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Personal Best

Page 5

by Sean Michael

“A New Year’s baby, too cool.” Mike leaned in, rubbed their noses together.

  He chuckled and moved their lips together, breathing in Mike’s scent, sliding his tongue into Mike’s mouth for a taste. He got a happy little purr, Mike cuddling into him, warm and close.

  He found the covers and tugged them up, snuggling with Mike, roaming over his hands Mike’s skin as they kissed. He knew these curves and dips, knew every part of Mike’s body by sight—the kid was his swimmer—but now he was learning it by touch.

  “Oh, your hands. Wow.” Mike shivered, moving nice and slow, rubbing.

  “You’ve been fond of them from the start.” And it made him feel warm inside, like it had from the beginning.

  “They’ve been hot as all get-out from the start.”

  He purred, sliding one down to stroke Mike’s cock. “Speaking of hot….”

  “Oh….” Mike blinked, took a deep breath. “Yeah.”

  Oh, yeah, he’d forgotten the amazing recovery time of the young. He let his thumb slide across the top of Mike’s cock, dragging and pressing in as it passed.

  “Jessy….” Mike’s shoulders left the mattress, eyes huge.

  “Yeah, baby?” He nuzzled against Mike’s cheek and neck, moving his hand, continuing to work his thumb into Mike’s tip.

  “I. Oh. Oh. That’s. Huge.”

  “Yeah, you’re not bad, kid.” He winked and then hid his grin in Mike’s neck.

  “Just not bad?” Mike reached down, pinched his ass.

  His chuckle had a bit of a squeak in it. “Not bad at all.”

  “How about good?” Another pinch, a little chuckle.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t tasted it yet.” God, the kid was cute when he pushed.

  And the needy little peep?


  He moved down Mike’s body. Lucky for him, he knew the kid was clean. Sometimes there were advantages to regular blood tests for the sponsors.

  “Jessy. Oh. Oh, I—” Mike’s amazing abs jumped and jerked.

  He spent some time there, licking and tasting, nibbling at the shifting muscles. Teasing. Mike knew where he was ultimately headed. Mike relaxed, twisting a little, body begging.

  Moaning softly, he slid his tongue along the side of Mike’s cock. Fuck, it was hot and felt like silk.

  “Oh. Oh, Jess. Soft. Your tongue’s so soft.”

  “And you’re like liquid silk.” He kept licking, loving the taste under his tongue, the hardness beneath that silk.

  “That makes me shiver inside, when you say that.” Mike’s whisper was so quiet.

  “That’s a good thing.” He made sure he purred the moniker this time, nipped at the tip of Mike’s cock.

  “Oh….” Mike rippled, arching for him, so fucking responsive.

  “Sweet.” He licked at the tip of Mike’s cock, gathering the hot drops that formed there.

  Mike gasped, cock jerking, balls drawing up tight. He figured he’d better get his mouth around the kid’s prick sooner rather than later if he was going to catch the main event, so he wrapped his lips around the tip and leisurely went down on Mike.

  The moan that split the air was sweet as anything, the way Mike’s long thighs shook sweeter still. He hummed, going all the way down, swallowing around the tip of Mike’s cock. It felt fucking fine inside his mouth, hot and salty and good.

  It didn’t take long, the cries filling the air, Mike arching and shooting into his mouth. He kept sucking, sliding his hand along Mike’s balls. Mike tasted good, male and sweet and salt, the barest bit bitter.

  Jessy finally pulled off and gently trailed up to Mike’s mouth, sharing the kid’s own flavor with him. Mike watched him with stunned eyes, their lips clinging together.

  Jessy settled back next to Mike, stroking his sweet belly.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He kissed Mike again. “Anytime. Well. As long as it isn’t within a week of a meet.”

  Mike chuckled. “I’ll just have to jack off and remember. Lots.”

  He growled softly. “Jacking off is still sex.”

  “Oh, now. A guy can’t go without tugging off.” Mike cuddled, almost purring.

  “You can sure as hell try.” He smiled suddenly. “And now, I’ll know too.”

  “I’m sneaky.” Mike licked his lips.

  He laughed. “Thanks for the tip.”

  “You saved my birthday. It had been going downhill fast.”

  “Oh, we couldn’t have that.” He nuzzled Mike’s neck again. “You smell good.”

  “Mmm…. That feels good.”

  He ran his tongue over Mike’s skin, taking the flavor of Mike into himself. He had that taste locked in now, would recognize it anywhere. “You’re a sensual boy, aren’t you?”

  “Am I? I just like the way you make me feel.”

  He nodded. “It was a compliment, Mike. Just nod and say ‘yes, sir.’”

  Mike nodded. “Yes, Jess.”

  Laughing, he nibbled at Mike’s ear. “That’ll do.”

  Mike’s laughter was low, sensual, and unconsciously sexy.

  His cock throbbed and went from half-hard to seriously interested. And he wasn’t a young man—testament to Mike’s sex appeal. Thank God he didn’t have to fight it anymore.

  Mike’s hand dropped down, fingers stroking and petting his prick.

  Groaning, he pushed into the touch. “Damn, Mike. You’re inspiring.”

  “I try.” Mike watched, eyes warm, curious.

  “Feels good. Don’t stop.”

  He let his own hands wander, going back to see if Mike’s nipples were still as sensitive as they’d been to start with, see if stroking Mike’s belly still made it ripple. Mike’s cheek ended up on his shoulder, arms protecting those sensitive little nipples.

  He chuckled, the sound turning into a moan as Mike’s thumb brushed the tip of his cock. “You know that makes them more tempting, don’t you?”

  “They… I didn’t think they were supposed to feel so much.”

  “Has no one ever touched them, Mike?” he asked, suddenly wondering how experienced the kid was.

  “Not really.” Mike met his eyes, pinking a little. “Seemed sort of a girly thing, you know? And the couple of guys I dated were… well, they had girls on the side, you know?”

  He growled a little, pissed off on Mike’s behalf. The kid deserved someone full-time, someone who cared and wanted to make Mike fly. “So you just jacked each other off, or what?” He worked his fingers beneath Mike’s arm, sliding across the hard little nubs.

  Mike twisted, slid against him, hand tightening. “Yeah, pretty much. I’ve sucked a couple times.”

  “I bet you’re great at sucking,” he murmured. “Awesome breath control.”

  Mike blushed dark. “I did it under water once. Wicked.”

  A shudder went through him. “Oh, I bet. Damn.”

  He met Mike’s mouth, rolling on top of Mike, pushing into the warm hand that held his cock. Mike groaned, opened right up, purring for him, hand pumping. He wrapped his own hand around Mike’s prick, returning the favor, plunging his tongue into the sweetness of Mike’s mouth.

  So eager, so hard again, driving into his hand.

  He wondered for a second if this was going to tire the kid out, but then nothing mattered but driving his cock through Mike’s hand, feeling that long prick slide against his own palm and the taste as he plundered Mike’s mouth. Mike lasted longer this time, pushing, moaning into his lips.

  It was good; bodies working together toward the same goal, it was more than good. He moved them faster, the pleasure making his balls draw up tight against his body. Mike squeezed tight, insisting, so good.

  He cried out, the sound muffled by Mike’s mouth, spunk flying from his prick, the push through Mike’s hand suddenly easy and smooth. Mike tumbled right after, entire body shaking, slumping to the mattress.

  He let Mike take his weight as he caught his breath and then slid to the side, utterly wrung out. He
lay on his back and tugged Mike over, head on his shoulder. It felt good to hold a lover again. Good to hold this lover for the first time.

  Mike cuddled in, already sound asleep, no fussing, no tossing, just gone.

  He smiled, maybe even purred a little with satisfaction.

  There were a lot of reasons why this was a bad idea, starting with him being the coach and Mike being his swimmer. There was only one compelling reason why it wasn’t a bad idea, but it kind of trumped everything else.

  It felt right.

  MIKE WOKE up in the guest room with Jessy stretched beside him. It was still dark when he slipped out of the bed to pee.

  Oh. Oh, man.




  He pissed and took four aspirin and a hot shower before heading down to the pool for his middle-of-the-night swim, which took the place of his before-breakfast swim.

  The water was cold, and man, his abs and groin were pissed at having to move—well, they were going to have to. He wasn’t having Coach say he couldn’t handle shit.

  He had no clue how long he’d been out, though he’d put in his fifty laps of all his strokes and was just going, working the kinks out of his muscles, when a long body dove through the water and slid next to him.

  Oh. Oops.

  He kept going, moving nice and steady. Coach hadn’t told him he couldn’t swim at night.

  Not yet.

  They swam a few lengths together before Coach’s hand slid along his back, and they stopped at the end of the pool, hanging off the edge.

  “You do this often?”

  He nodded. “When I wake up at night.”

  Coach didn’t look overly happy. “You need your sleep, Mike.”

  “I don’t sleep sound a lot.” He stretched, twisting.

  Coach shook his head. “Four orgasms and you don’t sleep through the night. You’re something else.”

  He winked. “I had to pee.”

  That had Coach laughing, sliding one hand on his shoulder. “Come back to bed, Mike. Let me give you a reason to stay there.”

  He nodded, brushing up against Jessy and hugging him before sliding out of the pool, shivering in the wind.

  “Want a shower to warm up first?” Jessy asked, hurrying him inside.

  “T… took one before I went out.” Mike grinned at Jessy and winked again. “How many a day am I allowed?”

  “That depends on how you feel about making love in the shower.” Jessy’s blue eyes were trained on him, looking into him and full of heat.

  “Oh, I bet I’m way in favor of it.”

  “Let’s go find out.” Jessy grabbed his hand and tugged gently, pulled him up the stairs and into the bathroom in the master suite.

  Jessy’s bathroom was warm, done in dark blues and greens, with a huge tub. It felt real, homey, comfortable. Jessy turned on the water and tugged him into the spray, closing the shower curtain and enclosing them in a warm, dark place.

  “Oh….” He cuddled in, the happy sound that escaped him echoing.

  Jessy hummed, hands sliding over him, slick with soap, cleaning him. Oh, that was like magic. He purred, rubbing them together, the steam and the dark making everything so erotic.

  “See? You’re a sensualist.” Jessy’s voice was low, quiet, thrumming through him.

  “Uh-huh.” Like he was going to argue when everything felt so good.

  Jessy’s fingers slid over his ass, tips teasing along his crease as their fronts rubbed together, hard cock on hard cock. His nerves, still so awake, so sensitive, made him jerk, shiver.

  That made Jessy moan. “So sexy. You make me want like nothing ever.”



  He lifted his face for a kiss. Please.

  Jessy gave it to him, mouth dropping onto his, tongue pushing in, want clear and sure. He opened wide, let Jessy have him, let Jessy in. Jessy’s finger slid inside his ass, movement echoing Jessy’s tongue. His breath caught in his chest, nerves awake and so easily aroused. A soft sound of pleasure filled the shower, Jessy moaning or whimpering.

  Oh, he did like making love in the shower. Hell, yes.

  Jessy rubbed against him, their cocks sliding together.

  Jessy was hot, slick. Wet. Perfect. “So good.”

  “Yeah.” Jessy made another noise and rubbed hard, searching for his nipples as the kisses grew deeper.

  Mike gasped, going up on his toes for a second. “Oh!”

  “Oh, yeah, love how sensitive you are.” Jessy tweaked one nipple and tugged gently on the other, working that finger faster inside him.

  “Gonna. Gonna come again. Oh. Damn.”

  “That’s the idea.” Jessy growled and rubbed harder, faster, their cocks sliding together so hot and hard and good.

  He bucked, coming hard, his cry loud and happy.

  Jessy groaned. “Baby….” Then heat splashed against his belly, soon taken away by the water as Jessy stilled against him.

  Oh, wow. He leaned in, breathing hard. Wow.

  Jessy’s finger slid out of him, the strong arms wrapped around him. “Come to bed with me, Mike?”

  He nodded, cuddling right in like he belonged there. “Yes, please.”


  Jessy turned off the shower and wrapped him in a towel, took one for himself, and in no time they were lying on Jessy’s big king-size bed.

  “Wake me if you’re up before seven.”

  He curled close and yawned, settling in. “Will. Night.”

  “Night, baby,” murmured Jessy.

  The beat of Jessy’s heart was steady, solid, and it sent him right to sleep, quiet and still.

  Chapter Four

  JESSY MADE avocado and bean sprout sandwiches on twelve-grain bread for lunch. There was apple juice and Evian water already on the counter. Evian wanted to sponsor Mike, and they’d sent over a couple dozen boxes worth of bottles. There were worse companies to be associated with.

  Mike was finishing up his laps and had a free afternoon scheduled, and Jessy was hoping they could spend it together. Watching movies, going for a spin on Mike’s Bonzo… making love some more. Christ, he felt like a teenager.

  Mike bounced up the stairs, all smiles, hair sticking up all over. “Oooh. Sandwiches. I’m starving! Can we have tomato on them too?”

  He tried not to be obvious as he looked Mike over. “Sure thing.”

  He bent and pulled a tomato out of the crisper. He heard Mike’s chuckle about a second before Mike’s hands landed on his ass. He pushed back into Mike’s touch. Well, maybe he could be obvious after all.

  “Mmm. Pretty.” Mike leaned down, kissed the small of his back. “Is there hummus for ’em too, Coach? Breakfast didn’t stick to my ribs today.”

  He stood, frowning. “You threw up?” He pulled the hummus out of the door and took a couple tortillas to warm up for dipping.

  “Huh? Nope.” He got a smile and a kiss. “Just really hungry. Stomach was growling that last fifty.”

  “All the extra activity,” he suggested with a wink.

  “You know it.” Mike wiggled for him, grinning ear to ear. “Hell of a new workout.”

  Jessy couldn’t help smiling back, responding to that happy look. “You’ve got a free afternoon.”

  “I do. You do too?” Mike sliced up the tomato, adding it and a huge spoonful of hummus to his sandwich.

  He nodded. “I’m pretty much free when you are. Makes it easier.”

  “Cool.” Mike dug in, eyes shining over at him. “We could go to the movies. Go shoot pool.” The grin widened. “Stay home and make love….”

  He smiled back, putting another slice of avocado into his own sandwich. “I could go for any of those. You got a preference?” Look at him, all casual like he didn’t want to jump the kid’s bones right there, right now.

  “Well, duh.” Mike chuckled. “I mean, movies and pool are cool, Jessy, but way not you.”

  He beamed, pleased as punch. “You make an old man f
eel good, Mike.”

  “You’re not old. Eat before the green stuff gets slimy.”

  He started eating. He sure didn’t feel old around Mike.

  Mike ate heartily, chattering idly as two and a half sandwiches disappeared. He wolfed his own down, less because he was hungry than because he wanted to be done with lunch, wanted to get on with their afternoon off.

  “So. What do you want to do?” Mike took his plate, rinsed both of them off, and shoved them in the dishwasher.

  “I imagine the same thing you do.” Was that his voice? All growls and want?

  “Oh. Yeah. I meant more sort of where, yeah?” Mike was panting.

  “Anywhere. Your bed, my bed, the kitchen floor.”

  “Your bed. It’s soft.” Those eyes twinkled. “And it smells like you.”

  Bam. There went his cock. “Christ, kid. You say stuff like that and I will take you on the floor.”

  “It’s true.” Mike stayed just out of his reach. “It’s so good. Rich and strong and…. Wow.”

  He started to stalk the kid, letting Mike stay ahead of him, leading them upstairs. Mike was playing, teasing, shaking it for him. He’d be damned if he’d had this much fun in ages.

  He grabbed for that fine ass as they crossed the threshold to his room. Mike squeaked, shivering for him, pressing back into his hands.

  “You make me want, baby.”

  “I do? Just me?” Mike’s brown eyes looked back at him, wanton, warm.

  “Just you.” He kissed Mike hard, gazing into Mike’s eyes.

  Mike groaned, eyes wide. One hand reached back, cupping his jaw, deepening the kiss. He moaned into it, pressing against Mike. Wanting so hard. Mike turned, sliding against him, hard long cock rubbing his thigh. He walked Mike back toward the bed, devouring the sweet mouth.

  “Want you. Really, really.” Mike tugged his shirt up, fingers sliding over his skin.

  “I know the feeling.” He didn’t have much to do to get Mike naked, just push the swimming trunks down and he had warm, naked flesh in his hands.

  Mike pressed against him, holding on tight, little nipples hard against his chest.

  “So sexy.” He slid his hands over Mike, moving one between them to play with the sensitive nipples, to tweak and tease.

  “Mmm… no touching. They’re so sensitive….”


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