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A Mate for the Dragon Girl: A Valentine's Day Dragon-Shifter Romance

Page 5

by Cara Wylde

  “Stop teasing,” she said.

  “Make me.”

  She laughed and circled his neck with her arms. As her tongue sneaked into his mouth to taste herself, her legs wrapped around his hips.

  Slowly, James slid inside her. She was so wet and ready that her pussy received his cock gladly, throbbing around the length, making it hard for him to keep a steady, light pace.

  “I like it fast and hard,” she whispered against his lips.

  He looked deep into her eyes and blushed. “I’m not sure I can last much longer.”

  “I don’t care, James. Just fuck me.”

  Her sinful words went straight to his groin. He started moving faster and faster, pounding her as hard as he could. He knew his human strength would probably never be enough for her, but all he could do was his best. Something akin to pride grew in his chest when Astrid started moaning loudly, all the while chanting: “Fuck me, James. Yes, fuck me.”

  It was too much. There was no way he could do this for more than a couple of minutes when her pussy was squeezing him so eagerly, and those dirty words kept rolling off her full, wet lips. He tried to go deeper and deeper with every thrust, until she screamed and fixed him with wide eyes. He had managed to hit the right spot.

  “Oh, right there!”

  Her body started shaking under him as her orgasm took over. Her back arched, her nails dug into his flesh, most likely drawing blood. She threw her head back and squeezed her eyes shut as she screamed her release.

  With a grunt, James came deep inside her. He had never come so hard in his life. Stream after stream of hot seed filled her pussy, and he couldn’t seem to stop. His movements had become erratic, and he collapsed on top of her as the last drops of seed and energy left his body.

  They stayed like that for a long while. As much as he wanted, he didn’t have the strength to pull out of her and roll onto his side. It was fine, though. As a dragon-shifter, Astrid didn’t mind that position at all. To her, he was anything but heavy. She hugged him close to her chest as they fell asleep.


  Astrid couldn’t remember the last time she had woken up so happy and peaceful in a man’s bed. The dull ache between her legs reminded her of what she and James had done just a few hours before. She was getting wet all over again at the mere thought. She had orgasmed three times, and that said a lot about his skills.

  The only problem, however, was that the bed was empty. She stretched out and felt the softness of the sheets underneath her, but James was nowhere in sight. She wondered what time it was, and she sat up to look around her. Sunrays were pouring through the curtains, and she shielded her eyes. It was well past 7 AM. Normally, she would be up with the sun, sensing its heat and fire even in the deepest slumber. On the other hand, Astrid had no man in Norway to keep her up all night and leave her so tired that she couldn’t quite wake up in the morning.

  She got out of the bed and looked for her dress. She picked it up, studied the unflattering wrinkles on the soft material, and decided it wasn’t fit for this part of the day. She needed something more comfortable. With that in mind, Astrid went into the adjoined bathroom to wash her face and see what she could find to wear. Hanging by the shower was a bathrobe which smelled like James. She smiled and put it on.

  The moment she stepped out of the bedroom, she could hear someone whistling to the low tune of a record player. She scanned the apartment quickly, and found James’s muscled back facing her in the kitchen. He’d put on a pair of grey sweatpants, but forgone the T-shirt. Bare-chested and barefoot, he worked between the stove and the refrigerator. There was a slight bounce in his moves as he whistled with the tune. Astrid couldn’t stop herself from smirking as she stood and watched, waiting for him to turn around and see her.

  When he did, he nearly jumped three feet in the air.

  “You scared the shit out of me,” he said breathlessly.

  She giggled at hearing him curse in such a proper accent.

  “Morning,” she hummed, walking over and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a sweet, quick kiss. He melted like butter in her arms, kissing her back.

  “I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed,” he mumbled against her lips.

  “Well, that can be arranged.”

  Astrid winked at him and went back to the bedroom, leaving him dazzled and confused. He had certainly not expected that reaction from her. She settled back into the bed, keeping the robe on. It might have been sexy to shed it, but the last thing she needed was to give him an embarrassing image of her spilling food on her chest. She felt the soft fabric of the sheets against her exposed legs, and remembered how it had pressed into her completely the night before, when he had fallen asleep inside her. She never wanted to forget that feeling. She’d hazard to say she never wanted anyone else inside her body, either.

  As she waited, she took in the smell of the room and how unmistakably him it was. A mix of clean laundry, the hint of cologne, and the smell of smoked mesquite from a candle in the corner. For a dragon-shifter, smell was the strongest form of sensory memory, and she was going to hold on to this one for the rest of her life.

  It took James a couple more minutes to follow her with a tray of pancakes and toast. A small pile of bacon sat on another plate, and a fruit salad was sitting in a bowl. Breakfast was completed by two cups of steaming coffee. He had eaten what he could find while cooking, so he wasn’t hungry anymore.

  Once the tray was on her lap, Astrid realized how hungry she was. She stopped herself from wolfing everything down, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. She had made sure to behave so elegantly last night; she couldn’t ruin it by digging in too eagerly. She picked up a few grapes and popped them in her mouth, then tasted a strip of bacon.

  “I didn’t know how you like your eggs,” he said. “So, pancakes seemed like a safe bet.”

  “I will never say ‘no’ to pancakes.”

  “I imagine your breakfasts in Norway are a little different. Maybe fancier?”

  “Not much different. Eggs, bagels… A lot like what you have here. Whatever it is, it’s usually smothered in smoked salmon.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”

  Next time… So, he felt it, too. The connection, the bond they had… Or, at least, she hoped he did. She also hoped it was more than physical pleasure. They were sexuality compatible, that much was clear. She had met him only 24 hours ago, but she already wanted to know him for as long as possible. Unfortunately, for people in their positions, that wasn’t entirely an option.

  “There will be a next time, right?” he asked shyly.

  She almost giggled at the hopeful and innocent expression on his face, but didn’t want to scare him off.

  “I hope so,” she whispered. “I liked it. All of it. Dinner and talking, too.”

  James seemed to get what she meant, because he smiled warmly and pulled her in for a chaste kiss.

  Butterflies flapped their tiny wings in her stomach. Or, was it her hunger? She pulled away and took a sip of coffee. Black. Just as she liked it. A man who could guess how she took her coffee was definitely a keeper. This wasn’t just about the sex, mind-blowing as it had been. She liked talking with him, listening to him think out loud and rattle off all the things that excited him.

  “We’ll have to do breakfast your way, though. You technically owe me one,” he said.

  “I’d be happy to show you how dragon-shifters have perfected the art of breakfast in bed.”

  They talked aimlessly for a while after that: the weather, TV shows they could watch together, favorite books... It was light and perfect, one thing flowing into the next so seamlessly and effortlessly. Astrid felt like they could be good friends, not just compatible sex partners. If they both agreed to turn this into a relationship, she had no doubts it would be everything she had dreamed of. James could be that someone with whom she could do everything, from cooking, going out, and watching TV to working together to help Hari
ngton Pharmaceuticals with the cures for shifter venom.

  Astrid didn’t want to ruin the fun they were having with the question that had been eating at her since she had woken up, but she couldn’t stop herself from asking.

  “Have you ever considered using the antidote on yourself?”

  “On myself?”

  Her question threw him off guard. James set his cup down and looked at her thoughtfully, maybe a little confused.

  “Becoming a hybrid?”

  Astrid practically whispered it, because the question scared her too much. She couldn’t guess what reaction he would have. His face did betray surprise, but also that he was lost in deep thought. Maybe he had considered the possibility – what human wouldn’t? – but had never told anyone.

  “I couldn’t do it,” he said solemnly. “The cures are designed for mail-order brides only. I mean, sure, anyone could use them, but the Council closely monitors who does and for what purpose. It’s not something we can play with on a whim, otherwise all humans would want to become hybrids so they could live longer and have your incredible abilities, and then our race would be wiped out.”

  “That seems a little bureaucratic,” she said bitterly. To hide her disappointment, she turned to look out the window. It wasn’t as sunny as it had been an hour before.

  “Perhaps. But the rules are in place for good reasons. We need order, as much as we may hate having to bow to it.”

  “I think it’s dangerous to have such strict rules,” she argued.

  “Having no rules at all is even more dangerous.”

  “Was this your father’s idea?”

  Arthur Harington was the representative of the Human Faction in the Council.

  “Not particularly, but he did vote for it when the time came. If he wanted the other councilors to support his research and allow him to produce the antidotes, he had to comply to the limits imposed by them.”

  Astrid was only half listening to him. She was trying to find a loophole they could take advantage of. She didn’t want this to end so quickly. There was no chance for a future between the two of them when he would age fast while she remained youthful and vibrant.

  “But your father is a councilor,” she said, “and also the one who came up with the solution in the first place. Neither humans, nor shape-shifters would be here if it weren’t for him. Surely, there must be an exception here. I mean… in your case. You’re working so hard… You’d be of much more use to us all if you stayed young and healthy, and lived for hundreds of years instead of… 70 or 80.”

  He gave her a small, sad smile. Astrid knew what was coming next. He was too noble for his own good. Too honest.

  “It wouldn’t be fair to take advantage of my position like that,” he said. “I don’t know if I’d be able to live with myself. Flying with you last night was exhilarating. But to chase the feelings, the excitement, the long lifespan, the health and physical strength… it would be wrong and unfair to all the other humans.”

  James was righteous to a fault and, as annoyed as she was, Astrid had to admire his sentiment and commitment. Still, her heart ached at the idea that even if they pursued a serious relationship, it would end in a blink of an eye for her. She was very old, but she still had hundreds of years ahead of her.

  “Could you live with yourself if you never gave us a chance?”

  There. It was out. The real reason why she was asking him to become a hybrid. It wasn’t because Harington Pharmaceuticals would profit from having him as its leader for centuries to come, but because she wanted him to be her mate.

  James smiled at the realization. He was surprised, humbled, and totally in love with her and her soul at the same time. Still, it wasn’t that easy.

  “Would you want me if I did something so completely against my own morals?” he asked.

  “What if you did it to become my mate? Would the Council have anything against that?”

  James paused. Up until then, they hadn’t openly talked about why becoming a hybrid would have its benefits. They also hadn’t really discussed the trajectory of their own relationship. There had been hints, but nothing as straightforward as her question. This was a new step for him. A huge one. He felt like his future depended on his decision. He thought about it. Would the Council of the Six Factions truly have anything against him if he wanted to become the mate of a dragon-shifter? Probably not. After all, female shifters deserved mates even if they were unable to have children, and no one said those mates couldn’t be chosen from amongst the humans. It was only fair for a shifter’s mate to have the same lifespan as her partner. Why would it be any different for men?

  Astrid was sure they were both thinking along the same lines. His eyes seemed to slowly light up with a spark of hope. She had made a good point, and he knew it.

  “If that were the case,” he said carefully, “I don’t think the Council would oppose our decision. Even if we have to defend it at some point, I believe my father and your Alpha would be on our side, right?”

  “We could definitely do this,” she said, excitement evident in her voice. Her heart was pounding harder at the thought that they might have found a viable solution.

  “Let’s… not rush into it. Maybe I should talk to my father first, get his opinion as a Councilor.”

  James didn’t need his father’s approval, but he did need his insight when it came to matters of politics. The last thing he wanted was to cause trouble that might endanger the peace between humans and shape-shifters.


  Later that day, Astrid decided to go back to the hotel and contact Eric and Viggo. She needed their answer in regards to the funds for Harington Pharmaceuticals, and she also needed some time to put her thoughts in order. She canceled her flight back to Norway, thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend more time in London. She and James had decided to date for another week and see how they got along. They could make the final decision at the end of the week, and go through with their plan if they still felt it was the right choice for the both of them.

  They met every day for lunch and dinner. They took long walks in the park when James’s work schedule allowed him to take a few hours off, but they decided it was better to part in the evening and not spend the night together. They wanted to see if there was more between them, more than sexual attraction. It was hard. They could barely contain themselves when James dropped her off at the hotel and placed a small kiss on her lips. Each time, she fought the urge to drag him up to her room and have her way with him.

  When Sunday came, they were both excited to spend the whole day together. James took her to the History Museum, then they had dinner at a fancy, expensive restaurant.

  “How was work this week?” Astrid asked as she sipped her wine.

  “Busy, thankfully.”

  He gave her a mischievous smile, and she could imagine him pacing his office and struggling to focus on his work when all he wanted was to be with her. She liked the feeling of contentment and safety that image gave her.

  “Eric got back to me about the funds you need.”

  He leaned in to listen to her more carefully. “And?”

  “It’s a ‘yes’ to the sum you’re asking for.”

  James sighed in relief. He had done well. His father would be happy to find out they now had the financial resources to start working on the new experiments. He needed this win if he wanted the Councilor to support him and Astrid when the time came. He had talked to him about it, but Arthur Harington hadn’t been able to give him a straight answer. Eventually, he had told his son they would figure it out in case it happened, in case James decided he really wanted to become a hybrid so he could be his dragon girlfriend’s eternal mate.

  “Thank you,” he said with a grateful smile. “I don’t think this would have been possible without you here. I’m no good at negotiations. Though, I must say: you’re just as intimidating as your Alpha and Beta. This whole thing was like a test to me.”

  She laughed at that.

��That’s my aim. The only way to be a successful woman is to strike fear into the hearts of people.”

  James laughed, and they switched back to comfortable silence and small talk. Their sexual tension had been shortly diffused by business, but once that was out of the way, they couldn’t finish their meal and wine fast enough. Astrid had no intention to spend the night in her hotel room like she had done all week. They had chosen to have dinner in a secluded booth. The mood was perfect, and no one could see the kisses and touches they exchanged, turning each other on with each passing minute. Eventually, it all became too much to handle, and they asked for the bill. James called for a cab, and half an hour later, they were in his apartment.

  They peeled off each other’s clothes without tease or preamble. There was a time for foreplay, and there was a time for absolute connection.

  Astrid needed to feel him all over her, touching and devouring her entire body. She got rid of his pants and boxers, quickly going for the growing erection between his strong thighs. He moaned at her touch, and she took advantage of it by slipping her tongue inside his mouth.

  “I missed you,” he whispered into her neck once they broke the kiss. He proceeded to kiss and bite the sensitive skin there.

  She shuddered, more at his words than at the attention he was currently giving to her collarbone, making his way down to her breasts.

  “You saw me every day.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  She knew, of course, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t make him say it out loud.

  “Do you still want this?” she asked.

  James pulled back to look into her golden eyes. They were both naked, standing by the edge of the bed, ready to fall onto it and connect their bodies like they had done the first day they had met. But what she was asking was more serious than anything. She was asking him if he still wanted to become a hybrid.


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