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Facing Calgary's Dream

Page 35

by Anne Stone

  They’d gotten into several arguments: she wanted him to rest while he wanted to work out. The latest brouhaha had her throwing down the book she’d been trying to read and running off to their bedroom in tears. She curled up into a tight ball and cried herself to sleep.

  When she woke, she found herself snuggled against Ryne as he rested. As she lay there, she felt the odd, now familiar, feeling that had started less than a week ago. She bolted from the bed and ran to the bathroom. After she was done being sick, she rolled into a ball, and that’s where Ryne found her.

  She’d been lying in the same position for almost ten minutes when she heard the thump, thump, thump of Ryne’s crutches as he neared the doorway. She didn’t think she had it in her for another argument. She just wanted to lie there and feel better.

  “Jen, hey there, are you okay?” He placed his hand on her back as she lay on the floor. She’d been crying, unsure what was wrong with her, afraid to even move, because every time she tried to stand she became sick all over again.

  “Can you stand?” he asked with a worried look on his face.

  “I don’t know.” She slowly sat up and clutched the sides of the toilet. She got to her knees without another sign of nausea, pulled herself up, and sat on the lid of the toilet. She ran a tired hand through her hair and breathed deeply. She believed the nausea had passed. Wearily she looked up at Ryne. She knew by the way he leaned over his crutches that he was worried about her. She took another deep breath, clasped the edge of the sink as she got her balance, and stood.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?” She shrugged. “I took a pain pill and laid down. I didn’t even realize you’d gotten out of bed. You know how out of it I am when I take those pills.”

  “I do.”

  “You should have called out to me. I would have helped you.”

  “Helped me how? Thrown up for me?”

  He ignored her question. “I could have at least held your hair, ran a cool cloth against your neck… Held you when you were too weak to kneel.” He reached for her hand. “What’s wrong? The flu?”

  Tiredly she stated, “I think I have a virus. It started when I got on the plane. It’s gradually gotten worse since I’ve been here. I’m just so worried about you, I think that’s got my stomach all in a knot. I’ll be okay. I just need to rest.

  “Tomorrow we’ll see Rowena and Miles, and then we can go home.” She looked at him with the saddest of eyes.

  “Honey, I’m sorry I’ve been such a bear. I don’t like getting into stupid arguments with you. My behavior of late is unforgivable. You know that’s not the man I am. I love you and I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you in any way. This injury has definitely thrown a curve into my season. I promise to do my best to be the man you married. Forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I understand your fears. One of your dreams finally came true and you realize that winning the cup may not happen. You’ve set your sights on a goal that may be out of reach. I get it, I really do, but Ryne, you also need to realize that life happens. Things occur that you can’t control. You couldn’t control what happened the other night, and you can’t control where the season’s going to end.

  “You need to focus on you. Take the time you need to heal, focus on your mental strength. It will all come together. Give it the time it needs.”

  “When did you get to be so intuitive?”

  She shrugged.

  “I wish I could carry you back to bed,” he pointed to his crutches, “but I can’t. Let’s take it slow and easy, okay?”

  She reached for his outstretched hand. He waited while she ambled from the bathroom, making her way towards the bed. By the time she had lain down, he was sitting on the bed. He reached out to her. She scooted over and laid her head on his shoulder.

  She felt loved and protected. “I love you,” she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning they were both in a better frame of mind. She added a few outfits to her carryon and was packed in a matter of minutes. Ryne hadn’t even opened his suitcase, so they were ready to go early. Thankfully, her stomach had settled and they made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Their flight was on time and they were moments away from landing.

  Ryne reached for her hand and looked her in the eyes. “Just think, tomorrow this time we should be home.”

  “Yep, home.” She smiled as the flight attendant came by cleaning up the cabin. “I can’t wait.”

  They were at Rowena and Miles’s before noon. Jen hadn’t seen them since the wedding and was looking forward to catching up. They were aware of Ryne’s predicament and had arranged for a first-floor bedroom, so he wouldn’t have to negotiate stairs.

  Ryne groaned as usual when it came to Rowena. She was standing under the portico when the cab came to a stop. “Does she have radar or what?”

  “You seem to forget we did pass through the front gate.”

  “Yeah and it was open.”

  “And it has a buzzer too. She knew we were approaching.”

  Before he could say a word, Rowena pulled open the door, and that’s when he noticed the wheelchair. “Oh my dear, Ryne, do you need help? Here, I’ve got a wheelchair for you.”

  “I don’t need a wheelchair, Rowena, my crutches work just fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yep, I’m sure.” He glanced over his shoulder at Jen. She knew what was going through his mind. One night, that’s all we need to get through. One night.

  With all the fuss Rowena made, they somehow made it inside and were met by Miles. “I didn’t know you’d arrived.”

  “Well, Rowena certainly did,” Ryne stated. “I don’t know why she thought I needed a wheelchair.”

  “You know Ro, always prepared.” Miles slapped Ryne on the back. “How goes it, feeling any better?”

  Jen knew he didn’t want to rehash his injury. In all honesty he wanted to forget all about it. “Grandfather, the house looks beautiful.”

  “Ro did all of the decorating herself. You know what a control freak she can be.”

  “Miles, how dare you say that.”

  “It’s true, isn’t it?”

  “Well…yes, but let’s not go there. Come on in and we’ll settle in the conservatory. I have some cool drinks waiting.”

  Jen looked over her shoulder as she followed Rowena. Ryne followed suit at a much slower pace.

  He sat beside Jen while Rowena served drinks and finger sandwiches. Out of the corner of his eye he caught Jen raise her hand to her lips as the color drained from her face and in an instant, she bolted from the couch.

  “Oh dear, is something wrong?” Rowena asked with a concerned look on her face.

  “I’m not sure. Jen hasn’t been feeling well for a few days. She chalked it all up to my injury—nerves and all. Let’s give her a minute.”

  A minute turned into twenty. Ryne hobbled to the powder room he’d seen Jen run into. He knocked on the door and heard her groan. Opening the door, he found her in a familiar place, sprawled on the floor with her head resting on the toilet. He closed the door so Ro couldn’t overhear their conversation.

  “Did you get sick?” She didn’t answer only nodded her head. And then, she got sick again and again. She couldn’t stop throwing up. She had nothing left in her stomach and was onto dry heaves.

  “This has got to stop. I’m taking you to the ER.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “That’s what you said last night. This has been going on too long, and it seems like it’s getting worse.” She nodded.

  “Can you stand?” He could tell how weak she seemed. He was concerned she was dehydrated. “I’m sure you need fluids. I’m going to see if Miles can drive us.”

  “Let’s not trouble them. Just get a cab.”

  When Ryne informed Rowena that he was taking Jen to the hospital, she reached for her purse. “Come on, I’m driving.” With a look of determination, Rowena headed to the garage. “I’m pu
lling the car around to the front. Meet me under the portico.”

  Ryne knew not to question Rowena. Miles helped Jen stand and aided her to the car, hopping into the passenger’s seat. Knowing Rowena had taken charge of the situation, he didn’t argue with her. Ryne slipped in beside Jen and held her close. She was pale. Dark circles rimmed her eyes. He knew they needed to get to the bottom of her illness and soon.

  He’d barely snapped their seatbelts in place when Rowena accelerated. Practically on two wheels, she flew out of the driveway, cutting off a driver in her race to the hospital. Luckily, they were only minutes from the largest ER in the area. As she approached an intersection, she blared her horn and flew right through. Ryne held his breath until they were safely on the other side. Thankfully, no police were in sight.

  “Don’t you think you could slow down a tad?” questioned Ryne.

  “Indeed not,” she exclaimed as she squealed her tires, rounding the corner leading to the hospital entrance.

  Ryne was forced to hold onto the door handle as she took the corner into the driveway of the hospital. She threw on the brakes, practically laying a tire patch in the driveway. They all pitched forward as the car came to an abrupt stop.

  “Thank God we’re here,” he mumbled.

  “What did you say?”

  “Ah, nothing, Rowena. Miles, can you grab a wheelchair for her. I don’t think she’s strong enough to walk, and I’m definitely no help.”

  Miles hurried inside while Ryne unbuckled Jen’s seatbelt and stumbled from the car, his crutches saving him from falling. “I’ll help her,” Rowena stated as she leaned into the backseat. Ryne felt absolutely helpless, watching them help Jen into the wheelchair.

  Rowena took charge, pushing Jen while Miles went to park the car. Ryne hobbled up to the receptionist and informed her of Jen’s condition. Somehow they were lucky and Jen was immediately taken to a room. As Ryne started to follow, Rowena stopped him. She placed a comforting hand on his arm. “She’s going to be just fine.” He simply nodded and swung down the hallway.

  Ryne listened as Jen described her symptoms. He was shocked to hear how long she’d been suffering. The night before she’d told him she hadn’t felt right since boarding the plane, but he never believed she’d been as ill as she had.

  In all actuality, he’d thought her stomach issues resulted from upset over his injury until he learned she’d been ill since leaving Calgary. He was stunned. He didn’t understand why she hadn’t told him, and then he realized that she’d put her sickness aside to support him with his injury. Then he recalled how he’d treated her. He’d been heartless, the way he spoke to her, and she’d put up with that along with the nausea she’d been fighting. He was ashamed because he’d focused solely on himself and never took her into account.

  Ryne stepped out as she was examined. When he returned, a surge of pain coursed through his hip. He gasped as he sat. Even though he did his best to hide it, he knew she was cognizant of his pain. “Ryne, have you taken your meds?”

  He shook his head. “I forgot. I’ve been too worried about you.” He grabbed her hand and held it against his chest. “When I found you on the floor today looking the way you did, for once in the last few days I forgot about myself. You are my focus right now. I’ll deal with my hip later.”

  “But Ryne, you need to take it.”

  “I can’t be falling asleep while you’re lying here in the ER. You come first right now. Got it?” He kissed her fingers. “I’m sorry how I’ve treated you.”

  “You’ve already apologized.”

  “I know but I also should have been more aware of you. You’re my wife. I should have known you weren’t right. And you should have felt like you could’ve told me too. I realize I’ve been a little standoffish, and I’m giving you my solemn promise. From this moment on, I’ll stop feeling sorry for myself. As you said, life is what it is. If the Stanley Cup is in my future so be it and if it’s not, well it wasn’t meant to be. I need to focus on you— us—and not let my damn career interfere.

  “Hockey is hockey but there will be a time when I’ll have to retire. Maybe sooner rather than later, but what I will always have after the game that has meant so much to me is you. You, Jennifer Steele Ferguson. You are my life and I need to show you how much you mean to me.”

  Before Ryne could continue blabbering, the doctor reentered the room. “Are you feeling any better, Mrs. Ferguson?”

  She shrugged. “A little I guess.” She looked at the IV attached to her arm. “I guess I was a tad bit dehydrated.”

  “That you were.” He glanced down at his hand. “I have your results here.”

  Ryne clasped her hand tightly as they waited for her diagnosis. “I have a question for you two…”

  Ryne wasn’t sure if he liked this doctor. A question? Ryne looked at Jen unsure where this was going.

  “My question is…what are you doing in, say, June, July?”

  “I hope to be playing in the Stanley Cup finals, why?”

  “And you?” he asked Jen.

  “I’ll be right by his side, cheering him on, why?”

  The doctor chuckled at her comment. “I hope you’re not cheering too much.”

  “Why, what’s wrong with my wife? Just tell us.”

  “Impatient are we?”

  “No, I just want her feeling better and soon.”

  “I’m not sure how long it will take…days, weeks, maybe even months…”

  He was speaking in riddles. Ryne was getting more impatient by the second. On top of this crazy doctor, his hip was throbbing. “Would you please tell us what’s wrong with her?”

  “Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”

  They were stunned. “We’re what?” they said in unison.

  Wide-eyed she asked, “Pregnant?”

  “How can that be?” Ryne asked looking at Jen.

  “I don’t know. I guess I lost track…With the start of the season…moving, a whole host of things. I didn’t even consider that I could be pregnant.”

  “You are. I believe you also have hyperemesis gravidarum. Less than one percent of women experience this. It’s characterized with severe nausea, vomiting, possibly dehydration.”

  “Check, check, check,” Ryne said as he ticked off the complications on one hand.

  “Often times the symptoms improve after the twentieth week but can last the duration of the pregnancy. I suggest you go home and make an appointment with your doctor. You need to stay hydrated. Drink as much as possible. I’ll be honest, you may need additional IV’s, so do your best to stay hydrated. Your doctor will have a better idea of how to treat you.

  “If you’re feeling better, I’ll release you as soon as your IV’s done. The nurse will be in with your discharge instructions. Again, congratulations.”

  The doctor shook both of their hands and walked from the room. Ryne ran his hand through his hair. “Did you hear what he said?”

  Wide-eyed, she said, “How could I have not?”

  “We’re pregnant, you’re pregnant. I can’t believe it.” He laid his hand on her stomach. “I can’t believe you’re—we’re going to have a baby. Jen, I’m thrilled, excited. I can’t…”

  She placed both hands on either side of his face. “I gather you’re happy.”

  “Happy? After I got over being speechless…”

  “That you were.”

  “You were too.”

  “I have to admit it’s quite a surprise. Being pregnant didn’t cross my mind. We’ve barely been married six months. And now a baby’s on the way. I’d say I’m a little overwhelmed right now.”

  He drew her close. “I’m just glad it’s nothing more serious. You have to decide if you want to wait to tell everyone.”

  “If we were by ourselves, I’d say wait, but my grandparents are with us.”

  “Can Rowena keep a secret?”

  “I’ll bribe her,” Jen said with a straight face. “Although I’m sure she’ll be right on the phone with Grams
as soon as we leave tomorrow.”

  “Let’s tell your grandparents. We’ll Skype in Rose and Wilford and break the news to them all at once. We can hold off telling my family…”

  “If my family knows, so will yours.” He leaned over and kissed her. With those two words, you’re pregnant, their lives were about to change. They’d talked about having children but hoped to hold off for at least a year or two.

  “The best laid plans…”

  “Can be changed, Ryne. My being pregnant right now happened for a reason. Consider it a gift from God.”

  “I do, honey, I do.”

  In just under an hour, they were headed back to Chez Steele. This time Miles was behind the wheel, driving much slower. They’d told her grandparents that she would be fine in time. Just a virus.

  When they arrived at the house, Ryne suggested she take a nap. While napping, he phoned Rose and Wilford and set up a time for their Skype. He decided not to let Rowena in on his planned conversation until after dinner.

  Jen was still on the pale side during dinner. Ryne had clued her in on their planned call. “How about we take dessert in the conservatory?”

  “Great idea, Rowena,” Ryne stated.

  Miles helped Rowena clear the table and swooshed them into the sunroom. “Relax for a bit, and I’ll be right in with dessert.”

  While Rowena and Miles were cleaning up, Ryne retrieved his laptop. He called her grandparents, giving them the ten-minute warning.

  “What’s this?” Rowena asked when she saw Ryne’s laptop booted up and sitting on the coffee table.

  “I thought it would be fun to Skype with Rose and Wilford. They said they hadn’t spoken to you both in a while.”

  “When was the last time we spoke, Miles?”

  Miles shook his head. “I don’t know. I thought you kept track of all that.”

  “Miles,” she chastised him.

  “Well, don’t you?”

  Ryne was ready to connect and moments later, Rose and Wilford were on the screen.


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