Book Read Free

Personal Best

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  He chuckled. “That’s hardly going to make me want to stop.”

  Mike covered Jessy’s pretty nipples with his fingers. “No touching.”

  He pouted. “Maybe I should tie you down and then I can touch them as much as I want.”

  Mike’s cock jerked. “T-that’s a cute pout.”

  “Yeah? Maybe I should use it on your nipples.” He filed away Mike’s reaction to his suggestion that he tie Mike up as he bent his head and licked at one hard little point.

  “Oh. Oh.” Mike moaned, fingers tangling in his hair.

  He wrapped his lips around Mike’s nipple and tugged, sliding his hands around Mike’s waist and holding on to the long body. Mike shivered, cock leaking against him.

  “Bed,” he growled, pushing gently.

  “Uh-huh.” Fuck, the kid was pure sex.

  He pulled off his jeans and climbed up onto the bed, going to town on Mike’s nipples, licking and sucking and moaning. Mike pressed closer, then twisted away when things got too intense. He licked the closest flesh he was left with, Mike’s side, below his ribs.

  Mike giggled, squeaked. Laughing, Jessy tickled with his chin, loving the happy sounds.

  He shifted to Mike’s sweet belly, tracing the six-pack with his tongue, sliding through Mike’s navel.

  “Mmm… so warm. So soft.” Mike’s chuckles turned to moans.

  “And hot,” he murmured, turning his head to rub his cheek against Mike’s cock, its heat like a fire.

  “Uh-huh….” Mike spread his thighs, so long, so open.

  He settled between them, licking at Mike’s belly, cock, balls, taking his time exploring. Mike, as impatient in this as in everything, moved restlessly, moaning for him. He slid his hand up, playing with those sweet little nipples to distract Mike.

  “Oh. Jess. That. Uh. Oh.”

  He chuckled and took one of Mike’s balls into his mouth, sucking vigorously. Mike’s shoulders left the pillows, those dark eyes huge. He hummed around the sweet nut in his mouth and carefully released it to give the other one the same treatment.

  “Oh. Jess. I. That’s huge.” Mike shook, gasped. “Huge.”

  He hummed again, sliding his fingers over Mike’s skin as he sucked.

  Mike pulled away, gasping. “Damn. Oh, damn. You’re something else.”

  “Where are you going?” he asked, thinking that the tying-the-kid-down thing was looking more and more like a good option.

  “It’s… I mean, you. Your mouth. Damn.”

  “Christ, you’re cute when you’re incoherent.” He shifted, taking Mike’s cock into his mouth, going all the way down on it to simply hear the reaction.

  “Jess!” Mike pushed up, ass bouncing on the bed.

  He chuckled and put a hand on each of Mike’s hips, pressing the kid back down into the mattress as his head started bobbing over the long cock. Mike met each thrust, body pushing, stomach gone tight.

  He slid one finger into his mouth along with Mike’s cock, slicking it up a little. Mike’s head fell back, throat working. He let his finger slide out and teased the hot little hole, grunting a bit when Mike bore down and swallowed his finger up. Fuck, that eagerness was heady, addictive.

  “So good. Shit. Jessy. So good. Don’t stop.” Mike squeezed his finger, cock throbbing.

  Stop? Hell, no, that was not the plan. He sucked all the harder on Mike’s cock, pushed into the tight heat faster. There would be no stopping until Mike came.

  Mike groaned, arched, spunk filling Jessy’s mouth just like that, hot and strong. He swallowed around Mike’s cock, even after his mouth was empty of everything except Mike’s cock, making Mike shiver and shudder, ripple with aftershocks.

  “Uhn.” Mike groaned, slumping onto the bed.

  He let go of Mike’s cock and worked his way up Mike’s body, leaving soft, sucking kisses as he went. When he was finally at Mike’s mouth, he licked at the red lips and then slid his tongue in between them.

  “So good to me.” Mike purred, opening, sliding his hands down Jessy’s sides.

  “You’re easy to be good to.” He smiled down at Mike, loving that he could give Mike all this for the first time.

  “Yeah? Cool.” Mike slid kisses down his throat.

  “Yeah. Mmm… feels good, Mike. Real good.”

  Mike moaned, licking and lapping, drawing lazy circles with his tongue. Jessy shivered, stroking Mike’s skin, his cock rock-hard. Mike was so giving, so willing to reciprocate, making him feel so good.

  “It’s good,” he murmured, encouraging the sweet licks.

  “You taste good. Hot.” He was petted and stroked, nuzzled and tasted, Mike curious and wanton.

  “Taste all you want. Feels fucking good.” He was pushing into Mike’s touches, flying on the sensations.

  Mike reached Jessy’s nipple, fastening his lips around it, tugging, sucking.

  “Oh, baby, don’t stop.” He pushed his body toward Mike, sliding his cock along that fine belly.

  Mike hummed, sucking hard, hands sliding down to stroke his cock.

  “Yeah. Oh, yeah.” He pushed into Mike’s hold, on fire.

  Sweet and steady, Mike drove him higher and higher, the innocent, curious touches maddening.

  “Gonna make me come.” It wasn’t really a warning or a plea, just him letting Mike know.

  “Oh, good. Can I taste?”

  “Oh, God.” Shit. He knew he was clean. “I’m clean, Mike. But taking a man’s word for it in the middle of fucking isn’t the best idea.”

  Mike’s brown eyes were so earnest. “You’re not just a man, Jessy.”

  Oh, fuck, if he didn’t know how innocent the kid was, he’d think it was a line. “Then, yeah. You can taste. Please.”

  “Mmm….” Mike’s mouth dropped down, lips circling the head of his cock and sucking, tongue sliding around the tip.

  “Oh, fuck!” He managed to keep himself from bucking, from shoving deep, but fuck, it had been so long and Mike’s mouth felt so damned good.

  He whimpered, dropping his hands to slide through Mike’s hair. Oh, Mike hummed, sucking and purring, wanting him, pulling at him. He shuddered, balls tightening up, cock going even harder as he prepared to shoot. He didn’t want to, not yet, but it was too damned good.

  “Mike… gonna!” With a cry he came, body shaking.

  Mike licked and groaned, taking what he could and lapping the spillover away.

  “Baby, that was something special.” He stroked Mike’s cheeks, smiling down into Mike’s sweet brown eyes.

  Mike hummed, nuzzling into his touch.

  “Come give me a kiss,” he murmured, wanting to taste himself on the kid’s lips.

  Mike pushed up into his arms, smiling as they pressed together. He groaned at the taste of his own come on Mike’s lips, sliding his hand down to Mike’s waist, tugging their hips together. Mike snuggled right in, cock half-hard again, heavy against him. He chuckled softly, slipping his hand down to brush by it.

  “Oh….” Mike moaned, breath tickling his jaw.

  “Mmm… gotta love that recovery time.” He stroked again, teasing gently.

  A soft chuckle sounded, Mike’s cheek heating. “You’re inspiring.”

  He bit back his laughter. “And you’re nineteen.”

  “Yep.” And just a pup, all bright-eyed and eager to please.

  He brought their mouths together again, sliding his fingertips across the head of Mike’s cock, letting one linger and press into the slit. Mike peeped, pulling his hips away, then pressing close.

  “Oh, yeah, do that again.” Mike buried his hot face against Jessy’s shoulder, hips jerking again.

  So fucking sweet, so hot. He wrapped his hand around Mike’s hot cock, sliding it up and down.

  “Make me want. Over and over.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Made him feel like a fucking stud.

  “Yeah? Yeah. Yeah.” Mike’s dark eyes shone at him.

  “Yeah.” He leaned in, licking gently at Mike’s lips,
almost teasing as his hand did anything but tease.

  Mike was shaking, panting, not holding anything back. He rolled Mike beneath him, working hard with his hand.

  “Jess!” Mike nodded, swallowing hard. “Yes.”

  “You like that, don’t you? Like it when I hold you down.”

  Mike’s thin cheeks turned a deep red. “I….”

  “Yeah, you love it.” He grabbed one of Mike’s hands in his, pulling it up over Mike’s head. Mike tugged, arched, rubbing against him. Fuck, that was sexy, Mike tugging to get away from him, sweet body rubbing hard.

  “Jess….” Oh, yeah. Desperate. Needy.

  “Right here, baby. Right here.” He squeezed Mike’s cock, pressing his thumb into Mike’s slit.

  “Gonna. Oh. Oh, Jess. Don’t stop.”

  “Not stopping.” He pushed Mike down with his body, working Mike’s long cock.

  Mike came with a sharp cry, twisting his wrists in Jessy’s hands, heat spraying between them.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured and licked at Mike’s mouth, then slid his lips down along Mike’s arched neck. “Just beautiful.”

  Mike moaned, relaxing beneath him, purring. He let go of Mike’s wrists and slid his hands down the long arms, face buried in the warm neck.

  He was starting to get used to this.


  His body knew what he was doing.

  His mind? Somewhere else.

  It flicked from biology class—still passing, barely—to Jessy’s hands holding his wrists, to the next meet, to the fact that he wanted mashed potatoes, to the fact that Thanksgiving was coming.

  Thanksgiving. He wondered if Jessy was going to Houston.

  If Jessy did? He’d order pizza and monster movies and a case of Dr Pepper.

  Jessy’s shadow fell over the pool.

  Maybe two cases. He stopped at the edge and smiled up. “Hey, Coach.”

  “Hey, Mike. You’re looking good this morning. How’s it feel?”

  “The water? Wet.” He pushed off the wall and moving lazily.

  Jessy laughed and shook his head. “I meant your body and the swimming, smartass.”

  “The swimming is good. The body?” He dove deep, staying down until his lungs screamed and popped back up, gasping. “All good.”

  Jessy checked his watch. “Eh. Not bad.” He got a wink.

  “Bitch.” He was way better than not bad.

  Jessy chuckled. “You about done?”

  “Yep. All lapped.”

  That earned him a radiant, amazing smile. “Great. Wanna come upstairs?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He swam over to the coping, holding that hot gaze. “Please.”

  “I thought we’d try something new.”

  He let Jessy help him out. “New?”

  “Well, you liked when I held you down well enough. I thought maybe we’d make it more. I’ve got some leather cuffs….” Jessy said it casually, like he was saying “nice weather we’re having, isn’t it?”

  “Leather?” He blinked, stomach going tight, cock jumping. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” Jessy’s blue eyes had gone hot and Jessy gave him a long, slow once-over. “Really.”

  “Oh.” He shivered, cock filling his trunks.

  “You like the sound of that. I like it too. Especially when simply talking about it makes you hot.”

  Mike pinked, ducked his head. “I…. Yeah.”

  Jessy chuckled, the sound husky. “Come on. Let’s go tie you up.”

  “I…. Okay.” He slid his hand into Jessy’s, not really nervous, just… holding on.

  Jessy tugged him up against that rangy body, bringing their mouths together in a kiss that started easy and grew hot.

  Oh. Okay. Yum. He melted, moaning happily.

  Jessy eventually let him go and tugged him inside and up the stairs. “The bed in the spare room has the right kind of headboard for cuffs.”

  “Perv.” He chuckled, following right behind, nerves firing madly.

  Jessy stopped suddenly, hand on his cheek, looking right into his eyes. “If you don’t want to do this, for any reason, you say so, okay?”

  He nodded, smiled. Like Jessy’d hurt him. Ever. “Okay.”

  Jessy grinned suddenly. “Okay. Of course that means you’re a perv too.”

  “Only a junior-level perv….”

  “Oh, not for long. You’re a natural.” Jessy slid his hand along Mike’s body to tweak a nipple.

  He gasped, pulled away. “No touching.”

  “No touching? That’s going to make making love to you very difficult.” Jessy’s eyes were twinkling.

  He chuckled, hid his nipples with his fingers. “I meant these.”

  Jessy laughed. “Oh, let’s get upstairs; I can’t wait until you can’t do that anymore.”

  Mike grabbed Jessy’s hand, both of them hard and eager, laughing together.

  Jessy led him into the spare room and nodded at the dresser table where two leather cuffs with attachments for the headboard were sitting.

  “Wow. They’re big.” Mike walked over, held them up. “They’d be hard to break.”

  “That’s kind of the idea, Mike.” Jessy stood behind him, head on his shoulder, fingers tracing the edges of the cuffs. “They’ll bite a bit if you really tug on them.”

  “You’d let me out if I really wanted out.” It wasn’t a question at all.

  And Jessy didn’t hesitate to answer it anyway. “Absolutely.”

  “Yeah.” He handed Jessy the cuffs, watched how they were fastened to the headboard.

  Jessy kissed him gently, tongue sliding through his mouth. “Go on. Lie on your back and I’ll get them on you.”

  “Okay.” He shivered, slipped off his trunks, and laid back. “It’s okay to be nervous?”

  Jessy nodded. “Sure. Long as you talk to me. What’s got you nervous?”

  “I…. Well, it could be less good than my fantasies, yeah? Which screws up the jackoffability of them. I could love it and you think I’m a perv….”

  “I thought we’d already agreed you were a perv.” Jessy smiled down at him, hands sliding along his arms, massaging them all the way to his wrists, not making any attempts to put him into the cuffs yet. “You’ve been jacking off to fantasies of me tying you up?”

  “Maybe. Sometimes. Yeah.” He blushed dark. He had lots of fantasies.

  Jessy made a noise that was part moan, part purr. “Since I held you down the other night or before?”

  “Before.” God, how embarrassing.

  Jessy moaned again, sliding his hand to cuff one of Mike’s wrists. “Tell me about one.” Jessy took his other hand, and stretched it up to the second cuff.

  “Jessy…. They’re fantasies.”

  “And they sound fucking hot. Not to mention maybe I can make some of ’em come true.” Jessy’s blue eyes stared down into his own.

  “I… I think about you sometimes, holding me down, touching me, knowing I have to just feel….” God, he felt exposed.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s what it’s all about.” Jessy bent and kissed him, mouth hot and hard.

  He groaned, arching up into Jessy’s heat. “Yeah….”

  Jessy’s hands slid from his wrists down his arms, moving inward to tease his nipples. “You’re at my mercy now, baby.”

  He tried to pull his arms down to protect the sensitive bits of flesh. Jessy grinned evilly at Mike, bent, and closed his lips over one nipple, tugging on it.

  “Oh.” He rocked up into the touch, moaning low, digging his heels into the mattress.

  Jessy moaned around his nipple, hand sliding down to pull at his cock. Fuck, he was ready and so fast too. Hungry and hard and close.

  Jessy moved to tease his other nipple, hand working his prick. He went crazy, humping Jessy’s hand, head rolling.

  “That’s it. Give it to me.”

  “Jess. Jessy. Love.” He cried out, so turned on, spunk pouring from him.

  Jessy moaned, removing his
mouth from his nipple in favor of licking his belly and cock clean. Mike moaned, eyes falling closed. Oh, yeah.

  “Sweet. Good.” Jessy lingered at Mike’s navel, sliding his tongue.

  “So good.” His belly went tight and his hips rolled.

  “You taste great.” Jessy worked his way back up, stopping at Mike’s nipples before coming to his mouth.

  He opened wide, groaning into Jessy’s lips, rocking up.

  “So sexy. You turn me on, Mike.”

  “Yeah? I want to. I want to excite you.”

  “Christ, Mike, you make me feel like a teenager again.”

  “Then we’re equal.”

  Jessy nodded. “Here we are.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Here we’re lovers.”

  “Yeah, we are.” Jessy’s voice was low, husky, starting to move his strong hands on Mike again.

  He hummed, stretching out under that touch.

  “I could do anything I want to you,” Jessy murmured, exploring Mike so gently with his lips. It was maddening, really.

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to get something to hold your cock tight. A cock ring. Leather and steel and plastic. I want to clamp your nipples and make you fly.” Each suggestion was accompanied by licks and nibbles to cock and nipples. “I want to put a plug in you and then make you go swim with it in.”

  His eyes went wide, body shuddering. “A… a plug?”

  Jessy nodded, sliding his hand down to push between Mike’s legs, teasing his hole. “It goes in your ass, keeps you open, filled.”

  “Oh….” Mike’s legs parted, hips pushing up.

  “You like the sound of that, don’t you? Christ, you’re hot for it. Makes me hot how much you want it. They come in all shapes and sizes, you know. Like dildos.”

  “Really?” Mike gasped, wanting Jessy’s fingers. “I… I haven’t. Oh, man.”

  “I have one or two around here somewhere.” Jessy grinned suddenly, the smile greedy, aggressive. “But I want you. It’ll have to wait.” He continued to tease with a single finger, only maddening Mike more.

  “Jessy. Jessy, I want.” His hips bucked and he stretched, trying to get more.

  Jessy chuckled, the sound a little evil. “I know you do, but that’s up to me now, isn’t it?”

  “So mean.” He stretched farther, leather creaking.


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