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Eyes of Darkness: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol.7

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “My cat is clamoring for me to claim you, but there is so much that needs to be discussed. I would like to use your guest room tonight but please do not take that as a statement on what I am feeling for you. It is just for tonight and until we are clear and you know what is at stake. The witch will come for me.” Thomas was thoughtful and Lando could see the sincerity of his words and his worries.

  “I understand, but I need you to understand that I will protect and defend you to my last breath.” Lando moved to stand in front of his beloved and slowly gathered the man into his arms. It was then that he realized how good it felt to hold him like this. Thomas fit against him perfect and natural as he rested his head on Lando’s chest. They stood like that for several minutes drinking in the scents and closeness of each other.

  “I don’t want you to be put in danger.” Thomas breathed the words against Lando’s chest.

  “We will handle this Thomas, I promise.” Lando placed a kiss to the top of Thomas’s head and then slowly released him. “Go and try to sleep. We will work this out. Magicks can be dealt with the Coven has done it before.”

  “This witch is different; this witch is old and mighty with power gleaned over many centuries. This witch will not be easily thwarted, if at all.”

  Thomas was sounding shaky so Lando pulled him back into his arms and did his best to sooth the anxiety bleeding from his beloved. “If you can, let it go for tonight. Rest and we will present your situation to the Master in the morning. The Hadden Coven will not run out on you.” The action of the Stewart cats was still burning Lando and couldn’t help letting his attitude seep into his words.

  "Small felines are who they are," Thomas commented. "The Stewarts helped us once and I cannot be angry with them for leaving now. I and my father knew the score when we joined their group."

  "Well then let me be angry for you. No one bands together unless they intend to be there for one another. Running is too cowardly for me to even comprehend. Besides, they're the ones who hooked you up with this witch to begin with and how many times were you there to defend them against their enemies?" Lando responded and Thomas gave a short soft laugh. The sound rang through Lando's mind and settled in his heart.

  "It was the deal that we had. They provide us with cover and a home and I provide them with protection." Thomas was being too practical about it all and Lando wanted him angry like he was angry.

  "I think they're a bunch of rank assholes," Lando stated.

  "On that, I will agree with you." Thomas wrapped his arms around Lando's middle and laughed. He loved holding Thomas and he wished he could just keep him in his arms until all threats were abolished.


  Lando made sure that Thomas was comfortable and resting before leaving his quarters in search of Kristof. Kristof was a wolf shifter and mated to Master Hadden's personal assistant Andrew. Kristof came from a wildlife of private bodyguards and assassins. He had a wide and varied experience in life and he was also a shifter.

  Lando wanted to find out more in regard to his beloved and the threat against him and thought Kristof may have some insight. Kristof was in his quarters with his mate when Lando came knocking.

  "Come in sit, I might even make you some coffee," Kristof told him but Lando shook his head and stayed by the door.

  “I thought maybe we could take a walk. I have some things I’d like to discuss with you.” Lando tried not being too ominous but the look on Kristof’s face told him he wasn’t successful.

  “What is it, what’s wrong?” He came up beside Lando.

  “I found my beloved and there are problems.” Lando gave him the short version. He respected Andrew, but he really just wanted to talk with a fellow soldier and friend who also happened to be a shifter.

  "Go Kristof," Andrew told him. "Your friend wants privacy so give it to him." Andrew was always very perceptive and right now Lando loved him for that.

  “Okay, okay, come on let’s go.” Kristof followed Lando out into the hall and down to the balcony that overlooked the main room of the club. They took a table near the rail and ordered two shots before settling in for their talk.

  Lando wasn't sure where to begin since he had so many questions, so first, he explained the incidents of that evening. Kristof had been on surveillance earlier in the day with Andre, therefore he had a basic understanding of what was going on with the cats.

  “Thomas is my beloved. I didn’t know it yesterday because he’s been wearing a scent suppression charm given to him by a witch. Today I saw him shift and he is a magnificent black jaguar.” Lando paused when he noticed Kristof’s eyebrow were meeting his hairline.

  “A black jaguar? Your beloved is a black jaguar?” He asked.

  “Yes, a massive beast, and absolutely gorgeous.” Lando could not help but be proud.

  "From what I understand, they're nearly extinct," Kristof added. "They're also feared on a superstitious level. I don't buy into it but there are many that still look at them as bringers of death. I worked with a crew once that was charged with killing a rogue black jaguar. They called him the eyes of darkness because of his eerie golden black stare. He was ferocious, stronger than any shifter I'd come across and it took all nine of us to bring him down." Kristof looked at Lando directly. "The black jaguar is said to possess magical and mythical abilities of strength, agility, and speed that make them nearly invincible."

  "Well, they aren't invincible if your crew was able to bring one down and Thomas's mother was killed by a mob of shifters who feared her." Lando declared and sat back in his chair and looked around the club that was bustling with business just below them.

  “I’m just saying this because there are still many narrow minds out there that may see Thomas as an unnatural threat and seek to harm him. You will have to be very vigilant in his protection.” Lando was curious as to Kristof’s sudden level of intensity regarding this issue.

  "What aren't you telling me, Kristof?" Lando leaned forward with his forearms on the table and held Kristof's gaze.

  Kristof glanced away and stared at the back wall for a few moments before answering. “The one they called the eyes of darkness and claimed to be rogue was actually just an innocent shifter. He wasn’t rogue, but I wasn’t aware of that until he was injured beyond recovery. It was then that I left the mercenary business and went into strictly protection. The locals were afraid of him and wanted him dead, so they hired a bunch of professionals to do the job.” Kristof turned back to Lando.

  "I'm sorry that happened to you." Lando expressed. "But you're right I'll need to be vigilant even here in the coven." He glanced around the room again wondering if his people would accept his beloved. He hadn't thought of Thomas running into danger here in the coven itself but in light of Kristof's comments, he now felt unsure.

  “His identity was discovered when they were living in Minneapolis and some of the locals decided to try and burn him out. Thomas was young and vulnerable, and they managed to hurt him before he was able to get out of town.” Lando had gleaned this from the information Ian had sent to him. “Following that incident, his father contacted a witch who cloaked his scent.”

  “The magic that hid his scent from you could it continue to hide him from the general public?” Kristof asked.

  “No, that’s the other half of this problem.” Lando took a deep breath and once again sat back in his chair. He downed his whiskey in one and set the glass back onto the table before continuing.

  He explained about the Gallic Witch and the bargain that was struck between the witch and Thomas's father. "The cats claimed that the witch had the power to subdue the great cat and called upon him to do so. They also ran as soon as the situation went south. For real, that group of assholes has left town leaving Thomas and his father to deal with the witch on their own. Thomas saved them countless times but the minute he needs help they disappear." Lando was still frustrated at their lack of loyalty and it seemed to bubble out into every conversation.

  "Wow, they are assholes
." Kristof agreed. "But I heard that some of the small shifter breeds are like that. I think it has to do with their inability to fight. They run, it's how they've learned to survive."

  “Don’t give them practical reasons for their asshole behavior, I want to hate them, and I refused to see them as anything other than rank bastards.” Lando shot back and Kristof barked a laugh.

  “Duly noted.” He saluted. “Rank bastard assholes every single one of them.”

  “Thanks. So, do you know anything about this Gallic Witch? Thomas said the witch also goes by the name Mal.” Lando got back down to the seriousness of the situation.

  “Witchcraft is not my area of expertise. I usually stay as far away as possible. They are a sick bunch in general.” Kristof looked disgusted.

  "This witch is supposed to be all-powerful and very old. Been around for centuries apparently and plans on taking up with my beloved at some point. Why would this witch trade a protection spell for a mate? Why not just go find your own mate or beloved or whatever a witch calls their bonded one?" Lando was getting irritated again so he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  "Black jaguars are said to have powers over the darkness. They can see beyond what any other shifter can see. They can see hearts and intent, they see evil and light. It's a legend but it is said that the black jaguar has the ability to walk through hell. They are one with the darkness. They are the eyes of darkness." Kristof sounded almost poetic in his description, but it was bullshit as far as Lando was concerned.

  “He’s my beloved. He’s a kind and gentle little man with a fearsome beast inside of him. I met his beast and it is not evil and there was no darkness in those eyes, only curiosity and allure.”

  “The beast knew that you were his mate. He wouldn’t scare or harm you for the world but that doesn’t mean he’s harmless. Remember the condition of the jackals.” Kristof reminded.

  “He was justified in killing them. They broke in and intended to do great bodily harm to everyone they came in contact with.” Lando jumped to Thomas’s defense.

  “I think the witch wants Thomas’s power. The black jaguar would be quite a bonus for a witch. Even if there were no mystical powers, the cat could still stir fear in the hearts of the witch’s enemies.” Kristof ordered two more shots one for him and one for Lando. “The witch might be bargained with if you can come up with something worth more to the witch than a mythical beast on a leash.”

  Kristof left him with answers but also a few more questions. Lando felt like he had a better handle on what was happening, but he still wondered as to the true powers of this ancient witch and whether bargaining was an option.

  He made his way back to his quarters, not wanting to leave Thomas alone too long. Thomas was resting when he left, and he hoped that he was still asleep.

  Lando stood by Thomas’s door and listened. He was sleeping, Lando could easily hear his steady breathing so he did not disturb him. He ached to go in and at least see his beloved, but he feared if he opened the door Thomas would wake up, so he quelled his urges and headed to his room that was just down the hall from Thomas’s.

  Lando stripped down to his briefs and crawled into bed. He wasn’t going to sleep tonight but at least he might be able to rest. His beloved was going to need him in the following days and Lando intended to be prepared and ready for whatever arose.

  His mind wandered to the little man in the room down the hall. He was beautiful and Lando looked forward to marking and claiming the man as his own. There were issues, but nothing would deter him from his beloved, but waiting was an absolute bitch.

  Thomas’s wavy dark hair, dark eyes, and porcelain skin was a combination that excited and aroused. Lando had found him handsome from the beginning and the need to get closer and understand the little cat had urged him on. Now he was here with his mate in the next room. His life was nearing perfect and he would not let anyone or anything mess it up.

  The prior commitment was not valid when it came to bonded couples. True matches were sacred and honored. Whatever was between the witch and Thomas was nullified the moment he and Thomas had met, it was the way of the paranormal world.

  He was still deep in thought when he heard Thomas move from his room and walk down the hallway. Lando felt him standing at his door and softly spoke asking him to please enter. Thomas opened the door slowly as if afraid he would disturb Lando.

  "Come in," Lando repeated and sat up and moved to a seated position on the edge of his bed. He motioned for Thomas to sit down next to him. "What's wrong? You having trouble sleeping?"

  Thomas was dressed in the sweatpants Lando had given him to sleep in and looked tousled as if he'd had a difficult rest. He sat down next to Lando but kept a distance of several inches. Lando wasn't sure what he needed but whatever it was Lando was more than willing to help.

  "We're mates sweetheart," Lando said softly as he leaned towards him. "You're allowed to sit a little closer."

  “Not if I want to keep my wits about me. If I get too close all I want to do is climb into your lap and start kissing you.” Thomas answered honestly and without guile.

  "You'd get no complaints from me," Lando responded with a smile which Thomas returned as he glanced up at Lando through his long black lashes. That look, right there set Lando on fire. No one ever looked at him like that, it was erotic and expectant and Lando was ready to drag Thomas onto his lap.

  He considered that Thomas might be right about the inches of separation if they planned on talking and not fucking. Although as Thomas’s delicious scent filled his nose and his mind all thoughts of talking began to vanish.

  "I need to talk to you," Thomas stated and just like that Lando had his head back in the game and was listening carefully. He nodded and reached over to cover Thomas's hand with his own where it rested on his thigh.


  Thomas sat there feeling all kinds of stupid. Here he was a formidable force in shifted form but as weak as a newborn kitten in his human form. He wished he was as strong as Lando and could put people back on their heels just by walking into a room. But he refused to put his mate in danger or to force his mate to have to defend him against the witch.

  Vampires were imposing and had some crazy impressive skills, but Thomas met the witch and knew what his mate and his mate’s coven would be faced with. It wasn’t fair to put so much onto people he just met. These people who had no part in the calamity of his life shouldn’t be called upon to save him. Right now, as things stood, he and his beast belonged to the Gallic Witch.

  The bargain was struck and as far as he could see there was no way out. He didn’t want his mate fighting to the death for him. The very thought brought his cat to the edge ready to defend what was theirs. His mind was circling every possible solution while his heart reached out for his mate.

  "I knew you the moment I saw you. I was on the stairs and you were questioning the Stewarts about the break-in. I thought you were magnificent." He looked at Lando and saw their link and wanted so badly to reach out, but he had to explain.

  "This witch is more than any of you are anticipating. I won't be able to protect you because the witch can suppress my cat and my cat is my only weapon. I want you Lando, more than I ever thought was imaginable." Thomas was having a difficult time saying what he wanted to say.

  Lando’s steadfast support and expression told him that he would not be convinced of Thomas’s attempt to suggest they go their separate ways. His cat had already begun to mark Lando as his own, so separation would be traumatic. His cat never submitted to a single living thing and yet here it was ready to roll over for Lando.

  “If you’re trying to say that I should let you go, that isn’t ever going to happen. I understand your circumstances and I understand the risks but walking away is not an option for me.” Lando tightened his grip on Thomas’s hand before letting go and putting his arm completely around Thomas and pulling him close. He wasn’t surprised when his mate so easily read his thoughts, it was a common si
de effect of predestined mates.

  “You hardly know me, Lando. You shouldn’t have to forfeit everything for me.” Thomas turned his head into Lando’s bare chest and breathed in the intoxicating aroma. His cat stirred and pushed forward, and Thomas recognized the need to get closer. He didn’t resist this time as his emotions took over and the need for Lando swamped him, he craved the touch of his mate.

  “You are a shifter, Thomas, you know exactly what I am willing to forfeit for my beloved. I know you feel it too and even though you fight it, I see the desire in your eyes every time you look at me.” Lando dropped his head to the side and took a quick taste of Thomas’s lips.

  Thomas was surprised at first and then overcome with the intensity of the act. Just a soft kiss had his skin prickling and his heart racing. His mate was scrambling Thomas’s senses and his cat was suddenly desperate for the attention and scratching at the edges of his consciousness. Thomas threw caution to the wind and reaching up, wrapped his arms around Lando’s shoulders.

  Lando’s response was immediate. He took Thomas and in one swift movement had him laid out on Lando’s bed with Lando stretched out on top of him. The kiss was never broken, Lando held him in a grip that drained all his resolve and left him trembling.

  Thomas let his hands roam the length of Lando’s hard muscular back and come to rest on his narrow hips. He was built like a sexy dream, tall, hard and broad. He drifted lower and skimmed the solid mounds of Lando’s amazing ass causing a delicious moan to escape from the man’s ravenous lips.

  "Don't stop baby," Lando begged while pressing his hard length down onto Thomas’s. Thomas could feel that Lando was a large man and eagerly increased the pressure of their groins in an attempt to increase his pleasure. Thomas massaged the hard-muscled cheeks while they fell into an erotic rhythm of thrusts and pants.


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