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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Page 10

by Dawn Brower

  No time like the present. Emma turned to Paxton and said, “Let’s go check it out.”

  They both exited the car and headed toward the entrance of the café. They entered, and Emma was blown away with the ambiance. It was as quaint and charming as she expected. She was happy with her observation until her eyes landed on Alison and Colt a few feet in front of her. Alison’s head tipped back as she laughed at something Colt had said. Her copper-gold curls tumbled around her shoulders. She looked so damned happy it hurt Emma to look at her.

  “Come on, let’s join them,” Paxton said, pulling her hand in his.

  What? He didn’t mean to actually join Alison and Colt? Emma had to have heard him wrong. Why would he do this to her? To be fair, Paxton had no idea of her history with Colt. No one on the team did. Shock filled her as he led her over to Alison and Colt’s table. He pulled out a chair for her, and she blindly sat in it. With numbness filling every inch of her soul, she watched him take the seat opposite of her, across the table.

  Alison looked over at her, and her mouth hung open with surprise. “Hey, Emma—”

  Emma nodded her head like the town idiot. She had no clue what to say or why Paxton pushed her into the situation she now found herself in—hell. Yeah, this had to be Emma’s version of the fiery inferno.

  “Paxton.” Colt nodded at him. “You’ve met Alison, right?”

  “Yeah, she’s been very helpful.” Paxton nodded. “I’ve been working with her a lot lately.”

  Right. That had to be why Paxton dragged Emma over to their table. He must feel a kindred spirit with Alison. She’d been his mediary between him and the press lately. Paxton didn’t sit down with Colt and Alison to punish Emma. He saw a friendly face and latched onto the opportunity.

  “What brings you two out tonight?” Alison asked.

  “Oh, nothing special…we needed to eat.” Paxton waved his hand. “The food was good when I ate here with you and Tori.”

  “Yeah,” Alison picked up her water and took a big gulp. She set it down and stared at something over Colt’s head.

  Awkward silence—yeah, Emma was right the first time. This was definitely hell.

  “Have you ordered yet?” Emma asked.

  “Oh yeah, we did.” Colt nodded. “Do you want me to call the waitress over?”

  Wow, this was such a bad idea. She should try to find a way to excuse herself. A cab ride back to Tori’s condo was sounding better by the second.

  “I’ll go find her,” Alison said. She jumped up so fast no one could stop her from leaving.

  “So how’s the training going?” Emma turned to Colt and raised an eyebrow.

  “Good,” Colt said. “Been working pretty hard.”

  “What’s going on with Alison?” Paxton asked.

  Colt’s forehead scrunched up in puzzlement. “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “She seemed so happy when we walked in. I’ve never seen her laugh like that.” Paxton watched as Alison talked to the waitress. “She’s stunning when she lets go.”

  Emma’s gaze flew to Alison and back to Paxton. Could he have feelings for her? It sure looked like it might be possible. Emma wondered if Alison might reciprocate. She’d have to investigate further. If it was possible—she wouldn’t let herself hope. It was wrong to plot ways of breaking up Alison and Colt. But Emma couldn’t help herself.

  “Paxton, why don’t you go over and ask the waitress to bring me a glass of water. I’m really thirsty.” Emma rubbed her throat for emphasis.

  “Oh sure, I can do that.” Paxton leaped up and rushed over to Alison and the waitress.

  “Couldn’t get rid of him fast enough?” Colt asked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Colt laughed. “You don’t want to be here, do you?”

  Emma tapped her finger on the table. “What was your first clue?”

  “Oh, your look of instant delight when you walked in. You were never good at hiding it when you were horrified at your surroundings.”

  Emma sighed. “I’m tired. This seemed like a good idea when Paxton suggested it. I think I’d rather go home.”

  Colt smiled. It seared her heart. He looked so damned happy. Why did he also have to look so gorgeous sitting next to her? She missed spending time with him. If they were still together, this would be one of the best nights she’d ever had. Instead, she had to sit next to him and pretend not to be bothered with his new relationship.

  “What’s keeping you here?” Colt asked. “Go home if you don’t want to lower yourself to spend any time with me.”

  Colt thought she didn’t want to be around him? Emma could see how he would get that impression. She hadn’t exactly been warm and inviting in his presence. She’d gone so far as to tell him to leave her alone. On more than one occasion, if she were to be honest. She’d been a veritable shrew. At first she’d meant every word. Even if he’d betrayed their love with Missy, she found her heart softening toward him. She loved him. That hadn’t changed and never would. Her heart had been bruised and needed time to heal. As soon as she found time though, she’d track Missy and Melody down—Emma wanted answers.

  “I don’t hate you.”

  Colt shrugged his shoulders. “You could have fooled me. Most times you can’t even look at me.”

  “One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.”

  “I’m not following you,” Colt said.

  “Never mind, it doesn’t matter.” Emma turned her head. Alison and Paxton were still on the other side of the restaurant. They were deep in conversation—the waitress nowhere in sight. It appeared like Emma had been right. Paxton had a thing for Alison. He didn’t seem bothered by her relationship with Colt. Maybe Emma should take a play from his book and let Colt know she still wanted to be with him.

  “Of course it matters, Ems.” Colt laid his hand on hers. She looked up into his cobalt eyes and saw a wealth of emotion shining back. “You’ve always meant a lot to me.”

  Emma fought tears. She couldn’t help the emotions welling up inside of her. Why did he have to be so damned nice to her? She’d been a complete witch around him. “I feel the same way about you. I hope you’re happy.”

  “I want you to be more than happy.” Colt’s hand still rested on top of hers. He began to rub his thumb across the top in slow strokes. “If you don’t want to be here, don’t feel like you have to stay.”

  “Well, the thing is Paxton is my ride. It’s either wait for him or call a cab.”

  Colt smiled. “I can give you a ride home. Alison drove herself here.”

  “Alison won’t mind?”

  “No, she seems to be engrossed with Paxton anyway. Probably some business thing they have to discuss. She said he calls her every day with some new crisis.”

  Emma could feel her insides heat up with each stroke of his thumb on her hand. She didn’t want to feel so much desire building up inside of her. It couldn’t be a good thing. Colt was taken—by someone else. No matter how many times she reminded herself of that fact, she couldn’t get it to stick in her brain.

  “If you don’t mind,” Emma began, “I do want to get back. It’s been a long night.”

  “Not at all. Let me go tell them we’re going to leave.”

  Colt pushed his chair back and stood. He strolled over to Alison and Paxton. He placed his hand on her shoulder and Alison looked at him. She nodded her head a couple of times at whatever Colt said. Emma rubbed her hand where Colt’s had been. When he lifted his thumb off of her flesh, a part of her wanted to scream no. Her skin still tingled with pleasure, and she wanted to keep it going on forever.

  “Alison said go and take you home. Paxton says he’s sorry you’re not feeling up to company and he’ll see you tomorrow at therapy.”

  Emma looked up into Colt’s eyes and nodded her head. “Sounds good. Thanks again.”

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  Colt’s smile warmed her from the inside out. She’d never feel pleasure again
quite like what she experienced when his arms were wrapped around her. If only she could bottle it up and bring it out on especially lonely days.

  “Take me home,” Emma said. What she wanted to say was take me to your home. She didn’t want to leave him. Sadly she had to go back to Tori’s condo. Some things were not meant to be. Colt and Emma had their chance already. Her eyelids flew open wide, and her gaze sought Colt. His long mahogany hair was pulled back, a few strands coming loose in the breeze. His cobalt blue eyes were locked on her face—searching for something from her. Emma didn’t know what he wanted or needed, but she wished she could wrap it up and present it to him. She’d give him the world if he wanted it. One of them should be happy, and Emma didn’t have a chance in hell of finding hers. What she needed, no craved, was lost to her.

  What Emma desired, more than anything, was for Colt to kiss her. An explosion of passion designed to erase everything from her mind—pure, sensational bliss.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Colt wanted to kiss her…

  Emma’s cinnamon hair blew in the cool breeze. Her blue eyes held a sadness he wanted to erase. Maybe he should do it. What’s the worst that could happen? The first time he kissed her she’d believed he was dating Alison, and she still did. If he kissed her now, Emma might quit talking to him again—but she might do the unthinkable and kiss him back. If she did, it would be worth the risk.

  He should tell her the truth. Alison was his best friend, not his girlfriend. Colt remained silent as he stared at her. For reasons he couldn’t explain, the words wouldn’t come to him. This game they were playing didn’t make sense to him, but he didn’t know how to end it. Emma meant so much to him, and fear of losing her permanently ruled his decisions.

  They stood outside of his car. He should open the door and help her inside. Do as she’d asked and drive her to Tori’s condo. Colt didn’t always do what he was supposed to. It’d gotten him into a lot of trouble over the years. He didn’t see any reason why he should deviate from his usual path. For once, in his road to get Emma back, he decided to give in to his deepest impulse. He closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms.

  A shocked gasp filled the air around him. Colt leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Emma’s mouth opened willingly. She brought her hands up to his neck. Her fingers threaded into his hair and dug deep into his scalp. Colt’s body lit up, tiny prickles of energy fluttered through him. The joy of the moment surpassed every fantasy he’d conjured up. She hadn’t pulled away. He hadn’t realized how much he needed to feel her encased in his arms again. Her lips roamed over his again and again—seeking more.

  Colt pushed her up against the car and deepened the kiss. Their tongues dueled for control. He couldn’t get enough of her. His blood warmed as desire filled him. Kissing wasn’t enough—he wanted more. He lifted his head so he could look into her eyes and gauge what might be going through her mind. Their noses touched as Emma’s eyelids flew open. Her passion-filled gaze sought his. Emma’s eyes were glazed over with a dreaminess he wanted to bottle up and keep close by.

  “Take me home, Colt.”

  So he’d misjudged. Emma still wanted to go back to Tori’s condo. His heart fell to the lowest depths of despair. He’d miscalculated and did the one thing guaranteed to push her out of his life again.

  “Sure, I can take you to Tori’s. Let’s get in the car where it’s warmer.”

  Emma reached out and grabbed his arms, stopping him from walking away. “No, I don’t want to go to Tori’s.”

  Colt was confused. Did she move and no one had bothered to tell him? “Okay, where do you want me to take you then?”

  Emma licked her lips. Her eyelashes fluttered as she closed her eyes. She bit her lip—her tongue darted out again and slid across her bottom lip. Her chin jutted out with determination, and she opened her eyes. She studied him searching—for what he had no idea. After several seconds flew by she seemed to find what she was looking for.

  “Take me to your place.”

  He had to have heard her wrong. Did she say to take her home with him? “What?”

  “You heard me,” she whispered.

  “I’m not sure I did. Could you repeat that?”

  Instead of answering him with words, she twined her arms around his neck and pulled his lips to hers. They fell back against his car as heat traveled between them—a burning inferno of desire building all around them. The passion he’d bottled up so he wouldn’t scare her away unleashed in full force. Colt yanked her forward, pulling her as close as possible to him. He wanted to make an imprint of her on his body and vice versa. If he could, he’d mark her, so everyone knew she belonged to him. Colt would always be Emma’s. No one would ever be able to fill his heart the way she did. This was the first step in getting her to admit they belonged together. If she wanted to come home with him, it meant one thing. She wanted to spend the night with him. Colt wasn’t about to refuse. He never once thought she’d ask to come home with him. If he knew kissing her would get this reaction from her he’d have done it again, much sooner.

  He forced himself to put some distance between them. Colt took several steps back and stared at her. Her lips were plump and moist from their little make-out session. Her eyes were heavy with desire. Her breathing was ragged as her chest moved with rapid little pants.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “Now unlock the car and take me home before I change my mind.”

  “I don’t know. If there’s a chance you might do that—maybe we shouldn’t be doing this.”

  Colt didn’t want Emma if she didn’t really want him. He wouldn’t take advantage of her. He loved her too much to ruin any real chance they might have together. It pained him to be rational and give her an out, but he had to.

  Emma was determined to drive him insane. Instead of listening to him, she decided he needed to be worked up to a fever pitch. She tilted her head to one side and grinned. He knew that look. She was about to do something to bring him to his knees.

  Her lips twitched as she sashayed closer to him. Her fingers skimmed his arms, a touch so light he almost didn’t feel them as they slid down the entire length. Colt watched them tap their way down to his hand. His attention completely diverted, enthralled, he waited. Emma would strike when he least expected her to. Colt never knew what she’d do, but it always drove him wild. This was a new trick, and like the sadistic bastard he was, he couldn’t wait to see what her next move was.

  Her other hand snaked upward and floated above his face forcing him to turn into it. Colt craved her touch, and this was a buffet of sensations he couldn’t get enough of. She was both punishing and rewarding him. Her other hand moved upward, skimming his chest, and finally resting on his cheek. Both hands surrounded his face as she forced him to look at her.

  “You never used to turn me down. Maybe you’re right and I should go to Tori’s.” Her eyes held desire and regret. Both gutted him. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to pleasure me. I’d much rather you wanted me as much as I want you.”

  With each word she spoke her hands traveled to a different spot on his body. He hissed as one of them hovered at his waistline. Her fingers skimmed the edge of his jeans just enough so he could feel the tips of her fingers as they grazed his heated skin. Emma stopped when she reached the button. Colt’s eyes slid downward so he could watch her next move. Her thumb rubbed the metal circle almost like a caress meant to entice. It sure made his whole body tense even more with unrequited desire.

  She reached deep into his front pocket. Her hand skimmed his growing erection. The only thing better would be to actually feel her hand stroking him skin to skin. Her fingers fluttered over the contents and pulled them out of his pocket. He stared at her confused as she dangled his keys in front of him.

  “Since you don’t want to have sex, how about you let me drive your sexy beast instead.” Emma clicked the button on the remote and unlocked his car. She skipped over to the driver�
�s side and hopped in. The engine roared to life as she started it and hit the gas a couple of times. “What’re you waiting for, get in.”

  Colt stood there stunned, watching her get comfortable in his car—a small part of him absorbing the sight of her. She looked so damned pleased with herself. He adored her. Colt rocked back on his heels and laughed at her audacity. She’d got him all hot and bothered just to steal his damn keys.

  He shook his head and opened the passenger door. If driving his car put a smile on her face, she could drive the damn thing whenever she wanted. “Okay, where do you want to drive it to?”

  “You’re really going to let me?” she asked, surprised.

  “You can take it anywhere you want.” Colt leaned back in his seat. “Consider it your car for the night.”


  Emma pushed the stick shift into drive and peeled out of the parking spot. Colt jerked back as she accelerated. She drove along in first gear until she found the expressway. She quickly had it all the way into fifth gear as she let the car loose. Pure pleasure shown across her features as she tested the speed limits—of the car and the freeway. Emma eased back to a reasonable speed after a few moments at the top velocity.

  “This is freaking awesome,” Emma declared. “Thanks for letting me run free.”

  Colt laughed. “As if I could ever control you.”

  “True enough,” Emma agreed. “I don’t like being locked down unless it’s my choice.”

  “Were you messing with me back there so you could drive my car?”

  “Maybe,” Emma said, then shook her head. “No, I wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, this car is awesome. But it wasn’t my end game.”

  “Really?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” Emma nodded, her gaze facing forward so she could concentrate on the road.

  “So what did you expect to gain?”

  Emma snorted. “I thought that was pretty obvious.”

  Colt was missing something if Emma thought it was so crystal clear. “Maybe you could explain it to the idiot in the car.”


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