At first the interpretation may be the most obvious: we will receive news from afar. But this messenger may have other connotations as communications; something new surfacing or making itself noticeable; a person who tells a novelty, waited or not; a situation that takes a new angle, conducive or not so much; information that leads us to something or someone that we look forward and we are taken by surprise, a lawsuit, a statement, a painful news, something we are informed in a sudden way.
Also otherwise can show undue reliance on something that may or may not arrive; something that was entrusted to someone who may not be willing to fulfil with its obligation or as agreed. In love may indicate an unfortunate outcome for a romance, a wait which is fruitless, or a misunderstanding, after all, cards get lost a few times along the paths. Or yet an agreement between two people, a warning of something that will arrive or be announced, always it depends on the interpretation of the cards that are around you.
It can also show some uncertainty, something that was expected and did not come, a fact that we are told too late, a mistake, a person who cheats us, bad news, rumors and disappointments.
Love: To receive news or answers from someone who attracts us, the beloved, messaging, unexpected encounter, somehow be matched in love, waiting indefinitely; sad outcomes; what was expected finally arrives; a surprise.
Work/Finances: response to any type of application (CV, contracts, documents, licenses), job offer, good initiative, career advancement, positive sign for loan applications or any other type of financing, assistance, financial stability and small steps.
Reversed: bad news, delays, obstacles, nonexistence of news, something unexpectedly changes the development of a particular situation, gossips, strife.
“Misfortune is needed to plump certain mysterious depths in the understanding of men. Pressure is needed to explode the charge.”
Alexandre Dumas
Keywords: accident, loss, difficulties, tragedies, trauma.
A building or a commercial establishment on fire. There’s a man falling from the top of the building and a fireman trying to stop the fire from the street. As the picture shows, it is a card that shows something difficult, a tragedy, a traumatic event, the loss of a job, of lives, depression, the loss of friends, etc. Ultimately, all the disastrous situation that can touch people and dismantle them. It is a card that marks the end of something. After it, nothing will be like before, we’ll have to restart, look at everything through a different perspective, search for our inner strength.
In terms of love, this card shows separation, legal action, spacing among relatives as a result of irresponsible attitudes, lack of emotional structure, lack of love which ends up being visible. It can also show that a drastic and fast measure is necessary if we want to defend something. Other people can also help us, but it’s up to us the attitude to salve what we can. Even if “it” is only for us.
As for work, it illustrates loss, bankruptcy, an unexpected and irreversible situation, the person is alone and helpless. There’s not much to be done, the recent situation is the result of irresponsible acts done in the past.
When inverted it can show the end of a difficult period and if all the cards before it are positive. This way, it shows the end as if it was the beginning. On the hand, if the other cards before it are negative it strengthen the negative events mentioned before.
Love: separation, divorce, spacing among people, lack of love.
Work/Finances: unthinkable attitudes, loss, misjudgment in business.
Reversed: end of difficulties, new beginning, unexpected situation, loss of love, the need to think fast, irreversible situation.
“Money, it has been said, is the cause of good things to a good man, of evil things to a bad man.”
Philo of Alexandria
Keywords: money, financial abundancy, money loss, disastrous investment, reward, fruit of a hard work.
This card represents a table with money bags, on the background there’s a small and full safe. Next to the table, there’s an empty chair. At first, the interpretation is quite logic. The card refers to material abundancy, a wealthy person, or a prosper period of time. The safe might be with its door open with might represent that there’s enough, or it may suggest that its interior might be used wisely. In the safe, we keep what is precious to us, it might be necessary to evaluate whether what we keep is still valuable to us. Be it financially or not.
If the consultant wishes to know if there will be money to carry out a project, for instance, the card signals that yes, however if there is any card signaling some kind of interruption or rupture, it is indicated to be careful and do not count on luck, because there might be money loss. If the card before it indicates the end of something, it may suggest that a period of poverty is coming to an end. If the card refers to business or commerce, it indicates good luck.
It may also inform that the consultant has been spending too much money, or that the expected one won’t arrive or it won’t be the expected amount.
The card also represents an interest in the emotional area, a person that might be thinking about cheating, pretending to be in love; one should better observe things very well if there will be love, even without money. It is advisable to look at the cards around it.
In terms of work, it shows caution, one shouldn’t spend too much money, worry with employees and expenses.
Love: love out of interest, lack of real love, two-faced person, marriage to rich person, suspicion.
Work/Finances: care towards expenses, the need to save, prudence, doubt.
Reversed: waste of money, financial misunderstanding, poverty, stagnation, delays.
Old Woman
“Patience is a particular requirement. Without it you can destroy in an hour what it might take you weeks to repair.”
Charles W. Shedd
Keywords: pleasant trip or tour, guests, wisdom, intuition, acquired knowledge, old-fashioned ideas, need to move, trip to the past.
The card brings the image of an old woman sitting comfortably on an armchair. She is intently looking at us. Behind her there are two paintings that mean the past or places which are not dear to her, which reminds us of the transition in time. Next to her, there is a small table with a lamp and a vase full of flowers on it. The card can suggest a guest the person who consulted the cards will receive or a visit he/she will pay. I also suggests good news or a trip to be made. The purpose of this trip will be according to the cards around it, being for love, business or even a trip to visit someone – the pictures behind her show exactly this.
The card shows an aged female figure. It could represent a relative or a family member close to the family. On the other hand, it could also represent a tender woman – young even -, that warms our heart with whom we can talk to and who will show us the right path to follow or will have good advice to give us.
At work, it could represent a woman or an older coworker, or a more experienced one, who will give us advice. It also suggests that it’s necessary to change the old way to act, we should be bolder and more resolved.
The reversed card suggests the separation of friends or people who have a certain affinity. It can indicate new ways to look at a situation that can break or to move to a place far away, maybe even abroad. It announces the possibility of ‘social visibility’ or certain authority loss, a person with retrograde ideas or someone who’s stubborn.
Love: mature woman, or a younger and intuitive one.
Work/Finances: older people’s advice, scarce money, change in the way one acts, renovation need.
Reversed: rupture, change, new horizon, stubbornness, fallacy.
Pleasure – seekers
“I have always thought that resisting to temptations is easier that letting myself go – it is more practical and it doesn’t require initiative.”
Alice B. Toklas
Keywords: irresponsibility, madness, embezzlement, disturbed vison of something or som
eone, adventures, excess of self-esteem.
This card shows three young men dressed casually and apparently drunk, being one helping the other. It may show a person or a group. It shows basically a personality, a characteristic to be confirmed with the other cards around it. It can also be related to celebrations without much moral background, fun and disengagement.
In terms of love, it shows a situation without foundation, not solid enough, without many chances of something concrete. As a drunk man doesn’t think about the consequences of his acts, words or promises, in terms of love, this card also shows this instability and the lack of situation that lead to a long-term relationship. Adventures and promises without truth or the intention of actually do what has been promised.
Lack of consistency between what one wants to be and what one actually is. Multiple paths that don’t lead anywhere, that can lead to loss and complications in terms of money.
Pay attention to deals and contracts, the need to make everything clear and the agreement of all parties involved, it may be possible to get debts and damages.
This card shows an excess of feelings, companionship that may not be based in true or real feelings, too much self-confidence, don’t see all sides of a situation, exaggerated perceptions, lack of modesty or even disloyal friends.
Love: a not so objective situation, promises unfulfilled, inconsequential person, lack of truth or consistency.
Work/Finances: loss or misunderstandings, prudence in negotiations, doubtful situations, possible loss of money.
Reversed: difficulty in seeing the right way, short sight of a person or something, words or action in vain, material loss.
“Those who open a school, shut down a prison”.
Victor Hugo
Keywords: isolation, depression, reflex ion, end, prison, block, lack of freedom in any level, secret, exile.
In this card we see a man well-dressed inside a prison and his body language shows pain and despair. The prison is not only where we pay our debts with the justice, but it’s also an isolated moment, of removal from the society, a moment to come back to your inner soul and reflect.
Therefore, the card is about something or someone closed in his/herself, or inside a situation, something spiritually or materially embarrassing. So, maybe, a depression can be included in the way the person sees herself or himself with a lot difficulties to move on the right track or some of block in the creativity area.
In terms of love it shows the end, lack of comprehension between people or removal. Pain because of the end of a relationship. Tears.
In terms of work the card shows difficulties, little possibilities of improvement or immediate change. It’s not the best time to risk it or dream big, you’d better stay quiet.
The reversed card shows the end of a step, a state of spirit, a situation or a feeling , but in terms of the reestablishment of freedom, it might be health recovery, happiness in living.
Love: removal, end of a loving situation or anything related to that, separation, abortion.
Work/Finances: financial difficulty, still moment, losses.
Reversed: end of a situation, something comes back to life.
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
Keywords: meeting, renewal, reconciliation, start or restart something, communication, affection, changes, solution, compromise, invites, success.
A beautiful couple meet in a garden or porch of a beautiful home. What do they talk about? What’s the reason for this meeting? Would they be making up after a fight or argument, as we can see by the caring gesture of the man? Or, maybe, starting a relationship, they’re full of hope (green environment) and trustworthy when it comes to passion (the red in both people’s clothing).
This is a card that in many cases goes back to our love-life specifically and it is extremely positive in this matter when next to cards like LOVE, HOPE and card that mean movement.
However, in terms of the other aspect of the consultant’s life, it’s about a friends or family gathering, or being in the company of dear people.
And as in all of the card that show outdoor scenes, it is advisable to go out, have fun, therefore be in touch with the nature in any way.
Diplomacy, communication, exchange of information, better explanation of misunderstanding are also relevant aspects of this card that we can’t forget.
Love: reconciliation, relationship renewal, desired meeting, the proposal of something new.
Work/Finances: a specific situation gets better, business meeting, contracts, meeting or professional career review and success in a determined situation.
Reversed: not achieved appointments, advance, meeting or gatherings that weren’t done or didn’t meet the expectations, communication block and apathy.
“Before trying to fix the world, try to tidy up your own bedroom.”
Bill Gates
Keywords: house, apartment, intimate space, patience, reflection, privacy, shyness, domestic life, home office, family business, communication, intellectual work, study, unemployment, waiting for news, the development of events.
A room with art objects, an exquisite table luminaire, a stylish chair, ultimately, the set shows the charm of the place. Light colors send us to the joy and the coziness of the environment.
What we can see in this card is that this is not a room in the house constantly visited by strangers or given to large drives, on the contrary, it is a gathering space or a space for two people talk to each other.
The table allows us to glimpse that this can also be a study space, work, a type of office or performance of activities that is somehow connected forms of communication of our present day (emails, chats, etc.)
The windows are not open, which indicates a certain limitation in the way we interpret and understand the world. However, the entry of 'light' yet controlled by curtains, denote the energy, the will power to initiate something new, the state of being something or being in some place opened to a change of consciousness.
It is good to note that this card concerns also the news or unexpected events whose content - positive or negative- depends on the cards next in a given reading.
The Bedroom is also one of those cards asking for another taken card for a better interpretation of reading.
Love: discuss the relationship, rethink the relationship or intimate life, reconciliation, engagement, marriage contract; passionate love in principle based on physical appearance, feelings and even hidden secrets.
Work/Finances: economic benefits, good news, coming financial aid office activities, family business.
Reversed: loss of tranquility, agitation, loss, obstacles, disorders, loneliness, boredom, exacerbated insight, intrusive influences, laziness, unemployment.
“One thing is to be erudite, another, a big man.”
Giuseppe Baretti
Keywords: study, wisdom, maturity, centered thought, orientation, balanced person and a good advisor; lawyer, doctor or judge education, smart person, academic career, objectivity.
This card, at first, shows an elderly man, holding a big book, sitting on a table seeming focused. On the background, there’s a shelf with a lot of books, giving the idea that it might be a library or an office. Maturity, wisdom, culture, personal development and education, all this can be seen in this card. It may refer to a doctor, a judge or a lawyer, an educator. It may refer to someone to who we can consult, seek for advice, to whom we can tell our secrets knowing we’ll be well advised. It might be someone who appreciates the silence.
This card can also show our inner situation at this time, thinking or reflecting upon something during a long time about a subject or situation. It is possible to visualize that we can use mental energy, the thought to solve something. Our strength needs to be another one, and not our physical strength.
In terms of love, it may suggest that a person likes to be recognized through his/her intellectual brightness, through his/her level of academic knowledge. A person that can be, sometimes, vain and selfish, believing that only her/him knows everything. It may be a couple crises or friendship crises that can be solved during a long conversation or logics.
In terms of work, it signs a person who has great knowledge in his/her area, that can help us, but, because of his/her great knowledge, she/he needs us to be very convincing in our request for help. In terms of money, this shows that this is not the problem, but there’s the need to be more organized in terms of what comes in and what come out.
This card when is inverted shows lack of knowledge and preparation, failure in tests or tenders, but, apart from that, a lack of knowledge towards life. It shows a person with no structure or that lives with his/her in the clouds, with not goals, no organization. It also shows confusing information that is late or not there at all, misplaced emails or documents. Smart person that manipulates us and wishes our evil.
Sibilla Della Zingara Page 4