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Shattered Strength: Shadowcrest Pack Series Book Two

Page 3

by B. Livingstone

  Releasing the breath she was holding with a sigh, “Gods, yes please.”

  One by one we went around the table ordering. By the time we were finished, we’d ordered one of everything from the main dishes, three appetizers, and an assortment of virgin cocktails. Since more than half of us had no fucking clue what was good, we let Riley pick beverages for everyone to try. In the end, we all ended up with cucumber and mint water.

  Chapter Three


  Dinner was fucking amazing. Gods, the food was unlike anything I‘ve ever tasted. I never could have afforded a place like this. Five Sails is the place to go for a nice upscale dinner. Finishing our main course, after sharing three large appetizers, the waitress returns with a dessert menu. As much as I want to, there is no fucking way I could take one bite of anything else. I resolutely shake my head no as Reed points to the menu. “No fucking way,” I protest. The waitress gasps next to me causing my head to snap in her direction. “What the hell is your problem?” I demand. Cree places his hand on my knee giving it a squeeze. I’m not sure if he’s trying to calm me or keep me from leaping out of my seat. If it’s the first, I can tell you it’s not working.

  “Oh, nothing at all. It’s just…,” she smiles looking away, “the dynamic between you all is special.” As she glances back up her eyes begin to glow a burnt umber and it all clicks. For the first time this evening, I really take in our waitress. Her hair is as white as snow, with a complexion just as pale to match, she’s short, about 5’3”, and as cute as a fucking button, reminding me so much of Grace. “My name is Ember by the way.”

  “I’m Riley. As I’m sure you’ve guessed these men are my … my … well, they’re my, um,” I stutter trying to figure out how to claim them without claiming them as my mates and without hurting their feelings.

  Mates. My wolf offers, loudly in my head.

  Fuck, I know. I just … Fuck. I can’t say it, I’m sorry. I can see the question burning in each of them as I meet their eyes, imploring with them to understand.

  “I get it. They’re your mates but you’re just not at that step yet. Taking it slow. I understand,” Ember offers before bending down to whisper in my ear, “My mate is a dragon. Possessive asshole alpha, so I get it.” I can’t help but fall in love with Ember right away. Her lightness is so refreshing after spending years with no one but drunk-ass men day in and day out.

  “I like you, Ember. We should be friends. Fuck that, we are friends,” I declare, pulling a laugh from my guys and Ember. A man across the restaurant grumbles as he walks through with a stack of boxes. His eyes flash an icy blue as he glances our way and I whisper as I vaguely point in the man’s direction, “Dragon?”

  “Yes,” he continues to grumble.

  “What the fuck?” I gape at Ember, completely awestruck considering he is at least 50 yards away and I was barely whispering. I mean it was more like mouthing the words to Ember, who is practically standing on top of me, she’s that close. How the fuck could he have heard that?

  “Dragons have incredible hearing,” she answers gleefully. “Anywho,” she giggles, bouncing on her toes, “I totally can be your friend. We recently moved here so we don’t really know anyone around these parts. It’ll be nice to have someone to hang out with.”

  Smiling I reach into my clutch and pull out my phone. Unlocking it and pulling up my contacts I hand it to Ember, “Add yourself, then send yourself a message so you’ll have my number too.” Ember takes my phone from me. After a few minutes and a lot of typing, I swear she’s sending herself a book, she hands my phone back to me. Glancing down at the screen I burst into a fit of laughter that has all the guys eyeing us with suspicion.

  “What did you type in there?” Cree asks Ember, who only shrugs in return.

  “Baby?” Enzo queries. I shake my head still laughing and slip my phone back into my bag.

  “Thank you, Ember. We’ll make plans to get together soon,” I say standing. I assume we are ready to take off, seeing as Reed has already taken care of the bill and slipped on his jacket, now standing at the head of the table ready to take my arm and lead me away.

  Ember wraps her arms around me and I go stiff as a board. Her arms feel familiar, too familiar. She feels like Grace. A tear gathers in my eye as my arms slowly come up and wrap around her slim body. Taking a breath, I remind myself she’s not Grace and that Grace is alive. Slowly untangling from Ember, I wipe under my eye and she quickly gives me one last squeeze. “We’ll talk again soon, Riley,” she softly confirms.

  Cree is immediately at my side, sliding his hand along my spine in a comforting gesture. “Okay. Sounds like a plan. It was really nice to meet you, Ember,” I toss back as Cree leads me from the dining room.

  Stepping outside I notice the limo is gone and in its place sits a newer model Jeep Wrangler, customized to fit all six of us. “Where’s the limo?” I wonder.

  “Where we’re going, darling, the limo can’t,” Enzo explains as he steps up to the backdoor opening it for me. He holds his right hand out. Placing mine in his, a tingle crawls up my arm. I close my eyes, embracing the sensation of our wolves connecting. Breathing through the warring emotions inside of me, I open my eyes and see a similar conflict in his eyes. Giving him a small smile, I step up into the Jeep, or rather trip into it. Real graceful there, Riles.

  Reed settles into the driver’s seat, Cree riding shotgun next to him. Enzo and Wild again act as my bookends enclosing me in the center and Axel takes up his place in the rear riding in a pull-out seat. “So, who wants to tell me where we’re going?” I query.

  No one, that was who. It was infuriating. All I could get out of any of them was, “It’s a surprise, babe. You’re just gonna have to be patient.” Well, fuck that. I hate surprises and I have the patience of a fucking two-year-old. Have these men not met me? Come on dudes, really?

  “Seriously, if someone doesn’t fucking tell me what we’re doing or where the hell we’re going, I am going to jump out of this Jeep. Moving or not, I don’t fucking care.”

  “Riley, take a fucking chill pill, we’re almost there,” Cree growls from the front seat with a smirk on his face, and I swear my mouth hits the floor. Not in anger, but in awed shock.

  “Cree, I cannot believe you just said that to me. Take a pill, a fucking pill, really? Still. Well, fuck man, didn’t know you had it in you. You snarky man, you,” I laugh.

  “Riley, take a look out one of the windows,” Reed instructs me. That’s it, I’ll shut up now. The view of the stars reflecting off the water on one side and the wooded forest on the other, it’s all breathtaking. “Welcome to Stanley Park.”

  “It’s late, won’t everything be closed by now?”

  “That’s the point, Riley. We’re not here to enjoy the attraction, at least not this time. No, the reason we’re here tonight is to shift. For you to shift and run with us.” Reed gives me a moment to think over his words before he continues, “We had planned to discuss this at the restaurant but other things sort of distracted us,” he states glancing at Cree who shows no sign of remorse. “Anyways,” he continues as he pulls into a parking spot and cuts the engine. All the guys exit and Reed comes to the door to help me down as he continues on, “We understand you’re not ready to commit to the term of mate, we saw that earlier this evening, and we fully understand it. However, your wolf calls to us. That connection is there and needs to be nurtured. We won’t allow anything to happen but our animals all need to spend time together, running, hunting, playing. If we don’t allow them this it will only cause them distress and sooner or later, they will force the issue and ultimately proceed with the mating without our consent. I don’t want that for you, Riley. I want you to be ready when it happens so let’s give them this. Let them play and run together, continue bonding through the forming of a pack. That will give us more time.”

  Reed is so sincere in his words. He really does not want to push me, so he’s trying to find a way to appease our animals, mine included becau
se I know she’s ready to mate. I can feel her excitement at the prospect of running with them. “Okay,” I reply and glance around for a place to shift. Panic begins to rise up in me, I haven’t shifted in years I’m not sure I can do this.

  Reed is in front of me, hands on my cheek in a blink and I can feel his wolf calling to mine. My eyes lock with his just as his wolf comes to the surface. “Don’t fight her, Riley. Just let her take the lead, she’ll guide you through.”

  Four more sets of hands connect with my body and a surge of energy passes through me. Two hands slide to my shoulders, pulling the straps of my dress down my arms as another hand grabs my dress in the front, holding it up. That makes me smile and eases some of my tension. “So you don’t rip it all to hell when you shift. I kind of like this dress,” Wild expresses from behind me.

  Another surge of energy has my eyes closing and my body hunching forward. Their hands never leave me as their energy continues to pass into me, calling my wolf out. She’s there, right at the surface. I can feel her pushing at me, trying to push me aside to take the lead. She’s whining and whimpering, pleading with me to let go of the controls. I try, Gods, I try to let go. Why isn’t it working? Frustrated, I scream as I fall to my knees. “For fuck’s sake. Why isn’t it working? I can fucking feel her right here,” I declare pounding my fist on my sternum.

  “Axel, switch places with me. See if you can help her let go of whatever it is that’s holding her back,” Reed instructs as he smiles at me and places a kiss on my forehead, releasing my face and taking a step back.

  Axel kneels in front of me and slides his hands over my cheeks and locks his beautiful onyx eyes with mine. He studies me a moment before he speaks, “Do you know what you’re holding onto?” I don’t say anything but shake my head, no. He nods his head in understanding. “Fear, Riley. Fear has you locked up, afraid to give up control. Fear that something you’re not ready for will happen. Fear that the choice will be taken from you. Again.” At that last word, I get it. All of it. The fear he talks about, every line is true. I am afraid that my wolf will overstep my boundaries and take the choice away from me. Afraid the guys wouldn’t resist her and just go along forcing themselves and this choice on me. Closing my eyes, I reach inward, pulling my wolf back to me.

  He’s right. I tell her.

  Mates. She counters.

  I know they are. But please understand me. Do you remember what it felt like when Alastair tried to force the mate bond on you? Images of that night come flashing through my mind from her, along with a sense of understanding. So you see why I’m afraid to give you complete control. I’m scared. Scared you’ll complete the mate bond before we’re both ready for it. Scared you’ll force it on me. That they will force it on me. At that last revelation, she releases a low and menacing feral growl.

  Mates no force. I protect my own. You, mine. I protect. Bite their balls.

  Her last declaration of protection has me laughing and feeling more at ease with giving her the freedom I’ve long denied her.

  I’m sorry I’ve kept you locked away so long. After Grace died, I was hurt and you were a reminder of what could have saved her life that she could never access. But you were hurting too and instead of comforting each other, I rejected you. I am so sorry.

  No forgive.


  No forgive. Not needed. Love Riley. Love Grace. Riley love me.

  Yes, I do. Okay, no more mushy stuff. Let’s do this shit and you go run with our guys.

  Run. Mates. Run.

  Opening my eyes, I flash Axel a wicked smile, and his eyes alight with a shining feral gleam in return. “Better run, all of you. She’s coming for you,” I voice in a taunting tone. With those words said, my hands hit the dirt and each bone in my body begins to break and reform itself. I scream with the pain it causes.

  “Why the hell is she screaming? This isn’t her first time.”

  I don’t know who said it but I hear Axel reply, “It’s been too long between shifts. It’s like resetting the clock to her first time.”

  My hands form into paws with long talon claws protruding from the tips of my toes. My back arches out as my spine realigns to shift my shoulders into place for better mobility as I run. My arms become legs and my rib cage expands becoming more rounded than oval. My face begins to transform into that of a wolf, my ears lengthen and point at the tips, my eyes narrow and slant. All of my senses begin to amplify with each transition.

  The pain that accompanies each break as my bones reform, and the intensity of each new sense, is one I tell myself I deserve for denying my wolf so long. My only regret is that she feels every ounce of my pain and she doesn’t deserve any of it.

  Almost done. She tries to comfort me. Her spirit twining around my soul, purring a gentle tone, and trying to ease some of my discomfort.

  “I’m sorry, Gods, I’m so sorry,” I whimper aloud, though it comes out garbled as my snout forms and my canines lengthen, eliminating my ability to speak out loud.

  “For what, babe?” Someone asks. I’m not sure who. Maybe Enzo. I can sense the guys around me. Their panic and agony over my distress are palpable and slightly endearing them to me even more. I scream as another bone cracks and what’s left of my dress is shredded as my hind paws dig into the ground through the material.

  Shhh. Okay. Riley, okay now. I got you. My wolf soothes.

  My back arches with one final snap of my spine and suddenly it’s like I’m in the passenger seat just watching as my wolf howls to the night sky. She lowers herself, belly to the ground. Eyes closed, I can sense us both here like two souls inhabiting the same body, rather than as one. I never truly felt like a passenger before, it was always as though we ran together, hunted together. I guess this is what Axel and Grace meant when they said I need to reconnect with her again.

  Taking their concern and advice to heart I decide now is a good time to start reconnecting. Can we do this together? I ask.

  Let’s run. She gleefully cheers with a tail wag. At that I slide forward, feeling my new form on all fours.

  Standing, I shake out my fur. Gods, it feels good to feel the wind blowing through my fur again.

  “Holy fucking shit,” one of my mates exclaims from my right side. My ears are buzzing from the transformation making it hard to tell their voices apart.

  “She’s fucking beautiful,” another declares. Contrary to my normal red hair my fur is as white as freshly fallen snow and my eyes shine as bright as newly polished silver.

  Turning in a slight circle I finish shaking the disorientation of the transformation from my head. I test the strength of my legs by weaving my way around each of my mates’ legs, rubbing my side against them, marking them as mine.

  “She’s fucking marking us,” one states with a laugh as he kneels down in front of me. “Hey, beautiful,” he croons as his hazel eyes shine brighter. I slowly approach him, feeling my bear mate wanting to be closer. I twine my body around his, marking more of him in my scent.

  One by one each of my mates kneel and their animals make themselves known to me. Before long they’re ready to shift. I watch as they remove their ties, unbutton and remove their shirts, and their shoes. As their hands make their way to the waistband of their pants my wolf decides it’s time to give them some privacy. She turns us around and covers our eyes with a paw.

  Aww, come on, it was just getting good. I protest.

  No mating. She reminds me.

  You know that doesn’t mean you can’t look.


  “Aww, I think someone is shy,” my hearing clear as a bell, I can now tell that smartass remark came from Wilder.

  I’ll show him who’s shy. My wolf declares as she lifts my hide in the air and swishes my tail from side to side, knowing I’m giving them all a fantastic view of my ass.

  Stop that, you’ll give them the wrong signal. I command.

  Relax. I got you.

  “No teasing, little wolf,” Cree demands just before the sound of fas
t breaking and healing bones resounds around me.

  Glancing back, I find four wolves: one brown, one gray, one black, and one red, and one exceptionally large brown bear standing before me. Approaching each one, I give each a lick on the nose then turn and dart for the woods with a howl. The guys answer my call while chasing after me.

  Chapter Four


  I wake the next morning in my bed stiff and sore all over. Gods, I did not fucking miss this. Slowly sitting up, I try to remember how I got home. Looking down, I notice the shirt I’m in is not mine. Closing my eyes and lifting the collar to my nose, I inhale deep. Campfire and honey. Cree. A flash of last night plays behind my eyes.

  My paws beat against the forest floor as I chase my prey. The wind blowing through my fur feels like a thousand tiny fingers caressing my body. The feeling of true freedom, contentment, and peace takes root deep in my soul. Combined, it is a euphoric sensation. That is until a large brown bear plows into me, knocking me over. From my place on the ground, I look up into the eyes of the large bear as he positions himself over me. He’s shining with a gleefulness I’ve never seen in him before. A playful side he’s never let show. My heart skips a beat as our eyes lock and a deep emptiness that aches to be filled takes up residence in my chest.

  He bows his head down so his snout is resting beside my own. He takes a deep inhale of my scent as a purring noise leaves his chest. Who fucking knew that bears could purr? Caressing my snout along his cheek I leave behind more of my scent which seems to appease my big cuddly bear and fills a little of that bottomless pit in my chest. Just as he pulls back to look at me again, we’re joined by four large as fuck wolves.

  “Riley, are you up yet?” Wild whispers through my closed bedroom door. What the hell?

  “Wild? What are you doing out there?” I ask as I attempt to get my legs to swing over the side of the bed. “Fuck!” Gods, my whole body is fucking screaming in protest at every minute movement I make. The door swings open so fast I thought it was about to fly off the hinges and Wild comes racing to my side.


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