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Sensual Games (Novak Springs #3)

Page 11

by Dawn Brower

  Emma laughed. It was melodic as it echoed through the small space separating them. He loved hearing it ringing through his ears.

  “I wanted you to take me home and make love to me all night long.”

  “You were serious?”

  “You doubted me?” Emma asked, baffled. “When have I ever led you to believe I don’t mean what I say?”

  “We can still go back to my place,” Colt piped in. God he was an idiot, truly a freaking class A moron. “I can turn on the GPS for you to follow.”

  “Nah, the moment’s passed. It would have been a mistake.”

  Yup, he’d messed up again. At least this gave him a little hope. If she’d been willing to give him a chance earlier, he could talk her into it again. “You sure? I’m ready and more than willing.” Colt wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

  “It shouldn’t have happened to begin with, Colt.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “You have a girlfriend remember?”

  Fuck, he’d forgotten she still believed him and Alison was dating. Wait, if she believed he was deep into another relationship, why’d she been so willing to jump into bed with him? Colt was missing something.

  “Didn’t seem to bother you earlier.”

  “I had a momentary lapse of judgment.” Emma’s lips formed a grim line. “It won’t happen again.”

  Damn. He’d have to tell her the truth. If he wanted Emma to give in and be with him, she’d need to believe he was free. It was time he owned up to his blunder. She’d believed he and Alison were a couple for months now. If he’d guessed correctly, Alison was actually very much interested in Paxton Kerry. He’d hate to mess that up for her. Alison deserved to be happy—even if it was with the likes of Paxton.

  Colt sighed. “You’re wrong you know.”

  “About what?”

  “Alison and me.”

  “Really?” She frowned. “Seems like I had it straight from the horse’s mouth.” Emma poked him in the shoulder. “That would be you, jackass.”

  “Yeah, I know—”Colt ran his hands through his hair and pulled it lose from the rubber band holding the long strands in place. “I may have misspoken.”

  Emma’s head snapped to the side, her glare piercing through him before her attention returned to the road. “Which part?”

  Time for him to suck it up and tell her everything—he really was a complete ass. She’d be pissed. He needed to brace himself for her wrath. As soon as the words left his mouth she’d be on the attack. Emma eased the car onto the off ramp to the residential area of Capitol Hill—the swank area where Tori’s condo was located. Emma indeed planned on going home.

  “All of it.”

  Emma slammed on the brakes and her eyes flew to his, anger shooting in his direction, her mouth a hard line. Thank goodness there were no other vehicles on the road. Her hands clenched around the steering wheel. “Can you say that again?”

  “Do you think you could pull the car into an actual parking space?”

  “No.” She gritted her teeth.

  “Please, Emma. It’s not safe to be stopped in the middle of the road.”

  Emma turned away from him and began driving again. They sat in dead silence for several minutes as she drove, jerking the steering wheel with each turn she made. Where was she going? Colt had thought she’d pull into the closest parking space available. He’d been wrong. Emma never did anything the easy way. She pulled into a parking lot and slammed the car into park and threw the keys at him. Without saying a word, she got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Colt scrambled out to go after her when he realized where she’d gone. They were in the outside parking lot near Tori’s condo.

  “Emma wait—”

  She stopped and held out her hand, cautioning him. “I’m a little pissed off right now. I don’t want to talk to you until I can guarantee I won’t regret what I say.”

  Emma spun on her heels and stomped into the entrance. He stood there stunned as he watched her leave him cold in the parking lot. Colt couldn’t follow her unless she let him in. He didn’t have a key to the entrance of the building. No doubt Wes was visiting Tori too. If he pushed, it would give him a reason to start a fight. Wes had been itching to beat the piss out of him since he broke Emma’s heart over a year ago. Colt would rather make peace with the man later—once he convinced Emma to take him back.

  Well that had gone—dreadful. Emma may never speak to him again. It had started so well and as usual he mucked everything up. At least Emma now knew the truth. He and Alison were not a couple. They could move forward from that.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Emma stormed into her family home. Novak Springs would always be the place she turned to when her emotions were rolling out of control. If she’d understood correctly, Colt admitted he and Alison were not actually dating. What their actual relationship was, Emma didn’t know. What she understood was Colt had lied to her. It’d pissed her off enough she’d been avoiding him for a week. Soon she wouldn’t be able to avoid him. They had a series of playoff games happening, and they’d be on the road for all of them.

  So instead of hanging around in the city, she got into her car—thankfully fixed and running smoothly—and headed to Novak Springs. At the ranch, she’d have Ginnifer to talk to. More importantly, she’d have her new niece to dote a bunch of love and affection on. She couldn’t wait to hold the tiny infant in her arms.

  “Hello,” Emma called out. “Is anyone home?”

  “Sshhh, you’ll wake up Gin and Montana.”

  Dallas walked into the room with his finger over his mouth. His shirt was stained—Emma didn’t want to know with what. His chestnut hair was a mess sticking up in a bunch of different angles. There were black circles under his weary blue eyes.

  “You look exhausted.” Emma studied him. “Why don’t you try to get some sleep too?”

  “I would if I could—there’s so much I need to get done.” He rubbed his palm across his eyes and sighed. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired in my life.”

  Dallas slumped down on the couch and crumpled into the cushions. Her poor brother was about to fall apart. Emma had never seen him in such a state before. She couldn’t help the wave of sympathy rolling through her.

  “Can I do anything to help?”

  “No, not really. Most of the stuff I need done is various tasks around the ranch. The back fence needs to be mended, and the animals need to be fed.”

  Dallas was acting like she hadn’t grown up on the ranch and didn’t know hay from oats. She knew as much as he did about running Novak Springs. She owned part of the ranch and made it her job to learn as much as she could about running it. Just for times like this when they’d need more help keeping things running smoothly. He’d have to get over his high-handiness long enough to realize he needed help and she could help him.

  Emma huffed, “I’m perfectly capable of feeding the horses.”

  “Yeah, I know you are, but Wes is going to be here soon to do it.” Dallas shook his head. “I don’t want you to bother with something he’s more than capable of doing.”

  “Well he should be out here more often helping anyway.”

  “He has been. This is the only night he’s been away since Montana was born.” Dallas sighed. “I didn’t realize how much he was doing until he wasn’t here to do it.”

  After the words left Dallas’s mouth Emma realized she hadn’t seen much of Wes lately. She’d figured she’d been missing him in her comings and goings at Tori’s. Admittedly, she’d been rather self-absorbed lately. She didn’t see anything sometimes until someone face-planted it on her. Emma bit her lip. She’d been an awful sister lately. Avoiding an issue didn’t solve anything. She’d been essentially digging a hole and burying everything deep. Emma was the queen of denial. Dallas probably could use her help. Why hadn’t she thought to offer help sooner? They had a newborn and all that went with it. He single-handedly made sure Novak Springs ran smoothly. Wes popped in and out and h
elped when he got the urge. Emma rarely came home to even say hello let alone do anything constructive.

  “So having an infant is a little more difficult than you thought it would be?”

  “That’s putting it mildly.” Dallas smiled. His eyes lit up as happiness exploded out of them. “I wouldn’t trade it for anything though. She’s the best of both of us. Simply amazing.”

  “Good, I’m glad.”

  Emma was. She wanted Dallas to enjoy everything having a family offered him. There was a time she didn’t think he’d ever be happy. He was well-known for his constant grumpiness laced with a healthy dose of sarcasm. There were time’s he’d slip into it, but for the most part his days were filled with inundated joy. Meeting Ginnifer, falling in love, and marrying her had been the best thing to ever happen to him. Some things were meant to be. Their love was one of them.

  “What brought you out to the ranch?”

  “I was hoping to spend some quality time with my new niece.” Emma sighed. “But you told me to shut my yapping as soon as I walked in the door or I’d wake her up.”

  “And if you had it would have woken Gin and then there would’ve been hell to pay.” Dallas shook his head. “She got no sleep last night. Montana wouldn’t sleep for anything. She cried and cried—we have no idea what was bothering her.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Did you call the doctor?”

  “Yeah.” Dallas nodded. “He said as long as she wasn’t running a temp to try not to worry too much. She sounded like she might be gassy. Hard to say….but if she didn’t eventually fall asleep to bring her in later today.”

  “I’m assuming her sleeping was a sign to calm the panic filling your heart?” Emma asked.

  “You have no idea…Gin was in tears most of the night.” Dallas’s head fell into his hands. “I’ve never felt so helpless in my life.”

  “How long have they been asleep?” Emma asked.

  “A few hours now.”

  “You really should try to rest.” Emma kneeled in front of him and rested her hand on his knee. “You’re no good to them if you’re exhausted too.”

  “She’s right,” Ginnifer said as she stumbled into the room. “Go get some rest.”

  Emma stood as she watched Ginnifer lean against the wall. Her butterscotch-blonde hair was a tangled mess, falling out of a loose ponytail hanging at the base of her shoulders. Her green eyes were tired but nowhere near the exhaustion that filled Dallas’s.

  “I’d rather you got some more sleep.” His eyes roamed over Ginnifer as she walked toward him. “You still look tired.”

  “I’m fine.” She sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’d be better with some coffee.”

  Emma leaped up. “I can make some.”

  “You’re an angel, but I doubt you’d make it right.” Ginnifer pulled herself up and began to walk to the kitchen. “I’ll be back in a few minutes and you’d better not be here when I get back. Go get some sleep, Dallas.”

  Emma laughed. “She’s a coffee freak. I keep forgetting that about her.”

  “That’s because you don’t live with her every day.” Dallas frowned. “Although you did for a while and lived through her decaffeinated months. I don’t know how’d you see that every day and forget about it.”

  Emma tilted her head and replied, “Selective amnesia.”

  A bark of laughter filled the living room. “Fair enough. Well, I suppose I should follow her dictate. I’d hate to be the recipient of her wrath when she comes back into the room and sees me still sitting here.”

  “Go get some sleep.” Emma laughed. “We will talk again when you’re more rested.”

  Dallas pushed himself up off the couch and shuffled out of the room. Emma watched him make slow progress, never once actually lifting his feet. He was super exhausted. He didn’t push Emma and ask any probing questions. Normally Dallas was more perceptive. Was it wrong for her to be grateful he was too tired to see past her false smile?

  Ginnifer came back into the room carrying an orange mug with steam floating above it. Emma assumed it was her much needed coffee. Ginnifer really was quite addicted to the stuff.

  “Okay, now that Dallas is gone tell me why you’re here.” She sat in the spot Dallas had vacated and curled her legs underneath her. She took a long sip of her drink and sighed. Her green eyes pinned Emma in place after she got her first hit of caffeine. “I’m waiting.”

  “Colt kissed me.”

  “That doesn’t seem like headline news.” Ginnifer waved her hand. “I’d be willing to bet he’s kissed you lots of times.”

  “This was about a week ago and…”

  “Don’t leave me hanging.” Ginnifer glared at her. “Finish what you started. I have a newborn who likes to play her own version of a screaming rock star every night. I’m short on patience.”

  Emma wanted to laugh at Ginnifer’s description of her niece, but held back. She didn’t doubt for a second if she’d given into the urge her sister-in-law would’ve maimed her.

  “Well he kissed me before that too—”Emma bit her lip“—back when I first started working for the Starlings. Not right away, but kind of close.”

  “I see,” Ginnifer said. She took another long sip of her coffee and studied Emma over the rim. “What do you want me to do? Call him out and defend your honor?”

  “No, don’t be ridiculous.”

  “So explain to me what the dilemma is.”

  That was the trouble—she didn’t know what the issue actually was.

  “He told me he was dating Alison.”

  Ginnifer snorted. “Bullshit.”

  Emma sat back startled. Why did Ginnifer not believe that Colt and Alison were dating? “Really? What makes you so sure?”

  “Because they are like this close.” Ginnifer twisted two fingers together. “Thick as thieves in the friendship department. I’ve heard him refer to her as his best friend.”

  Emma scrunched her eyebrows down. Friends? That would have been her first assumption too. She only saw something else because Colt had put the idea in her head. She couldn’t believe she’d allowed Colt to mislead her. Why would he? Did he want to make her jealous? If so it definitely worked.

  “Yeah, he admitted they weren’t dating,” Emma began, “You know a week ago when he kissed me.”

  Ginnifer began to circle the rim of her cup with her finger. “What did you do when he told you?”

  “Threw his car keys at him and stormed inside Tori’s condo.”

  “Wait.” Ginnifer held up her hand. “Back up a bit—why did you have his keys?”

  Emma sighed. “I see I’m going to have to give you a rundown of the evening.”

  Where should she start? With Paxton taking her to the restaurant or when Colt kissed her?

  “I’m waiting…”

  Emma took a deep breath. “I mentioned Colt kissed me right?”

  “Yes, several times now.”

  “I asked him to take me home with him.”

  Ginnifer sat up, her feet hitting the floor as she pushed forward. “Oh really?”

  “It’s not like that—okay it could’ve been, but it wasn’t.”

  “Why not?” Ginnifer asked. “You know he didn’t sleep with Missy right? That isn’t what’s still holding you back?”

  “Not really no, but I have to ask why you and Tori have such faith in him. When he told you his story, you two barely knew him.”

  Ginnifer laughed. “Tori tested him.”

  “What? How?”

  Ginnifer wagged her finger back and forth. “Oh no, you first.”

  “Fine, but I want details.”

  “I’ll be happy to reciprocate. Now spill.”

  “We were uh…” Emma coughed. “In a heavy make-out session outside his car.”

  Ginnifer raised her eyebrows. Her only indication for Emma to continue.

  “I decided I didn’t care that he was dating Alison. I wanted him.” Emma twisted her fingers together. “I never stop
ped loving him.”

  “So what was the problem?”

  “He backed out. I thought it was because of Alison. So I teased him and stole his keys.”

  Ginnifer tilted her head. “That must have pissed him off.”

  “No.” Emma shook her head. “He let me drive it. As insane and fast as I wanted. I took it on the freeway and headed to Tori’s condo.”

  “When did he admit that he and Alison were not a thing?”

  “Before we got to Tori’s,” Emma paused, bit her lip, and then continued. “I was so pissed.”

  She didn’t know how to get past his lies. Emma had been all ready to jump in and set her morals aside. Now she wanted to pummel him.

  “You had every right to be. Now let me tell you what you’re going to do.”

  “What?” Emma asked.

  “You’re going to punish him like the bad boy he was.”

  Emma’s eyebrows scrunched up, puzzled. “That is so not what I thought you were going to say.”

  Ginnifer laughed. “Sometimes men need to be taught a lesson they’ll never forget. They need it pounded into their head, so they don’t repeat it ever again.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “First off, quit denying yourself. You want the man—take him. Don’t let him say no.” Ginnifer smiled. “But tease the hell out of him for a while to hammer home one very important point.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Only a fool says no to you.”

  “I can do that,” Emma said. “We have two away games coming up…the final two playoff ones. As long as we win the first anyway—it will give me the opportunity to get him alone. I’m sure I can corner him in the hotel.”

  “You do that.” Ginnifer grinned. “Oh, and while you’re at it, don’t tell him how you feel.”


  “Because you’re not ready to dig in that deep yet. Give yourself time to enjoy being with him. Work on getting over all the pain first, and once you are absolutely sure of him you can move forward. In the meantime try building something with him you can work with.”


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