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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 34

by Anne Stone

  She reached for a paper towel and wet it, then applied the coolness to her neck, thinking about her husband and praying she wouldn’t get sick.

  Several minutes passed before she heard a soft knock on the door. “Jen, are you okay?”

  “Give me a minute, Lauren.”

  “Take all the time you need.”

  Jen leaned against the door. Her nausea had given way to tears. He has to be alright; he just has to. The tears fell one right after the other. She swiped at them but that didn’t do any good. They kept coming and along with the tears came sobs.

  She knew Lauren heard her crying because the door handle turned, and she soon found herself in her best friend’s arms. “He’s strong. He’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t know that. Lauren, his hip…his hip.” She hiccupped as the tears began to lessen. “He’s been worried all year that he’d reinjure it. It was bad last year and I hope…”

  “You can’t speculate until he’s examined. Don’t go there, Jen. You need to stay strong. Come on, let’s see if we can find out how he is.”

  Jen blew her nose and wiped her eyes once again before she left the bathroom. She was feeling better. She had the support of her best friend and Ed and that’s what mattered.

  When they entered the room, Ed was on the phone. He raised his hand stopping them from leaving. Jen clung onto Lauren as Ed ended his call.

  “Here’s the deal…They’re taking him to the hospital…”

  Jen gasped. “Now don’t go there, Jen. It’s precautionary. They’re going to run an MRI, take some X-rays, and then more than likely send him home. In all honesty, I don’t think they think it’s too serious.”

  “But Ed…”

  “Stop worrying until you need to, okay? The ambulance has already left for the hospital. I have my car waiting. Let’s go and maybe you can see him before he starts in with his tests.”

  Jen found herself in Ed’s arms. A father’s embrace, she thought. He would stay by her side until they knew what they were dealing with.

  “Lauren, why don’t you go home? I know you have a deposition tomorrow. Ed will take good care of me.” She did her best to smile.

  “Call me when you know anything.”

  “I will.” Jen drew her friend into a tight hug. “Thanks for being here for me. You’re one in a million.”

  “Ed, you make sure she takes care of herself.”

  “Oh, I will. I won’t let her out of my sight until I know Ryne’s going to be alright.”

  As promised, Ed’s car was waiting. As they drove to the hospital, Jen reached for his hand. “I just know it’s his hip. And if it is, I don’t know if he has it in him to rehab it again.”

  “Let’s cross that bridge when we need to.” He squeezed her hand. “Ryne is old school. He’s not going to let this injury send him to the woodpile. He has a lot of good years left in his career. Stop fretting until you need to. You need to be strong for him.”

  “I will.”

  In a matter of minutes, they were walking through the doors to the Emergency Room. Jen approached the receptionist. “My husband, Ryne Ferguson, was just brought in. He’s a hockey player.”

  “Oh yes, he’s in X-ray right now. Have a seat and we’ll call you when he returns,” a nurse interjected. Jen smiled and thanked the nurse. She reached for Ed’s arm and he guided her to a quiet corner.

  She didn’t know what else to do so she closed her eyes and said a prayer. She knew how much this season meant to him: being traded to the Storm and vying for the Stanley Cup. Those were his dreams. He’d faced the first— that of being traded home to Calgary. His dream of winning a Stanley Cup was still alive, and she needed to find a way to allow him to achieve it. Whether she sat listening to him blow off steam because of his injury or holding his hand through the pain of rehab. Whatever it took, she’d remain by his side. She loved him more than she ever imagined loving anyone.

  She pulled herself out of her thoughts. “I better call Jacques and Jacklynne. I’m sure they were watching Hockey Tonight and saw him go down. Jacklynne must be frantic.”

  “Why not wait until you know what he’s facing?”

  “I should but my heart tells me I need to call her. I need to hear her voice.”

  Jen patted Ed’s arms and walked from the room. She started down a long hallway and noticed an empty waiting room. Visiting hours at the hospital were over and it was quiet. She made her way into the darkened room. There was a dim light lit on the corner table. She sat and phoned Ryne’s parents.

  Jacklynne was quick to answer the phone. “How is he? How’s my son?”

  As soon as she’d heard Jacklynne’s voice, she became emotional. And then the dam burst. She knew Jacklynne would hear her crying and held the phone away from her face, pausing before speaking. “I don’t know,” she sniffled as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “He’s at the hospital and they’re X-raying him and then he’s going to have an MRI. I haven’t seen him, Jacklynne.”

  “I certainly hope you’re not alone.”

  “No, Ed’s with me.” She hesitated afraid to voice aloud her fears. “Jacklynne, I think it’s his hip. I don’t know what he’ll do if he’s injured it again.”

  “He’ll do what’s he’s done in the past— rehab it. Ah honey, I know how upset you are, but Ryne’s tough. He’ll recover just like he has in the past.”


  “No but’s, dear. You can’t get upset until we know what we’re dealing with. He’s strong and so are you. You’ll get through this together, and before you know it he’ll be back on the ice, ripping a slap shot and celebrating another hat trick.

  “I know this is hard but you may be worrying over nothing. I’ve seen my children take enough jaw-dropping spills during their careers. Over time, you learn to develop a thick skin. He may be a little beat up but he’ll be just fine. You know Ryne; he’s going to want to be in that Stanley Cup final game. He’ll do anything to come out on the other side of any injury as long as he can fulfill that dream.”

  “You’re right,” she chuckled. “I don’t know why I got so upset. It’s not like I haven’t seen him take a hard spill before and need to be helped from the ice.”

  “That’s it, my dear. Positive thoughts.”

  “Yes, positive thoughts. Thank you Jacklynne— Mom. It means a lot to me.” It was one of the first time’s she’d called Jacklynne Mom and it felt right. She needed her ‘Mom’ and she needed Jacklynne.

  “Honey, you have a special place in my heart. Now, go take care of my son. Call me when you know more. I love you, Jen.”

  “I love you too.” Jen ended the call and sat in the quiet of the darkened room and didn’t hear Ed as he approached. He sat down beside her and pulled her close.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Jacklynne helped me see things a little more clearly.”

  “Glad to hear. Now, would you like to see your husband? He’s back and they’re waiting on the results.”

  With Ed’s arm draped around her shoulders, they returned to the ER. As they approached the waiting room, she heard a commotion and discovered Etienne and Philippe standing just inside the doors.

  Jen moved out of Ed’s embrace and right into the arms of Philippe. “Jen, he’s going to be just fine. You know Ryne.”

  “He’s strong. We won’t let this injury sideline him,” Etienne said as he reached to give her a hug.

  “I thought you were flying out with the team.”

  “We wanted to be here so you wouldn’t be alone. Good to see you, Ed,” Philippe said as he reached to shake his hand. “How’s Ryne?”

  “We were on our way to find out. He’s just back from an MRI. I think he’s waiting on the results.”

  Etienne wrapped his arm around her. “We’ll be here,” he said motioning to the waiting room.

  Jen kissed both of her brothers-in-law on their cheeks.

  A nurse had been patiently waiting to take her to Ryne. She smiled at Jen and sa
id, “Follow me.”

  Jen walked alongside the nurse as she led the way to Ryne. She approached his bedside and laid her hand on his leg. His eyes immediately popped open. She knew she looked a fright. Her eyelids were swollen from crying, her nose was red. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t seen her upset before. She looked a mess and really couldn’t have cared less. Her main focus was on Ryne: his pain and injury.

  She swept her hand along his forehead dropping a kiss on his brow. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. “Have you seen a doctor yet? Do you have your test results? When can you go home?”

  “Sweetheart, please one question at a time, okay? I’m not thinking too clearly right now…”

  “Alright.” She grabbed the nearby chair and brought it to his bedside and dropped onto it. Exhaustion was starting to claim her. She needed answers, now. She wasn’t thinking clearly either. She just wanted to know what was going on.

  “To answer your questions…One: yes, I’ve seen a doctor. In fact, he’s pretty good. I really like him. Too bad he’s an ER doctor.”

  “Ryne, can you just give me the answers I’m searching for.”

  “Wow, what’s gotten into you?”

  “Do you have to ask? I’m worried about you, I’m about ready to drop with exhaustion. Do I need to explain any further?”

  “No, you don’t.” He reached for her hand and drew her into his arms. She knew he was in pain although she was sure it had been lessened with a pain killer. She wasn’t sure how she ended up in bed with him but one pull of his hand and she was lying next to him. She cuddled up beside him, and nestled her head against his chest.

  “So what’s this with you being so tired? I thought you took a nap today.”

  “I did,” she said as she ran her hand along his chest. “Ever since I got on the plane yesterday I haven’t felt myself. I guess I have a bug of some kind.” She smoothed the hair away from his eyes. “Please tell me what the doctor had to say.” She drew in her lips. “I’m scared, Ryne, really scared for you.”

  This was the first time she’d been in this position. Ryne was her husband, and she didn’t want to see him in pain. She didn’t want to see him upset. She didn’t want him questioning his future.

  “I’m sure you’ve already guessed it’s my hip. The hit came out of nowhere. I was blindsided and when my feet were taken out from under me, I couldn’t do a thing. I went down like a ton of bricks. So much for my new hip pads.

  “Anyway, I’m back to the drawing board. They don’t think my injury is quite as bad as last year’s but time will tell. Of course, I’m going on the injured reserve. I’ll be out at least a month, maybe longer.”

  She ran her hand along his jaw as she looked into his eyes.

  “I guess it could be worse, right? It’s not like I haven’t been down this road before. Maybe this time, I can get through rehab more quickly. After all, I have the best wife in the world to take care of me, right?” She nodded at his comment. “I guess the bright side of this whole situation is that we can spend a little more time visiting your grandparents. I’ll be on crutches for a while, and when the pain is manageable, I’ll start therapy. So that’s it in a nutshell. Are you sure you want to stay married to me? It seems like I’m a walking injury lately.”

  She rolled her eyes and playfully slapped her hand against his chest. “Why would you even ask me that? I love you. And did we not vow to stand by each other in sickness and health…Well, I’m standing by my man.”

  Ryne chuckled at her comment and tightened his hold on her. “I love you so much. Jen, I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “What do you think? Getting injured…Not being able to play and help my team make the playoffs and, most of all, letting my teammates down.”

  “Ryne, you can’t help that you took a cheap shot.” She felt him flinch with her comment and raised her hand defending herself. “I don’t care what you think— it was a cheap shot. Just because you’re out for a few weeks doesn’t mean the Storm isn’t going to make the playoffs. Heck, you’re leading the league in points. The finals are over four months in the future. There’s plenty of time for you to get back in the game and be there when the team goes all the way.”

  She reached up and patted his cheek. “Now let’s see about getting you out of here. I think we may have a few additional houseguests. Your brothers are waiting outside to hear what kind of damage you sustained. In fact, I’ll go get them and Ed and bring them back.”

  “Ed’s here?”

  “He drove me.” She started out the door and turned. “I hope the doctors allow a party in your room because I’m bringing them all back.” She blew him a kiss as she left.

  As she made her way to the waiting room, she sighed. He’d be okay. She’d be right there beside him throughout his recovery. He was her life and she’d do everything in her power so he could return to the game he loved.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  At two that morning, Ryne was discharged from the hospital. Ed, Philippe and Etienne all remained by her side.

  While Ed got the car, Jen helped Ryne get dressed. His brothers had been able to retrieve their suitcases before the team left for Calgary. Since he and Etienne wore the same size, Ryne found suitable attire to wear home.

  Everyone was thoroughly exhausted by the time they traipsed into the house. With his brothers on either side to help, Ryne negotiated the stairs to the bedroom. Even though he had quite a bit of experience on crutches, he was having difficulty maneuvering the steps.

  Jen followed, praying the entire way he’d make it to their bedroom without incident. She breathed easier once he plopped onto the bed, but winced when he called out in pain.

  She was instantly by his side but he shooed her away. “Etienne, will help me,” he gruffly said, easing against the headboard. “You need to check on their rooms. We’re all tired, and I’m ready to get some rest.”

  She didn’t like the tone of his voice but chalked it up to the pain killers.

  She hurried, gathering towels and extra blankets. When she placed the towels on the dresser in one of the guest bedrooms, she ran her hand through her hair and took a deep breath. And that’s when she felt a hand glide across her shoulders.

  “He didn’t mean that back there. He’s frustrated, tired, you name it. He loves you.”

  “I know.” She turned around and Philippe pulled her in a comforting hug. “He’s got a lot going on up here.” He tapped his head. “I believe in the back of his mind he fears his career is on a downward spiral. But it’s not. You and I both heard the doctor. It’s not as bad as last time. He needs time to recover, heal.”

  “I realize that. Philippe, I hope that’s all it is.”

  She’d barely finished her thought when Etienne joined them. “He’s tucked in and by now, probably fast asleep. Those are some pretty strong painkillers, and they definitely throw him for a loop.”

  “I’m well aware how they affect him. I’ve seen it firsthand.”

  “If you’d show us where you want us, we’ll get out of your way. By the way, we’re on an early afternoon flight. We’ll make sure you’re both settled and then we need to head out,” Etienne added.

  “Thanks, Et, for all you and Philippe have done for us. I really appreciate you staying behind.”

  “No thanks are necessary. You’re family. I’m just thankful we’re off for a few days, otherwise we might not have been able to skip the flight.” Philippe kissed her brow. “Positive thoughts, Jen, that’s what he needs. I’m going to grab our bags.”

  It was close to three when she finally settled into bed. Ryne was fast asleep and she lay there, watching him breathe in and out. Even in sleep she could tell he was in pain.

  She dozed off and was awakened when the bed shook. She almost jumped out of bed fearful that he’d fallen only to discover he sat precariously along the edge of the mattress. “You okay?” She ran her hand along his back.

  “What do you think? I can’t even stan

  “I’ll help you. Where are you going?”

  “The bathroom.”

  “Okay then.” She reached for the crutches, handed them to him, eased her arms around his waist, and helped him stand.

  “I’m not an invalid. I can use crutches.”

  Her head popped up. He’d never spoken to her in this manner before, ever. Again she was going to chalk it all up to the painkillers. She stepped away and he hobbled to the bathroom.

  She covered her face with her hands and rubbed her eyes. She was doing her best to prevent tears. She always became emotional when she lacked sleep, so these feelings were nothing new. That is until she became lightheaded, that was then followed by her need to hurl.

  Ryne was in their bathroom so she flung open their bedroom door banging it loudly against the wall and staggered as fast as she could to the nearest bathroom. She realized she must have made a huge commotion because when she stumbled from the bathroom, she was greeted by Philippe.

  “Jen, are you okay? Your face is as pale as that wall.”

  Leaning against the wall, she sighed. “I’m fine. I’ve been fighting a virus since I left Calgary. I’m okay now.” At least I think I am. “I’m going to check on Ryne and then I’ll make breakfast.”

  As she passed Philippe, she ran her hand along his arm. “Just so you know, he’s still in a foul mood.”

  When she returned to their bedroom, Ryne was stretched on the bed with his arm thrown over his eyes. She didn’t bother him, dressed, and hurried from the room. She knew the next few days would be trying and would do her best to accept whatever he threw at her. He wasn’t himself but hoped that her Ryne would return sooner rather than later.

  They spent an uneventful Christmas at home with Rose and Wilford, but now that it was over, she was ready to head home. But first they had a stopover in Greenwich to visit Rowena and Miles.

  Ryne had been a bear to live with. Between his pain meds and his wanting to start therapy, she was ready to pull her hair out.

  She still wasn’t feeling the best. She continued to fight fatigue and daily bouts with nausea. She chalked it all up to the upheaval they’d experienced. She hadn’t slept well, and she constantly worried that Ryne was going to overdo it.


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