her best friend stepped up and kept her at a local pub, then texted me when Caroline was on her way home.

  I’d just finished the preparations when she walked in the door, and this time I was ready, camera phone in hand, videoing her as she walked into the living room.

  Everywhere she looked was a tall, thin glass vase sporting a single red rose. I’d placed red and white candles on the coffee table, the mantlepiece, the end tables by the sofa, and the fire was burning. As she moved further in, her face filled with astonishment, I turned out the lights; the room looked like it was something from a fairy tale.

  “My God, James, what have you done? This is unbelievable.”

  “I wanted the first official night of you living here to be something really special.”

  “It’s fantastic. Honestly, I can’t believe it.”

  When she turned around and gazed at me with those amazing almond eyes, I thought my heart would explode. The energy of the emotion was surging through me, and I think I was as surprised by that, as she was by what I’d done, but I had to gather my wits because I had something else for her. If she was going to be living with me then I wanted her to feel that thing that a submissive craves, that sense of being owned.

  I think I may have been holding my breath when I walked over and pulled the small, black velvet box from my pocket. I remember her hands were trembling when she took it, and she didn’t say anything, but later she told me it was because her throat had tightened up and she simply couldn’t speak.

  Lifting the lid she found a gold heart locket, but it wasn’t solid, it was made of thin bars, and set inside was a twinkling solitaire diamond. The candlelight gave the diamond an astounding sparkle, something I didn’t expect, and I found myself staring at it as intently as she was. Managing to keep it together I carefully removed the pendant and turned her so I could place it around her neck. My heart was pumping like crazy, but I found my voice and said the words I’d spent forever writing.

  “You are my strong, brilliant diamond, and my love is surrounding you. This is to help you remember that, and to remind you that I will always be here for you. This is your collar; you’re not allowed to take it off, not unless you have permission.”

  She leaned back against me, and the feelings I had for her at that moment I cannot possibly describe. It was a moment of overwhelming closeness and a deep sense of belonging, and I can honestly say I’d never felt anything like it before.

  At that point she couldn’t stop the tears, and fighting them myself I led her to the couch. We sank down, she curled into my lap, and we just sat there for a while, not talking, at least not much, kissing languidly, staring at the fire, kissing again, until she looked up at me with those dark eyes that were sparkling as much as the diamond around her neck.

  “James, will you please take me to bed?”

  I have no idea where this came from, but I said,

  “Finally. That took you long enough.”

  She broke into a grin and punched me, and after walking around the room and blowing out the candles we headed up the stairs. What greeted her in the bedroom though, was another surprise.

  On one side of the bed was a selection of sp
anking implements, paddles, crops, hairbrushes, whips, and a flogger, and on the other, items designed to caress and titillate; a feather duster, a lambswool mitt, a microfiber cloth, and a baby’s brush.

  “I don’t understand. Are you going to-?”

  “I have to start this off correctly,” I interrupted, grateful that the idea had come to me. The sight of the toys, and making her select which I would use was giving me back my strength. “Pick one of each.”

  “Can’t I take two from the pleasure items instead?”

  I had to laugh, it was so Caroline.

  “Cheeky girl. Take your pick.”

  “Really? I can’t decide, gosh, I guess, the crop. No, the table tennis paddle, the side without the rubber.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “No…yes…yes, that’s the one.”

  “And for the soothing rub afterwards?”

  “The lambswool mitt.”

  I picked up the paddle, and turning her around I gave her a quick swat.

  “Go and take your shower, but make it quick.”

  “OW! Is it too late to change my mind?”

  “Yes, now go.”

  She started toward the bathroom, but stopped, and turning around she stared back at me.

  “James, thank you…” and unable to help herself she ran back to me, throwing her arms around my neck.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you so fucking much.”

  All I could was hug her tightly and tell her I loved her too, and finally satisfied she dropped her arms and hurried into the bathroom. As she showered I gathered up the rejected implements and returned them to my bag of tricks, then began to undress.

  It had been a busy day, picking up all the supplies, making sure she was gone, getting everything ready for her return, and I was gratified that it had played out just as I’d hoped. Now it was time to enjoy her, to devour her body, and I intended to do just that.



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