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Double Her Pleasure (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “I’ll call tomorrow and see what all is involved. I need to make a list of who all is on my phone so I can let them know my new number.”

  “Good. I’ll feel better knowing he can’t get in touch with you to bother you anymore.”

  Once again her phone rang. She pulled it back out of her purse to check to see who it was.

  “Don’t answer it.” He reached for it.

  “Wait, it might be someone else.” She held it out of his reach and checked the screen.

  “It’s Cindy.” She answered the call. “Hello?”

  “Hey, are you okay? I heard what happened last night.”

  “I’m fine. Jayson and Joshua took care of him.”

  “Yeah, I heard. God, Haley. He hit you.”

  “Yeah, believe me I know. I’ve got the busted lip to prove it. I’m fine, though.”

  “The Crowleys essentially claimed you last night, Haley. I’ve always known they were sweet on you.”

  She glanced at Joshua. He had obviously heard her because he was smiling. She turned to Jayson and got the same look. Great.

  “I’m not sure it’s such a good idea, Cindy.” She turned and frowned at Joshua.

  He only grinned bigger and squeezed her knee.

  “Look, I need to go, Cindy. I really appreciate you calling to check on me.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you go. You’ve got to fill me in later, though.”

  “Bye, Cindy.”


  Haley hit end and dropped her phone back in her purse. She continued to stare down at it for several seconds before Jayson lifted her chin up with two fingers.

  “It’s okay, Haley. Everything will be okay.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Jayson. You want something from me that I’m afraid to give.”

  “Just relax for now. Pretend there’s nothing going on and enjoy the nice weather and the superb company.” Joshua rubbed her arm several times.

  They leaned back again and focused on the sky. No one said anything for quite a while. Then Jayson started laughing. Haley looked over at him like he was crazy. What did he see that was so funny?

  “Cindy sees that we’re sweet on you. Why can’t you see it?”

  “I think Cindy is seeing things. Besides, being sweet on me is different than wanting to date me. You’re not talking about holding hands at the movies.”

  “We can do that if you want to,” Jayson offered with a completely serious expression on his face.

  Haley blew out a breath. “That’s not what I meant and you know it, Jayson Crowley.”

  “Seriously, if you want to go to the movies over in Billings, we can do that. We can do anything you want to do, baby girl.” Jayson sat up straight to look at her.

  He was serious. She shook her head in wonder. They both were absolutely serious about the entire thing. She was in way over her head with them, and she didn’t know how to swim in their waters.

  * * * *

  Jayson could tell that they were making headway with Haley, but she was scared. He wanted to put her fears at ease, but wasn’t sure how to do that. He looked over at Joshua for inspiration. His brother didn’t seem to have any ideas either. It was important to make her at ease with them as her boyfriends and not just her best friends.

  “Let’s go for a walk.” He stood up and held out his hand for her to grab.

  She did almost without thinking. Good. She was still reacting normally out of habit.

  Joshua stood up as well and the three of them headed down to the lake. They had often walked halfway around the lake, and then turned around and walked back. They would tease each other about girlfriends and boyfriends, talk about school, and sometimes about deeper things going on in their lives. They had come here when Haley’s parents had been killed and helped her grieve. He hoped it would help settle her mind about them.

  “Haley, are you scared about being in a ménage relationship?” Joshua asked.

  “No—yes. I’m not sure. I guess I don’t know how it works. I mean the relationship part.”

  “It’s really no different than being part of a couple. There are three of you and you all give and take equally. There is no keeping score or worries about spending time with one partner and not another.”

  “So you just share me between you? What happens if one of you decides you don’t want to share anymore? It would kill me to choose. In fact, I couldn’t choose. I would just stop seeing both of you.”

  Jayson reached down and held her hand in his.

  “We would always share, Haley. We would never get possessive of you except with any other man. Then we’d be very possessive.” He squeezed her hand.

  She rolled her eyes. Jayson knew that dating had been tough for her. They hadn’t let her go out with anyone they didn’t think would treat her right. And they made sure that everyone who did take her out knew that they would beat the crap out of them if they hurt her.

  “Give this a chance, Haley. Give us a chance.” Joshua took her other hand in his.

  “If I do this, date you I mean, if it doesn’t work out, and we aren’t close anymore, I’ll never forgive you. Your friendship has been the most important thing in my life. I’m scared to mess with it.”

  “Baby girl, we will always care about you. Nothing will change. You’ll see.” Jayson stopped and cupped her cheek that wasn’t bruised in his hand.

  Then he bent down and kissed her ever so gently. His lips sipped at hers, steering clear of her sore lip. He licked at her bottom lip. Then he sucked it inside his mouth to tease with his tongue. When he let go of her and stepped back, she swayed a little toward him. He stayed where he was to see what she would do.

  When she opened her eyes, they were drowsy looking. She slowly came back to herself and blushed. He loved to see her skin pinking up when she was embarrassed. He hated that she was embarrassed, but he loved the look.

  “What time can we pick you up, Haley?”

  “Pick me up? When?” She still seemed to be in a bit of a daze.

  Jayson chuckled. She threw a warning look his way. He sobered.

  “Friday night, baby girl. We’re taking you out, remember?” Joshua asked.

  She sighed and Jayson knew she’d given in. They had her. Now they had to convince her that she was perfect for them. They had loved her for years and now their dreams were coming true. This time next year, she would be their wife.

  Joshua smiled over Haley’s head at him. He knew it, too. They were of one mind where she came into play, win her love and care for her like the precious gift that she was.

  “Let’s head back to your place and get a pizza for lunch,” Joshua suggested.

  “Okay. That would be good. I’m getting hungry. I didn’t get my usual breakfast this morning.” She cut her eyes at them.

  They picked up the blanket and folded it. Jayson carried it back to the truck. Everyone was quiet, each in their own thoughts. He would love to have known what Haley was thinking. He was sure it was along the lines of believing she was making a terrible mistake. They had to show her differently.

  Joshua helped her up into the truck before circling around to the driver’s side while Jayson stowed the blanket. Then he climbed up next to her. He settled his arm along the back of the seat behind her and made sure to touch her shoulder, so she would know his arm was there. The sooner she got used to their touch the better things would go.

  Courting her wasn’t going to be easy. He and Joshua were different in so many ways that people didn’t catch on to. Haley had always known the differences between them and could usually predict how either of them would react to something.

  Joshua tended to be the quieter of them, but was quick to rile if you got on his bad side. He had proved to be more intense and would give Haley a run for her money whenever they disagreed on anything.

  He, on the other hand, was more laid back and easygoing. He didn’t get angry as fast as Joshua and didn’t take things as seriously as his brother. On the other hand, Haley
could walk all over him. She usually got her way with him. He could see a lifetime of Haley trying to use him to get around Joshua. He welcomed it. Anything to ensure that she was in their home and in their bed.

  Chapter Five

  When they arrived back to her house, the men unlocked the door and ushered her inside. Jayson ordered the pizza while Joshua pulled out three beers from the fridge and opened them. He handed Haley hers before giving Jayson his. She sipped at it despite wanting to take a healthy swig of it. Getting drunk would not be a good idea right then.

  “It’s going to be thirty minutes on the pizza, guys.”

  “Let’s watch some TV while we wait.” Joshua switched on the TV and they all three sat on the couch like always.

  Only it wasn’t like always to Haley. She was aware of them like never before. The brush of their legs against hers took on a whole new meaning. How was she ever going to sit through a show as aware of them as she was?

  Joshua stretched his arm along the back of the couch. Had he ever done that before? She was sure he had, but now she noticed it as a sexual advance whether it was or not. She squirmed between them, careful not to rub her legs against theirs. Then Jayson put his hand on her thigh.

  “Calm down, Haley. We aren’t going to jump on you. Just relax and enjoy the show.”

  She sighed and tried. Honestly she did, but she didn’t succeed very well. When the pizza finally came, she was suddenly starved. She jumped up and headed toward the kitchen to get out plates and napkins. They usually ate around the bar. She could handle that.

  Jayson brought the pizza into the kitchen, and they dug in. Conversation was limited to grunts while they consumed the food standing up. Haley passed out another round of beer, and then cleaned up when they had finished.

  Now they usually talked before choosing a movie and watching it. Sometimes the guys would bring over a movie they especially wanted to watch. They usually sparred over whether they would watch it or not, but she always gave in, having wanted to see it, too, all along. They had a relaxed and easy-going relationship. Already she was missing it.

  “We didn’t bring a movie this time, Haley. What do you want to watch?” Joshua stood by the bookcase that held her DVDs and CDs.

  “I don’t know. Just pick.”

  “What if you don’t like what I pick?”

  “I’ll tell you, but if it’s over there, chances are that I’m going to like it.”

  “Let me pick, Joshua. I have a good one in mind.” Jayson stood up and went straight to the one he wanted to watch.

  Joshua smiled. “That’s a good choice.

  “What is it?”

  “You’ve Got Mail.”

  “You’re kidding, right? That’s a chick flick.”

  “I like Tom Hanks,” Jayson said. “I like all his movies.”

  “Then why didn’t you choose the The Da Vinci Code?”

  “That’s not what I wanted to watch.”

  Haley sighed. “Fine. We’ll watch You’ve Got Mail.”

  They settled on the couch once again and Jayson set up the DVD player and pushed play. Despite being worried about being so near to them, she became engrossed in the movie and didn’t realize they had begun to manipulate her body in much the same way they had done in the past. Once the movie was over, she found that she was leaning against Joshua’s chest with her feet in Jayson’s lap. He was massaging them.

  When she risked a look up it was to find Joshua’s face soft with desire. She quickly looked down. She was afraid to look at Jayson’s now. Maybe if she didn’t acknowledge it, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

  “Haley, baby girl, look at me.” Joshua had seen her.

  She slowly looked up. His face hadn’t changed. If anything, it had grown more heated. What was she supposed to do? She couldn’t just pretend everything was fine anymore. They weren’t letting her.

  “It’s okay. I know you’re nervous around us, but we just want you to relax and let things move along normally. That’s why we’re taking you out Friday night. Just because we’ve known each other for a hundred years doesn’t mean we can’t get to know each other more.”

  “What are you thinking over there? You’ve got a deer-in-the-headlight look on your face.” Jayson squeezed her foot.

  “That this is so damn uncomfortable. I can’t imagine that it will ever work.”

  “Sure it will. You’re the only one uncomfortable. It just takes time. We’ve got all the time in the world, Haley.”

  “You know I usually do my chores and errands on Saturday. I like to get up and ride Sugar Cube early.”

  “You can do your chores on Sunday. We’ll leave you alone so you can.” Joshua grinned. “It might take a little effort on our part, but we can do that.”

  “You’re not taking me seriously.” Haley fumed.

  “Yes we are, baby girl. I’m just teasing you. You’re wound tighter than a two-dollar watch.”

  “What do you expect? I’m not used to dating my best friends.”

  “Relax. Let’s get this over with.”


  Just as she said it, he closed the distance between them and took advantage of her open mouth to kiss her. Haley froze for a few seconds, not moving at all. Then she slowly began kissing him back. She couldn’t help it. He was driving her to distraction with his tongue exploring hers.

  He reached up and threaded his fingers through her hair, effectively anchoring her to him as he devoured her mouth. Her pussy grew damp with the stimulation. She could feel Joshua’s cock grow against her hip. He ate at her with his teeth, sucking her lower lip into his mouth to tease with his tongue. When he finally pulled back, his eyes were half closed in passion. She imagined hers were, too. She was totally in over her head with these two men. Joshua was an excellent kisser. She imagined Jayson would be as well.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”


  “I’d say by the smell of your sweet pussy that you liked it a lot.” Jayson said from down by her feet.

  Heat flew up her face. They could smell her? Oh, God! She was mortified. She tried to jump up and run to the bedroom, but Joshua wouldn’t let go of her.

  “Easy, baby. Don’t run away. We need to talk this through.”

  “Besides, I haven’t had my kiss yet,” Jayson teased.

  “Jayson. Behave.”

  “I kissed you back, Joshua. I wasn’t supposed to do that.”

  “Why not? You enjoyed it.”

  “I shouldn’t have, Joshua. You’re my best friends. It’s wrong somehow.”

  “It’s not wrong. We can still be best friends. In fact, being best friends makes a relationship so much better.”

  Haley settled down. Could she do this? God knows she had been attracted to them for several years now. She’d fought it all along, thinking it was wrong to lust after them. What if everything fell apart after they did this? How would she ever survive?

  She took a good look at both men and sighed. She wasn’t going to be able to say no to them. Not when her body reacted to them the way that it did. Even now with doubts in her mind, she resisted the urge to rub her legs together to try and relieve some of the need coursing through her body. God, and that had only been a kiss.

  She looked down the couch at Jayson. She licked her lips in anticipation and removed her feet from his lap. Then she scooted closer to him.

  “I suppose you want your kiss now, don’t you?”

  Jayson smiled like the Cheshire cat. “Baby girl, I’ve been waiting a long time for a real kiss from you.”

  He reached for her and pulled her into his lap. Then he lowered his head and licked along her closed lips before sucking in her lower lip and nipping it. Then he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened for him. He thrust in and ate at her mouth, pushing in and out as if to show her what he wanted to do on a more basic level. The kiss grew more urgent on her part as she succumbed to his seduction.

  Jayson slowly pulled back, leav
ing Haley gasping for breath still trying to kiss him back. She realized what she was doing and ducked her head. She realized all throughout the two kisses she hadn’t noticed her sore lip at all. Now it stung a little. She reached up and touched it.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry, Haley. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “It’s okay. I didn’t even feel it until I licked my lips.”

  “It’s past the time we usually go so you can get ready for work tomorrow. We better head out, Jayson.” Joshua stood up and pulled Haley up with him.

  “I, uh, had a good time. See you next weekend.” Haley wasn’t exactly sure what to say.

  “Walk us to the door.” Joshua pulled her forward.

  When they reached the door, Jayson pulled her into his arms and hugged her. His hands ran up and down her back, but he didn’t go any further. Then Joshua was doing the same thing. He dropped a kiss on her mouth before following Jayson out the door.

  Haley waved and waited until they were in the truck before she closed the door. She fanned herself. They knew how to kiss and had left with just a very up close and personal hug. Her body tingled from being in their arms. She grimaced at the state of her panties. They were soaked. And evidently, they could smell her when she was aroused. Her face grew hot again. She needed a bath and nothing felt better than a nice soak in a tub with her bath salts. She’d relax and think about Jayson and Joshua and what all of it meant.

  * * * *

  Joshua climbed out of the truck after switching off the engine. Jayson followed him into the house, the house they built with Haley in mind as their wife. They had incorporated as many of her dreams and suggestions as possible to make it feel like her home when they finally got her to marry them.

  He headed straight for the kitchen and another beer. He needed it to calm down his raging hard-on. If his dick got any harder, he’d be able to pound nails. Obviously Jayson was of the same mind because he held out his hand for one, too.


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