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Billionaire Daddy & Nanny

Page 120

by Mia Ford

  I pulled in and parked in the big garage next to Dad, getting out to head into the house. He was outside on the phone, laughing and I kept going up to my room. I wasn’t feeling so good now that reality crept into my brain, the food settling at the bottom of my stomach. I was aware that I was more attracted to Payne with every moment that we spent together. I knew that I’d built this up in my head to some degree, trapped at school with fumbling boys. You’d think that since it was Harvard, I’d be among mature and intelligent people. That was true in some ways but in the bedroom, it was still awkward. I’d kissed a few people and tolerated their efforts to bring me to a climax over clothing, stopping anything further after that. I had my own fingers and a fantasy in my head that was perfection.

  It was too early for that now, barely dark and I grabbed my laptop and sat down on my bed. I pulled up my chat program, messaging some local friends about lunch tomorrow since I was going to be a working girl after that. It was just three, since so many people had moved away to places like New York and San Francisco to pursue big dreams. I’d seen that happening to me as well at some point, but I needed to be here to pursue my dream right now. I needed to be close to Dad. Everything would fall into place.

  With lunch plans set, I changed into my pajamas and went downstairs to give Dad a hug goodnight. He was on his phone, looking focused and I kissed his cheek. “Stop working. Relax.”

  “It’s a client that needs some advice,” he mumbled as I shook my head. He worked hard, sometimes too hard. He provided me with a beautiful home and life from all that work, something I’d always appreciate. I just hated seeing him always on the clock, making me wonder if I’d be happy as an assistant in law. I didn’t want to have a family down the line and always be at work.

  “Good night. Get some rest.” I knew that a family seemed like a faraway reality but being twenty-four also did once upon a time. I walked up the stairs back to my room, dropping onto the bed as I let out a slow breath. Wanting Payne the way I did, first as a curious teenager and now as a needy adult, was exhausting. I needed to figure out how to just settle for something else, a future.

  The next day was fun, filled with laughter and stories of college. The other girls had a lot steamier romance stories to share than I did, making me blush as I realized that it was all things that I wanted with Payne.

  “There had to be someone, Vie. You were at Harvard, and there are some brilliant men there.” Kim was looking at me curiously, and I laughed.

  “I was studying all of the time. Everybody was.” I shrugged. “I had a couple moments, but it wasn’t what I expected.” I’d never admit that I was a virgin in this group, so I lied a little bit. “Now is our time. We’re graduates and going on to jobs!! This is when it will happen for us.”

  We all toasted to that, and I sighed with relief. The attention was off of me, and we moved on to other topics for the next hour or two. It was great seeing everyone again because they were good friends to me a few years ago. We were all going to go places, regardless of the fact of where we lived, and I had a glimmer of hope for the future.

  I agreed to a bit of shopping after lunch and found a few more outfits for work. I grew up with money, and I could always buy what I needed, and I loved Dad for that. Like him, I still shopped for the best deal on the things that I wanted to buy, and it made my friends laugh. I went home with a smile and started a hearty salad for dinner with fresh bread since I’d eaten so much today. I knew that Dad would be hungry, though.

  I put my clothes away while the bread was baking, smiling at all my new pretties. I pulled out a black skirt and a crimson blouse that was fitted around my waist and ruffled on the top with just a hint of cleavage, placing it gently on my dresser.

  We ate as Dad asked me about the job, making me laugh. He had an assistant as well and knew my days inside and out, so I didn’t know why he bothered asking me anything. “He’s your best friend, Dad. You know how organized Payne is. He’s going to be great to work for.”

  “I know that you’ll be safe there.” I smiled at him. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. If you choose to be an assistant, that would be a good career move. I know that I work too much and always have. Once your mom left, I think I threw myself into it and left you at home too much. I am sorry for that.”

  I reached out to cover his hand with mine. “It’s okay. I know that you were trying to take care of me. We’re so close from all of it that none of that matters.”

  “We had great help back then. I am glad for that, and you’ve grown up to be a wonderful woman.” I smiled as a tear slid down my cheek. “I wish that she was here to see you.”

  “Her loss,” I said as we held hands.

  I went to bed early since work started at eight sharp. I rose early enough to shower, do my hair and makeup before I got dressed and be in the car with plenty of time to make it there. I used the same parking lot, making my way across the street and walking inside with all the other employees of the building. I stopped at the cute little cafe and ordered a coffee from the sweet red-haired girl that took my order, smiling as I walked towards the elevators.

  I went right to my floor and my desk surprised at how welcoming everybody was. I knew some of them casually just from being around a lot when I was younger but tried a little harder today since we were going to be coworkers.

  Payne’s door was open when I went to my desk to set my things down, making me glance inside to see him dressed in black slacks that fitted him perfectly, along with a crisp blue shirt and black tie. He was looking at his computer and raised his gaze to meet my eyes, making me weak in the knees.

  “Good morning,” Payne said as I walked into the room and smiled. His eyes took me in, and he licked his lips slowly. “You fit in well, Vienna.”

  “Thank you. There’s a lot of beautiful women that work in this building, so I’ll take that as a compliment.” I looked outside, towards the water where we ate dinner a couple of days ago with a smile.

  “They don’t hold a candle to you.” Payne’s words caught me off guard, and I turned my eyes to him.

  “Do you mean that?” I asked as he nodded.

  “You have grown into a beautiful woman,” Payne assured me as I blushed. “I see a lot of Melinda in you.”

  “How much does Dad hate that?” I quipped as I strolled over to the window.

  “There’s plenty of him as well. I’m sure it doesn’t bother him because you were worth all that comes with it.” Payne smiled at me, and my heart melted inside of my chest along with the apex of my thighs. Yeah, the wanting wasn’t going anywhere soon.

  “I hope so,” I replied as I headed towards my desk. “I’m going to finish those reports today for you. Let me know if you need anything, okay?” I had an arsenal of technology locked in my desk from him; including a laptop, tablet, work cell phone and extensive calendar to match to the program on the computer. I warmed up my computer and pulled out the phone, powering it up and leaving it on my desk in case Payne chose to use it.

  I met some more people in the time that it took for me to get started and turned up the volume on my phone a little more to hear my music. The blue tooth speaker that I brought from home helped and I typed away as I hummed along to the songs, trying not to think about my sexy boss behind me. His door was closed now, but he sent random emails about reservations that needed to be made and case notes to add to a file here and there. He was even magnetic during those exchanges, and I cursed myself for my crush. There was no way that this was going to end well.

  I saw us growing closer over the next few weeks, just as I expected. We worked closely together a lot with a few prominent trials, and he still had dinner at the house with us a few times a week.

  I wanted him more each week.

  Each night at dinner, it felt like we lingered longer just to talk. I was an adult now, and we talked about real things, as desire swirled all around us. At least, it did in my head. I couldn’t decide if Dad noticed, but I wasn’t about to ask, making me
appreciate the evening that we grabbed dinner alone after working late.

  We were both keyed up, and I probably drank too much wine. I’d more than proved myself at this point, throwing myself into the job as if I were the attorney. I had the workaholic blood in my veins and thrived on it, just like Payne. He was even drinking whiskey as we ate and planned, pumped up as much as I was. The flirting increased as the days got longer since I couldn’t help myself. Tonight, I was running on adrenaline and wine, and we were both feeling it when we left the steakhouse.

  “Jesus, I should have skipped the drinks. I’m glad court isn’t tomorrow,” Payne said as I giggled and looked up at the sky.

  “If it were, you would have stayed sober,” I said as he nodded and glanced towards our building.

  “Want to get an Uber and head home or keep working?” Payne asked as I tried to imagine leaving him alone tonight. “We can cut out early tomorrow and crash on the couch for a bit later if I can sleep.”

  “I’ll stay. I think I am too full of adrenaline to go to bed right now,” I knew how my voice sounded as I spoke and I felt his gaze on me.

  Payne was quiet as he led us inside the building, greeting the night guard before he pushed the button for an elevator. “You’re just like me, aren’t you?”

  “In what way?” I asked as we stepped into the car alone.

  “Driven. Determined.” He replied as the car started moving up.

  “Two peas in a pod,” I murmured as I leaned back and took a long breath. I’d worn a plum dress today, clingy in all the right places but comfortable to work late in. I wore heels to work but kicked them off inside of his office. I stepped off the car first and walked towards his door, trying to keep the pressure of my attraction from building any further. There were a few lights on in offices right now, but Payne closed his door, giving us privacy as he paced. “You seem upset.”

  “Who changed you? You went to college a sweet, beautiful girl that I needed to stop thinking about. I believed that this was done, but now you’re back…older and fucking beautiful. You know just what to wear, what to say and you’re the best assistant that I’ve ever had. I want to throw your ass out of here but I can’t.” Payne said as my eyes widened.

  “You see that?” I whispered as he nodded with a pained look in his eyes. I didn’t think that I succeeded at all some days because he kept his walls up so well much of the time.

  “I’ve watched you grow up. I’ve known you since you were little and Matt would kill me if he knew what I thought about you,” Payne admitted, showing me that all of the flirting and the hints worked. “You’re so fucking sexy, Vienna.”

  I stepped towards him as his eyes darkened. “Don’t. I’m running on adrenaline and whiskey right now. I don’t want to take this too far with you.” Payne warned me as I stared into his face. It was dim in here, lit only by the lights from outside of the window and I licked my lips.

  My inexperience flooded me as I stood right before Payne, raising my hands up to his shoulders. I was tall already, so I just leaned up slightly and met his lips with mine. It was awkward at first, but the heat between us was incredible as he stilled for a moment. Payne slipped his hands over my hips and yanked me closer as he returned the kiss, tilting his head as he teased my lips with his tongue.

  Passion surged through my veins as he took control, sweeping my eager mouth as he moved one hand around to cup my ass. This was nothing like the fumbling kisses at school or the light gropes with uncertain hands. This was a man holding me, kissing me, and making my body his property.

  I was lost in it when he pulled away, taking a deep breath, and staring into my face. “What the fuck just happened?” I heard the raw edge to his voice and knew that this was the version of Payne that I hadn’t seen before.

  He took my hand and led me to the couch in the room, telling me to sit as he watched. “That was the best kiss that I’ll ever have.”

  “How do you know that?” Payne dropped to my side and kissed me again as he gripped my face, tilting his head this time as he deepened it. I moaned into it as I was pressed back into the leather, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Somehow, I wormed my way onto his lap, feeling the hardness of him on my thigh as I pressed closer to his muscled body. Payne groaned against me as he slid his hands over my ass. He let his fingers sink in again, digging into my skin as heat flooded my thighs. He was rough and hard as he held me, making my nipples pebble painfully against the lace of my bra. My heart was beating inside of my chest as our lips met clumsily again and again.

  I jumped as his hands slid under my dress, brushing against my bare skin as he moved them over my legs. My pussy was throbbing with need as I lifted my hips to offer him access, moaning as he paused. “God, I want to touch you so badly. I'd like you bare for me,” Payne’s voice was rough as he slid his hands over my back and up to the back of my bra. “I want to fuck you.”

  I moved to lift the material over my head with shaking hands as he stared me down, taking in my curves that were covered sparingly in the lace. His gaze penetrated me as I shivered and moved my hands to cup his face. “I’m yours, Payne.”

  He crushed my lips with his as he pulled me back over him, his erection hard against the lace of my underwear. This kiss was hotter if that was possible, our moans mingling together as we kept kissing fervently. My bra came off first, as his lips moved over my jaw and down my chest hungrily. I wanted to cry with the sensation as he brushed my skin with his lips, moving towards the place that I needed him most.

  Once he had me in his mouth, I rocked against Payne slowly. I could come just from this, and I closed my eyes and pressed myself against him. Oh, God. The pressure burst, and I cried out as he bit me gently. “Fuck, Vie. Are you coming?” He asked as he held my shaking body close to calm me down.

  “It’s never felt that way. Oh, God Payne. That was amazing.” I murmured as he stroked my skin gently and kissed my face.

  “Vienna, have you slept with anybody before?” His voice was shocked, and I froze as I took a slow breath, angry with myself for babbling so much.

  There was no avoiding the truth and I raised my head to look into his eyes. “I haven’t. I didn’t want anyone at school…it’s always been you.” I watched as emotions crossed his face, sensing the end of this incredible experience. “I’ve been touched, kissed. I just haven’t let anyone inside of me.”

  “Jesus. I can’t be your first, Vienna.” My heart sank as I rolled away from him and curled up to hide my body. “This is so wrong…he’d hate me.”

  “Dad would hate both of us. This is consensual, Payne. We both want it, and we’re both adults.” I protested as I looked at him.

  “How has nobody had you? You’re beautiful,” Payne told me as I heard my body screaming for him.

  “I wanted you.”

  Payne let it sink in as I watched in tortured silence. “Me. You came back home wanting me. Was it your plan to get me, Vienna?” His voice was low and cold as I bit my lip.

  “No, not like you’re saying it. I didn’t realize that I wanted you so much until that night that I saw you at my house the day that I came back. It just built from there,” I explained as I turned towards him, revealing my body as I reached for him. “It’s just how I feel. I don’t know how to change that, and I don’t want to.” Payne told me that he wanted me as well, so why was he rejecting me?

  “I want you as well, but it’s wrong. I don’t think that once will be enough for me and you’re like family to me. I don’t know how to look Matt in the eye if we sleep together and he’s been my friend for years. He’s like a brother to me.” Payne ran his hands through his hair. “That’s what my heart is telling me, but my cock is the devil on my shoulder. I want to bury myself inside of you to hell with the consequences.”

  “I won’t say anything. This can be between us,” I suggested as I ran my hand over his legs, feeling Payne tense. “You can teach me what to do.” I moved over his cock, feeling him jerk under the material o
f his pants. He was hard, and it made me wet all over again. “I want to do everything.”

  “I haven’t done that in years, Vie. The things we could do…” His voice faded as I grasped him as he jerked up into my hand. “Fuck me. I’m going to hell.”

  I took this as permission to move forward and unzipped his pants to release him. Payne was large in girth, and I didn’t know how he would fit all the way inside of me with that length. I stroked him, watching his face as he dropped his head back and moaned, guiding me with a ragged voice. He was warm and hard in my hand, and I kept stroking him before I licked my lips. I gave one guy a blowjob at school, and it was a mess, but I was motivated this time. I was determined to please Payne and make him want more.

  I lowered my head to lick him gently as he slipped a hand into my loose hair. “Vienna,” I lifted him and slid my lips over the tip of him, moaning as I took him inch by inch. This wasn’t going to be a deep throating, not yet. This was a first time of many. I crawled over him, taking him further into my mouth as I whimpered.

  I was on him when he came into my mouth, swallowing all that I could. It was a lot, but it was Payne. I would do anything for him.

  Afterward, he told me to get on my back while he moved to the floor. Payne tugged the panties off me, taking in my glistening, bare pussy for a long moment. I thought he might like that and judging from his eyes, he did. He moved forward to lick me just on the outside as I cried out. I felt his fingers spread me open and his tongue stroke me over the hard nub that gave me so much pleasure. This was new for me, since I didn’t want anyone this intimate with me before now. Payne slipped a finger inside of me, making me groan at the tight fit as he started to suck on my clit with his tongue and teeth.


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