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Time for Change

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  When he could not stand it any longer, he looked down to see her lips working over his cock. They were swollen and beautifully red around his flesh.

  He didn’t want to come in her mouth and pulled her off his length. Following her up the bed, he gripped her ankle and dragged her down to meet him. She giggled, gripping his arms and opening her legs.

  “Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you, Chris. Only you.”

  Holding his shaft in his hand, he rubbed the tip up and down her slit, coating himself in her cream.

  “Good, because you’re going to get all of me.” He slammed deep inside her. They both cried out. Chris felt himself at the hilt as deep as he could get. Her nails bit into his skin, marking him. “This is not going to be slow. I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  She nodded. The action was a simple jerk of the head.

  He pulled out of her body only to plunge in hard.

  Rachel relaxed underneath him, giving over control to him. Holding her hands in his, he sat back on his legs, resting her ass on his knees. He looked down, seeing his cock inside her pussy, where he ended and she began. Her lips were bare, giving him the perfect view.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, giving me everything.”

  No woman, not even Claire, had given him everything. Rachel trusted him in ways that surprised and delighted him.

  He pounded inside her, watching her response and then down at where he was fucking her. She gripped his hands tightly, but he needed something deeper. Pulling out of her body, he spun her on her knees and plundered her from behind.

  Chris held her shoulders and tugged her up until she was stood with him inside her. He squeezed her breast, pinching her nipples.

  “Play with your pussy for me,” he said.

  Glancing around him, Chris knew where he was going to be placing the mirrors to be able to see his woman.

  Within seconds he knew she was playing with herself from the ripple of her pussy.

  He moved her hair off her shoulder and kissed her neck. Her nipple hardened against his palm. Pinching the bud hard, he felt her cream flood his cock.

  “Are you wet?” he asked.


  “Make yourself come for me.”

  She fingered her pussy, giving him what he wanted.

  He fucked her hard while playing with her nipples, waiting for her to cry out.

  Within minutes she was screaming. Chris left her dripping pussy, sitting at the top of the bed and moving Rachel to straddle his waist. Gripping his wet cock, he sank back inside her.

  She cried out, her hands winding around his neck as she did.

  “Come on, baby, fuck me.” With his hands on her hips, he moved her to the pace he desired. Wrapping her hair around his fist, he pulled on the length forcing her to look at him.

  Her eyes were glazed over with arousal. She was open and waiting for him to give her something more.

  “I love you. I’m not leaving you,” he said, needing to get his thoughts off his chest.

  “I love you, too.” She cupped his face, claiming his lips with her own. He moaned, tightening his hold in her hair as his other hand cupped her back.

  “Give me everything, Rachel,” he said, speaking against her lips.

  She used his shoulder to push up and down on his shaft.

  “Take me in deep. Ride my cock.” Letting go of her hair, he eased back against the pillows watching her tits bounce with each thrust.

  He thrust up against her, watching those mounds in front of his face. The hard tipped nipples were swollen and a little bruised from his lips.

  Cupping the cheeks of her ass, he rubbed a finger against her wet asshole.

  She gasped, staring down at him.

  “Soon I’m going to ride your ass, baby. You’re going to feel so much pleasure you’ll not be able to stand it.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Do you want that?”

  “I want whatever you can give me.”

  Chuckling, he leaned forward and took one of her offered nipples into his mouth. Her cunt clamped down on his, squeezing him tight.

  His orgasm was so close. He didn’t know how long he was going to last.

  Rachel increased her thrusts, taking him in deeper. She wrapped her legs around him, and his whole world exploded. With his grip on her ass, he pulled her down hard as his orgasm took over. The first wave spilled out of him into her waiting cunt. He was so turned on that he thrust through his release, pouring every bit of himself into her.

  She milked him. He felt the ripples of her pussy as her orgasm crashed over her as well.

  When it was over, he held her tightly in his arms, not wanting to let go.

  Her breaths were deep, and her head rested against his neck.

  “I never felt anything like that before,” she said. Her hands were stroking all over his back.

  Every part of his body was tingling from what they’d just done. Leaning back, he pushed the hair off her damp face.

  “Neither have I.”

  Kissing her lips tenderly, Chris held her tightly in his arms.

  After some time had passed, they both eased down underneath the sheets.

  “Tomorrow is my last day at the hospital. I start at the new one on Monday.”

  “Are you excited about it?” she asked, snuggling in tight. Her hands danced over his chest.

  “Yeah, it’s a fresh start, which is what we need.”

  “If you want to stay at your job, you can. I shouldn’t be jealous of all your previous women. I’ve got you to myself at night.” She looked at him, smiling shyly.

  “This is my decision as much as it’s yours. Those women were distractions. I don’t want to risk what we have because of my stupidity before I got you.” He ran his hand up and down her back. Chris looked up at the ceiling, feeling content. He’d not felt this way in a long time.

  It wasn’t just about the sex. It was everything he did with Rachel. She brought out the best in him. When he was with her, Chris wanted to be the better man for her.

  “I love this house almost as much as I love the man who bought it for me,” she said, kissing his nipple.

  “It’s good to know I rate as high as the house that you love.”

  She giggled. “You know you mean more to me than anything else. You’re all I’ve got in the world.”

  Staring down into her eyes, Chris felt the same way. In fact, he wanted to have many more little people in the world. With Rachel, he wanted to have a big family and surround them with a future.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  Chris hesitated. She was only twenty-six, and he didn’t want to terrify her with his thoughts. “I was thinking about how this is our first Christmas together as a couple. This weekend we’ll go shopping for furniture and get some decorations. It’s almost time for it. We may as well enjoy it.”

  The light died a little in her eyes, which he hated to see.

  “Yeah, Christmas is going to be awesome no matter what we do. We’ll have each other. Also, this is going to be the fastest put together house in the history of moving in together.”

  He chuckled. Kissing the top of her head, he listened to her plans, knowing this was what he wanted in his future, and he’d do everything to protect that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two weeks later

  “So you’ve still not told him you’re pregnant?” David asked. Rachel paused mid-pour of the coffee machine. She turned to look at her boss and friend as he stated the obvious. For the last two weeks she’d been able to hide the morning sickness from Chris. She wasn’t ready to tell him, but David helped her to deal with the scents and covered for her when she ran to the bathroom to throw up.

  “I appreciate everything you’re doing for me, David, I really do, but you shouldn’t really be discussing this with me,” she said, finishing the movement.

  When she moved the coffee to the waitress, she held her breath so she wouldn’t inhale the s
cent of the coffee. Once the order was complete she gave her attention to her boss. One of his eyebrows was raised, which she couldn’t do herself, and his hand was on his hip.

  “You struggle with certain scents. You’ve changed from coffee to tea, Rachel. He’s a doctor and should recognize the signs. Unless he’s a shit doctor, in which case, where does he work so I know not to go there?” David asked.

  “Will you just stop?” She held her hands up in surrender. “Our relationship is complicated. He was with my sister for crying out loud. We’re different from the average couple.”

  “No, you’re not.” David pulled her close so no one would hear them. “You’re like any other couple. The only difference between you and other couples, is the fact he doesn’t already know you’re pregnant.”

  She tugged her hand away from his, looking around the bar. “It’s none of your business.”

  “I know it’s none of my business, but I’m not the kind of guy who can pretend nothing is happening. Pregnant women need to make appointments to check everything is okay. My girlfriend told me to warn you about that.”

  “You told your girlfriend?” Rachel asked. Great, now two people knew before Chris. When he did find out he was going to be so annoyed with her.

  “Yeah, of course I told her. Unlike some people I don’t keep stuff from my honey,” David said. “You could have an accident, or something wrong could happen with your pregnancy. He’s lost your sister. What if your secrecy means he loses you?”

  She didn’t like her boss right at that moment. David was talking sense while what she was doing didn’t make any sense at all.

  “You know I’m right.”

  “Don’t get cocky.”

  “You’ve got to tell him, Rach, you know you do.” He was the only person to shorten down her name. Glaring at him, she folded her arms. Everything was going so well in her life. They had furniture and had moved all of their belongings out of his apartment into the new house. She was already exploring the yards and making plans for them. The weekend they spent together getting decorations had been the best time of her life with him.

  She’d felt like a proper couple, going around stores and picking out their own decorations for their house. He offered to get the new kitchen that she wanted, but she stalled him. Rachel didn’t want to risk their first Christmas together for a kitchen to be half finished.

  “Look, it’s not Chris’s fault that he doesn’t know. I don’t let him see the signs. By the time we’re home together, everything has calmed down. I’m keeping it from him. I know it sounds bad, but we’re only just getting together,” Rachel said. She folded her arms over her chest trying to offer herself some comfort.

  The look in David’s eyes made her feel nervous.

  “You’re not being fair to him. He has a right to know what’s going on with your body.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Rachel couldn’t fight them, and her emotions were all over the place just recently. She couldn’t stop herself from crying out.

  “Don’t cry,” he said.

  “I’m not trying to guilt you or anything. Everything is going well in our life. Tonight he’s picking me up, and we’re decorating the tree together. I’ve ordered his present, David. A baby is not going to be a happy event. We’re new. We’re a new couple.” She stopped to press a hand to her chest.

  “You’re afraid he’ll want the baby more than you?” David asked.

  “I’ll love my baby no matter what. I’m just afraid it will be too much with everything he’s lost. I don’t want him to look at me, hating the fact I remind him of everything he once had.” Rachel pressed a hand to her lips.

  David wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. “Chris will hate it more if something happens to you and he didn’t know the truth straight away. You need to tell him, and if you don’t tell him soon, I will.”

  He leaned back.

  Someone cleared their throat, and she turned to see Chris standing in the doorway. He was looking at David’s arms and then at her. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked.

  “No, man. I’ve got a girl of my own. Your woman was getting all emotional over her first Christmas. She was telling me how you were decorating a tree or something. I tell you, it’s all too much for me to deal with.” David held his arms up. “You can take her home and have fun, if you want?”

  She saw the jealousy disappear in Chris’s eyes. “You’ve got a girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got the proof.” David pulled out his cell phone showing a picture of a sweet red-haired girl. “My childhood sweetheart. She put up with a lot of crap from me. I’m not going to give her a chance to leave me.”

  “Good.” Chris sat down at the bar. “I’ll wait for you here.”

  Looking between the two men, Rachel shook her head. She didn’t understand guys. They were so fucking confusing.

  “Fine, I’m going.”

  She left the bar and made her way to the staff room. Rachel grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom. Staring at her reflection, she saw the minor weight loss she’d experienced. She got the chance to look up on the internet that she’d experience some weight loss, which made no sense to her. Having a baby was supposed to make her bigger rather than thinner.

  The extra weight would come in no time. She hoped Chris still wanted her when she was swollen with extra liquid and the weight of a baby.

  Once she was dressed, she made her way back to the bar. Chris and David were talking. Putting on her coat, she approached her man. “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “I’m more ready than anything.” Chris took her hand, leading her outside. “There’s something I want to show you,” he said.

  She took her seat on his car and waited for him to climb inside. “What is it? What did you get me?”

  He handed her a bag. “I’d advise that you not pull everything out for all to see.”

  Chris started up the car as she opened the bag, looking inside. He pulled away from curb, and she stared at what he’d bought.

  “You’ve got lube and condoms.” Turning to look at him, she frowned.

  “Yes.” He grabbed her hand, lifting her palm to his lips. Chris kissed her hand, and her heart started to race. For the past few weeks he’d been exploring her ass, getting her used to his touch.

  “Tonight?” she asked.

  “Yes, tonight.” He squeezed her hand, and she felt the heat start to build inside her.

  “What about the tree?” She kept her gaze on his.

  “We’ll be decorating the tree, but you’re going to know while we’re doing that, you’re going to get something I want.” He kept hold of her hand throughout the drive.

  She didn’t want to deal with the tree anymore. The thought of having him making love to her and giving her something he’d teased her with for the past couple of weeks was going to drive her crazy.

  Chris’s sole intention was to drive her crazy. He knew what to do and to say to give her pleasure.

  “It’s all you’re thinking about now, right?” Chris asked.

  “You know I am. You did it on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “Of course. You’re thinking about it now, and you’re wanting it more than anything.” Chris smiled.

  She sat back, loving and hating him at the same time.

  “You’re going to make it hard for me to focus tonight.”

  “Good, I’ll be working hard to make you desperate for my touch.”


  Chris stared at the blank tree before him. His cock was making it difficult to think about decorating the tree. He shouldn’t have given her the lube and condoms. She looked so tantalizing in her jeans and shirt. Had she removed her bra when she got home? Her tits looked so damn sexy in the shirt she wore.

  Concentrate, Chris.

  The tree was nothing compared to looking at Rachel. Her curves were calling to him, and in comparison to his woman, the tree came second best. She lifted the large cardboard box where he’d stored the de
corations they’d bought together the other weekend.

  “We put the angel on last, I think.” Rachel pulled the angel from the box, placing it on the sofa. She tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “You’ve taken your bra off,” he said.

  “I know. I wonder if we can get this tree done without tearing each other apart.” She looked up at him with a charming smile on her lips.

  “You’re a vixen.”

  “No, I’m a woman intent on driving her man insane just like you’re intent on driving me insane.”

  She lifted out the first box of baubles.

  “We’ll get this tree done, and then your ass is mine.” He took out the first bauble and placed it on the tree.

  Chris moaned as her hand cupped his crotch. “Count on it.”

  Fuck, he wondered if he could decorate the tree fast. Taking each bauble out of the packet, he placed them on the tree, wishing it would pretty itself up instead.

  Rachel pointed out to where each bauble needed to go, and he placed it where she pointed. There were times he found himself looking at her chest, wishing she’d do it topless. Staring at her hard nipples was making it hard to think.

  “We’re onto the tinsel,” Rachel said.

  He stared at the tree trying to bring focus to his frazzled thoughts. All he was seeing in his mind was Rachel naked underneath him as he waited to fuck her.

  Focus, Chris. You can do this. Decorate a tree, make it look pretty, and your woman is all yours.

  “Here you go,” Rachel said.

  He turned toward her and stopped. She wasn’t wearing a shirt, and the tinsel was wrapped around her neck. Her pale breasts were on full display with her glorious red tipped nipples. His mouth watered for a taste of her flesh.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  “No one is around. Why can’t we enjoy what’s happening?” She stroked her nipple catching his gaze.

  “Fine.” He dropped his pants to the floor not caring how his cock stood out straight. Chris couldn’t recall a time he’d been this hard for a woman in his life. She was giggling as she handed him the tinsel. Once he’d taken all of the tinsel from her hands, he started to drape it over the tree.


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