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Shattered Strength: Shadowcrest Pack Series Book Two

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by B. Livingstone

  I stop dead in my tracks and turn back towards the overprotective bear. “What the fuck do you mean one of yours should be in my closet? How? When the hell did you do that?” These guys…seriously.

  Mates. That’s all my wolf has to state on the matter.

  Fucking overprotective, overbearing, asshole mates. I start to think NO! Not mates, Godsdamnit, would you stop saying that word!

  My mates. She reiterates again.

  Fuck it!

  “Conversation with your wolf again, love?” Reed asks from my doorway. I startle again. I hadn’t realized I was just standing in the middle of my room, staring off into space.

  “Yea,” I answer in monotone.

  “Penny for her thoughts.”

  “Not yet, Reed. I’m not ready for what she wants,” my confession cuts a little deeper than I’d like to admit, as a tear slips free and I quickly turn from him.

  He steps into the room and reaches out, taking my hand in his, and turns me back towards him. In a gentle tone he guides my attention to him, “Hey, it’s okay. Please don’t turn away.” My eyes meet his as he asks, “Do you trust me?”

  Gods, how I want to say yes. I want to take his hand in mine, look into his gorgeous blue eyes, and state with no hesitation, fear, or doubt...yes, I trust you, but I can’t. It's tearing me apart inside. Why can’t I trust them, any of them? I mean sure I’ve built a level of trust with Enzo, but even that comes with limitations. What have they done that warrants caution instead of trust? Nothing, that’s what. They have stood by me, regardless of how much I try to push them away. They have saved my life, more than once at that, even killed for me. They haven’t pushed me for more than what I can offer them. The only thing they have asked for in return is for me to live. To be sober, clean, and alive.

  I sniffle and turn my eyes away, tilting my head so my hair creates a curtain between us, “I want to, more than you know, but I don’t know how.”

  His calloused fingers glide under my chin, applying a little pressure to tilt my face up so my eyes meet his. I expect to see anger or hurt there, but instead, I see understanding and what I think is pride. “You know what, Riley, that’s okay. It’s a starting point. I’m not surprised after everything you must have gone through, on top of everything that has happened over the past few months, that it's hard for you to trust anyone. We are not going to push for what you’re not ready for. If friendship is what you need right now, then that’s what we’ll give you. If you want to hold our hands as we walk down the sidewalk then we’ll hold hands. Just understand this though, I won’t give up on you, Riley, neither will the others.” He leans in and rests his forehead on mine and whispers, “We’re not going anywhere.”

  A tear runs down my cheek and I roughly wipe it away. “Fuck. I am so fucking tired of fucking crying!”

  “It’s okay, Riley. You’ve been through so much. You’ve spent years hiding from your emotions. It’s going to take time to adjust to feeling them again. Just remember you’re not alone. We’re here when you’re ready and when you need us.” Kissing my forehead, he turns and walks out of my room, not waiting for a reply. I stand there a moment, just breathing.

  My mate. Care. Protect. Ours. She’s right and I know it.

  You’re right. They are ours. We are theirs. Taking a deep breath. Baby steps, Riley.

  Chapter Two


  Dressed in an outfit better than the jeans and hoodie Cree requested, I head out to the living room. It was only an hour ago I left Cree and Reed alone in here, now there are five edible men waiting on me. Can I just say this is truly Candy Land.

  Man-Candy Land. My wolf hums while she licks her lips at all the juicy male goodness around the room. My eyes raking over them one by one, drinking them in.

  Hearing grumbling near the door, I find Wild dressed in a sky-blue three-piece suit with an orange bowtie picking at Enzo’s traditional black two-piece suit with a crooked crimson red tie. The poor man fights for a living; therefore clothing is minimal, ties not required.

  On the other side of the room by the living room window, Cree and Reed are in what appears to be another heated conversation, they’ve been doing that a lot here lately. It’s almost comical this time seeing as they are both dressed so similarly. In razor-sharp power suits. Cree in charcoal gray and Reed in deep navy blue.

  Then there’s Axel. My sweet quiet conservative Axel, sporting a two-piece black suit, looking entirely relaxed while sitting in the lone recliner in the corner. His eyes drift around the room, taking it all in, finally landing on Cree. I watch as his eyes caress over Cree’s body, starting at his freshly polished dress shoes and working slowly up his toned legs that are hidden under his pressed solid charcoal-gray slacks. Traveling a little further north, I notice how his eyes catch on the bulge at the apex of Cree’s thighs, I can’t help but appreciate the sight myself. Gods, the man is well endowed. Cree glances at Axel, noticing his line of sight. When he catches me watching as well, he shifts his weight ever so slightly, making that bulge the center of attention like a shameless exhibitionist. Hungry eyes drink in the sight of him, causing a low growl to escape him as his cock twitches under the combined weight of our stares.

  A choked cough sounds from Cree’s side of the room. “Buzzkill much, Reed,” I snarl, “It was just starting to get good.” I wink at Axel as I head towards the front door.

  Axel stands to join me when Cree catches us both and whispers between the three of us, “That is not jeans and a hoodie, little wolf,” Cree growls in my ear as his fingers lightly brush down my spine followed by a line shivers. “You’ve no clue how much I want to sink my teeth and cock inside you right now. To mate you here and now.”


  Mine. My wolf growls.

  Wilds eyes meet mine as we approach, a knowing smirk plastered on his face. I couldn’t hold in the giggle at the glee radiating from him. His joyful energy penetrates through my wall of nervousness and I can feel myself physically relax. Feeling lighter than I have in years, I walk up and stand with the guys as they form a circle around me. One by one they each begin laying a hand on me, touching skin to skin. The pulse of energy that rushes through my body has my knees weakening as my wolf pushes forward, coming to the surface to feel their touch.

  “Wow,” I whisper as my head becomes light and my breathing increases. I fight to maintain control. I can feel their animals calling her, pulling her closer to the surface.

  The guys are silent, allowing our animals to connect, energy flowing between us. That is until my wolf gets too close to breaking free. She wants to shift, to run, to be with her mates.

  I haven’t shifted in nearly two years and the prospect terrifies me. Will it hurt like it did the first time? Will I be able to control her, keep her from hurting anyone? Will she be so angry with me for locking her away for so long that I won’t be able to shift back?

  Silly girl. My wolf tsks. Mates protect. Mates guard. Mates make safe. No more hurt. No more lock. No more lost.

  “Dinner first and then surprises for your wolf after,” Reed declares from my right.

  I nod my head yes in agreement to Reed’s declaration of this evening’s plans.

  “Okay,” I whisper, nearly breathless as I attempt to hold her back. One by one, each of the guys slide their hands from my body, breaking the connection and causing my wolf whine in protest at the loss.

  Cree disappears down the hall as Reed helps me into my jacket, his fingers lingering a bit longer on my arms than necessary, not that I’ll say anything. I may have them ‘friend-zoned’ for the time being, but I won’t deny the touching is something I crave, that my wolf craves. Locking the door behind us, we descend the stairs on our first group date. Eek!

  I step out of the limo, yes, a fucking big ass limo. Can you believe it? The guys rented a fucking limo for our first date. I all but died walking out of the apartment to find that thing sitting out front.

  “Reed, what is that? Is that for us?” I just about fai
nted spotting the black stretch limo sitting in front of my apartment with a driver dressed in a black tux and a driver’s cap holding the back door open for his passengers.

  Reed walks up to my side and slides a hand under my jacket, placing it gently on my bare lower back. Bending down, he whispers in my ear, “Surprise, sweetheart.” My eyes slide shut as he places a gentle kiss behind my ear, initiating shivers that run up my spine and goosebumps that break out along my arms. His lips still resting on the lobe of my ear, he whispers, “A little sensitive there, darling?”

  Smacking Reed in the chest with the back of my hand, I head towards the limo driver and call back, “Shut it, Reed.”

  Chuckles from behind me tell me all the guys heard that.

  Heading towards the restaurant doors, the guys create a box around me. Enzo steps up beside me on my left, Wild on my right. Reed leads in front, while Cree and Axel box me in from behind. Raising my brow at Enzo beside me, he just shrugs his shoulder at me. Shaking my head with a giggle I voice, “You guys are something else.”

  “What’s that, darling?” Reed questions from the head of the box.

  “You guys are boxing me in to walk to the restaurant door. What do you think is going to happen in the few yards it takes to walk from the car to the door?”

  “You never know, babe,” Enzo counters, “Anything can happen out here. So, it never hurts to be prepared.”

  “Besides, we will always take the safety of our mate seriously,” Wild quips with a smirk.

  I laugh while punching him in the bicep only to regret that move immediately. “Fuck, Wild. What do you have in there, granite tiles?”

  Making a bodybuilder pose he states seriously, “All muscle, all for you, babe.”

  Entering the restaurant, Reed checks us in with the hostess and she leads us to our private table on the deck. I stop, frozen to the spot as Reed moves to the side, allowing me to see around him. Wow. Unable to breathe, I just stare at the view of the sun setting into the water’s edge. I’ve lived in Vancouver for almost 6 years now but I have never seen the sunset like this before. The sky is alive with the vivid yellows, oranges, pinks, and purples bleeding from the darkening blues at its edge. The mountain in the distance appears to be on fire with the colors melting around its peak. All I could do is stand here in awe of the wonder that is the beauty of nature. Axel pokes my arm trying to get my attention to move a few more steps. However, when I don’t react, it’s Cree who grabs my arms and forces me forward, pushing me into a chair; not that I protest considering the light and playful laugh coming from the man the whole time. Gods, I love that sound.

  “It’s… I’m not even sure there are words to describe that,” I finally manage to say gesturing at the sunset in the distance. “It’s just so beautiful.”

  “Yes, you are,” five voices exclaim in unison.


  The flush creeping up Riley’s neck to her cheeks is priceless and possibly the sexiest thing I have seen in my 28 years. She still doesn’t know how to react to compliments, which I find fucking adorable and just a tad bit sad. Riley catches my eyes and I realize I’ve been staring at her. Giving her a sexy smirk, her blush deepens as I wink at her. Gods, I can’t help myself around this girl, I fucking want her in every way possible. The urge to mate with her gets stronger with every passing day and the adrenaline high that racing gives me isn’t helping to curb these urges anymore.

  Fuck, I’m getting hard just thinking about her. About her long legs, her tight abs, strong arms to match her iron will, then there are those eyes. Those gray endless pools that fill with heat and desire every time she looks at one of us. I know she wants us just as much as we all want her. I have no fucking clue how she keeps denying the connection we all share. I’d be crawling the fucking walls if I were her. Hell, I’m crawling the Gods damn walls now.

  Shifting my eyes to the window, I try not to make eye contact with any of the others, so as not to let on to the train of thought my mind was riding, and that my body is now sporting the evidence of. I attempt to secretly adjust my cock into a more comfortable position considering its new state of being. Fucking hell, I’m hard. Shifting in my seat, I catch the twinkling sound of Riley’s laughter beside me. Glancing back at her, her cheeks are a deep rosy red and her eyes are glittering with mirth. Yeah, she knows what she caused and while she’s amused by it, she’s also embarrassed by it. Interesting.

  The waiter arrives, giving me a chance to gather myself before we really dig into this evening's conversation. He glances down at Riley, his eyes lingering a little too long. A growl sounds from the other side of Riley, causing the waiter to jump and drop his notebook.

  “Leave,” Cree growls. Which sets off Enzo, triggering Reed, who jumps from the table and walks over to the waiter.

  “Walk with me, son,” Reed intervenes before the poor kid who can’t be more than 19 years old gets himself killed.

  Riley’s eyes are the size of saucers again for the second time this evening. There is no end to the list of surprises she’s going to get tonight.

  “You okay there, babe?” I question her.

  “Just trying to understand. What the fuck was that, Cree?”

  He just shrugs his shoulders in response and her eyes dart to Enzo, silently asking the same to him. Enzo studies the menu, no sign of caring to respond to his mate. “Enzo. Cree. One of you fucking explain to me what the hell that was.”

  At that moment Reed returns, taking his seat across from Riley. He makes a quick glance around the table, giving Cree and Enzo what can only be described as the stink eye before settling back on Riley. He seems to be struggling for the right words to speak in order to settle Riley’s apparent discomfort. What with the level of testosterone floating in the air from the two dipshits on her other side. Luckily for Reed, Axel chooses that moment to speak up, granted, scaring the fuck out of all of us. He has been so fucking quiet we forgot he was here with all the entertainment.

  “You’re their mate, Riley. That boy was staring at your breasts, which is very disrespectful. Therefore, their animals took offense on your behalf. And because those two are complete cavemen who cannot control their impulses, they let that part loose, here in the middle of the fucking restaurant.” His tone is clinical and matter of fact, his face gives no sign to any humor as he makes a passing dig at Cree and Enzo. I, on the other hand, cannot hold my amusement at bay, smirking as I watch Axel’s words sink in with Riley, Cree, and Enzo. This is made worse when Reed finally gathers his wits and adds injury to insult.

  “You guys need to put your dicks away and get a fucking hold of yourselves. Riley is a big girl and I am sure she can defend herself against a prepubescent boy.”

  “Well, geez, Reed. Any other thoughts on the matter?” Riley responds, crossing her arms over her chest while leaning back in her chair. The gesture is meant to be one of defiance and sternness, I’m sure, however, the act causes her breasts to push together, raising them slightly and creating a deep crease, giving all of us a clear view of their creamy top. Again, I’m fucking rock hard thinking about how much I want to run my tongue through that crease. The sound of resounding grunts and groans tells me I’m not alone in this want. Riley's eyes dart around the table reading each of our not-so-subtle movements. Her eyes glance down to where most of the guys’ eyes are trained and it registers, showing on her face and in her next move. Her arms quickly unwind, her left arm crosses over her chest in an attempt to hide from our perusal.

  With a lighthearted chuckle I attempt to lighten the mood at the table, “Sweetheart, we’ve already seen what you’re trying to hide, and let me just say they are spectacular. Therefore, I fear your distress is in vain. However, might I offer you my jacket if you’re feeling uncomfortable now?”

  Her eyes spark at my words, with a blush still highlighting those beautiful cheeks, her arms slowly descend, coming to rest in her lap. I lift the lapel of my jacket in question and she slowly shakes her head at me. Well okay, we may be uncovering
a hidden kink here. Smirking at her, I let my eyes drift lower slightly, just taking a peek. Riley’s shoulders square pushing her chest up and out causing the whole lot of us to erupt into laughter.

  A few minutes pass before a new waiter comes by, a female this time. Axel chuckles while shaking his head, looking back down at his menu. She comes to a stop just behind Riley, which of course causes Cree and Enzo to switch into cavemen mode, again. Although this time it’s understandable, I myself am fighting to suppress my wolf. I place my hand on the arm of our waitress, “Darling, dear, will you please take a step to either side of the lovely lady.” Gesturing to Riley in front of her, “She does like to see whom it is she is addressing while ordering her meal.” The waitress takes a large step towards me and glances down at Riley, her eyes the size of saucers as she follows Riley’s line of sight right to my hand still resting on her arm. Riley releases a low menacing growl that I can’t help but take pride in. Gods, she is fucking gorgeous.

  I remove my hand from the waitress just as Riley meets my eyes, her own are full of embarrassment and shock which causes me to laugh again, gaining the attention of the others who all start laughing as well. She quickly meets the eye of our waitress who flinches at the glow in Riley’s eyes, “I am so sorry. I have no idea where that came from.”

  “It’s okay, ma’am. I understand,” our waitress responds, fishing a small notepad from her apron readying herself to take our order. “Can I start all of you off with something to drink, or are you ready to order?”

  Reed gestures to Riley to get us started but she just stares at the menu like a fish out of water. Leaning over I offer, “Want me to order for you, Sweetheart?”


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