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Perfectly Imperfect Mine

Page 11

by Amelia Shea

  “I know you’re in there, let me in.” Followed by more pounding.

  Sadie sat up in bed wondering how long before Mr. Baylor next door came out with his shotgun. Banging continued. She could call the police but they would take too long to get there, if they even bothered to show up at all.

  She waited a few more seconds but the banging started up again. Mr. Baylor must be passed out drunk tonight. She got out of bed and grabbed her sweatshirt off the floor. The banging got louder as she walked down her narrow hall. Exactly ten steps and she’d be in the kitchen. She waited in hopes that Tyler had decided to give up.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! It was not her lucky day it seemed. Sadie turned on the light and unlocked the door. She swung it open and Tyler stumbled in nearly falling face first onto her floor. He was a drunken mess. She shouldn’t have answered.

  “Jeez, what took you so long? It’s fucking freezing out there.” He spouted off and he righted himself.

  She sighed. “What are you doing here, Ty? It’s one in the morning.”

  He smiled at her as he stalked over. “I just wanted to see you. I miss you, Sadie,” he slurred. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her against his body.

  Sadie was frozen.

  There was a time when those words would have had Tyler in her bed and in her good graces, in seconds. She really thought she loved this guy. He was her first for everything. Two years she spent making her entire life about Tyler Ripley and in one surprise visit it was over.

  They had just reached their two-year anniversary when she decided to surprise him with a full seduction. They had already had sex plenty of times but she always felt like he led it in the bedroom. Sadie wanted to show him her sexy, and attack. She had started to read romance books in high school. She decided to live vicariously through books. After she met Tyler, she moved up to erotica. At first she was shocked at what she read. Eventually the shock became intrigue which had turned into full blown arousal. So she did it. Saved up for some sexy lingerie, a red lacy bra and matching thong. She made his favorite dinner, lasagna, and headed over to his place.

  He told her he was beat from work and wanted to delay their anniversary date until Saturday, which she agreed to. However, the sex kitten get-up was sure to wake him up. He lived in the Ash Brook apartments on the North side. It was a slightly better section than the trailer park but not by much. He had a ground floor apartment so she was just passing his open bedroom window when she heard “Harder, baby.” When she peered into his room, her stomach dropped. He was naked on his bed lying on his back. An equally naked bleached blonde girl was straddling him and riding him. Sadie was completely in shock as she watched his hands reach up to tug on her nipples. She moaned even louder. In a quick move, he flipped her over and entered her from behind. He began pounding in her and slapped her ass as he screamed out, “Darling, you are the best fuck ever.”

  That memory was one that had played over in her head too many times. That memory broke her heart and boiled her blood at the same time. She stared at Tyler’s face and imagined slapping him. Sadie wished she had the guts to do it. God, she hated him.

  Sadie pushed him away and snarled, “How’s Brandi?”

  He backed up and at least had the decency to look sorry. Brandi, aka beach blonde moaner from their anniversary, began telling everyone that Tyler was her new man shortly after the break-up. Sadie had seen her around since that night six months ago. She tried not to but she caught herself comparing herself to Brandi. What did she have that Sadie didn’t? Why her? She even asked Tyler but he gave no good answer. He said he had a moment of weakness. He was in the bar and she came onto him. They started drinking and before they even left the parking lot she had gotten down on her knees and was giving him a blowjob. Yes, the jerk told her that. He promised her it wouldn’t happen again. He swore he loved her. He even talked about marrying her.

  Sadie Wallace was many things and naïve might be one of them but stupid was not. She ended things with Tyler immediately. He tried to win her back but after a week he gave up. One week was what Sadie was worth to him.

  He stumbled back to the couch and sat. Sadie was briefly aware of headlights flashing through the windows as they continued their staring match. Seconds went by and she was jolted out of her stare by the sound of car doors slamming. He won by default she thought as she blinked. He frustrated the hell out of her.

  “Get out! It’s late and I want to go to bed.” He was still staring as he cocked his head. “I mean it, get out, Tyler! Now, you cheating lying piece of shit!!” She screamed.

  His being there reminded her of their relationship and all that she put into it. And all he hadn’t. He was a jerk who had been disloyal and never loved her. She wanted him away from her and out of her house. She let out another breath prepped for another shout when he spoke.

  “You want to know why I got with Brandi?” he said with a smirk. He was going to try to hurt her with his next words, she could feel it. He had always been a nasty drunk.

  “Because she’s a better fuck than you ever were. Brandi is hotter and sexier than you could ever be. My dick gets hard just thinking of her now. You know, I used to have to think of her just to get hard when we were together. Brandi is a woman; not a timid, frigid bitch like you. You didn’t excite me anymore so I had to find someone who knew how to be with a man.”

  He stood up and wiped his hands down his jeans and went in for the final blow.

  “And I was fucking her the whole last year we were together.” He smiled cruelly. She had suspected it wasn’t his first time cheating when she caught him but she never had confirmation until now. The news didn’t upset her, but it did humiliate her. And by the smirk on his face, he knew it.

  “Who the fuck are you?” The loud snarl boomed as the door to her trailer flew open. She knew that voice, that very angry voice. Startled, she looked up and saw Stone standing in her kitchen. His dark hair looked so smooth and some of it had fallen in his eyes. She was tempted to walk over and brush it back but she was stuck in her spot. He looked so big and mean; none of the softness she saw last night was present now. He consumed the entire room. Those beautiful green eyes locked on hers and she saw a look she hadn’t seen before. Beyond his fury, she saw his possession.

  Before she could think anymore his voice roared again. “I’m not asking again, motherfucker, who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my woman’s place?”

  Sadie’s eyes widened in surprise. Did he just call her his woman? She watched Stone but all his attention was on Tyler. Stone’s woman. Her? He just claimed her. They didn’t even know each other, they had never had a date and she’s wasn’t even sure if Stone was his real name. Sadie’s mind was racing at the craziness of the situation. She looked over at him just as he turned his head and his gaze landed on her. His eyes were heated as he stared back at her. Did she even want to be claimed by Stone? As if he could read her thoughts, the corner of his lips quirked up and Sadie was gifted with a small smile that had her heart racing.

  Hell yeah, she wanted this man to claim her!

  Tyler looked lost. He sobered up fast. Sadie watched him survey his surroundings as though he was looking for a way out. He stumbled a little and uttered, “Uh…I’m uh…I j-j-just uh…I was here to…uh…”

  “Man, fucking spit it out. You’re stuttering like a scared pussy.” This tone she also remembered and it was scary. She wasn’t even aware the door had opened again but there was. T. She looked between T and Stone and then back at Tyler. T looked like he was going to beat Tyler’s ass. His eyes were flaring as he walked closer to Tyler. T got in his face and Sadie noticed Tyler fidget with his hands and breathe heavily.

  “Why are you here at Stone’s woman’s house, dickwad?” he snarled as he straightened to full height. The man was frightening. Everything about him was scary. His height and muscular size were scary enough, add the shaved head, dark eyes, and tattoos covering his body, you had the epitome of a bad boy. T stood over six feet, peeri
ng over Tyler’s less than six foot stature. Tyler looked over at Sadie then back at T.

  “I was just coming over to say hi.” His voice broke.

  “In the middle of night?” T questioned.

  Sadie could not look away. This was the best show she’d ever seen. Watching Tyler squirm was the best revenge ever. Stone came up behind her and looped his arms around her waist with his hands resting just above her hips. His fingers lightly circled over her shirt. He rested his chin on top of her head and pulled her to him. He did this so naturally, it warmed her heart. She immediately felt his hard body against hers. She got the same unfamiliar feeling she got in the parking lot at the grocery store. She was safe.

  In a loud bark, Stone asked, “What’s he doing here?”

  Sadie shook her head vigorously. “I didn’t invite him.”

  Stone chuckled. “I know that, babe.”

  He gripped her jaw softly and angled it to his. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. His lips were strong but smooth against hers. She leaned deeper into him as her body quivered. Completely out of her mind and lost in their kiss, she licked his top lip and immediately he opened his mouth and his tongue slid against hers. Her hand gripped his and he intertwined their fingers. They continued to taste each other. He tasted like mint, her new favorite flavor. When he entered her mouth again, she sucked on his tongue and slowly released it. God, this was the best kiss ever. When he pulled back a bit she leaned in. She didn’t want it to end yet. He let out a low moan and she realized that she could come just from his kiss.

  A loud cough had Sadie jerking her head toward T and Tyler, reminded they were not alone. They both stared. T looked bored and Tyler scowled at Sadie. Embarrassed, she started to drop her head to get away from their eyes. But Stone’s strong hand gripped her chin again and brought her eyes back to his. She was staring into green eyes once again. He held her stare for a second before dropping a soft kiss on her lips, caressing her jaw. This was the Stone from her dreams.

  “I’m going to go,” Tyler seethed and headed toward the door.

  “You think, asswipe?” T’s hand came up and smacked the back of Tyler’s head and he stumbled forward. He recovered and looked up at Sadie with an expression of betrayal. Did he really think Sadie was going to stand up for him? Sadie refused to feel bad for Tyler. Karma was a bitch!

  Stone pushed her behind him and stood in front of Tyler. “Don’t come here again, you got me?” His tone was lethal. He leaned into Tyler and whispered something to him that she couldn’t hear. Part of her hoped he was threatening him if he came near her again. When Tyler’s face appeared in front of hers, Sadie figured she might not be far off from what Stone said to him.

  Tyler cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, Sadie. I won’t be bothering you again.”

  “You better not because if I hear that you’ve been with messing with Sadie, I’ll come for you.” Stone’s voice was almost sinister when he took a step forward, towering over Tyler and snarled. “I. Will. Come. For. You!”

  Tyler jerked his head before he practically ran out the door.

  No one had ever stuck up for her. There weren’t many instances where there was a need. She hadn’t been part of many confrontations in her life. Even when she caught Tyler cheating on her, she didn’t yell or scream or hit him. She wanted to, but she didn’t. She walked away. In private, she cried, yelled, and plotted his death but in public she shrugged it off. It was the ultimate betrayal from the man she thought she loved, and she did nothing.

  Now she was standing in her living room with a man she hardly knew who just declared her to be his woman. He threatened her ex away from her. She stared at Stone while he talked with T by the kitchen table. Their voices were low and she couldn’t make out what they were saying. This man just had her back. She started to smile because it felt good.

  T was texting on his phone when Stone walked over to the couch and sat. She was still standing, not sure what to do. He gestured to the couch. She went to the opposite end of the sectional and sat on the edge of the cushion and twisted her fingers together. She did that when she was nervous. Stone looked down at her hands and back up to her eyes. He was completely calm.

  “Why weren’t you at work tonight?”

  “I’m on vacation. I took off the next two weeks.”

  “The girl at the diner said you came in and left in a hurry. She said they were all worried about you and tried calling but you didn’t pick up.” His tone remained calm.

  “What girl?”

  He leaned back and yelled to T.

  “T, man, what’s the name of the girl from the diner?”

  T walked into the living room, head down still texting as he said, “Melissa.”

  Sadie tilted her head to the side as she watched T who had stopped texting. She didn’t know any “Melissa” from the diner.

  T must have seen her confused expression because he explained. “The waitress.”

  “We don’t have a Melissa that works at the diner,” Sadie replied, still confused.

  He let out a frustrated sign. “The chick you caught sucking my dick in the bathroom. Melissa.”

  Her confusion ended and irritation replaced it. She narrowed her eyes at T. He was such a jerk. She knew he was talking about Melinda. She knew what he was saying was true but he didn’t have to be crude about it. He could have described her or at the very least said the girl he was with in the bathroom. There was no need to go into detail.

  “You’re an asshole,” she hollered.

  “Why?” He honestly looked puzzled. This made him an even bigger asshole for not even realizing he was an asshole.

  “Her name is Melinda and don’t you dare talk about her like that!” Sadie pointed her finger at him.

  He looked over to Stone. He tried to hide a smile but was failing.

  “Talk about her like what? I didn’t say anything bad. All I said was she sucked my dick because she did. She sucked my dick,” he stated, matter of fact.

  “Stop saying that.” Sadie covered her ears.

  The door burst open and Sadie looked over to see Roxanne walk in. She kept her hands over her ears like a two year old. She scanned the room and Sadie could tell Roxanne was trying to hold back a laugh when she saw her. They were all trying to hold back laughter as they watched her. She must have looked like a complete childish moron.

  “Oh shut up, T. No one wants to hear about your dick or who’s sucking it.” Roxanne rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic sigh.

  Stone chuckled while T folded his arms and glared at her. Sadie remained stone-faced, still holding her ears.

  “Whatever! Can we just fucking go? I never got dinner and I’m starving,” he complained to Roxanne.

  “Okay, fine, but you’re buying for waking me up to come get your sorry ass,” she teased.

  “Not my fault, blame this fucker.” He pointed to Stone. “He about blew a fucking fuse when this one,” then pointed to Sadie, “went MIA.”

  This piece of information had Sadie lowering her hands from her ears and looking over at Stone. He got mad when he didn’t know where she was? His face looked calm but there was something else there. There was something in his eyes. He was worried about her; Sadie knew by the way he looked at her now. His stare was heated and she was brought back to their kiss. Her breasts perked up and her nipples poked through her tank under her sweatshirt. Until now, with everything going on she hadn’t had time to think about her outfit. A thin tank and boys shorts. The sweatshirt came to her knees so she was completely covered. But under Stone’s stare, she was very exposed.


  She looked around and realized everyone was staring at her again. Roxanne was talking to her while she was consumed with thoughts of Stone. This was so embarrassing.

  “Uh yeah?” Her breath was too shallow to go unnoticed.

  Roxanne gave Sadie a knowing smirk. “You are coming to my birthday on Thursday, right? We’re all going to DL’
s for my twenty-first! You have to come and celebrate the birth of me,” she excitedly announced, spreading her arms wide.

  Sadie giggled at her dramatics. Roxanne was funny. She acted like she really wanted her there. Sadie didn’t even know her but she wanted her to be part of her celebration. She was about to answer but Stone beat her to it.

  “She’ll be there.”

  Roxanne did a little dance in the living room before T grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door.

  “Jeez, T, what’s the rush?” She laughed.

  “I want to get you as far away as possible from here so Stone and his woman can continue their eye fucking. Let’s go.” He pulled her out the door while she laughed hysterically.

  Chapter 9

  They were alone.

  She’d fantasized about this moment. She had a dream of this exact scenario. She seduced him. He would have to sit and watch as she stripped and made him completely hot for her but he couldn’t touch her. He’d have to wait for her to come to him. Sadie loved that dream. She loved the look in his eyes, pure lust. Her dream was erotic and unfiltered and dirty. And here she was. It was as if someone set it up and said, “Have at it, it’s yours, do what you will.” The only thing this scenario lacked was the confidence she had in her dream.

  She’d always played it safe. She wasn’t a risk taker. All her relationships had been led by the other person. It was like always being the co-star on a TV show. She watched Stone on her couch, leaning back relaxed and comfortable, his arms resting on the top of the seat, legs spread. He looked as though this was the only place he wanted to be right now. Yeah, she’d be his co-star.

  “Come here.” A sexy smirk teased his lips. His eyes drew her to him as she stood up and walked to him. She was gifted with a gorgeous sinful smile and a sultry stare. Sadie stopped in front of him. She wanted him so badly but she was unsure of herself. This was a man who had definitely been with a lot of women. She on the other hand had only been with Tyler.

  He was looking at her with the sexiest look she’d ever seen a man give a woman. Her heart was pumping, her nerves were taking over her body, and she began to shake a little. He reached for her but she stepped back.


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