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Time for Change

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  When her mouth surrounded his length, Chris stumbled, gripping the nearest wall to keep himself stable. Glancing down, he watched her working his length. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pumped into her waiting lips. She sucked hard before pulling away.

  “Decorate the tree.”

  Growling, he tried to work while she worked on his length. Once all the tinsel was on the tree, and looking pretty good, she got off the floor to hand him the lights. Her jeans were gone, and he tore his shirt off. They were naked decorating the tree, and Chris knew he wouldn’t forget this first Christmas no matter what.

  By the time they came to the angel, Chris was so aroused, he didn’t know how he managed to stand up straight. To him, it felt like all the blood in his body was focused in his cock.

  “It’s time for the angel,” she said.

  Lifting her up, Chris sucked on her nipple as she put the angel on top of the tree. They stood back, staring at their sensational masterpiece.

  “It’s perfect,” she said.

  “Good, we’re not changing a thing.”

  Before she had chance to comment, he tugged on her hand, leading her upstairs to their bedroom. He grabbed his bag of goodies on the way upstairs. Rachel was laughing as he threw her to the bed. Chris put the goodies beside her but focused more on his woman than anything else. She kissed him, opening her legs to receive him. Gripping his shaft, he thrust inside her, moaning as her sweet cunt rippled around him.

  “So fucking good,” he said, going to his hands to pound inside her.

  “Yes, Chris, fuck me hard.”

  “Tell me everything you want.” He thrust hard and fast inside her, touching her curvy body and knowing there would never be a time when he wasn’t lusting after her.

  “I want you to fuck me. Make me come, and then I want you to fuck my ass, Chris. Since you’ve talked about it with me, I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m working, and all I think about is you fucking me hard.”

  Claiming her lips, he plunged his tongue inside. When he felt her orgasm was close, he tore out of her body and dived between her legs, licking and sucking her cream.

  Her fingers gripped his hair, and she thrust up to meet him, smashing her pussy onto his face.

  He licked her clit, plunging his fingers into her cunt. She cried out and screamed her release as he stroked over her g-spot.

  “That’s right, baby, come for me.” He flicked her clit with his thumb watching her come apart in his arms.

  Removing his hand, he grabbed one of the condoms from the box he’d bought. Taking the lube, he covered the latex. He kept hold of the bottle as he pulled Rachel to her knees. Pushing plenty of the lube onto his fingers, he pressed against her ass, watching her open up around his fingers.

  She moaned, trying to take his fingers deeper. When he was satisfied that she was ready for him with plenty of lube, he gripped his shaft.

  Pressing the head to her anus, he waited for her to relax and push out. They’d gone through this so many times, and Rachel knew what to do every step of the way.

  “Talk to me, baby,” he said.

  “The head of your cock is inside me.” She sounded breathless to him.

  Running a hand over the curve of her ass, Chris gave her time to grow accustomed to just the tip of his cock inside her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “You feel amazing. I want you to go deeper. I do want this, Chris.”

  Nodding, he eased another inch of his cock into her ass. His patience was back as she learned to take his cock. She let out a breath, and he moved another inch inside her.

  “Tell me to stop if it hurts.”

  “I will.”

  Pushing forward, he watched her ass open up to accept him. Chris gripped her hips and eased the last few inches inside her until all of his cock was in her ass.

  “You’ve got me all.”

  She chuckled.

  He rubbed his hands down her back, all over her skin. Her ass tightened around him. “Touch yourself, Rachel. Make yourself feel good.”

  The sound of her fingers running through her wet slit turned him on. Standing still, he waited for her to be ready for him to move.

  Only when she started to wriggle on his cock and tease her clit at the same time, did he move. Taking a firm hold of her hips, he pulled out of her ass an inch then pressed back inside.

  He kept his thrusts small, not going too hard or risking the chance of hurting her. Everything was about prolonging their combined pleasure.

  “Chris, please, I can’t stand it. Fuck me. I’m not going to break. I want this.”

  Tightening his hold on her hips, he fucked her ass but not too hard. She brought herself to orgasm twice before he found his release. Chris filled the condom as every part of his body was burning from the pleasure.

  She collapsed to the bed, looking shyly at him over her shoulder. “We just had anal sex,” she said, covering her mouth.

  “Did you enjoy it?” Chris asked.

  “I loved it. I want to do it again.”

  Smiling, he pulled out of her ass. “Come on, I’m going to take care of you.” Picking her up in his arms, he carried her through to their bathroom. He ran a bath, adding some salts into the water.

  Placing her inside the warm water, he climbed in behind her. Wrapping his arms around her body, she relaxed against him.

  “I never thought I could be this happy,” she said.

  “You make me happy, Rachel.” There was so much more he wanted to say, but he held his tongue not wanting to spoil their night together.

  Talk to her.

  “I love you, Chris.”

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  He kissed the top of her head, wishing he could say more, but right now, he didn’t feel it was the right moment.

  Chapter Fourteen

  One week later

  With only a matter of days to Christmas the ER was filling up with more people having accidents. The ice on the roads was causing accidents. Rachel was starting to hate the hospital. Holding the phone to her ear she listened to Chris complain about another accident that had come in, stopping him from being with her. In the other hand she held the light bulb that needed changing in the living room.

  “You know this is the third night this week,” she said, complaining.

  “I know. I was also looking forward to movie night with you.” She’d gone to the video shop and picked up plenty of movies to keep them occupied. “I can’t stop people from hurting themselves, but I can fix the problems they cause.”

  “Right now I’m hating the fact you’re a doctor.” She placed the bulb inside the light fitting. Climbing down the ladder, she tested it to make sure it worked. When it was bright, she turned the light off, put the ladders against the far wall and made her way downstairs. The scent of burnt casserole filled the air.

  “I know, baby. I can’t stop being the man you love. Being a doctor is who I am.”

  She rolled her eyes, knowing he couldn’t see her.

  “Do you forgive me?” he asked.

  In the background she heard the sirens and the chaos filling the line. “You’re needed, right?”

  “Yeah. I can talk for a few minutes.”

  “No, you can’t.” She let out a sigh, looking at the dish she’d burnt the casserole in. “I’m not doing much. I burnt the chicken casserole.”

  “How did you do that?” he asked. “It sounded amazing when you were talking about it this morning.”

  “I put the oven on too high. I went out to take some measurements of the garden, and when I came in, I fell asleep.” Keeping the pregnancy a secret was really knocking her energy levels. She found herself getting sleepy all the time. During sex the other day she’d stifled a yawn and was pleased Chris hadn’t picked up on it.

  “Baby, you need to take more care. I’ll pick up Chinese on my way home, only the stuff you like. Promise me you’ll take good care of yourself,” he said.

  “Yes, I’ll take go
od care. I promise. I look forward to Chinese, and now you’ve got to go before someone bleeds out or something happens.”

  He was silent on the phone. She heard him breathe, and Rachel didn’t want him to get off the phone.


  “Yeah, I’m still here.” She could never hang up the phone if he was still on the line.

  “You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” he asked.

  His question took her by surprise. Looking at the dish in front of her, Rachel knew now was the time to tell him about the pregnancy.

  Over the phone? Coward’s way out.

  I’m not a coward.


  “I’m still here. Sorry, I zoned out for a second there. Erm, no, nothing is wrong, and of course I’d tell you if something was wrong.”

  “I love you, and I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me.” She rubbed her back, hating the fact she was lying to him. “We’re in this together. I’m not backing down.”

  “Good. I really need to go. I love you, and see you soon.”

  “Love you, too.” She waited until he hung up the phone before putting the phone back in the cradle.

  David’s words about complications filled her mind. Shit, she really should tell Chris about what was happening to her. The guilt was starting to eat at her. Every day that passed they were growing closer. It was like they’d never been apart. She walked into the sitting room seeing the picture of Claire on the shelf before her.

  Going to the fire place, she picked Claire’s picture up, staring down at her older sister. In her arms was Talia. The two people she’d loved in the world. The two people she and Chris had both loved in the whole world.

  “I’m trying, Claire. Please, tell me what I should do.” She stared at the photo wishing some answers would come from her sister. Rubbing her stomach, she thought about the life growing inside her.

  She didn’t know how long she stared at the picture, and she only stopped at the sound of the phone ringing once again. Getting up from her seat, she walked toward the phone.

  “Hello,” she said, answering the call.

  “Rach, honey, are you okay?” David asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” Rachel frowned down at the phone wondering why he was calling.

  “You’re pregnant and haven’t told Chris. I just spoke to him. He was concerned about you and asked for your hours to be reduced.” She cursed, staring up at the ceiling in the hallway. “I wanted to make sure you were all right. Your shifts aren’t too long, are they?”

  “No, they’re fine. I almost told him over the phone. I’m such a bad person. I shouldn’t be telling the man I love that I’m pregnant over the phone.” She cursed her decision hearing David sigh in relief.

  “You’re going to tell him tonight?” David asked.

  “I’ve got no choice. It’s going to be impossible to deny I’m pregnant when I’m vomiting on Christmas morning. I hate this. I really wish there was something to hide it a little longer,” Rachel said.

  “Rach, hiding it is not going to make it go away,” he said.

  “I know. I’m not stupid. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t yell at you. You don’t deserve it.”

  She walked down the long hall to the kitchen, putting the kettle on before making her way to the sitting room once again.

  “I’m sorry for worrying about you,” David said. “I’m here if you need to talk to me.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it.” Rachel hung up after David did. She made to walk out of the sitting room, but she caught her feet on the rug. Crying out, Rachel tried to stop her fall. There was nothing she could have done as she fell onto the coffee table, banging her head. Pain exploded behind her temple, and then everything went black.


  Chris let himself into the house and didn’t like the silence that met him. He held the Chinese food box in his hands. When he’d gotten to the takeaway he’d been unable to pick just one thing for them to eat, and then he’d figured more Chinese leftovers in the fridge would mean more time spent with Rachel. She wouldn’t have to cook, and they could stuff themselves silly for the next couple of days that he had off.

  “Rachel, baby, I’m home.”

  No sound came out.

  “Rachel, babe, where are you?”

  Throwing the keys down on the counter near the telephone he saw the main phone was missing.


  Walking down the hall, Chris started to feel panic grip him. “Rachel?”

  Turning at the sitting room, he saw his woman collapsed on the floor.

  “Fuck.” Dropping the food, he went to her side. There was a small amount of blood on the edge of the coffee table. “Rachel, baby, what did you do?” He pressed a hand to her neck checking for a pulse.

  Her pulse was strong. “Rachel,” he said, shouting her name.

  She started to moan, coming around. Shaking her, Chris lost his mind as he stared down at his woman unconscious. He saw she’d hurt herself bad.

  “Chris,” she said, moaning. Rachel reached for the cut on the front of her head.

  “No, don’t touch it. We’ve got to get you to the hospital,” he said.

  There was no way he was risking Rachel’s life without someone checking her over.

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked.

  “I just said your name. I know who you are.” She sat up, grunting as she did.

  He lifted her up, and he watched her hand cupping her stomach.

  “Chris, what about the baby?” she asked.

  Pausing, he stared down at her. “What are you talking about?”

  Her lip wobbled as she looked at him. “I’m so sorry. I was going to tell you, but there has never been a right time to tell you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Taking a deep breath, Chris picked her up. Pregnancies and falls could lead to lots of other complications. “I’m not risking it, Rachel. You’re going to the hospital.”

  Walking out of the room, he started for the door.

  “No, I’ll be fine.”

  “Don’t test me about this, Rachel. I’m not risking your life and the life of my son or daughter.” He slammed the door, helping her back into the car.

  Getting to the hospital was a blur. The doctors were surprised to see him again as he helped Rachel into the ER. Eric, one of the best doctors he knew, took over the care of Rachel. From the sidelines he watched as blood was drawn, her head examined, and the gynecologist came down to exam her.

  All the time, he stared at Rachel wanting to wrap his arms around her and never let go.

  Four hours passed with tests coming back positive with the pregnancy and everything looking fine. Only then did he hold her tightly. The doctors were going to keep her in overnight for observation. Being a doctor, he found some work to do.

  “I’m sorry,” she said when the last doctor left the room.

  Standing up from his chair, he walked to the bed. “What are you sorry for?” he asked, taking her hand.

  “I should have told you about the pregnancy.” Tears were running down her cheeks. “David knows and his girlfriend. He was there when I took the test. I mean, he was there with the result. He didn’t watch me pee on the stick or anything. I’m going to shut up now.”

  Chuckling, he reached out to stroke her head. “You should have told me about the pregnancy. Why didn’t you?”

  She let out a breath. “I don’t know. We’re new at this, and I was worried because I didn’t know your thoughts about Talia or what it would all mean. You’ve had a daughter before, and you lost her. I didn’t want to give you any other cause for pain.” She ran a hand over her face.

  Moving her hand out of the way, Chris sat down on the bed, looking at her. “You kept it from me in case I didn’t want our child.”

  Rachel shrugged. “I guess. We’v
e never really talked about kids or having a family. When we did talk about it, you said we were young and had all the time to have a family.”

  “I want to have a family, Rachel. I’ve not been using condoms at all. I want us to get pregnant. I want us to have lots of children. Our house would be perfect with lots of kids, don’t you think?”

  She was biting her lip. Tears had glazed her eyes over.

  “Honey, were you worried?” he asked, stroking her cheek.

  “Talia was your daughter, and you lost her. I didn’t know if you wanted another child. We’ve had so much loss.”

  “I loved Claire. She was the most charming, beautiful woman, and the fact I got a chance to be part of her world, makes me happy, but you, Rachel, you brighten up my whole world.” He took both of her hands in his, leaning forward to kiss her lips. “I’m not with you for ease or anything like that. When I say I love you, I mean it. I love you as if you were my wife.”

  “I can never be Claire.”

  “And Claire would have something to say to that. I don’t want you to be Claire, and neither would she. Claire would want you to be yourself. I’m not with you to be with someone else, baby. I’m with you to be with you.”

  She looked down at the joined hands. “I never knew what to expect.”

  “I’m not very good at explaining everything. I always thought you knew how I felt.”

  Rachel shook her head. “I know you love me. I didn’t know what else to expect.”

  Lifting her head with a finger underneath her chin, Chris stared into her eyes. “I want a family with you, Rachel. I want to have the next fifty years with you by my side. I love you with all my heart and soul, and I don’t want a single moment to change.”

  He cleared his throat as he felt the emotion well. Staring down at his hands, he reached into his pocket where he’d stored it after collecting it that afternoon.

  “Claire will always be in my heart, and so will Talia. I believe they’re in your heart as well.” He stopped to press his hand to her breast. “That doesn’t change the fact you’re my future.” Chris presented the box to Rachel. “Which is why I was going to ask you to marry me on Christmas morning.”


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