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I Am a Dominant

Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

The Consummation

  When she reappeared from the bathroom, wonderfully naked and shining, I was already in bed, my cock standing at attention. The paddle and mitt were sitting next to me, and I watched her amble forward, drop on to her hands and knees and crawl slowly across the bed.

  “Do you want me over your lap, Sir?” she purred.

  “No, I have something else in mind for you tonight, something new.”

  She frowned.

  “Should I be worried?”

  “That’s up to you,” I replied picking up the paddle and climbing from between the sheets. “Lay on your back in the middle of the bed.”

  I could see she was about to ask me something, or object, or say something she shouldn’t, but she held her tongue, and after dramatically dropping on to her stomach she rolled over and stared up at me expectantly.

  “Is it my imagination or are you feeling cheeky?”

  “I’m feeling amazingly cheeky, and happy, and absolutely fantastic,” she grinned, and reaching for the gold bar heart she began twirling in her fingers.

  “That doesn’t mean-”

  “I know, I know, that paddle you’re holding is still going to be whacking my butt.”

  “Exactly. So, now that we have that cleared up I’ll continue. Some people call this a nappy spanking, or a bedtime spanking, I call it a spanking with a view.”

  “I haven’t heard of any of that. Is it legal?” she giggled.

  “You can be such a brat,” I grinned. “Raise your legs.”

  “What? I don’t…oh! You mean, over my head?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean, over your head.”

  Her smile faded, replaced by an uncomfortable gaze, and leaning forward I dropped my lips on hers. I kissed her softly, then traveled my lips to her neck, then back to her mouth, and when I raised my head she sighed dreamily, her eyes half-lidded.

  “I would recommend you do as I ask.”

  “Of course I will,” she said wistfully. “Please forgive my momentary lapse.”

  “You’re still feeling cheeky! I can’t believe it.”

  “I guess, just a bit,” she sighed half-smiling.

  She brought her knees to her chest, and placing my forearm under her calves I lifted them up and pushed them over, raising her hips from the mattress; there it was, the delicious, decadent view. All her charms stared up at me, and raising the paddle I slid it across her bottom, then tapped it lightly.

  “You ready, cheeky girl?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied sighing again.

  I started with light smacks, constantly moving the paddle, making sure I didn’t neglect the sweet spot at the base of her bottom. As her skin turned a soft pink she began uttering the odd cry to let me know she was feeling it, and though it was time to increase the severity of the blows, I decided to pause and do a little exploring.

  Sliding my fingers into her sex I found her satisfyingly wet, and her moans told me just how hungry she was, but when I trailed my finger towards her crack her moans became groans of protest; this was an area she still found uncomfortable.

  “You will eventually learn to accept more of this,” I said tenderly, gently swirling my finger around her forbidden hole.

  “Yes, Sir,” she mewled.

  “We’re going to start serious training here very soon. You’re to think about it. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  I’d placed the paddle on the bed when I’d begun my short tour, and picking it up I rested it against the center of her bottom.

  “It’s time to lay down some ground rules, and this paddle will help you remember them. For starters, something I believe you already know, if you test me you won’t be disappointed.”

  The paddle swatted down, eliciting a loud yelp.

  “OW! Yes, Sir.”

  “If you’re going to be late, you’ll call me,” I declared, dispatching another hard swat, and so I continued, making clear what I expected, following each edict with a hard smack.

  “You already have the list of rules I gave you when we started seeing each other, and I’m going to email what I expect now that we’re living together. This way there will be no room for doubt.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she panted.

  “About your sweet pussy,” I said softly. “Spread your legs as far apart as you can.”

  It was a sublime moment, watching her legs widen, then staring down her exquisite, glistening cunt.

  “Up to this point I have put no restrictions on when or how often you can pleasure yourself. That’s no longer the case, and since the paddle can’t access your sex, your inner thighs will have to do.”

  “Sir!” she exclaimed.


  “It’s just…the skin there…”

  “You think I don’t know how tender it is? I should spank it harder. I can’t believe you said that.”

  “Sorry, I’m sorry, truly.”

  Shaking my head I moved the paddle to the inside of her right thigh and slapped it down.


  “Next time think about who you’re talking to.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  “Your pussy belongs to me now,” I said firmly, slapping the paddle on her opposite thigh.

  “I’ll remember, I’ll remember,” she gasped.

  “There will be a time, very soon, when it will also learn about discipline.”

  “I’m not sure I understand,” she whimpered.

  “You will, but for now,” I said dropping the paddle and picking up the mitt, “it’s time for this.”

  I smoothed the lambswool over the pink tinge on her inner thigh, the one I’d smacked first. She sighed and moaned, then moving the mitt to the second paddle print I repeated the caress.

  “Poor cheeky girl has to learn her lessons,” I crooned. “Hopefully once learned they’ll be remembered.”

  As I continued to caress her, I diddled inside her soaked slit and massaged her magic nub, enjoying her grateful wriggles and moans.

  “Sir, that’s so amazing,” she whimpered. “It feels so good. I swear I could come.”

  “I’m sure you could,” I purred dropping away my tantalizing fingers. “Are you ready for me?”

  “I’m always ready,” she moaned.

  “That, sweet girl, is the perfect answer.”

  Dropping the mitt I climbed on to the bed, and kneeling between her legs I clutched her hips, pulled her pelvis forward, and began teasing the head of my cock between her lusciously swollen lips.

  “Please, James, please fuck me.”

  I slid slowly inside, gripping her hips tightly to hold her steady. It was glorious, and I stroked with slow, measured thrusts, until I felt the need to gaze upon her perfectly pink behind.

  Flipping her over, I sent my cock back inside her delectable depths, then staying buried I retrieved the mitt to move it across her cheeks. She moaned happily, and as I began to pump I dropped my other hand back against her clit.

  “That feels so good. I’m so close,” she moaned.

  “Wait for the order,” I reminded her.

  “I know,” she whimpered.

  The mitt caressed, my cock stroked, and my fingers massaged her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the edge, keeping her there until my cock was at its bursting point; I paused…then resumed with gusto, finally commanding her to climax. As I fervently pumped we erupted in unison, a powerful, tingling orgasm surging through us both.

  A while later, cleaned up and laying together, about to fall asleep, I felt her hand clasp her pendant.

  “James, am I crazy, or has something changed?”

  Never having ‘collared’ anyone before, I had no basis for comparison, but I knew what she was talking about. It was as if I had conducted some kind of ritual that had wrapped us in a subtle, mystical cloud.

  “If you’re crazy,” I breathed, “then I am too.”


  We weren’t crazy; something did change th
at night, and I’ve been trying to find the words to describe it. The best I can do is to say that from that ritual (if that’s what it was) came a deep sense of comfort and commitment. Deeply loving a woman, and having that woman wear a ‘collar’, whatever that collar may be, carries a unique feeling; I feel bonded to her.

  I don’t pretend to have a crystal ball, but I can’t imagine my life without Caroline in it, and I’m optimistic that we will weather any storms that cross our path.

  We have recently begun spending more time at the club, and not only is she becoming more at ease in the playroom, she has hinted about wanting to be placed in the stocks. When I think about the girl I met with Peter and Janet…how far we have come!

  Selecting the episodes wasn’t easy, but I had to choose those that had particular significance.

  Mirren was a no-brainer. How could I not start with the Genesis of my Dominant life?

  How I met Sally (aka Caroline) was, for obvious reasons, extremely important.

  The spoilt American girl, Rachel, was a must. She was one of the few women I’ve spanked because she just plain needed it; I had no romantic interest in her at all.

  It’s widely believed that submissives are at greater risk because they are a) female, and b) in the vulnerable position. This may be true, but Helen could have turned my life upside down.

  Being single means opening ourselves up to meeting people about whom we know nothing. We assume they’re good people, because we are. We assume they are rational, caring, loving people, because we are. We assume they are sane, because we are. We also assume we’d never be attracted to a crazy person; sadly, that assumption is wrong.

  Melody relayed some of the elaborate lengths to which Ian had to go to extinguish Helen from his life. They weren’t cheap and they weren’t easy, and there’s no doubt that Ian was just one in a string of men whose lives have been dreadfully disrupted because of her.

  That was a story I had to share so I could say to all and sundry, Be Careful Out There. I smelled something from day one but kept moving forward. It was a tough lesson, but could certainly have been tougher.

  Destiny had to be included because it was odd that I was so drawn to her. Though that indefinable chemistry existed, being a couple wasn’t right for either of us.

  She made me rethink the Winter/Spring romances that are held in such disdain. Now I can say with certainty that sometimes it’s about strong mutual feelings, not the stereotypical older man just wanting someone young and sexy on his arm.

  I’m very pleased to report that she and Byron are still together, and I am left feeling deeply satisfied whenever I see them.

  There are many other ‘before Caroline’ escapades I’d love to share, and if this book is embraced, and Maggie is willing to tackle another, I’d very much enjoy embarking on a follow-up.

  Why conclude the book with my lovely Caroline? As I said earlier it is my current status so it seemed appropriate, but there is something else I would like to add.

  Being a Dominant (for me) means living life with a certain code. When I watched Dexter, that extraordinary series about the serial killer Dexter Morgan, I found his code intriguing. (Please, no, I’m not a closet serial killer. I used to be a serial monogamist, but I am optimistic those days are over.)

  His code dictated that he kill only those who were deserving, those who had fallen through the cracks of the criminal justice system. That wasn’t the intriguing part; the intriguing part was that he actually had a code.

  It was the first time I became aware that another person, fictional or real, lived life with a code. I found it intriguing because after Mirren, I created a code for myself.

  Before Caroline, my code dictated that a submissive be better for having known me. I don’t know that I always succeeded, but I tried. (I think there’s a famous quote about that, but I can’t find it.)

  Now that I’m with Caroline, my code dictates that her day, every day, be better because I’m a part of it. You’d have to ask her if I’ve been successful.

  Thank you for taking the time to read about some of the unique moments in my life. I have so enjoyed sharing them, and perhaps we shall meet again. Meanwhile, as promised in the introduction, here are some more of my Directives And Things To Remember.

  Be safe, and be happy.


  I warn.

  Only once.

  Head games are a lose/lose

  I have to find aspirin, and you, a soft place to sit.

  I don’t like to cane.

  But there is a rod in my closet, so…

  When I say, dress for me.

  Wear something that makes you feel sexy.

  I have a romantic soul.

  Don’t be afraid to show me yours.

  You can do anything you want.

  Just be aware of the consequences.

  If something’s bothering me I’ll tell you.

  Please don’t be afraid to do the same. I promise to listen.

  Trust and respect.

  It has to be mutual.

  Dominants are human too.

  * * * * * * * * *




  Review: Lenell

  I always enjoy reading about Cassie and Chad, they're like old friends and of course we can't forget Mickey. I love how she had Chad's horse showing in this book and Cassie's jumping. This book was HOT, hotter than the other ones I think, lots of sex and great spankings of course. Chad really helped bring out more of Cassie's submissive side in this one. Also the finally get married in this one! which is bittersweet because it probably means this is the end of their adventure. It was a fun ride!


  Review: CF

  Just bought this a day or so ago, and I've already finished reading it. I buy books to escape into fantasy, and Ms. Carpenter never fails to fulfill that. This book is absolutely awesome. And I like the action right up front. Brittany and Duncan sizzle. (It's almost embarrassing what it does to me, too.) One of the best books by one of the best BDSM Romance authors out there. Well written. Thoughtful story. And it's hot. Loved it.


  Review: Anonymous

  What more could a book offer? Great read and I loved the plot. Luke and Tess are a fun couple and I want more of their story. I hope this is just the first book with them, and we can follow them as their relationship develops. This book has romance, intrigue, some truly entertaining secondary characters, and plenty of spanking and hot sex. Absolutely loved it, and will be reading it again (and again…).


  Review: Laurel

  Maggie Carpenter tops herself again. Every time I read one of her books, I think there’s no way she can top this, but she does. This book has everything, romance, mysticism, coincidence, spanking and sensual sex and more. Beth had a crush on Michael for years but didn’t have the nerve to talk to him. Michael fell in love with Beth but they never met. After the purchase of an hourglass, things begin to happen. Coincidence? Maybe, read and find out.


  Review: Dimples

  What an entertaining story. The people were great, the dog fantastic. Please write a continuing story. A very happy read. Loved every page.


  Review: Love’s Kitten

  No one writes sex scenes like Maggie Carpenter! I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it so long as she keeps writing these smokin’ hot page turners! You will be drawn in by the storyline that is fast paced and imaginative, and the sex scenes will make you weep with wanting. Trust me. A MUST read, perfect for the beach or a cold, rainy day!


  Reviewer: James

  From the first word, I was spellbound by Maggie Carpenter’s wonderful tale. Her wonderful story flows beautifully and you will fall in love with her characters, because they truly come to life and lea
p off the pages! This book has everything you could want in a story: romance, an exciting plot and a handsome, dominant hero who will capture your heart. This book not only promises passion, it delivers!! A must read!


  Reviewer: Jule Kijek

  This was my first book by this author but it will NOT be my last. I liked that it was a full sized novel. Chad is a super hot cowboy looking to help out a friend. Cassie is a spoiled rich girl in desperate need of a spanking. Toss in horses, horse shows and a lovable dog named McTavish and you have a runaway hit. I just LOVED it. So worth the time and money!


  Reviewer: JoJo Bear

  I’m a Maggie Carpenter fan, and I snatched this one up as soon as I saw it. NO disappointments here. Don’t want to give any spoilers, but a naughty “good” girl gets what she deserves and so does a very naughty bad girl. Plenty of hot sex, hot spankings and lots of romance.


  Reviewer: Desiree Holt

  As one who usually reads and writes heavy BDSM books, I found Maggie Carpenter’s treatment light and refreshing. Simon, thank heavens, is NOT your usual stuffy, it’s-all-about-me billionaires, but a human with doubts and insecurities along with his self confidence. And Belle Somers, well, you just want to give her a hug. The story is entertaining but the strength is in the characters. The author makes them come alive for you and they stay with you long after you turn the last page. A fun read I recommend for anyone who wants to escape with a glass of wine and a good book.


  Reviewer Paige Matthews


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