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Scarlet Fever

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

They stood still, he braced himself for her reaction, not knowing what to expect. There was a moment of silence, and then much to Alex’s shock and amazement, Scarlet stood on her tiptoe, wrapped her arms around his neck and began to cry. “I don’t understand, but I love you. This is the most incredible moment of my life. Explain, please. What does this mean?”

  Picking her up, Alex walked swiftly to the house. He carried her straight to his room, so he could be sure that they would be undisturbed. Sitting on the bed, he held her to his chest. “Scarlet, I know I’m probably treading on thin ice, love. But, there was no way that I was letting you walk out of my life. I had to make you understand that you have a future, with me.” He placed something in her hand.

  “What is this?” she asked in a tear-streaked voice.

  “Look at it, babe.” His words were said with enough hope and commitment that it was a tangible presence in the air.

  Scarlet dropped her eyes, and for a moment, she didn’t seem to comprehend what she was holding. It was a card, a plastic card that was engraved with her name, or her new name—Scarlet Evans Stewart. Scarlet turned it over and over. It was emblazoned with the name of Alex’s company and a prominent, national insurance carrier. “An insurance card?”

  Scarlet looked up at him in wonder. “I can live?”

  Her simple little question almost brought him to his knees. “Yes, baby. You can live. With me. Forever.”

  * * * *

  “I can’t believe you got married first!” Annalise teased her sister, playfully.

  “I can’t either,” Scarlet admitted, her voice quivering.

  “I just knew that you two would get together, there never was a doubt in my mind.”

  “I never hoped, I never dreamed,” Scarlet’s voice shook. She still did not intend to reveal her problems to Annalise. Not until she was sure that everything was going to be all right. But, for the first time, she understood that there was a good possibility she was going to be okay. She had a reason to plan, to hope, to dream. And it was all because of Alex.

  He stood watching her, even now. Every time she looked up, his gaze would be upon her. The rehearsal dinner was in full swing. There was no sneaking away, not even for the newlyweds. Minutes and hours passed in a swirl of activity, but finally the time came when they could be alone. “Come with me, sweetheart. It’s time for your wedding night.” She placed her hand in his, but they didn’t walk toward the B&B. Instead, he led her to the side drive and she was shocked to see a limousine sitting there. “It’s only for one night, we have to be back tomorrow, but I wanted you to myself for a few hours.”

  A uniformed chauffeur opened the door and they climbed inside. As soon as the door was shut, he pulled her to him. “I’ve been wanting to do this all evening.” He placed heated kisses from her chin, down the length of her throat, all the way to the tender cleft between her breasts. “You are absolutely luscious.”

  “Alex, talk to me, please. Tell me what all of this means.” She had to ask, she couldn’t wait.

  “What are you talking about, love? We’re married. As married as two people can get, unless…” and he stopped, as if afraid to put his thought into words. “Unless, you don’t want to be married to me.”

  “I want to be married to you more than anything in the world,” she assured him. “But I just need to understand what’s going on. Exactly. I mean, do you want me to stay here with you or do you intend for me to go back to my house in Pine Forest and just use the card there. If that’s what you intended, know that I am grateful—”

  She didn’t get to complete her sentence. He stopped the progress of her little speech with his lips. “Sweetheart. I want you here, with me. Don’t you understand, yet? I want us to be a normal, happily married couple with a house and a yard and a future.”

  “Are you sure? My illness is going to be a lifetime struggle. When I begin dialysis, it’s going to be a never-ending, day-in-day-out grind.”

  “Until you get a transplant.”

  “The likelihood of me getting a transplant is infinitesimal, you know that,” she said softly.

  “Not if—”

  They were both trying to talk at the same time. Finally Scarlett held up her hand to interrupt him. “Does the insurance cover both dialysis and a transplant?”

  Closing his eyes, he told the truth, with a sigh. “I’m not going to lie to you. “No, unfortunately. Just dialysis. Even though I own the company, there was only so much lee-way that I had with the insurance company. Since you have a pre-existing condition, I was blessed and very fortunate to get you covered for both medicine and dialysis. But, that doesn’t mean that a transplant won’t be the next step.” He stopped there with his explanation.

  “That’s okay. This is enough. I am just so grateful. It’s more than I ever hoped for.” She scooted next to him, and he cuddled her close. “But the best part is getting to stay with you, being married, getting to wake up by you every morning, and going to sleep by you every night.”

  “I can’t wait to start a life with you.” He picked up her hand and looked at the eternity band that he had placed on her finger. “Do you want to know where we’re going right now?”

  “Yes, but I’ll be happy with you, no matter where we go.” Although she did peep outside the window of the limo to see which direction they were headed in.

  “I’ve booked the Renaissance Bridal Suite at the Driskill Hotel.” At her look of joy, he pulled her over onto his lap.

  “I’m costing you so much money.” Scarlet touched the jewelry he had given her. “This wonderful jewelry must have cost a fortune and I know that you must have moved Heaven and Earth to get me on your insurance roll.”

  “When are you going to realize that there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you?” He looked at her tenderly. “As for the insurance card, I’ve got to warn you that you are registered not only as my wife, but as my partner. You, Mrs. Stewart, are the newest employee of Stewart Environment Incorporated.”

  “I will work so hard for you, I won’t let you down, I promise.” She looked at him sincerely.

  “There’s not a doubt in my mind,” he assured her. “I look forward to working with you…and living with you…and sleeping with you…and making love to you.” He punctuated each proclamation with a kiss and a tickle to her ribs. She was laughing uncontrollably by the time he was through.

  The limousine pulled to a stop and Scarlet realized that they had arrived at the beautiful Driskill hotel in downtown Austin. “I didn’t bring any night clothes,” whispered Scarlet.

  “You won’t need any,” Alex whispered back with a chuckle. “But, I have you something to wear, anyway. Plus, an outfit to wear home tomorrow.”

  “You think of everything, Alex.” She walked beside him proudly as they made their way to the check in desk.

  “I try, sweetheart. I try.”


  The honeymoon suite was out of this world. “This looks like a room fit for a princess.”

  “That’s right, princess.” He led her into the gorgeous room where a beautiful four poster canopy bed was showcased on gleaming hardwood floors. He watched amused as she darted around the room, oohing and ahhing over every detail. “Look at the balcony! Look at the—my God! Look at the bathroom!” It was obvious this was a totally new experience.

  “Since we ate at the rehearsal dinner, I thought it would be nice if we had our dessert here.” At the word dessert¸ she turned her attention to the dome covered silver trays.


  “Of course. Chocolate cheesecake to be exact.” He watched her eyes light up. “Do you want some?” Starting toward the table, she surprised him when she suddenly changed course.

  “I’d rather have you for dessert.”

  Her words caused his cock to spring to attention with a life of its own. His angel had a look of absolute bedevilment in her eyes.

  “Are you sure you feel like it?” It was only his love talking, his body was already on t
he same page as her erotic suggestion.

  “Knowing that I have a gorgeous new husband, a wonderful new life and a good shot at a future has suddenly given me a burst of energy that I really don’t know what to do with…other than this.” She sexily sauntered up to him and began unbuttoning his white silk shirt. “Just look at the strong muscular planes of this chest—you are eye-candy, Alex. Pure eye-candy.” He chuckled, but he let her play. “I have never seen a man so superbly built, a perfect male specimen in prime condition.” She smoothed the palms of her hands down his body. He felt her hands still. “You’re trembling. Baby, are you all right, are you cold?” She asked him, her concern evident on her face.

  “No,” he cupped her face. “I’m not cold. I’m awed and electrified. Do you know why?” She waited for his answer. “I get to make love to my beloved wife for the first time tonight.”

  His words seemed to enflame her. She continued to disrobe him, gently pushing him steadily backward at the same time, toward the huge bed. He let her have her way with him. Being pushed around was not Alex’s forte, but with her he was as malleable as sponge cake. “Lay down my handsome husband. I would like to divest you of your pants.” It was a hot moment, and she was just so damn cute.

  “Divest me of my underwear, too, baby. It’s getting a little tight.” His wish was her command. She slowly peeled down his black dress pants and let her breath hiss out as she uncovered the silk briefs that appeared to be painted on his swollen and engorged member.

  “I love this part of you so much.” She took the elastic waistband of his undershorts in both hands and pulled. Sinking to her knees in front of him, she bent over and kissed the blatantly aroused flesh.

  “That part of me is quite fond of you, also,” he managed to croak.

  Scarlet had never been so happy, she was full of hope and joy and peace and it all brimmed over into an avalanche of passion—all directed at the man who loved her enough to give her a lifetime of tomorrows. Standing up, she began to undress slowly. Never before had she had a seductive bone in her body, but now it seemed the floodgates had opened and emotions that had been on permanent ice had melted and were overflowing from every pore of her body. Alex’s eyes were locked on her as she began pulling off the bolero jacket, letting it fall to the floor. Later, she would pick it up and carefully fold it, but right now there were more important things to be done. The sheath slid easily up and over her head and when Alex saw her body clad in the shear, lacy, pale-pink bra and the matching lacy panties she watched him swallow hard. “You are so beautiful, Scarlet.”

  She left the bra and panties on, unable to keep her hands off him any longer. With a slight nip, she captured his lower lip between her teeth and sucked at it playfully, giving him no time to reciprocate. Sliding her lips down his throat, she adorned his shoulders with kisses and kitten-like laps of her tongue. When she reached his well-defined pecs, she paused to pay special attention to his small flat nipples, eliciting a harsh intake of breath. A happy trail of soft, golden hair started at his midriff and led down to the proud evidence of his desire. Scarlet followed that line, caressing him with her mouth and tongue. A whimper of need escaped her lips as she angled his penis to accept her tribute.

  * * * *

  Alex couldn’t take it. He was about to explode. Never had he been more excited than he was now. “Scarlet, baby.” He laid back and literally writhed in ecstasy. “Sweetheart, it’s my turn.” Somehow, he managed to lift himself up and switch their positions. What she’d been doing to him had been the sweetest torture, but he didn’t want to be put temporarily out of commission so soon on his wedding night. He wanted this night to be perfect. For her.

  “But I was having such a good time,” she pouted sweetly.

  “So was I, love, too good. But lay back and let me love you, I promise you that in a few moments, you’ll be happy you did.” Slowly and tenderly, he removed her bra and panties, allowing himself only one sweet kiss to each nipple, before beginning his trek southward. Later tonight, he promised himself he would feed at her breasts for as long as he wanted to, but right now, the throttle was set too high to pull back. Spreading her legs wide, he took a moment to look at her. She was as smooth as silk and as pink as a delicate orchid. Already wet with passion’s nectar, he ran an appreciative finger from the top of her sensitive cleft to the bottom.

  “Alex, I ache for you, baby. I feel so empty and needy.”

  “Patience, doll.” Easier said than done, he was holding on by the smallest of measures. But the task before him was a pure delight. Taking her hips in his hands, he pulled her forward and began to pay homage to her feminine treasure. He kissed her all around the outer lips of her labia. “So sweet,” he murmured. He started out slow, intending to savor and satisfy, but his hunger and excitement took over and he began to consume her with a near mindless voracity.

  Scarlet held on to the quilt, as if for dear life. Alex imagined and hoped that spirals of white-hot pleasure were rocketing through her body. She lifted her hips rhythmically, seeking to meet the piercing thrusts of his tongue as he delved into her quivering channel. “Alex!” she shouted as her climax exploded with a tidal wave of sensation. For the first time, Alex was where he could witness the evidence of Scarlet’s bliss. He had heard that some females were able to ejaculate, but none of the women he’d ever been with had reached that plateau of excitement. That Scarlet had, sent his heart into a tailspin. He eagerly lapped up the liquid of passion that spilled forth from her pulsating core. “That’s it, my baby. Come for me.” He stayed with her until she lay, replete. By then, his cock was so hard he could have used it as a pile-driver.

  Alex joined her on the bed and held her for a minute until her trembling subsided. “Thank you, my love,” she turned to him and pressed every inch of her body as tight into his as she could. “I want to feel you all the way up and down. You make me feel so welcome, so at home, I’ve never felt like this before. I have a place to be. It’s so amazing to know that I have someone who wants to be with me. If I’m not making sense, forgive me. I’m just overflowing with love and emotion. Make love to me, Alex. I want you inside me. Please?”

  Alex was incoherent with need. He lay on his back and urged her to straddle him. “Ride me, baby.” With shaking hands he held her up high enough so he could slip inside of her. Every time he entered Scarlet he was struck anew by the total perfection of the act of loving her. She was tight, hot, and made just for him. Her vastly talented interior muscles massaged his shaft in ways that boggled his mind. “Lord, Scarlet, what you do to me!”

  Gripping her hips, one in each hand, he kneaded their firmness, pushing and pulling her backwards and forwards, creating an intoxicating friction. Watching her breasts bounce was too big of a temptation to resist. Sitting up, he clasped her right breast in his hand and brought it to his lips. Opening his mouth wide, he fitted it over the entire nipple and areola, drawing them in deeply, laving and sucking to his heart’s content—tender ministrations designed to send rivulets of pleasure straight to her womb. Scarlet cradled his head to her, kissing him repeatedly on the top of his head.

  “Lay me down, Alex. I need to feel you on me.” Picking her up, he did as she asked. Reconnecting them, he lay down on top of her, careful to support his weight so as not to crush her. Still, he let his body graze hers, letting her feel his dominant, solid presence as close as she wanted. He thrust into her, ever mindful of her fragile state and his powerful build. But, she wanted no more of careful or holding back. Looking him straight in the eye she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist and made his day. “Faster, baby. Harder, love. Make this a wedding night to remember.” Burying his head in her neck, he pumped into her, lifting them both beyond the distant stars.

  Later, there was chocolate cheesecake. They fed each other on the balcony, watching the moon as it hovered low in the clear Texas sky. Even later, the huge, rainfall shower did not go to waste, and Scarlet grew to appreciate Alex’s football shoulders and wrestler’s
legs. He held her up easily under the warm spray, her legs wrapped around his waist, as he made love to her against the marble wall.

  And when they lay beneath the covers, Alex slipped down in the bed until his face was even with her soft, ripe swells. As he had promised himself, he breast-fed from her creamy flesh until they were aching to make love again. Finally, they slept, absolutely and utterly contented.

  “Wake up, precious girl. It‘s time to go home.” Scarlet was snuggled in his arms, her back to his front. Upon hearing him whisper in her ear, she stretched in his arms and cuddled close.

  “I wish we could stay longer. This has been so wonderful, Alex.”

  “I promise you that we’ll come back.” He ran his finger down her nose, and then clasped her to him, running his hands up and down her body. “There are so many things that I want us to do together. We’re going to have a wonderful life, baby.”

  * * * *

  “Did you have a good time?” Annalise slyly glanced at her sister.

  “Do you have to ask?” Scarlet came back just as playfully.

  “These Stewart men are incredible lovers.” Cecile agreed, as she joined the pair in the master bedroom. Scarlet blushed in spite of herself, she wasn’t as used to sex talk as the other two.

  There was still plenty to do and Scarlet rushed around playing the role of the maid of honor, making sure that everything was taken care of. The flowers arrived and the caterer started setting up the wet bar. The band came and did a preliminary set up of their sound equipment and tested it out. Alex was just as busy as Scarlet, but periodically he would catch her and pull her aside for a private moment.

  “How are you feeling? Don’t push yourself. If you need to rest, just tell someone else what to do.” It felt so good to have someone be concerned about her. She was tired, but she didn’t let on to Alex. He had enough to worry about, without her adding to his burden.


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