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Scarlet Fever

Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  “Not for a while, unfortunately. I’ve got the batter mixed up for the wedding cake, but there’s a lot left to do to get it all baked, assembled and decorated.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “I’ll be at this till midnight. I’m just grateful that you have these commercial appliances, that alone is going to save me a world of time and effort. ”

  “Let me help,” he urged. “I’m as talented as a pastry chef as I am in the bedroom.”

  “Honey, if you were, they would have you teaching at the French Culinary Institute.”

  “Am I that good?” Male egos need to be fed.

  “Do you have to ask? Aren’t my screams of ecstasy testimony enough?” Looking over at him, she saw that ravenous look of lust on his face. “Uh, oh. No time for that. Go, do manly things. You’ve wasted entirely too much time entertaining me this week.” As she said the words, she realized what she had done. His face fell. She had inadvertently reminded him of their meeting, when he had hurt her with his thoughtless words.


  “I didn’t mean it, Alex. Stay with me, please.” She didn’t have to ask again. He followed her directions, and together, they created a masterpiece for his brother and her sister. A masterpiece of love.

  After midnight, he carried her to his big claw foot tub. She was exhausted. “Sit here, sweetheart. I’ll run us a bath.” The tub was huge, a seventy-two inch Randolph Morris. Pure luxury.

  “Can we take this tub with us to our house?” Alex looked at her in wonder. Did she know what she was saying?

  “I’ll buy you one just like it, sweetheart,” he assured her. “And I’ll give you a bath in it every night.” He added bath salts, undressed himself and her, and eased her down into the warm, soft water

  He sat at the back of the tub, with her between his legs. “This feels so good, Alex.” He took a soft wash cloth and a bar of clean scented soap and began to wash her. It wasn’t meant to be sexual, he was simply taking care of her. Gradually, the heat began to build. Alex made no move to initiate anything, but Scarlet did. As he caressed her body with the wash cloth, she ran her hands up and down his strong legs, tracing the muscles, loving how they enfolded her so securely. When she was with Alex like this, it seemed to both of them as if death itself could have no power over their happiness. “Alex, I want you.”

  He was ready for her. He was always ready. “Hold on, baby.” He picked her up, carefully, pulled his legs together and eased her down on top of his shaft. “Guide me in, sweetheart.” She leaned her head back on his shoulder and eased her body down onto his.

  “Ecstasy,” she moaned. Alex did all the work. He pulled her back up against him and with a flexing of his hip muscles, he soon had them delirious with pleasure. Afterwards, he helped her from the tub, patted her dry and carried her to bed. “I love you,” Scarlet whispered as he tucked her against him and covered her with the sheet and quilt.

  “I love you, too, baby. I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  One day before the wedding…

  Dress rehearsal day…

  Alex and Scarlet’s wedding day…

  Alex was as nervous as a cat. Not about marrying Scarlet. He was nervous about how she would react when she discovered that he had manipulated the events of the day to serve his plan.

  The first order of the day was to get her to sign the wedding license. Actually, it was a piece of cake. She didn’t even question him, but followed his directions to a T. “Sign here, baby. This is the marriage license. You and I are the official witnesses.” None of that was a lie, one just didn’t have anything to do with the other.

  Next, he had to give her the dress that she would marry him in. It was a tea length champagne sheath made of silk and lace with a short bolero jacket made entirely of lace with tiny pearls scattered throughout. It was the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. He found her outside by the pool, going over her list of last minute to-do’s. “Hey doll, do you need any help?”

  “No, I’m going over the seating chart for the rehearsal dinner tonight, we’ve had a few cancellations and a few additions. I have to see who I can slip in where. Plus, this is my list of bride’s maid chores to do today and tomorrow, and I have to prioritize them.” Alex wanted to tell her that a bride shouldn’t have to work so hard on her wedding day, but that would have spoiled his sneak attack. But if he was going to get her in the dress, he was going to have to tell her about it.

  “I laid a dress out on our bed for you to wear tonight.” That was his best plan, just come out and say it.

  She put her list down and looked at him straight in the face. “I had a perfectly good dress to wear tonight. It’s homemade, but it doesn’t look so bad.” She said this quickly, as if she thought it had to be said, then she got this tender little look and said, “You bought me a dress?”

  “I couldn’t bear to see you wear a dress that you made for another man,” he admitted without shame. “Besides, this dress is hot and you’re going to look hot in it.” Before she could protest, he picked her up and marched into the main house with her.

  On their way, he expected her to protest, instead she took the opportunity to kiss his neck. “If you didn’t have to be in front of so many people today and tomorrow, I would mark you—right here.” She teased him by biting him playfully.

  “Mark me, baby. I don’t care.” But, she did. She kissed him gently instead.

  When he had her in their room, he lowered her to her feet. She turned and saw the dress. “Oh, Alex.” Scarlet had no idea that she walked around with his heart strings wrapped firmly around her pretty little fingers. But it was true. And when she dropped to her knees to look at the dress more closely, she tugged hard on those strings. “What a gorgeous dress! It’s beautiful enough to be somebody’s wedding dress!” Yes, those strings brought him to his knees right beside her. “Thank you, Alex.” But instead of smiling as he wanted her to, she laid her head down on his bed and cried.

  “No, baby. Please don’t cry.” He didn’t know what to do. This wasn’t the reaction he had been aiming for. “Come here.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re so good to me, Alex.” She wiped her eyes, trying to regain her composure. “It was silly of me. I was just wishing that this was our wedding day.” Alex had to bite his lip, he wanted to tell her so bad. But, he was afraid that if he did, she wouldn’t go through with it. He just couldn’t take the risk, it was too important. Her life and their happiness depended on it.

  “You’re going to be a vision of beauty in this dress. And here are your shoes and new underwear and a necklace that matches your new bracelet.” The tears started up anew and this time she held him close. “Let’s put your necklace around your pretty little neck.”

  “It’s too much,” she whispered. “Are these real diamonds?” she asked reverently.

  “I wouldn’t buy you anything else.” He had found the perfect set for her. The eternity set. The bracelet, necklace and ring meant more to him than just a beautiful gift for a beautiful woman. He was telling her that their love was forever, for eternity. The three pieces had set him back over one hundred sixty thousand dollars and it had been well worth every cent. “You are more precious to me than all the diamonds in the world.”

  As he fastened the necklace, he kissed the spot where it touched her skin. When he lifted his head, a tear remained. And it glistened brighter than any diamond ever had.

  * * * *

  Alex found her cell phone on their bed. She wasn’t used to carrying one, or she had left it on purpose—he didn’t know. So, when his cell rang and Doc Gibbs’s name was on the caller ID, he wasn’t surprised, just scared to death. “Hello.”

  “Alex, I can’t get through to Ms. Evans. Could you ask her to call me, immediately?”

  “You sound concerned.” Alex bowed his head in sheer panic.

  “Alex, you know I can’t say anything. Just have her call me. Now.”

  He found her, and finally got her to be still. “Stop, Scarlet.” A
lex held her by the shoulders. “You have got to go call the doctor. Now.”

  “Why, Alex?” Scarlet was trying to pretend she didn’t understand what he was saying. “I already have my pills.” He knew she didn’t want to know what the doctor had to say.

  They both knew what he was going to say.

  They could feel it.

  Right now, Alex could see that Scarlet was running on pure adrenaline. “Just let me get through the wedding tomorrow, and after that—”

  “We can’t wait until after the wedding, you need to call him, now. Please, baby. Call the doctor. For me?”

  Scarlet closed her eyes. “Why do you have to make it about you? You know I can’t deny you anything.” Taking the phone from him, she began to dial.

  Alex stood there while she phoned the doctor’s office. She turned her back to him and talked in a low voice. He couldn’t hear the conversation. He didn’t have to. He watched the set of her shoulders, one minute they were squared, the next they stooped forward in defeat. She recovered quickly, but he knew.

  Her kidney function had fallen to a critical level.

  “Tell me, Scarlet.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “The results of the blood tests.”

  “Let’s not spoil the day with talk of doctors and disease.”

  It nearly killed him, but Alex didn’t press it. He’d wait till his ring was on her finger, then they’d have a serious talk.

  * * * *

  Annalise and Ethan were radiant. The wedding party and close friends began to arrive. Not all of the decorations were up, but there was enough to make the setting enchanting. Bobby and Cecile were holding hands and making goo-goo eyes at each other. Literally. The little Lutheran preacher was a rotund man with a sliver of silver hair that rimmed his head. He addressed the group, and Scarlet thought he seemed extremely nervous. Weddings she knew. And this little man was acting like it was his first rodeo.

  “Let’s go over the music first. Both songs. Get it out of the way.” Scarlet almost laughed. She had no ego involved, so getting her songs out of the way was no big deal. The piano that Alex had rented for her was a great instrument, and with just a few touches, she found her key. She began with Unchained Melody. It was for Annalise and Ethan.

  A hush fell over the crowd as Scarlet began to sing. Singing and playing the piano was something that came easy for her. Her voice was strong and she lost herself in the words. She sang of love that had been lost, now found. She sang of hunger and desire and a lover’s prayer that God would bring them together once more. The songs were meant to be for the bride and groom, but in truth, she would sing to Alex.

  Alex was floored, flabbergasted, awe-struck and amazed. He had not doubted that Scarlet could sing. But, he had no idea that her voice would be absolutely incredible. She could have easily been a star. Her voice was blue velvet, lush and smooth as silk. He had been standing, but he had to sit down. And when she began the next song, Elvis’s Love Me Tender, he knew without a doubt that she was singing right to him. Looking into his eyes, she asked him to love her tender, love her sweet. She asked Alex to never let her go. He wanted to walk to her, assure her that he would hold on to her for the rest of his life, with both hands. But he forced himself to be still. She told him that he had made her life complete and that she loved him more than words could tell. With tears flowing down her cheeks, she asked him to make all of her dreams come true. There would never be a dearer moment in his memory than when she sang just to him, promising that she would love him forever. He intended to hold her to it. When she had finished, he walked to her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing like that?” Alex pulled her to one side and into his arms.

  “It’s no big deal, I’ve sung like that for years.” She brushed aside his complement.

  “You could have easily had a career in music,” he persisted.

  She looked at him with sad eyes. “I didn’t want a career in music. I want…” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence. “It’s time to line up, Pastor Ron is giving us the evil eye.”

  “Let him wait. I want to hold you a minute before we begin the ceremony.”

  She leaned into him, resting against his shoulder. “It’s just a rehearsal, no big deal.”

  “It is a big deal, darlin’. A solemn ceremony. We’re going to be standing in front of a man of God and saying words of devotion and commitment. Before we do, I want to tell you how very much I love you.” Alex rubbed her temple, easing a lock of hair off of her forehead, then kissed her once softly on the lips.

  “I love you, too.”

  Reaching behind his back, Alex handed her a beautiful white rose. “Carry this for me, sweetheart, and don’t forget, Scarlet, we love each other. Now, it’s time. Let’s take our places.”

  The music began and Alex, Ethan and Bobby walked from the right side of the rose bed to the front of the arbor. Alex was playing the part of the groom, a role that would be reversed the following day. As the music continued, Cecile stepped out to walk slowly down the aisle. She and Bobby only had eyes for each other. Annalise came next and she blushed like a school girl as Ethan winked at her. After she and Cecile were in their places, the music swelled and Alex looked up to see his angel standing in a golden ray of the evening sun. He had never seen anything or anyone more beautiful. Slowly, she walked toward him. He knew she thought this was just a rehearsal, but he knew her well enough to know that she was imagining this was real. That it was their wedding day.

  When she drew close enough, he held out his hand to help her up on the dais.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here tonight to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.” Alex picked up Scarlet’s right hand in his and brought it to his lips. The preacher continued.

  “A marriage ceremony like this is for one purpose only and that is to make one flesh from two people that love and cherish one another above all things. At this time, Alex and Scarlet wish to take this step. They have chosen one another out of all others in this life and now they stand before us ready to repeat their vows. Alex.”

  Scarlet’s eyes were darting around nervously, Alex knew she had been to enough wedding rehearsals to know this one was not proceeding as normal. Still, she did not bolt and run. Alex held on to her hand, looked into her eyes and began.

  “I, Phillip Alexander Stewart, take you, Scarlet Rose Evans, to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love, honor and cherish you,” he paused almost unable to go on. “Till death do us part. I promise to be true and faithful to you for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.” Scarlet’s eyes were big and focused on every syllable that was coming from his lips. “All of my worldly goods to thee I endow and with my body I will worship yours. I love you, Scarlet. To marry you is my greatest desire.” Alex became aware that Scarlet’s hand was shaking in his.

  “Scarlet.” The pastor indicated that it was her turn.

  Scarlet looked over at her sister, who had tears in her eyes. Then, she turned back to look at him—to understand. He knew that all she could see on his face was utter devotion—the most sincere look of love that a man could ever give to a woman.

  She only hesitated for a moment, but it was a lifetime for Alex. It felt as if his heart was about to escape from his chest. By now, she must realize that this was more than just a rehearsal for Ethan and Annalise. By now, she had to know.

  * * * *

  Scarlet’s mind and emotions were topsy-turvy. Could this really be happening, or were her heart-felt fantasies making more of this than it actually was? With a soft touch, Alex caressed the hand he held. Scarlet took that as a gentle urging for her to say her part. Holding Alex’s gaze, she began to speak. “I, Scarlet Rose Evans, take you, Phillip Alexander Stewart, as my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, till death do us part.” Her voice cracked just a bit, and Alex’s hold on her hand tightened, as if giving her courage to continue. “I promis
e to be true and faithful to you. For better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live.”

  Scarlet paused again, her eyes big question marks, and Alex nodded his head, as if telling her that she was doing great. “All my worldly goods to you I give, and with my body I will worship yours. Alex, I adore you, and marrying you would make all my dreams come true.”

  Alex noted the futuristic wording of her last sentence.

  “Is there a ring?”

  “Yes, there is.” Alex reached into the pocket of his coat. He brought out a glimmering eternity band and slipped it on her finger. “Scarlet, with this ring, I thee wed. With this ring, I offer you my heart, my life, my trust and my eternal devotion.”

  “I don’t have a ring for you,” she whispered.

  In answer, he just kissed the ring on her finger.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  Slowly, Alex drew her to him. It was a tender kiss, a slow meeting of the lips, a cherished moment of complete peace and love. Pulling back, Alex gave her the sweetest smile that she could have ever envisioned.

  “By the power vested in me by the great state of Texas, I now pronounce you man and wife.” Turning them to face the crowd, he announced. “It is my pleasure to be the first to you introduce you as, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stewart.” A crescendo of music followed and Alex swept Scarlet down the central passageway, past prying eyes and countless questions.

  He picked her up and held her close. “Oh, my darling. I love you so.” He kissed her then, stealing her breath, as he had already stolen her heart. Boldly. Voraciously. She kissed him back, and then laid her forehead against his chest to get her composure.

  “That seemed very real, Alex.” She didn’t know exactly what to say, but she was holding on to him with both hands, just as tight as she could.

  “It was real, baby. Very real.”


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